Sunday, Mar 09th

SVAC and National Guard Honored at Village Hall

SVACProclamation1Mayor Jane Veron issued proclamations honoring Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps and the Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps for their heroism during the COVID crisis at a ceremony at Scarsdale Village Hall on Tuesday evening March 8, 2022.

Also on hand were members of the National Guard who had been given EMT training by SVAC, in order to bolster the state’s force of healthcare workers. They received 180 hours of training in just five weeks and were presented with certificates for completing the training.

The ceremony at Village Hall followed another from the county on February 8, 2022 when Westchester County Executive George Latimer presented a proclamation to SVAC for its efforts in providing COVID-19 testing and vaccinations to Westchester residents.

Presenting the Proclamation, Mayor Jane Veron said:

"Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp (SVAC), I am humbled to stand beside you this evening to pay tribute for your great deeds. You epitomize the very best of humanity. During the most critical health crisis we have ever known, you put yourselves on the line to serve others. You navigated an uncertain environment, taking proactive measures to keep our community safe. You led us through countless sleepless nights, caring for the sickest, protecting our most fragile.

David, you are an extraordinary leader. You have an incredible gift, to anticipate needs and mobilize a team of the most dedicated volunteers I have ever known. We all remember those frightening early days and those long months that followed. As the virus progressed, with all its twists and turns, you rallied to build out capacity for testing, vaccinating and boosting. You became the place to go, offering convenience, professionalism and peace of mind. You even found a way to make personal calls to home bound residents and to distribute masks on your time off.

ProclaimationMayor Jane Veron, SVAC President David Raizen and Michelle Sterling, Chief of Staff for Amy Paulin

SVAC, each of you has given so much of yourselves. I call you the beacon of light during Scarsdale’s darkest moments. You have always been here for Scarsdale and for the greater community and you continue to do so today.

It was an honor for me to join you and your partner Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corp (OVAC) at Westchester County’s press conference where they presented proclamations. County Executive Latimer praised you as “examples of heroism”, and it made me so proud. There is really nothing like that wonderful feeling of standing amidst men and women who rose to the occasion, shepherding us through the most difficult time of our lives.
SVAC and OVAC, we salute you and express our thanks.

NatlGuardandEMTNational Guardsmen pose with the honorees.

I have two certifications of recognition. The first is a proclamation for Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp.

We are also thrilled to recognize another extraordinary volunteer emergency medical services organization this evening, Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corp. I know SVAC and OVAC work in close partnerships, and Westchester County is beyond lucky to have you in our midst. This certificate recognizes your efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping the public safe with testing and vaccinations. I am happy to present this certificate to OVAC Chief Nick Franzoso, who is here with us tonight. Thank you, Nick, for your dedication to public health and please extend our thanks to everyone else at OVAC."

See more photos of SVAC staff and volunteers, OVAC representatives and members of the National Guard from photographer Jonathan Thaler here: