Saturday, Oct 05th

Veron2021Jane Veron wil be sworn in as the Mayor of Scarsdale on Monday April 5th at noon.The new Mayor of Scarsdale and three Village Trustees will be sworn in on Monday, April 5th at noon in Rutherford Hall in Village Hall.

The public is invited to watch on Zoom as Jane Veron is sworn in as Mayor and Sameer Ahuja, Karen Brew and Jonathan Lewis are sworn in as Scarsdale Village Trustees.

To watch, see the information below.
Meeting ID: 931 8370 3358
Call-In Number: +1 (929) 436-2866

tentsJoint Meeting with the Board of Trustees: 

On Monday, March 22nd, The Board of Education held their annual joint session with the Village Board of Trustees. Opening welcome remarks were made by both Board President Pam Fuehrer and Mayor Samwick. Mayor Samwick provided an update on the search for the new Village Manager and hopes the interview and selection process will be completed by the end of June or mid-July.

Village Manager Steve Pappalardo provided an update of the two-installment tax payment issue. As of March 5th, 96.27% of school taxes and 95.79% of village property taxes have been paid. This is slightly below average for this time of year. He reported that over 300 residents have not completed their payments, and the total outstanding amount is around $800,000. He highlighted that the majority of these issues stem from confusion over the two-installment system and the lack of timely reminders with school bills.

Pappalardo also updated the boards on the Middle School Comfort Station project. The construction documents were submitted at the end of the year and they anticipate having the permit by late May or early June of 2021. Should the project be approved, the Village is prepared to start construction this summer. Additionally, the village applied for $125,000 in New York State grant money. This must be passed through the state Ways and Means Committee, which is currently requesting additional information about the project in advance of a budget earmark. This grand funding may accelerate or delay the project depending on the speed of the state approval process. The Village will have more complete information to make construction decisions by the end of April.

After a short break, the Board of Education reconvened for their budget and business meeting which was held live and via Zoom.

Board of Education Meeting


To kick off the meeting, school administrators reviewed the 2021-2022 proposed budget. The total proposed budget is $166,862,755, which represents a budget-to-budget increase of 2.56% and a projected increase in the tax levy of 2.15%. This will lead to a projected tax rate increase of 1.93% for Scarsdale residents and 6.28% for those in the Mamaroneck strip.

This budget will accomplish:
• Learning consistent with the district’s strategic learning plan
• Implementing a COVID-19 budget strategy
• Advances in-district instructional opportunities for students with disabilities
• Continuation of a comprehensive approach to safety, security, engagement, and emergency management
• Enhancement of cleaning services
• Improvements and upgrades to facilities

The Board will adopt the budget during their meeting on April 12th and the community will vote on the budget on May 18th.

Public Comment

The Board heard from several constituents, many of whom had concerns about the mental health services the schools will be offering students once in-person learning resumes full time. A representative of the Scarsdale PTA emphasized that there will likely be an increase in the incidence of depression and PTSD as well as the emotional loss of milestone moments, loved ones, and in-person engagement. It is anticipated that more students will require support, and the PTA asks the Board to proactively address these concerns by providing additional funds and professional support.

Speaking as the VP of Programming and Volunteers for the Scarsdale High School PTA, Jennifer Rossano noted that it will be difficult for students to access education without wellbeing. She defined wellbeing as a combination of social and emotional learning, physical activity and nutrition, and mental health. Ms. Rossano pushed the Board to discuss how they plan to encourage resilience, as well as lifelong critical academic and personal success skills in the curriculum moving forward. Below is a short excerpt from her statement:

Our school district has an exceptionally talented team of mental health professionals who we thank for their dedication and ceaseless work identifying and supporting students who are coping with mental health issues. We ask the Board of Education and the District Administration to carefully anticipate the work that lies ahead and allocate adequate human and financial resources to both address the immediate needs of students struggling with mental health and enable the delivery of school-wide programs and services aimed at fostering growth and resilience in all of our students. It has been said that “out of adversity comes opportunity” (Ben Franklin). We urge the Board and District Administration to seize this opportunity by demonstrating their commitment to the complete health and well-being of our students and staff, one of the pillars of the District’s Strategic Plan, by providing adequate funds for this coming year.

To address some of these issues, Eric Rauschenbach, the Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services, said that the school is comfortable with the total number of full-time employees but can bring in consulting counselors if additional help is needed throughout the year. Additionally, the school can engage counselors in larger format ways to reach more students, such as group sessions. Additionally, the school set out surveys to students and is working with teachers and faculty to proactively find any students who may currently be struggling academically or socially as a result of the pandemic.

Suzie Hahn, representing the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, spoke in support of the budget. She addressed matters such as the COVID-19 contingency plan, replenishing the fund balance, a summer enrichment program, the League’s concern about mental health issues and the student to dean/guidance counselor ratio. She also touched on the League’s support for school improvement and green-energy projects. Read the entire statement here:

Finally, Mayra Kirkendall-Rodríguez spoke in her role as the Fox Meadow Budget Liaison. After soliciting feedback from parents, staff, social media, the PTA, and the principal and vice-principal of Fox Meadow, Ms. Kirkendall-Rodríguez brought several issues to the attention of the Board. Parents are requesting a clear timeline on the renovation of Fox Meadow and necessary refurbishments. For example, some lockers, bathrooms, and classrooms need updates and improvements. Additionally, some hallways are very dark and in addition to the LED lighting project, constituents are requesting that the hallways be painted a lighter color. Parents were also requested more information about the plans to reinstall water fountains that were removed because of COVID-19 and requested numbers regarding the planned expenses for the proposed diversity and inclusion curriculum.

Business Meeting

Education Report and Covid Update

The School Administration was excited to present the Education Report as Scarsdale Schools slowly transitions back to full-time school for all students. It will be important to continue the risk mitigation efforts and the effects of pandemic fatigue as in-person instruction increases.

Instead of the typical 8:45 AM start time for high school students, school will begin at 9:10 AM. This time adjustment was made because of space constraints and the contractual obligation for teachers to receive a 30-minute preparation period every day. With the change, teachers will now take this prep period first thing in the morning. Additionally, Tuesday, March 22nd marked the first day of lunch with all K-5 students. The lunch period was largely successful, and while students will have the option to eat outdoors when the weather permits, each elementary school can accommodate all students eating indoors six feet apart if necessary.

Currently, Westchester has a COVID-19 positivity rate of about 5%, which is lower than in the past several months. 9% of the county has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Within Scarsdale schools, 73% of teachers and 40% of teacher aides have received one or two doses of the vaccine.

Addressing concerns about Spring Break, Assistant Superintendent Rauschenbach clarified that there remains a gap between the current guidance and what has been announced by the Governor. The latest guidance from the NY State Department of Health states that any individual who is fully vaccinated can skip the quarantine period if they travel domestically. Governor Cuomo announced that starting April 1st, there will be no quarantine for any residents that travel domestically, however, this has yet to be codified by Executive Order. This may happen after Scarsdale leaves on spring break. Once the regulation is put into place the school will follow it, but until then any student that travels domestically during spring break will be required to either quarantine or test out of the quarantine by following proper testing procedures. Additionally, anyone who has had a verified diagnosis of COVID-19 within the last 90 days does not need to quarantine. International travelers will need to quarantine for either 10 days or 7 days (if you receive a negative test on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th day of quarantine). This standard for international travel is required regardless of vaccination status or prior COVID-19 diagnosis.

Rauschenbach also announced that several Scarsdale physicians, Dr. Louis Corsaro, Dr. Holly Gilbert, Dr. Steven Shelov, and Dr. Nathan Litman, recorded a Q&A for school staff and faculty to address any questions or concerns about the vaccine. The administration encourages anyone with questions to refer to this video, which will soon be posted on the Scarsdale Schools Website Under Scarsdale Cable TV – BOE Education Presentations.

Public Comment

During Public Comment, Leanne Freda, the President of the SHS PTA Executive Committee, made a statement to address the recent anti-Asian hate crimes in Georgia which you can read here:

Irin Israel expressed his dismay regarding the administration’s handling of some aspects of the COVID-19 crisis. He stated that he filed a Freedom of Information Act Request, through which he received a 67-page architectural document that mapped out every Scarsdale classroom and space.

He claims this document was not available without filing this request, and that it was not shown to the Board or the Re-Start Committee. He claims that the document showed that all elementary school students would be able to fit inside the schools following the six-foot distancing requirements and that the Superintendent and administration denied this information in early November 2020 and publicly stated the opposite. Mr. Israel contends that because this document was not widely available, it is difficult to demine if elementary students could have returned to full-time instruction sooner. He stated that “Scarsdale missed the opportunity to go above and beyond for students” and that “this pattern of withheld information did not allow for all options to be fully assessed.”

Superintendent Hagerman addressed this comment by stating that the administration has addressed this matter before, that the Board was aware of the work in this document, and that the administration did report the information.

Education Report

Next, the administration presented the Education Report: Assessment, Support, and Looking Forward.

Using multiple measures, traditional exams, and anecdotal evidence, the administration can assess the successes and challenges facing students. Some challenges include concerns about cheating during online assessments, and communication and safety concerns during in-person instruction. To address some issues, educators implemented small groups when possible to allow for more in-the-moment formative assessments. Additionally, teachers used methods such as asking students about their process, and not just for the answer, to confirm that students actually understood the material. When possible, assessments were administered that required critical understanding, and where answers could not easily be Googled. Additionally, there was a more intense focus on reflection protocol, handwritten solutions, and on smaller, lower-stakes check-ins.

Internal assessments reveal that students are learning essential skills, concepts, and content. Feedback from teachers has also been positive, and teachers from the same courses meet every Wednesday to maintain uniform content and pacing.

Data from STAR Math and Reading exams show that student proficiency rates for grades 3, 4, and 5 are comparable or just below the levels attained during normal years.

Looking forward, we see that technology has the capacity to redefine what we do and how we teach. The administration has also affirmed that small group learning is very powerful, and that teacher collaborating increases our capacity. Below are some quotes shared by teachers:

“This experience has further enhanced our sharing and collaboration across subject groups for specific courses, and among the wider department regarding technology applications” – SHS Science teacher

“Never before has there been this level of District elementary collaboration and sharing. We are connected and benefit from one another’s ideas and breakthroughs” – Elementary Teacher

“Looking forward, we are confident that students have had robust lessons in reading, writing, and critical thinking during the pandemic. We hope to continue the work we have done this year in devoting more time to issues of social justice and prejudice. We have had several meaningful professional development sessions on this topic and spearheaded the session with Anthony Ray Hinton” – SHS English teacher

“(We use) differentiated writing assignments that students may choose based on feedback provided to them from a prior assessment. It helps students to have ownership of their learning as they work to achieve clearly defined personalized writing goals” – SMS English teacher

Tent Rentals

The Board approved the rental of four 20 x 30 foot tents from Atlas Party Rentals that will be used at the high school and middle school for outdoor lunch and other outdoor student activities from April until the end of the school year. The fee will be $18,400 for three months. They also approved a SEQRA determination to erect the tents.

Gender Neutral Bathrooms

They approved a resolution to designate all single occupancy bathrooms in all schools as gender neutral bathrooms.


The Board accepted a gift of two fitness stations installed by Simon Bandsma for his Eagle Scout Project. The fitness stations will be installed at the high school.

The Board approved a gift of $27,748.00 from the Scarsdale Schools Educational Foundation to fund the purchase of robotics equipment to help to support the elementary instructional technology program and enhance existing STEAM projects.

In addition they accepted four wooden benches for use on the Scarsdale High School campus. The benches will be donated and constructed by students in the Habitat for Humanity Club.

candidatesJane Veron, Karen Brew, Jonathan Lewis and Sameer Ahuja have been nominated to serve as Mayor and Village TrusteesScarsdale Village will elect a new mayor and three Village trustees on Tuesday March 16, 2021. The election will be held today at the Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road, with the polls open from 6 am to 9 pm.

The Scarsdale Citizen’s Nominating Committee has selected four candidates, and this year they are running unopposed.

The Scarsdale Citizen’s Non-Partisan slate is as follows:

Mayor: Jane Veron
Village Trustee: Sameer Ahuja
Village Trustee: Karen Brew
Village Trustee: Jonathan Lewis

Find information about the candidates and the non-partisan system here:

You might ask why you should vote in an uncontested election?

There are many good reasons. By voting, you demonstrate your support for Scarsdale’s unique non-partisan system of governance that has served the Village well for almost 100 years. The Scarsdale Citizen’s Non-Partisan Party “promotes the election of non-partisan candidates and encourages cooperative, deliberative and open civic government to attract highly qualified individuals to public service.”

Representatives from Scarsdale’s five neighborhoods are elected for staggered three-year terms  to serve on the Citizen’s Nominating Committee in a general election. These nominators recruit, vet and select qualified candidates to serve Village office for designated terms, ensuring term limits and a progression of leadership. Candidates are not selected because of their stance on a single issue, but for their ability to consider all views and reach consensus on what is best for Scarsdale.

The non-partisan system averts the need for costly and divisive political campaigns while inviting widespread participation in the process and fosters a sense of community.  It also encourages qualified candidates to run who might otherwise be discouraged from serving if they had to run time consuming and expensive campaigns.

So though you’re not being asked to choose candidates from different parties in this upcoming election, you are being asked to show your support for Scarsdale’s non-partisan party and the residents who have stepped up to serve.

If you’re not already registered to vote the last date to register with the Westchester County Board of Elections is Friday, March 05. Mail-in registration forms are available at the Scarsdale Village Clerk’s Office, online from the Westchester County Board of Elections, or in-person at the Westchester County Board of Elections Office, 25 Quarropas Street, White Plains.

In order to register to vote, one must:
-Be a U.S. Citizen;
-Be 18 years of age by the date of the election in which you want to vote;
-Live at your present address at least 30 days before an election;
-Not be in prison or on parole for a felony conviction;
-Not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

Registered voters who will be out of Westchester County on Village Election Day, or for other reasons including concern about contracting or spreading COVID-19, as provided on the absentee ballot application form, can obtain an absentee ballot by filling out an application form at the Village Clerk’s Office in Village Hall, requesting one by phone or mail, or downloading one directly from the Village website. The last day for the Village Clerk to receive an application by mail for an absentee ballot is Tuesday, March 09, 2021; however, applications made in-person will be accepted until Monday, March 15, 2021. Absentee Ballots may be accepted by mail, drop box or in person until the close of polls on Tuesday, March 16th.

All others are encouraged to vote at the Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road in Scarsdale from 6 am to 9 pm on Tuesday March 16, 2021.

GradBagWhat a year! Grad Bag, like many other not-for-profit organizations, has been impacted by the pandemic and, accordingly, has chosen to suspend its operations during 2020 and 2021. Early in the pandemic, the Board concluded that colleges and universities would be offering classes virtually or in a hybrid fashion and that there would be fewer students on campus making Grad Bag’s mission difficult to achieve. But that didn’t mean Grad Bag has been dormant. It has been a period filled with tactical planning for the expansion of partnerships and reach to more students.

So who is Grad Bag and what is its mission? The Grad Bag mission is twofold: to support underserved college bound students and to advance sustainability. Grad Bag is a grassroots organization started by two Scarsdale residents, Liz Gruber and Tara Tyberg. As they moved their children out of their college dormitories, they noted the amount of dorm goods students threw into the dumpster at the end of the year. Knowing how expensive it is to outfit dorm rooms, they knew that a sustainability project could take flight. Starting in 2012, Grad Bag collected, cleaned, packaged, inventoried and then distributed enough dorm goods for 30 students. Grad Bag’s last fully active year of collection, 2019, yielded 20,000 (10 tons!) pounds of refurbished and recycled dorm items involving 16 college and university, 20 gradbaglogograntee organizations and over 1,700 students. The items went to college bound recipients who might not have the means to buys these things on their own and harnessed multiple teams of volunteers. A true win/ win proposition for all.

