Monday, Sep 30th

sherwoodThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Emily Sherwood, retiring President of the Scarsdale Foundation:
To the Editor: As I retire from the Scarsdale Foundation board after ten rewarding years of service, I wanted to express my gratitude to this amazing community for its abundance of support and compassion for those less fortunate. Thanks to the many generous donations that we have received this year, we have been able to send 11 needy Scarsdale elementary students to our local Rec Camp, while providing $124,000 in scholarship aid to college sophomores, juniors and seniors. The needs of our Scarsdale students who struggle financially to attend college are more pressing than many may realize, and our scholarship awards help to lessen the burden of excessive student loans and other forms of student and parental debt.

Special thanks go out to our corporate sponsors whose generosity during 2016-2017 is so gratefully acknowledged: Houlihan Lawrence; the Scarsdale Rotary Club; United Way of Westchester and Putnam; Christie-Spencer Corp., and Scarsdale Improvement Corp. In addition, we so appreciate our Salute Page sponsors - Advocate Brokerage Corp., Platinum Drive Realty; and Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. – who help us to promote our annual Scarsdale Bowl Dinner, which this year honored Bob and Kathy Steves for their extraordinary voluntary public service in the community.

There is much work that the Scarsdale Foundation quietly undertakes that may not be widely recognized. We administer some 20 funds that have been established for myriad purposes: educational assistance; community service; SHS awards; as well as the Scarsdale School Personnel and Family Assistance Fund. We also provide grants upon request to community organizations in need. This year we provided a $50,000 grant to the Scarsdale Public Library for its renovation project, as well as smaller grants to the Teen Center and Scarsdale Woman's Club. And in May we presented the Foundation's scholarship award to 2017 recipient Zoe Ewing at the High School Awards Ceremony

I feel fortunate to have worked with so many outstanding civic leaders on the Foundation board for the betterment of our community, and I want to extend special thanks to the 2016-2017 board for their dedicated and thoughtful participation: Evelyn Stock, Vice-President; Susie Rush, Treasurer; Randy Guggenheimer, Assistant Treasurer; Jane Veron, Secretary; David Karp; Seth Ross; Tom Giordano; and B.K. Munguia. You are the A Team in my book!

Thank you all for making Scarsdale the kind of place of which we can be proud!

Emily Sherwood
President, Scarsdale Foundation 2016-2017

LemonadeWith just a few days left to relax and enjoy summer break, Quaker Ridge girls decided to set up a lemonade stand to raise funds for Hurricane Harvey recovery. They raised close to $200 thanks to Scaradale's generous neighbors.

Pictured here: Ellie Mantzouris , Annie Mantzouris, Cammie Litofsky, Lexi Litofsky and Michelle Lerner.

SwimAcrossAmericaSwimmersOn July 29th, a group of Scarsdale High School swim team swimmers participated in the Swim Across America, in the Long Island Sound, to raise funds to fight cancer. The 3 Scarsdale swimmers were part of a group of 9 swimmers who raised $6356 for the organization, surpassing their original goal of $5000. Unfortunately the coast guard canceled the open water swim due to dangerous conditions, but the boys were happy to raise awareness and funds. They participated as "Team Wolverines," led by team captain Ryan Lee who will also be one of the swim team captains this coming year on the Scarsdale High School Varsity Swim Team. Ryan brought the team together, combining swimmers from his club team, the Westchester Aquatic Club Wolverines; his summer team, the Wykagyl Country Club; and his school team, Scarsdale High School.

Maggie in the gardenScarsdale High School teacher Maggie Favretti, founder and advisor of the international group "Students for Refugees," will be honored by the Sousa Mendes Foundation, an organization named for Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a rescuer of thousands of Holocaust refugees. The event — which will be a luncheon titled "A Toast to Freedom!" — will be held at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, New York, NY, on Sunday, October 29, 2017, from noon until 4 p.m.

Maggie Favretti is a believer in learning by doing, and has created a number of empowering courses, including Food Policy and Justice, and City 2.0. In 2016, she and a colleague in Germany designed an exchange with the purpose of studying the refugee crisis with a small group of students. The students created Students for Refugees, which now has 20+ chapters in Westchester and around the world, and which supports students in their efforts to help refugees, advocates for refugee youth, and directly assists in resettlement.

Other honorees at the event will be Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and psychologist and author Dr. Eva Fogelman. Congressman Nadler is a tireless advocate for contemporary refugees, and Dr. Fogelman is an authority on Holocaust history and the rescuer personality. She is the author of Conscience & Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust.

The Sousa Mendes Foundation, founded in 2010, is dedicated to perpetuating the memory of Aristides de Sousa Mendes as an example of compassion and moral courage. He rescued the lives of thousands of refugees in 1940 in Bordeaux, France, where he was stationed as the Consul General of Portugal. The Foundation is active worldwide, and its activities have been profiled in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Haaretz, The Forward, The Independent, and on National Public Radio.

For tickets and more information, please click here

forum survey imageThe Downtown Revitalization Committee of Scarsdale Forum has released a survey to solicit input from residents of both Scarsdale and the surrounding area. Anyone who visits Scarsdale is welcome to complete the survey. The results will be analyzed and shared widely with the public.

The Downtown Revitalization Committee was established last year and is comprised of 40 Forum Members and open to all Forum members who wish to join. The Committee has been actively meeting and engaging with local community groups and stakeholders relating to this important Village issue.

According to Susan Douglass, Chair of the Committee, "In order to understand the factors driving the downturn and future upturn in activity in Scarsdale Village, we are soliciting the opinion of consumers who shop in downtown Scarsdale Village." In the last two years, over 15 shops and restaurants have closed in downtown Scarsdale and while the subject of retail health has been a frequent topic of local, regional, and national media outlets, the Forum's survey seeks the input of those closest to Scarsdale.

The survey was designed after months of discussion with and input from the Downtown Revitalization Committee members. The survey seeks to solicit important information from local and nearby residents about their vision for the future of their "Village Center". Douglass added, "The survey asks questions about what brings consumers to Scarsdale, and what additional services they might want. We encourage local and nearby residents to take ownership in revitalizing the downtown by making their wishes known through this survey."

The survey may be accessed here:
The survey will close September 5th 2017.

For questions about the survey please contact Scarsdale Forum Downtown Revitalization Committee Chair Susan Douglass or the Forum at

Join Scarsdale Forum's Downtown Revitalization Committee here: