Letters from Eli Mattioli, Michelle Sterling and Svati Shashank in Support of the Non-Partisan Party Slate
- Saturday, 12 September 2020 12:35
- Last Updated: Saturday, 12 September 2020 15:15
- Published: Saturday, 12 September 2020 12:35
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2185
Letter from Eli Mattioli
In Support of Electing the SCNPP’s Slate for Village Trustees on Sept. 15th
To the Editor: Earlier in this year of extended elections, Scarsdale10583’s Publisher endorsed Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone, the Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party candidates for Village Trustees (“Why I Support the Non-Partisan Party Slate,” Mar. 13, 2020), noting their experience, their passion and hard work for the Village, their willingness to engage with neighbors, and their ability to listen to and work well with others.
Much more recently, the Scarsdale Inquirer also endorsed Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone for election as Village Trustees (“Steady as we go,” Sept.4, 2020), stressing the promise of their ability to continue Scarsdale’s measured approach to local governance through fair, open and honest communications.
In stark contrast, the “Voters’ Choice Party” offers a slate of candidates who have repeatedly and consistently demonstrated a strong tendency to address matters of importance to Scarsdale residents through fear-mongering, abusive and divisive rhetoric, and unwarranted ridicule of the admirable performance our Mayor and Board of Trustees have rendered both before and after the onset of challenges presented by COVID-19.
The VCP approach should have no place in Scarsdale’s electoral process or our local governance. It is actually inimical to our democratic values. It is an approach that, unless summarily rejected by Scarsdale voters, in time may very well discourage capable residents from seeking local elected office for fear of being verbally attacked and defamed.
As a member of the SCNPP’s Campaign Committee, I express thanks for the Scarsdale10583’s and the Inquirer’s endorsements of Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone, and I urge all eligible Scarsdale residents to vote for these outstanding candidates in the Village Trustees election which is now set for September 15th at Scarsdale Congregational Church. Residents can vote absentee if they are uncomfortable voting in person at the SCC on account of concern about COVID-19; they can obtain and submit an absentee ballot on a quick stop at Village Hall through Monday September 14th. I believe it is important that the Scarsdale10583 and Inquirer endorsed SCNPP candidates be elected, and I hope Scarsdale voters take the small bit of time required to vote for them in this critical election.
Eli R. Mattioli
Drake Road
Letter from Svati Shashank
In Support of Lena Crandall
I am writing to support the candidature of Lena Crandall for village trustee. Lena has over the years, made invaluable and innumerable contributions to the Scarsdale community, especially her work towards creating green spaces in Scarsdale. In this letter, however, want to focus on my personal experience with Lena and the qualities that make her an excellent trustee.
Lena was in fact the first person I knew in Scarsdale village. I was an associate at a New York City law firm and worked with Lena's husband, Jeff, who was a partner there. I knew Jeff lived in Scarsdale, so when we were considering a move to Scarsdale, I spoke to him. Jeff put me in touch with Lena and that wonderful conversation with Lena was my first experience with Scarsdale.
Lena was welcoming, kind and reassuring. She is a kind, helpful and extremely inclusive person. I had concerns about moving to Scarsdale, a predominantly Caucasian community, being a South Asian immigrant. Lena not just assured me that Scarsdale was an inclusive community, but also put me in touch with other South Asian families so that I would have necessary resources. I had concerns about Scarsdale being a high powered community and the fact that both my husband and I were at that time associates at a law firm, and both of us had jobs in the city and no support system here. Once again, Lena provided a tremendous amount of reassurance and suggestions on how to navigate the various systems (school, rec services etc.).
Lena is a throughly fair-minded person and extremely committed to democracy. I do not say this lightly. We have often found ourselves at different ends of the political spectrum, but Lena unfailing ensures that everyone gets a voice and everyone gets a vote. She ensured that all impacted families were kept in the loop and given an opportunity to speak up when there were plans to build a pathway by the Bronx River Parkway which would run directly behind some of our backyards. She was, as I recall, in favor of the pathway, but felt that it would be undemocratic to not to allow everyone a voice. Coming from a family of immigrants from Eastern Europe during communist days, Lena deeply values freedom, democracy and the need for all voices to be heard. In her work as village trustee, I have full confidence that she does and will continue to prioritize the needs of the community, regardless of her own interest and ideas, to ensure that we continue to grow in a positive direction.
I supported Lena in the last election, and plan to do so in the upcoming election.
Yours sincerely,
Svati Kania Shashank
Letter from Michelle Sterling
Please Vote Row B - Arest, Crandall and Whitestone
I strongly support the slate of Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone. As a local volunteer myself, I have seen Arest and Crandall in action over the past two years on the Board of Trustees, and even before as local volunteers active in numerous town volunteer positions. Randy Whitestone has also been an active town volunteer over his many years as a resident. Arest, Crandall and Whitestone are intelligent, thoughtful, caring and hard-working residents that continue to give their time and expertise to build on the strengths of this community.
I have had the pleasure of working with both of these trustees on several sustainability initiatives such as the implementation of Scarsdale’s Food Scrap Recycling Program, the LED streetlight conversion and our ongoing project of working to ensure that our Village properties are maintained organically and without toxic chemicals. Working with Trustees Crandall and Arest, I can say that they always listen, consider the facts, and involve our Village volunteers in order to get to the best results for our community.
This year’s election is contested. So it is important that our residents vote, and know who they are voting for and how they got there. Thankfully our town has a non-partisan system, which means that we nominate candidates not based on political affiliation or personal agendas, but based on who they are as people and how they will represent our entire community. Arest and Crandall have shown us great character and achievements during the last two years and I am confident that the entire Row B slate of candidates will continue to do so going forward.
Please Vote for Row B - Arest, Crandall, and Whitestone - on September 15 at the Scarsdale Congregational Church.
Michelle Sterling
Brayton Road