Grad Bag, a 501(c)3 organization, will be back as soon as it can, better prepared and able to continue its work having spent the downtime strategizing on how and where Grad Bag will grow in the future. With its expanded Board, a formalized five -year plan and the planned addition of an Executive Director, the organization is well positioned to hit the ground running. If you would like to partner, donate, volunteer, apply for the Executive Director position, or would just like more information, please visit


candidatesThe Village election for Mayor and three Village Trustees will be held on Tuesday March 16 at the Scarsdale Congregational Church on Heathcote Road in Scarsdale. Polls are open from 6 am to 9 pm and the Scarsdale Citizens Non Partisan Party encourages everyone to come out to vote to support the party slate:

Mayor: Jane Veron

Village Trustees: Sameer Ahuja
Karen Brew
Jonathan Lewis

These candidates were vetted and interviewed by the elected representatives of the Citizens Nominating Committee who sought out the best candidates for the jobs.

Below find letters in support of the candidates on the ballot from your neighbors:

Jane Veron

We are submitting this letter in support of Jane Veron’s candidacy for Mayor of Scarsdale Village. The three of us have had the privilege of knowing Jane collectively for some 30-plus years as a friend and colleague, and have always marveled at her ability to seamlessly balance her professional, personal and community service responsibilities. Please note that we are writing as private citizens, so what follows are our personal views.Veron2021

As the current and immediate past presidents of the Scarsdale Public Library Board, we have had the good fortune to work with Jane in her role as the Village’s liaison to the Board. Jane’s commitment to the recently-completed Library renovation was critical. She asked hard questions and pushed us to make an airtight case to gain support for the project. It is in no small part thanks to Jane’s attention to detail, and her good judgment, that the new building will be enjoyed by community members for generations to come.

We have seen Jane’s work ethic come into play in every part of her multifaceted life. Her determination is epic. She is reliable, thoughtful and enthusiastic, arriving at meetings ready to engage, then never letting anything she’s agreed to do fall through the cracks. One of Jane’s many strengths is her ability to collaborate, always keeping an open mind and listening to other perspectives. A gracious leader, she is quick to credit those around her for their contributions. Jane is civility personified.

As the liaison to the Library Board for three years, Jane balanced being an advocate for the Library with making sure that Scarsdale’s overall needs always came first. We have no doubt that as Mayor, she will continue to work hard for all the people of our Village, and to represent everyone fairly, honestly and diligently. We are thrilled that Jane is running, and that she will be joined by a panel of smart, dedicated Trustees, including the two newest, Sameer Ahuja and Karen Brew, along with the seasoned Jonathan Lewis. Please remember to cast your vote for this outstanding group on Tuesday, March 16th at the Scarsdale Congregational Church.

Very truly yours,

Diane Greenwald
Elyse Klayman
Margot Milberg

Why I Am Voting for Jane Veron for Mayor of Scarsdale

Jane Veron is one of the most brilliant, amazing, hardworking and selfless public servants I have ever met. Both of us served together on the board of trustees but Jane proved to be a person of almost unbounded energy, and dedication who in a short period of time made countless contributions to Scarsdale for the betterment of its stakeholders.

Jane took charge and overhauled an antiquated communications system and brought it up to the digital age. She guided the library board as trustee liaison thru the expansion and renovation of its facility. Jane has served on almost every key committee on the village board including being deputy mayor and made sure that all residents points of view on controversial issues were listened to and respected.

Jane is a winner of many awards of recognition for public service.

As if her brilliant insight into issues and hard work for the village was not enough Jane is cofounder of The Acceleration Project (TAP) which mentors and empowers women to succeed and excel in business ventures. Under Janes guidance and drive TAP has grown into a powerful force for women who would normally be side lined in today’s society.

