Monday, Sep 30th

greenacres movie nightThe Greenacres Outdoor Big Screen Movie Night scheduled for tonight, Sunday June 10, has been postponed to Friday, June 29 at 8:30 PM at Greenacres Field due to the rain. Hope to see everyone then!

Robin Hood Lemonaid 2On Saturday, June 9th, Scarsdale kids, teens, and families will take a stand against poverty by setting up 'Robin Hood Lemonaid' stands around Scarsdale to raise funds for New Yorkers in need and support Robin Hood, New York’s largest-poverty fighting organization. Every penny raised will fund food pantries, soup kitchens, and other emergency food providers throughout the five boroughs. 

Robin Hood Lemonaid 5Robin Hood, founded 30 years ago, is today one of the nation's largest anti-poverty organizations and is focused on fighting poverty in New York by supporting over 200 community partners that provide education, food, shelter, healthcare, job training, legal support, and other services for people in poverty.

Scarsdale is part of a regional effort started more than 10 years ago, in which some of the tri-state's youngest poverty fighters have raised more than $1 million through the Lemonaid program and provided more than 800,000 meals to New Yorkers in need.

This years Robin Hood Lemonaid - Scarsdale Co-Hosts are:

The Bezos Family
The Brucker Family
The Goldfarb Family
The Hirschhorn Family
The Jahrmarkt Family
The Kass Family
The Kleinberg Family
The Lefkowitz Family
The Meyers Family
The Miller Family
The Neustadt Family
The Plattus Family
The Schwartz Family
The Wach Family 

Robin Hood Lemonaid 3About Lemonaid, Mark Bezos said, “Robin Hood's Lemonaid program has become a tradition in our family. For the past twelve years, our kids have set up lemonade stands with their friends around town to raise money for Robin Hood while having a great time. When my kids were younger, the Lemonaid program provided a wonderful conversation starter about helping our neighbors in need. It's also a great reminder that all efforts - big and small - can make a difference.”

After a day of selling glasses of lemonade to their friends and neighbors, all participants will be invited to a community BBQ to celebrate their efforts and count the money they raised to fight poverty.

Photos courtesy of Robin Hood. 
Robin Hood Lemonaid 4Robin Hood Lemonaid

Tay Bandz 2Sue Matthews lost her daughter, Taylor, at age 16 to cancer, but she is keeping Taylor’s spirit alive with management of a charitable foundation, annual events and her new book.

The Taylor Matthews Foundation, was founded by Taylor, at 11 years old, when she was diagnosed with cancer. She attended Edgemont Schools K-11th grade until she lost her battle with pediatric cancer at age 16. Taylor dreamt that she could save the life of a child. The foundation has fulfilled her dream many times over.

Sue Matthews, as President of the Taylor Matthews Foundation continues Taylor’s mission and hopes to help other children with cancer.

The foundation funds innovative research and treatments that can reach sick children today, to improve outcomes and reduce the long-term survivorship side effects associated with pediatric cancer. Through their various fundraising initiatives, they are changing the course of pediatric cancer treatment at institutions such as Columbia University Medical Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, The National Institute of Health and MD Anderson Cancer Center.

The foundation has raised over $1.5 million for cancer research and is currently prioritizing raising funds for Precision Medicine which involves genome sequencing of an individual child’s tumor to identify mutations in their DNA.

Matthews actively lobbies Congress for legislation for increased childhood cancer funding and improved access to not-yet-approved adult drugs, as well as drugs approved for adult use.

Tay bandzTo continue Taylor’s legacy of helping others Sue Matthews, with her sister, Andrea Cohane wrote “Paint Your Hair Blue – A Celebration of Life with Hope for Tomorrow in the Face of Pediatric Cancer.”

In Paint Your Hair Blue, Sue Matthews recounts the heroic courage and devastating blows that characterized her daughter Taylor's odyssey through the world of pediatric cancer. This book serves in equal portions as an inspiring tale of the power of love and determination, and a cautionary tale of the need for parents and all caregivers to be their own advocates. It empowers readers, no matter what their circumstance, to take control of their own destiny, have a vivid understanding of how truly short and precious life is and a greater willingness to add more color as they go along.

The book shows how Taylor and her family learned to balance the necessity of her continuous medical treatments with the need for her to be a kid and live as normally as possible. There are tips and pointers, gleaned by trial and error, about navigating the maze of pediatric oncology through the lens of a layperson and better understand how to face fears with strength, fortitude and confidence while living life to the fullest.

A portion of the proceeds from Paint Your Hair Blue will be donated to the Taylor Matthews Foundation.

On May 20th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am Edgemont High School is sponsoring “Colors Against Cancer,” a 5k run in honor and memory of Taylor Matthews. Throughout the run volunteers toss non-toxic color powder on the runners shirts. From afar you will see a sea of colors. All proceeds will benefit the Taylor Matthews Foundation.

To learn more about the foundation, click here.

To learn more about Paint Your Hair Blue, click here.

You may soon be able to use a state of the art parking app to feed the parking meter, making the need for a roll quarters a thing of the past. The Village recently completed a test of four different types of meters, but ultimately decided that these new meters did not warrant the expense.

Throughout fall of 2017 and winter of 2018, you may have noticed some new parking meters in the village center of Scarsdale. Specifically, four different types of meters were set up: two single/double meters, and two multi space meters.

