Sunday, Mar 09th

Letter to the Editor: CHP Actions Should Be More Transparent

letter to the editorThis letter was written by Bobby Ben Simon, President of the KOSL Building Group:

To the Editor, As a long-time resident and active developer for many years, I must say the recent discussions amongst the BOT are unbelievable! Both the BOT and CHP appear to be at the cusp of ambiguously imposing harmful regulations that would be detrimental to property rights like never before. Posing as if they own every property in the Village, further emboldened by their voluntary board position, the most recent attempt to deteriorate due process and municipal accountability is shameful to say the least. The unfortunate incident that occurred that created this discussion should have isolated repercussions, strictly limited to that property, and segmented from residual residents within the Village! Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Two Scarsdale household will live to regret the consequences of the ridiculous statements insinuated to be enacted if they don’t stand up and reject it. It is well known that 95% of demolition applications are initiated by private homeowners, not developers. The poor actions of one property should not impact the rest of the public and further hinder our individual property rights.

The July 12, 2012, VILLAGE OF SCARSDALE, NEW YORK, RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL, CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT, must be published and inserted into the BAR guidelines for consideration of over 50% alterations. Every historic home that is documented within public Village records should be flagged and noted on its property card for equitable transparency. As consistently demonstrated over the years, the CHP’s lack of interest in advocating for a transparent and fair process is overpowered by their personal biases, regardless of their credentials and public facts. I am not alone when I firmly state that the CHP’s general disdain for property rights compounded with their unchecked accountability is fostering constant frustration and animosity amongst the public. If this board continues to neglect the implementation of fair and clear protocols without internal ramifications for failing to do so, the Village should recognize their obsolete presence and dissolve the board entirely.

Disturbingly, some of the BOT members recently made astonishing dictatorial statements;

Karen Brew said, “For those who demolish without permission, can we implement a process where 2 or 3 strikes and you’re out for multiple abuses? You lose the right to work in our Village?”

Jonathan Lewis said, “Let’s move forward with this stop gap measure while we look into larger solutions. Might we consider a moratorium until we can change this law to deter people from acting rashly if they think the law will be changed?”

It is the municipality’s obligation to hold members of power in check. Such unilateral positions that impact fundamental rights of thousands of innocent residents should be taken seriously. Members of any board that attempt to impose such drastic measures across the public should be removed from their seat without recourse.

Bobby Ben-Simon
Seneca Road
875 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 400
Mamaroneck, NY 10543