Fair minded, sympathetic, brilliant and sensitive to different points of view Jane is the perfect choice to lead Scarsdale as mayor in these unusual and unsettled times.

Please show your support and vote the CNC slate: Jane Veron for mayor and for trustee candidates Sameer Ahuja, Karen Brew and Jonathan Lewis. Vote on Tuesday, March 16 in person at the Scarsdale Congregational Church, 1 Heathcote Road, from 6AM to 9PM or by mail in ballot available from Village Hall. Every vote counts and we need your support at the ballot box.

William Stern
20 Rural Drive

Letter to the Editor

During my almost fifty one years as a Scarsdale resident, I have been impressed by our non-partisan system and the outstanding candidates it has provided and the good government we have. Jane Veron, the candidate this year for Mayor, is clearly outstanding and then some. In reading the list of her activities during her 23 years in Scarsdale, one would think it is a list of all activities the community offers, not just what one person actually did. I can’t imagine how she found the time while raising three daughters to do everything well, to identify and analyze problems, devise and promote solutions; in short, to make a difference in the community, always with a ready smile.

Her ability to make the time to prepare for and attend the multitude of meetings each year is a testament to her organizational ability, commitment and drive.

Jane completed four and a half years as a Village Trustee in September (her term extended due to the postponement of last year’s Village election due to the COVID19
pandemic lockdown). Those years were filled with numerous important Village matters requiring focus and, in her “spare” time, she oversaw the provisions of consulting services through the company she founded, The Acceleration Project. I had the privilege of working closely with Jane on the Scarsdale Foundation board where, there too, she played a significant role, always a pleasure to work with. Considering all Jane has already done, I am looking forward with great anticipation to the Veron administration.

One final request. Your vote is important. It shows you support not only the candidates but you support and appreciate the non-partisan system. So please remember to vote on March 16.

Evelyn Stock
Catherine Road

Letter to the Editor:

I feel compelled to write in support of Jane Veron for the position of Scarsdale Village Mayor. I am strongly vested in Scarsdale’s future. As a child I grew up here in a very civic-minded family, and I have made this community my home for the past 20 years. Jane has an unparalleled civic resume and possesses the dedication, drive, and outstanding character that would make her an extraordinary Mayor. As her colleague on the Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association Board and the Fox Meadow PTA Executive Board, I saw first-hand Jane's commitment to her constituents, to the fair and balanced assessment of the issues, and to the interests of the greater community.

Further, as Co-Founder and CEO of The Acceleration Project, Jane has been my role-model. I have the opportunity to witness and benefit from her strong integrity, analytical and managerial skills, hard work into the wee hours of the night, and true devotion to obtaining consensus. She regularly makes time to listen with compassion and patience to pleas concerning highly-charged issues. Jane demonstrates her strong commitment to the welfare of Scarsdale residents through the truly countless volunteer hours she devotes to strengthening the vibrancy of Scarsdale merchants and our various retail hubs.

The bottom-line: Scarsdale would not only be well-served by electing Jane as our next Mayor but also incredibly fortunate to have her intelligence, fair-mindedness, knowledge of community issues and true dedication once again in the governance of our community. Please come out and vote on March 16: it's vital to maintaining the Scarsdale we all support.

Susan Goldberg Gevertz
Cohawney Road

Karen Brew

In the sixteen years that I have known Karen Brew as a neighbor, she has continually demonstrated an earnest dedication to our community in ways seen and unseen. In addition to her deep and extended involvement in formal community leadership such as PTA, PT Council, and League of Women Voters, Karen has been a conscientious citizen with our greater good in mind. She’s been an advocate to make our streets safer and our community a more pleasant place. I was lucky to serve on a School Board adjunct committee with Karen and was repeatedly impressed by her practical problem solving and her conviction to find balanced solutions. I am confident that she would bring these attributes to the role of Village Trustee and support her enthusiastically in her nomination.KarenBrew

Ian Marsh
Ferncliff Road

To the Editor:

I am a Scarsdale Village resident writing in strong and proud support of Karen Brew, one of the Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party's candidates for election as Village Trustee on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021. I was a member of this year's Citizens Nominating Committee.

