Sunday, Sep 29th

SBNCAdminYou can help to maintain the excellent Scarsdale schools by becoming a candidate for the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee this year. The School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) is the group that identifies, proposes and nominates qualified candidates to run for the Scarsdale Board of Education. The SBNC includes 30 voting members representing each of the five elementary school neighborhoods. Each year ten new members are elected to serve a three-year term on the SBNC.

“The goal of the Administrative Committee of the SBNC is to present a solid slate of candidates for the SBNC election held on January 17, 2012,” said Michael Pollack and Nan Berke, Co-chairs of the SBNC Administrative Committee, the group that organizes the election. “Our charge is to present a full slate of candidates. That means for every open seat on the SBNC, we need two candidates. In all, this year we need 20 people from the community to run.“

To become a candidate, complete a biographical form and submit it, with a candidate petition with ten signatures, by November 21, 2011 to the SBNC Administrative Committee, P.O. Box H 172, Scarsdale, NY 10583. These forms can be downloaded from and are also available at the Scarsdale Library and Village Hall.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate or have questions, go to the SBNC’s website at . Also, feel free to contact the SBNC Administrative Committee Co-chairs: Nan Berke at or Michael Pollack at

Service on the SBNC is a good way to serve your community. Please become a candidate.

Pictured Above: Jyoti Ruta -Chair of the SBNC, Michael Pollack and Nan Berke, Co-chairs of the Administrative Committee of the SBNC.




hall2010grandprizeMake this Halloween more meaningful for your kids by participating in a charitable drive sponsored by the Scarsdale Police and P.B.A. Police are asking residents to take the money kids may have used to buy toilet paper, shaving cream and silly string and use it to purchase toiletries for victims of domestic abuse at My Sister’s Place in White Plains.

Scarsdale Police Chief John Brogan shared the thinking behind the effort with Scarsdale10583. He told us that after a particularly destructive Halloween in 2005, Scarsdale Police met with representatives from the schools to see how they could ensure kids safety in the future. They agreed to step up police presence on Halloween and take a zero tolerance policy toward those who exhibit disorderly conduct and unruly behavior. In addition, police went to the schools beforehand to talk to kids about the potential risks of destructive behavior on Halloween.

On a positive note, they also decided to organize a charitable drive to help My Sister’s Place and this tradition continues this year.

My Sister’s Place has requested the following:

  • Toiletries
  • New blankets for adults and children
  • New large towels for showers and baths
  • New or slightly used large and extra large duffel bags
  • New twin sheet sets
  • Blankets and comforters in bright colors
  • Packages of diapers in all sizes
  • Baby wipes
  • New or gently used children’s and infant clothing

These items can be dropped off from now until November 4th at the Scarsdale Police Trailer at Post and Fenimore Roads. Police expect to move into the new Public Safety Building in the next few weeks – so if the trailer is dark, please leave your items in the lobby of the new Public Safety Building, also at Post and Fenimore Roads.



scarsdalecrestCalling all Scarsdale residents: candidates are needed to run for the Citizen’s Nominating Committee, the group that selects nomminees for Scarsdale's Mayor and Village Trustees. The time commitment is manageable; you will have the opportunity to meet people from all neighborhoods in Scarsdale, and to make a large impact at the local level.

The Procedure Committee invites eligible Scarsdale Residents to run for election on November 15 to the Citizen’s Nominating Committee (CNC), the non-partisan group that chooses candidates for major Village offices. This is one of two venues for citizens to participate in the electoral process in Scarsdale (the other being the School Board Nominating Committee Election). Once elected, the 10 new members of the CNC will join 20 sitting CNC members in four or five meetings to propose and choose individuals to run in the Village election next March for three Trustee positions and Mayor. These candidates run under the banner of the Scarsdale Non-Partisan Party, and since they usually run unopposed, by choosing them the CNC effectively chooses the Village government.

CNC members are expected to attend all meetings, to serve for three years (10 of the 30 members retire and are replaced each year), and to serve on the Procedure Committee for one year after their retirement from the CNC. CNC meeting dates for 2011-2012 will be Dec 4, Jan 8, Jan 22, Jan 25 and if necessary Jan 29. Note with the exception of Jan 25 (Wed), all meeting dates are on Sundays and scheduled to minimally interfere with holiday and other commitments.

Eligible CNC candidates have to be registered voters and to have lived in Scarsdale for at least two years. In addition, CNC candidates cannot be currently on the School Board Nominating or Administrative Committees, the Board of Education, the Board of Trustees or the Procedure Committee.

Candidates run for one of two CNC positions in their elementary school district. A minimum of two candidates are needed per position, 4 candidates per school district and a minimum total of 20 candidates to run for 10 CNC positions this year.

To run, candidates must file a nominating petition with 10 signatures of registered voters from their elementary school district, as well as a short biographical sketch. Forms for both are available as downloads from the Procedure committee website . They may also be obtained at the Scarsdale Library, Village Hall, from the Chair of the Procedure Committee (Michelle Lichtenberg,, 725-6545) or the Vice Chair (David Brodsky, , 725-8437).

The deadline for filing both forms is Sept 30; after this date, candidates for any school district will only be accepted if there are fewer than two candidates per open position for that district. The nominating petitions must be filed as hardcopy with original signatures, while the biographical sketches must be filed as MS Word or text files, preferably as email attachments.



library601On Sunday September 25, Scarsdale celebrated the library’s 60th birthday with games, stories and fun for their youngest readers – while the Chamber of Commerce welcomed newcomers at an event at the Scarsdale Women’s Club. Young children and their parents were on hand in the Scott Room of the library to make birthday cards for the library, do spin art and enjoy story time, balloons, hula hoops and cupcakes to mark the Scarsdale Library’s 60th.

At the Scarsdale Women’s Club on Drake Road, the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce, lead by Lewis Arlt and Carolyn Stevens hosted a fair to inform newcomers about all that Scarsdale has to offer.

There was a good turnout from Village businesses, civic and school organizations, all there to inform and share. Among the groups Library602represented were the Scarsdale Forum, Maroon and White, League of Women Voters and the New Choral Society. All the major realtors were represented as well as host of other enterprises including Great Play of Scarsdale, Lifetime Events by Jacqueline, La Dentelliere, Green Design Expo, Country Bank, HSBC, ServPro of Scarsdale, Korth and Shannahan and more.

Everyone enjoyed a free barbequed lunch from Lange’s Deli of Scarsdale. Learn more about the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce and what they have to offer here:



rabbikleinFriends and sympathizers gathered at Scarsdale Synagogue/Tremont Temple Sunday morning September 18 to embark on a walk/run for Lauren Spierer, the Edgemont residents missing since June at Indiana University.

The event was organized by Michelle Gordon, a family friend, to raise funds for the continued search for Lauren and to maintain community awareness of the family’s plight. Participants were asked to make a donation and were each given a blue t-shirt and a blue ribbon to wear on the parkway. The blue was chosen to recall Lauren’s blue eyes. Rabbi Stephen Klein and Cantor Shanin Becker lead a brief service before the group embarked on the walk/ride. The Rabbi asked the group to keep Lauren in their hearts and in their prayers as the search continues. He told the group that a concert called “Shining the Light on Truth and Honesty” will be held in Indiana on Wednesday as part of the effort to get those who know to come forward with the facts surrounding Lauren’s disappearance. In the spirit of Sukkoth, he wished the Spierer family, who are congregants at SSTT, a sense of wholeness and completion.


