Sunday, Mar 09th

Closing the Gap on the Bronx River Bike Path

BRP1New path from Hitchcock Church to the Fenimore BridgeWestchester County has finally begun on work to close the gap on the Bronx River Bike Path between Greenacres Avenue and Scarsdale Village. Presently, bikers and walkers travelling the path, which runs up to Kensico Dam and down to Yonkers had to leave the path in Scarsdale and travel along Fox Meadow Road to access the northern half of the path.

This will be rectified in the next 18 months when work is complete on a path to bridge the gap. Westchester County is underwriting the $6.7 million project which will add 1.6 miles to the path. Ironically, the path will not travel on the east side of the parkway because some Scarsdale residents objected to it traversing Fox Meadow. Instead, the path will extend underneath the Crane Road Bridge to the west side of the Parkway where the path will be built along the westside of the train tracks. It will return to the east side by going underneath the Fenimore Road Bridge and continuing to the Greenacres Avenue Bridge. There a ramp will travel up to the top of the bridge to the new 10-foot wide sidewalk that is already complete. From there, riders can meet the existing path opposite Hitchcock Church and continue past the County Tennis Courts.

We took some photos in Greenacres where workers were clearing and grading the path which will eventually be paved.

So if you see back hoes and dump trucks under the bridges, this is why.BRP3The view from Fenimore Road north