I met Karen approximately 11 years ago, shortly after my children started at Edgewood School as we were both involved with the Edgewood PTA. At that time, Karen was the Edgewood School PTA Treasurer and I was chair of the Spring Fair Fundraiser. I immediately observed Karen’s intelligence while working together on the fair budget. Karen asked important and thoughtful questions and clearly understood how to formulate a budget. I also observed Karen’s passion and level of commitment when I worked with Karen when she was PTA President, helping her on various PTA committees. When I became PTA President after Karen, Karen was a crucial mentor to me in navigating the challenges of being a PTA President.

I also worked with Karen when she was the Chair of the Scarsdale High School (SHS) Scholarship Fund which provides grants to seniors who wish to attend college but need financial assistance. Again, I witnessed Karen’s meticulous and trustworthy nature that allowed her to lead the scholarship fund committee with great integrity. Through both of my PTA experiences working with Karen, I am most impressed by Karen’s collaborative approach, her ability to ask thoughtful questions, and her problem solving capability.

Karen’s experience studying the Scarsdale Village budget as a member of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale (LWVS) is crucial knowledge to have as a Village Trustee. Karen has gained a deep understanding of and developed good insight to the village budget process through the LWVS meetings. With the recent retirement of Village Manager, Steve Pappalardo, Karen’s experience working as a recruiter and her knowledge to help the board conduct a comprehensive search process for a new Village Manager will be critical.

Karen will be a strong asset to the Scarsdale village through her ability to gather and synthesize the appropriate facts, garner community feedback, and come to consensus. From serving on boards and volunteering, to being an active participant in community discussions, she has proven her eagerness to work hard for Scarsdale. Karen is rational, thoughtful, and conscientious. She can debate issues with fairness and keep an open-mind to all sides and exercises mature judgment. Karen also recently became an empty nester with both of her daughters in college and has the time to dedicate to being a village trustee.

I can't think of a better candidate to entrust with the position of Scarsdale Village Trustee. I know Karen will have the community's best interests in mind and residents will respect her values, judgment, overall character, and commitment to the Scarsdale community. I strongly urge all eligible Scarsdale residents to vote for Karen on the Tuesday, March 16th election.

Laurie Medvinsky
54 Taunton Road

Jonathan Lewis

We write this letter in support of the candidacy for re-election of Trustee Jonathan Lewis. We have known Jonathan for many years and have seen the energy, imagination, and commitment he brings to the volunteer projects he undertakes. As a long-time resident of Scarsdale, with a long history of civic involvement, he has an intimate understanding of the nature and character of the Village, and a clear vision of measures needed to maintain the vibrancy of our community.

As a trustee of the Village of Scarsdale, Jonathan has been an advocate for conservative financial policies and sound financial and strategic planning, while at the same time championing projects that promise to be solid investments in the future of our community. Specifically, he has led efforts to strengthen the Village's cybersecurity defenses, modernize its technological capabilities, and has represented the village in the Countywide task force response to tropical storm Isaias, known as United Westchester, chaired by County Executive Latimer and Assemblywoman JonathanLewisPaulin.

We can think of no more highly qualified candidate for Village Trustee than Jonathan and strongly endorse him for another term on the Board.


Laura and John Cromwell
Nelson Road

I have known Jonathan Lewis for over a decade as a friend, a caring family man, financial entrepreneur, and a dedicated community volunteer.

He volunteered for years at the July 4th Celebrations in Davis Park where I first met him, and for several years served as the MC for the games, leading families through favorites like the potato sack race, or egg toss. He was a little league coach for his son's and daughter's teams. When his children were diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, he became actively involved in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation of Westchester, serving on its board and as President. He raised money for a cure through a series of one-mile swims in the Sound and the Hudson. Jonathan’s daughter is now in college and his son in medical school. When I asked him what he missed about having them around, he said, “My daughter’s a cappella practices at our home, and listening to her sing anytime; going for long walks with my son and listening to him talk about science.”

