Sunday, Sep 29th

gradbag1In a small Barnard College classroom, a group of over thirty rising college freshmen sorted through lamps, sheets, towels, rugs, fans and hangers to stock their soon-to-be dorm rooms. The items had been collected by Grad Bag, a local organization that gathers dorm room items from recent college graduates to be distributed to incoming freshmen who may not have the means to buy them on their own.

For its inaugural event, Grad Bag partnered with Let’s Get Ready (LGR) and College Summit, college prep and mentorship programs based in Manhattan. The event was part of LGR’s first annual orientation for students who start college in the fall. At the end of the program, each student selected items from the Grad Bag collection. By day’s end, every single item had been distributed. “It was an incredibly successful program; it makes us confident that the model will succeed at colleges and universities around the country,” said founder Liz Gruber.

Grad Bag was founded by Tara Tyberg and Liz Gruber in 2012. When moving their children out of their college rooms, Tyberg and gradbag2Gruber realized that there were a lot of dorm room items college kids have no use for once they’ve graduated but are in fine workable condition. Over the last few months, the pair contacted their friends and neighbors—parents of recent college graduates—to gather items that would otherwise be thrown away.

The August event was the organization’s pilot program. Gruber and Tyberg hope to coordinate with colleges to place collection sites near senior student's living quarters where they can donate unwanted items that Grad Bag could then arrange to pick up, sort and redistribute.



TutoringThis article was contributed by Greenacres resident Linda Flaxer who is a part-time senior tutor at the Writing Center at WCC and assist students with their college and grad school essays and resumes privately: As a Writing Tutor at Westchester Community College, I have been inspired by so many students: One grew up in a small rural village in Ghana where her Grandmother was the local mid-wife. She is now on her way to becoming a neo-natal nurse and wants to eventually establish a non-profit organization to have a global impact on expectant mothers and their newborns. Another is completing her degree in Early Childhood Education. She plans to further advance her education and become a bi-lingual, Spanish-English speech therapist to children. A man whose life took him around some very difficult turns, is studying to become a Para-legal. In the future, his goal is to enter the seminary and become a Rabbi. These students juggle full time jobs, families and community commitments in addition to school. They are truly admirable.

I love this position. It is challenging and full of the unknown. I am called on to make a difference each time I come in to volunteer or work. I interact with students of all ages, nationalities, life stories and talents. I expand my knowledge base of History, Marketing, Psychology, Early Childhood Education and Art History, sometimes even Philosophy and Chemistry. I obtain renewed perspectives on some of my favorite authors, short stories, poems and plays, and become familiar with new ones. Whether I have been at the Writing Tutorial two or five hours, I leave having helped others and having made personal connections with people from all walks of life.

The writing center is busy, and we’re always looking for new volunteers. If you’re interested in becoming a tutor at the WCC Writing Tutorial for the Fall Semester, now is the right time to contact the volunteer office. To learn more about this and other volunteer opportunities, please go to the Westchester Community College website at , navigate to the “About Us” tab and drop down to “Volunteering.” Hope to see you on campus!


golfouting1More than 300 people, including sports celebrities, physicians, administrators and friends attended festivities surrounding the Third Annual Ahmad Rashad Golf Outing to benefit White Plains Hospital. The event kicked off with a reception at Restaurant 42 and was followed by the golf outing the next day at Quaker Ridge in Rye. The Hospital raised $300,000 throughout the event.

(Pictured at left: Event co-chair Robert Tucker of Scarsdale; White Plains Hospital President and CEO Jon B. Schandler; Ahmad Rashad; White Plains Hospital Chairman of the Board of Directors Mike Divney of White Plains; event co-chair Jonathan Spitalny of Scarsdale)

Event co-Chair Robert Tucker with his wife Andrea of Scarsdale
Pam Weber, Scarsdale and Dina Cohen, Rye Brook
Same Beran, Rick Weinstein, Jay Lupin and Robert Reiffel with baseball player David Justice
Jon B. Schandler, former baseball player Paul O'Neill, Kenneth Finger and Kaare Weber


petersauerHere is a letter from Mary Rogers Brennan, concerning Pete Sauer who recently passed away at the age of 35. As many of our readers have asked what they can do to help Sauer’s family, here are instructions on how to contribute to trusts that have been established to help his three young daughters. Dear Friends: As many of you know the Greenacres community lost a most beloved husband and father, Peter Sauer, 35, last Sunday due to heart complications while playing in a recreational basketball game in White Plains. Peter was a devoted father who dedicated every free opportunity to spending time with his and wife Amanda's remarkable daughters; Cate, (7), Charlotte, (6) and Cassandra, (4). Peter has passed along his magnetic spirit to these three young girls.

Nothing would make Peter more proud than to know that his friends in the community were to respond to such a tragedy by ensuring that his children are educated and well prepared for the future.

In response to the many people who have asked to help, a trust has been established for his children with the primary purpose to provide for their education.

