Monday, Sep 30th

GradBalloonsThough many had doubts about the graduation for the Class of 2020 during the COVID epidemic, a first-ever, gleeful graduation car parade proved that there are many great ways to celebrate four years at Scarsdale High School.

Since social distancing rules prevented the traditional graduation ceremony on Dean Field, a Senior Events Committee came up with a month full of fun events for June, culminating in the car parade on Tuesday June 23 and diploma ceremony planned for Friday June 26.

The days events began with a moving virtual graduation ceremony that the entire community was invited to view. Watch it here:

Following the virtual graduation ceremony which was livestreamed at 2:30 pm, students and their families lined up in cars to drive through the high school lot where they were greeted by cheering teachers, deans and administrators. A special parade soundtrack was broadcast on The Peak. Cars were decorated with hand painted greetings, custom made signs, decked out with balloons and streamers, trailing cans, and blaring music to celebrate the grads. There were jeeps, convertibles, pick-up trucks and many grads popped up through their sunroofs to greet the faculty.

Moms, dads, sisters, brothers and grandparents were on board too, making for a party in motion. Some wore masks and kept their windows rolled up, while others hung out of windows and car roofs or even perched in the back of a truck.


Students were grouped by deans and assigned a start time to drive into the gravel lot on Brewster Road and proceed down the motorcade. The event began at four pm and ended promptly at six in a well-orchestrated parade. Some students, including twins or those with two family groupings, drove through the parade twice.

It was a joyous event, sure to be the envy of SHS graduating classes down the line.

start stop bwd fwd


If you would like to add your graduatio parade photo to the gallery, email it to us at


latimer(Updated June 18, 2020) Can we let down our guard about transmitting the virus? How many cases are there in Scarsdale and Westchester and how many new infections?

As of Wednesday June 17, County Executive George Latimer reported that social distancing efforts had been effective and that the County overall has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of new infections and fatalities. He reported that the county has now tested over 212,982 people, or 21.3% of the population. At a press conference held in Larchmont on June 17, he reported that over 3,000 people were tested on June 16 and only 17 were positive, a dramatic decrease in the infection rate. Latimer says there were two fatalities due to COVID on June 16.

Overall the County Executive is pleased with Westchester’s progress, but still cautious about lifting the enforcement of measures to stop the spread of the virus. He was sporting a new haircut and reported that he was happy to return to his church.

Here are the numbers as of Monday June 15:

The June 16 statistics show that in Scarsdale, there were 3 active cases and no new cases in the last 24 hours.

In Westchester County overall there were 792 active cases and 36 new cases in the last 24 hours.

There are about 100 patients hospitalized for COVID in the county.

Latimer said, “All of the sacrifices we made got us to fewer cases, new infections and deaths.” He warned, “If we turn and go the other way, we’re opening ourselves to difficulties.”


lulcupcakeCupcakes Donated by Lulu Cake Boutique of ScarsdaleScarsdale seniors had an added treat when they went to drop off their textbooks and pick up their graduation gowns on Thursday June 4. They were greeted by Deans, their class advisors and administrators and after receiving their hats and gowns they were handed a cupcake, donated by Lulu Cake Boutique in Scarsdale. The bakery baked and donated and individually boxed 350 cupcakes for the senior class of 2020 who will miss their prom and traditional graduation ceremony.

Students were given instructions to stop by in their cars to deposit books and retrieve gowns, not the usual graduation procedure but necessary due to NYS social distancing guidelines. The 350 students will be spaced over a two day period.

Here are photos of the drive by pick up and drop off. Students who had entered a time capsule prediction years ago were handed their letters along with instructions and material to create a Shrinky Dink for a senior year art piece that will be put together by the Scarsdale High School PTA.

Though this is no ordinary year, it’s clear that the Senior Transition Day Committee is doing everything it can to ensure a special graduation experience for the Class of 2020.PatPat Frusciante handed out graduation gowns.
GreenbergCagnerSenior Class Advisors Eileen Cagner and Alex GreenbergBartonSchool Government Advisor Lauren Bartongrad1An almost grad with her family.grad2.jpegGrad receives a cupcake.

vigil2Throughout this past weekend, the Scarsdale Village seemed to be in full pre-summer bloom, filled with shoppers, walkers, and restaurant-goers whose masks were the only indication that these were not-at-all normal times. On Sunday night, however, the relaxed atmosphere abruptly changed minutes after 6 pm, as Scarsdale residents gathered in and around Chase Park to attend the Vigil for George Floyd and Victims of Police Brutality. In an event that attracted at least 350 black-clad residents and featured nine powerful speakers, the citizens of Scarsdale made it abundantly clear that even if police brutality and systemic racism have not devastated our city like others, they are still scourges at the forefront of our collective consciousness.

The organizers of the event, four young Scarsdalians and members of the Scarsdale High School Class of 2016, greeted the crowd by explaining the purpose of the event. Mentioning the names of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, they acknowledged the limitations of their own perspective, with three-of-four of them being white, while emphasizing the importance of listening and reflecting on the current nationwide movement for change. Standing on a raised podium in the upper center of the park, they were surrounded on all sides by residents young and old, many of whom carried signs reading “Enough is enough” or “I can’t breathe,” and all of whom wore masks in order to be admitted onto the park’s grass. A few mutters and shuffles could be heard as the organizers finished speaking, but as Scarsdale Mayor Marc Samwick stepped up to the microphone his words rang out to a crowd hanging on his each and every word.

Samwick led off a line-up of nine speakers which included county officials, students, and long-time Scarsdale vigil4residents, each of whom offered a different viewpoint on how racism plays out in policing, education, and other areas, even in a progressive community like Scarsdale. The black community of Scarsdale, and especially the city’s black youth, was strongly represented by current Scarsdale High School students and college students. These speakers expressed frustration with an education system that consistently failed to represent the voices and history of their community, and stressed that attending a vigil was far from enough to confront long-standing racial inequities in Scarsdale and the broader US. Zoë Sussman, a graduating senior at SHS, captured the urgency of change when she said that “doing the bare minimum in 2020 is simply unacceptable.”

vigil3Throughout the event, there was no dearth of concrete policy and individual goals proposed. Shawn Patterson-Howard, the first woman of color to hold a mayoral position in Westchester and the current mayor of Mount Vernon, called for the repeal of provision 50-A, a statute of New York state law which shields police officers’ disciplinary records from the public eye (and that is expected to be repealed by the state legislature this week). The potential awkwardness of her calls for police reform, as officers lined the perimeter of the park and closed off traffic to make room for the vigil, was not lost on Ms. Patterson-Howard, as she acknowledged the important work of cops while adding “it’s hard to be a good cop in such a broken system.” Other speakers, such as former SHS teacher and the first black GQ cover-model Rashid Silvera, drew on decades of personal experience with racism and implored the audience to seek out lessons from the past to shape the current movement. The stories of two former law enforcement stand-outs, Arnold W. James and Steve McDonald, guided the speeches of Silvera and Petero Sabune, a Nigerian-American reverend who said that “seeing each other as human beings” is essential in order to prevent future tragedies like George Floyd’s.

vigil6The last speaker of the night, famed musician and Hamilton actor Christopher Jackson, admitted that he was glad the vigil had been delayed from its original date of Friday, June 5th, because the rain gave him more time to think about what he wanted to say. His core message - that we must “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable” - dovetailed well with the prevailing atmosphere of the vigil, one that was both deeply fed up with the current state of racism in our country but also hopeful for the future. Even after Jackson’s speech ended and the vigil concluded with an eight-minute and 46 second moment of silence (the duration representing the time that Officer Derek Chauvin held his knee on Floyd’s neck), his closing lines seemed to permeate the park as people filed out. He urged everyone in attendance to “never underestimate what a small group of people with conviction, with heart, and with perseverance can do to change the world - because that’s the only thing that ever has.” One can only hope that the verve of Scarsdale residents who turned out with signs and supportive shouts will truly become the action that Jackson and the other speakers demanded.

Photo Credits: Jack Silvers and Flo Weiner

getting alongThis is the opinion of Scarsdale10583 site founder Joanne Wallenstein:

What used to be the exception has now become the norm. Scarsdale’s unique non-partisan system of government, which was designed to prevent divisive partisan elections, is being challenged at every opportunity. Each year seems to bring contested elections, undermining a system that was formerly the envy of many other communities.

As most of you already know, Scarsdale’s system to elect candidates to the school board and village board calls for candidates to be vetted and nominated by committees of elected representatives from each of Scarsdale’s five elementary school neighborhoods. In the case of the school board nominating committee, the nominators are elected to serve three-year terms. By design these candidates have no specific agenda or party affiliation. They are nominated to do what they believe is best for the children and taxpayers of Scarsdale.

Since the nominators three-year terms are staggered, each year brings ten new members to the committee, with ten completing their service. This process ensures that the committee is infused with new blood and new points of view each year. That committee of elected representatives is charged with reaching out to the community at large to identify willing and capable residents to serve.

The process served Scarsdale well for decades. Talented and collegial people stepped up to lend their expertise to the board of education and help the school administration to uphold excellence in our schools. Yes, challenges from opposition candidates arose from time to time, but they were few and far between.

But recently these challenges have become so frequent as to undermine the entire system.

Why now? It’s really not clear. Is something amiss at our schools? Is the budget out of control? Have college admissions rates declined? Is the district losing faculty or administrators? Has morale fallen? The answer to all these questions, at least from my observations, is no. Yes we’re in a pandemic, but the district has been responsive, flexible and has designed an e-Learning program that is already being modelled by other schools. The proposed budget increase is de minimis, kids have been admitted to the colleges of their choice and the district maintains its stellar reputation.

So again, what’s the opposition about? The School Board Nominating Committee did their work and vetted and nominated two worthy candidates to join the board in July. I haven’t heard a word against the credentials or reputations of either. They appear to have just the right skill sets to complement the board.

The truth is we can’t identify a polarizing issue or policy that’s dividing the community and would spur opposition to the non-partisan candidates. In fact, all three candidates support the school budget and urge you to vote yes.

All that’s dividing us is a highly active political campaign by the opposing candidate who is sending out emails, letters and flyers and advertising to support her campaign. As a result, those who support the non-partisan system and their candidates are forced to spend time and money defending the candidates nominated by the SBNC. These same volunteers could be doing more to move the community forward and help those in need in these perilous times. Instead, they are asking for contributions to wage a full-scale campaign, simply to defend Scarsdale’s unique form of governance that ironically is supposed to prevent divisive politics.

For the rest of us, who live here because the village is well run, it’s truly tiresome to be on the receiving end of this hoopla. We all have a lot on our minds. The COVID pandemic, illness, death of loved ones, the resulting economic crisis and anxiety about our future all weigh heavy on my mind. I am sure you have your list too.

I don’t need divisive politics in the place of refuge I am fortunate to call home; Scarsdale.

So when my ballot for school board and the school budget arrives in the mail sometime after May 27, I am going to vote for the two candidates nominated by the School Board Nominating Committee, Amber Yusuf and Bob Klein, and vote YES for the school budget.

Scarsdale is one of the only places I know where things are going in the right direction. Let’s cast of a vote of confidence in the non-partisan system of governance for the Village we all love.