Wanting to be involved in his kids’ educational experiences, Jonathan volunteered for the School Board Nominating Committee and eventually as a Trustee of the Scarsdale Board of Education. While on the BoE, Jonathan supported forward looking initiatives like the Scarsdale Center for Innovation, and he was an advocate for the arts. He was a voice for cost effectiveness and conservative budgeting.

Because his belief that all children deserve access to an excellent education regardless of zip code, he also currently serves as a trustee of Yonkers Partners in Education, helping students in that school district benefit from many of the kinds of programs that are a part of a Scarsdale education.

As a knowledgeable expert in public policy and public finance, Jonathan has the technical skills to understand the nuances of our Village budget, the challenges that lie ahead, and the careful process of effective resource allocation to maintain and expand our Village amenities. He is a strategic thinker and visionary who evaluates the current state of resources and conditions and plans for future benefits while preserving our unique character. As a Village Trustee for the past 2 years, Jonathan has served our residents admirably. He has proven himself to be an open-minded, inclusive listener determined to improve the quality of life. He has led efforts to strengthen the Village's cybersecurity defenses, modernize its technological capabilities, and represented the Village in the countywide task force response to tropical storm Isaias, known as United Westchester and chaired by County Executive Latimer and Assemblywoman Paulin.

I strongly believe that Jonathan’s financial aptitude, his honest and practical approach, experience in collaborative decision-making, and obsessive dedication to serve us make him a successful Village Trustee. Afforded a second term, I know Jonathan will do even more.

I encourage citizens to join me in supporting Jonathan Lewis and the entire CNC slate by voting on March 16.

Jyoti Ruta

Dear Editor:
I am pleased that my friend and neighbor Jonathan Lewis has decided to run for a second term as Trustee in this year’s Village Board Election which will be held on Tuesday March 16th at the Scarsdale Congregational Church. Before commenting on Jonathan, and his impressive work on behalf of the community, I want to share my thoughts on Scarsdale’s electoral system.
Since moving to Scarsdale in 1997 it has been very interesting to watch and learn how the Scarsdale non-partisan system can provide a coherent and steady voice in the leadership of our village. The non-partisan party does not exist in a vacuum. There is a cross-section of representation which spans across the neighborhood associations, boards and councils and The Scarsdale Forum, which all direct the needs and wants of the Scarsdale community into Village Hall.

This effect is amplified by sustainable generational volunteerism. This means that over a course of years residents volunteer their time and in many cases their expertise. Many stay involved on various committees and efforts for 20+ years, which is both generous and amazing. As these volunteers remain involved, they also evolve, starting from a Bake Sale in Davis Park, moving on to becoming a neighborhood association president, then Scarsdale Forum Chairperson and eventually a Trustee or Mayor! This process involves a core group of engaged volunteers who develop a collective memory of where we as a village have been and where we are going. As new residents become involved, the core group changes with them and of course people move on. This type of dedicated continuity would be impossible to replicate with slam-dunk partisan politics, which is why I think this system works for Scarsdale.

I first met Jonathan Lewis at Arthur Manor meetings, where he helped us focus on traffic safety concerns, then at the Historical Society, where he went as far as staging a puppet show to assist Eda Newhouse with fund-raising, followed by being President of The Forum to membership on the School Board. Not only was Jonathan highly effective in all these roles but he was learning the many facets of our Village’s inner workings and becoming a perfect candidate for the Village Board. When he was selected by the nominating committee as Trustee in 2019, I thought wow! We could not do better. Jonathan has been a major thought leader on the Village Board and a terrific asset to our community and deserves both thanks and our support in the March 16th election.

John Bonanno
55 Carman Road
Former Co-President Arthur Manor NA
Former Co-Chair Forum Neighborhood Character Committee