Meter 1

Option 1 (Orange) was a single space smart meter that could take coins or credits made by IPS.
Option 2 (Yellow) was made by POM and optimized so that some of its meters could handle two spots in a single meter, and users would press a button to indicate which spot they parked in.
Option 3 (Blue) was a multispace paystation made by T2.
Option 4 (Green) was a multispace paystation made by MacKay.

16 traditional parking meters were established as a control group against which to gauge a baseline revenue expectation for the new test meters. These 16 control meters’ revenue was compared to revenue from 16 parking spots of each test meter. The control meters had an approximate monthly revenue of $3,000. Option 1 earned the most revenue with an average of $3286.19 a month, while option 2 earned less revenue at an average of $2902.25 a month likely due to reported user confusion for the double meters. Option 3 scored third in revenue at an average of $2821.95 a month but experienced some downtime in revenue collection due to a battery configuration issue. Option 4 scored last in revenue at an average of $2132.16 a month but also experienced operational downtime due to a service issue.

Meter 2Placement of the Test Meters in the Village CenterA survey was established to gather community input on the different meters, and asked users questions relating to ease of use, functionality, and aesthetics. Of the 304 accepted responses, the vast majority responded favorably to option 1. Possible opposition to option 2 came from the difficulty in using the double meters. Options three and four were the two multi space meter options, and were among the least popular likely due to having to wait on a line, being forced to use the pay station in the rain/snow without a shelter, and/or various operational issues, including credit card payment issues, broken pay stations, and confusing instructions. The single and double meters, however, also faced some operational issues including broken meters and coin blockages. Among the most common comments on the survey were “broken”, “unattractive”, “No pay stations”, “inconvenient”, “overpayment”, and “confusing”. It should also be noted, however, that due to the nature of this survey, a strong voluntary response bias may have occurred where only patrons who were dissatisfied with their parking experience responded, and the responses may not reflect the views of the majority of Scarsdalians.

One of the key features of the new meters was the ability to use a credit card. A $1 minimum parking fee was established due to the number of fees associated with using a credit card, including the statement and gateway fees. This resulted in many credit card users being forced to overpay for their parking. These credit card processing fees would cost the village an additional $40,500-$89,100 a year depending on the average blended transaction fee.Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 11.02.57 AMThe Most Popular Meter Rated In The Survey

Another consideration of the study involved the potential implementation of a mobile app for either the new or existing meters. 33% of survey respondents reported already having a parking app on their phone. Parking app users would be able to pay for their parking on the phone, allowing them to avoid refilling their meter in the harsh weather outside. The app can be implemented with or without smart meters, however, the violation flag will not change on a non-smart meter even if a user paid via the app. Police officers will be able to see who paid electronically via an app if smart meters are not introduced, and proof of payment is usually provided in the app in case of an enforcement error. However this could cause a lot of confusion among user who pay but still see a violation notice on the meter when they return to their car.

Additionally, the village will have the freedom to decide whether the user or the village will pick up the credit card transaction fees when implemented. Generally speaking, however, most communities cover the transaction fees, while the user picks up a convenience fee that is paid to the app (usually ranging from $0.20 to $0.35). In a neighboring Westchester community, parking app usage is on the upswing, with 5% of all parking purchases made via an app in December 2016 and 16% of purchases made via an app by February 2018.

The board has decided at this time not move forward with the implementation of a new smart meter or paystation due to the various issues voiced by community members and cost of purchasing the new meters. The board, however, also decided to pursue an app to provide options to people who park in Scarsdale without implementing a smart meter or paystation. The village will soon begin to investigate different parking apps so Scarsdale residents can have the best possible parking experience moving forward.

dunk your kicksThis past March and April, Scarsdale’s Dean Glucksman and friends collected gently used sneakers for the Max Cure Foundation and the Dunk Your Kicks (DYK) campaign. DYK’s initiative is intended to bring awareness to those families fighting pediatric cancer and to help the environment by keeping old “kicks” out of landfills. The money raised through the resale of this affordable footwear helps low-income and military families living in the U.S. with a child battling this disease.

This year marks the 4th annual sneaker collection. Dean took over this annual collection from his older sister Leah who graduated from Scarsdale High School in June, 2017. Last year, Dean and a couple of his friends collected close to 300 pairs of sneakers. In an effort to exceed what they did last year, he expanded the outreach and enlisted more friends to get involved. With the help of Scarsdale’s Marc Ifrah, Ford Lenchner, Aidan Mansfield, Jack and Max McEvoy, Ted Shearer, and Rahim and Rhomy Mohamed, who attend Ardsley Middle School, this year they collected 560 pairs of sneakers by setting up drop boxes at local and New York City institutions. Locations included Barry’s Bootcamp, FlyWheel Sports, Pushlab Fitness, Club Pilates in Scarsdale & Ardsley, Westchester Reform Temple, The Jewish Community Center of Harrison and Congregation Kol Ami, Temple Beth-El Synagogue Center of New Rochelle, and The Hitchcock Nursery School.

In addition to the sneaker collection, Dean reintroduced the 2nd annual March Madness NCAA basketball bracket and raised over $3,000 for the Max Cure Foundation.