Thank You Scarsdale
- Wednesday, 04 May 2022 22:55
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 04 May 2022 22:59
- Published: Wednesday, 04 May 2022 22:55
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2184
(This letter was written by Nancy Michaels, Chair of the Scarsdale Bowl)
Dear Scarsdale Community,
Oh what a night! Last Thursday evening, Scarsdale came together to celebrate the extraordinary contributions our past two years’ honorees - BK Munguia and Jon Mark, and Michelle Lichtenberg - and current honoree, Terry Singer, have made to our community. We also recognized the vibrant spirit and culture of volunteerism that helps Scarsdale shine on. All who were present at the event help make Scarsdale the exceptional place it is to live, work, and play. Thank you Scarsdalians for joining us!
A mere 736 days after the date originally slated for the 2020 Scarsdale Bowl Dinner, we were at last together. Although the room was tight, the temperature unseasonably frigid, and seating plans needed adjusting because of last minute cancellations due to Covid, the joy in the room was palpable.
All our honorees share many qualities that make them exceptional volunteers and true leaders.
Here is my Top Six List:
1- A sense of humor and ability to laugh at oneself - all our honorees have beautiful, warm smiles, and they often laugh to lighten the mood of a tense meeting, but Terry’s unabashed laugh coming from deep within her gut is something you should hear.
2- Diplomatic, good communicators, and consensus builders - how many of us have taken a walk or enjoyed tea with Michelle, so she can gauge our pulse on a contentious point? Jon has a keen ability to listen and remain calm under pressure.
3- Thoughtful and considerate, and encouraging collaboration and inclusion - BK often offers a unique perspective to a debate, but phrases it lovingly. At a meeting, you can see the wheels in Terry’s head spinning as she takes everything in and encourages everyone to share opinions, creating an atmosphere where all views are welcome.
4- A willingness to be wrong, to be innovative - think about Michelle as SHS PTA president - no limos to prom? Buses? A red carpet? Twenty years later, the community flocks to SHS to watch the graduating class leave for prom, now a beloved tradition. Or BK advocating for the teen center, helping to provide adolescents with a safe social space—a novel idea that truly supported a deserving population.
5- Always prepared - picture Mayor Jon Marks speaking at a Village Board meeting presenting his thorough, lawyerly brief.
6- Finally, the most important characteristic shared by these honorees is that they are not it for themselves, but to make Scarsdale a better, stronger place. We are so fortunate to have these honorees in our community.
It was my incredible pleasure and distinct honor to present BK Munguia and Jon Mark, Michelle Lichtenberg, and Terry Singer with the Scarsdale Bowl Award for Outstanding Community Service. Please continue to support need-based scholarships to help Scarsdale students attend college by donating to the Scarsdale Foundation at, and honor your neighbors and friends on the Scarsdale Foundation Honor Roll to acknowledge their individual contributions at
With much appreciation,
Nancy Michaels
Scarsdale Bowl Chair, 2020-2022