Details are below for those who would like to contribute. In representing the cherish memory of Peter, the Sauer family, and the Swank family, I thank you deeply.
Mary Rogers Brennan

According to neighbor Diane Gurden, "Peter Sauer was a great guy. A wonderful husband to Amanda and a fabulous father to his 3 daughters. He was frequently seen at the pool with multiple children hanging off of him, or biking with his daughters. He was always on the bleachers while his daughters swam at practices and meets with Middies and the Scarsdale Swim Team. Peter and Amanda were about to move back to Pittsburgh, where both of their families were. This was a hard decision because they really felt that Scarsadale was a great place to raise a family."

Here is how to give:

Sauer Children Trusts

Three separate trusts have been established, one for the benefit of each child, the primary purpose of which will be to provide each child with the finest education possible, and to secure their futures. As the funds are received, they will be distributed in equal shares to each of the three trusts.

Wire Instructions
ABA 026009593
Bank of America, N.A.
100 West 33rd Street
New York, NY
(International Wires Add: Swift-BIC #BOFAUS3N)

1st Credit Merrill Lynch
Acct # 6550113516

Further Credit to:
Name: Sauer Children’s Trust LLC
Acct # 2BL-02049

Check Instructions

Checks should be made payable to the "Sauer Children's Trust LLC" and sent to:

Merrill Lynch
Attn: Gina Hernandez
540 West Madison Street, Suite 2020
Chicago, IL 60661

Please note account number “2BL-02049” in the memo section on the check.

Questions can be referred to:

Gina M. Hernandez
Senior Private Wealth AssociateVer Bockel / Raihle Group
Merrill Lynch Private Banking and Investment Group540
West Madison Street, Suite 2020
Chicago, IL 60661

W: 312.325.2639 | F: 866.304.3610

Please consult your own tax advisors; however, see below for a description of certain tax matters as provided by counsel to the trust.

The annual gift tax exclusion permits you, individually, to give tax free in each year the sum of $13,000 to any number of individuals. If you are married and your spouse consents to applying his or her annual exclusion amount to each gift, you can give the sum of $26,000 to any number of individuals. Since there are three different trusts, the annual gift tax exclusion permits you, individually, to give tax free in each year the sum of $39,000 to be shared equally by the three trusts. If you are married and your spouse consents to applying his or her annual exclusion amount to each gift, you can give the sum of $78,000 to be shared equally by the three trusts. Gifts to any one individual in excess of the annual exclusion amount may be sheltered from federal gift tax by the lifetime exemption. Again, we urge that you consult your individual advisers on these tax related matters.

Please note that all donations will be treated as gifts and not as charitable donations.

shsgrad12stretcherStifling temperatures and humidity caused six people to pass out at the Scarsdale High School graduation on Friday, June 22 – and another 15-20 to be treated for heat-related symptoms.

Fortunately, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps came prepared. Due to the weather forecast and reports of heat-related problems at a graduation in New Britain, CT earlier in the week, David Raizen, President of SCARVAC, put plans in place to deal with heat stroke. But even with his extensive preparations, firemen and police had to be brought in to assist when so many started to pass out.

After getting panicked calls for help, SCARVAC workers went into the stands with stretchers to remove those who were stricken. According to Raizen, it took four SCARVAC workers to lift each affected person – and once the numbers grew, he quickly realized that the 12 SCARVAC workers already on the scene would need more help. So, in addition to the ten EMT’s and two paramedics, eight firefighters and seven policemen came to the school including Chiefs Brogan and Cain.

The passed out guests were brought to two tents erected on the side of Dean Field and some were put into the ambulances that were also parked in the lot. These ambulances were air conditioned and worked as cooling stations. Those who could walk were placed under a sprinkler and drenched in cool water to restore their body temperatures. In total, six were unconscious including five older people and one young lady in her twenties. Two of the six were taken to the hospital but later released.

Raizen had come prepared with 100 pounds of ice, donated by Fenway Golf Club and 1,200 cups of water and Gatorade which were distributed to guests as they entered the field. He brought fans fitted above ice water that could cool down the overheated and stretchers to move those collapsed from heat stroke. He had pre-arranged with the Police and Fire Chief to send in reinforcements if more fell than his staff could handle – and fortunately emergency staff arrived quickly.

Though the chaos in the stands was not evident to those in front, guests who were in the bleachers saw other collapse and watched as they were taken away during the ceremony. Some complained that there was not sufficient seating and therefore many stood, exacerbating the risks.

Raizen, an EMT for 35 years, says lessons were learned from the experience. In the future, he plans to move the tents and ambulances right onto the field, and also thinks that it would be better to have graduation in the afternoon, when the entire field is in the shade.

Police Chief Brogan credits Raizen and his crew with “excellent planning.” He said they “anticipated the problem and took appropriate measures before it even arose.”

“When the problem began, they were ready for it and had all the pieces in place for a desirable resolution.”

shsgrad12emtent(Pictured at left: EMT's treat victims of heat stroke in tent at Dean Field)

See our coverage of graduation and a photo gallery of the ceremony here:
