Sunday, Jun 30th

WomansClubAssemblywoman Amy Paulin hosted an informative free program at the Scarsdale Woman's Club last week with information about free help available for navigating Medicare. The program was open to the community and many many people came to get informed.

localartFor this holiday season a wonderful gift-giving array of fine art is offered at the Betty Taubert Girl Scout House right here in Scarsdale on Wayside Lane. The walls of the Jeannette Leahy Gallery are covered with a selection of framed art at prices to suit everyone’s taste and pocketbook. At the same time, this is also an opportunity to support the Girl Scouts. Currently the Scarsdale Art Association is helping the local Girl Scout Service Unit (Scarsdale Edgemont Girl Scouts) continue to raise funds specifically for the house’s upkeep, offering to donate from 25% to 100% of all sales to the Girl Scouts.

Pictured above: Painting by Patricia Meller

McBathSarah Bell, Lucy McBath and Diane Greenwald at the Scarsdale Forum.The Scarsdale Forum hosted US Congresswoman Lucy McBath from Georgia on Sunday, November 12. Scarsdale’s Diane Greenwald engaged in a dynamic concerning many of the issues plaguing our nation.

Dr Belinda Miles George Latimer Ruth Suzman Elyse Klayman Dave Berry

(Pictured Above) SUNY Westchester Community College President Dr. Belinda S. Miles, County Executive and Public Service Honoree George Latimer, with Scarsdale residents and WCC Foundation Board Members Ruth Suzman, Elyse Klayman and Dave Berry; Mr. Berry received the “Viking Voyager” Alumni Award.

Westchester Community College Foundation’s first annual Transforming Futures Together Gala, emceed by acclaimed actress and singer Vanessa Williams, was held on November 8, 2023, at Tappan Hill in Tarrytown, NY. The sold-out event recognized the launch of the 10th anniversary year of Dr. Belinda S. Miles as President of SUNY Westchester Community College and honored five community leaders, County Executive George Latimer (Public Service Award), Sinforosa “Rose” Tan Kaung and William H.P. Kaung (Community Leadership), Dorry Swope (Philanthropy), and Scarsdale resident David Berry (“Viking Voyager” Alumni Award).


PaulinIsraelAssemblywoman Amy Paulin travelled to Israel this past week with George Latimer and other Westchester elected officials to express solidarity with Israel in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack and advocate for the release of the hostages.

“The trip was incredibly serious and devastatingly sad. That being said I was so glad to be there and stand in solidarity with the Israeli people,” said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin. “After Israel, New York has one of the largest Jewish populations in the world. My district and Scarsdale in particular have a large Jewish population, and I myself am Jewish. This is the time for all of us, Jewish or not, to raise our voices against antisemitism and hatred. It’s also the time for us to make sure the horrific atrocities that have occurred are accurately documented. We already see people trying to rewrite recent history, just as happened after the Holocaust, which is so upsetting. In Israel I was able to meet with survivors, first responders, IDF members and others to receive firsthand accounts of what happened. In addition to murder they described the rape and sexual mutilation of women of all ages. Hamas is denying they carried out any sexual violence during their attacks and there is proof that this is false. It’s crushing but we must bear witness even if it is painful. After hearing what I have heard, and seeing what I have seen, it is hard to not believe Israel is engaging in anything but a just war of self-defense. And there are still hostages being held, now two months later. We must bring them home and hold the terrorists that have taken them accountable.”

(Pictured at Top)

Front Row:
Westchester County Legislator Margaret Cunzio, Greenburgh Town Council Ellen Hendricks, NYS Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Israeli President Isaac Herzog, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Westchester County Legislator Vedat Gashi, Westchester County Legislator Tyrae Woodson-Samuels

Top Row:
White Plains City Council Member Justin Brasch, UJA-Federation of New York Senior Community Mobilizer Tali Strom, Westchester Jewish Council President William Schrag, Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Westchester County Legislator and New Rochelle Mayor-Elect Yadira Ramos-Herbert

Photo Credit: Office of Amy Paulin

BellaandLarryThat was the theme of the wedding of Bella Dalton and Lawrence G. Smith, both 74 years old, who were married at Scarsdale Golf Club on October 21, 2023.

Bella, who lived in Edgemont for forty years, was introduced to Larry by a mutual friend at Fox Meadow Tennis Club, where Dalton is an avid tennis and paddle player. They had both lost their long-term spouses six years ago and neither expected to find another partner at this stage of life.

But they were both surprised to find out that’s it is never too late to start again, and even re-marry.

Larry has four sons and eight grandchildren and his oldest son, Dr. Kristofer Smith, officiated at the wedding, surrounded by their families. Bella’s brother Adik Stalhamer and her stepdaughter Amanda Dalton were by her side. The family, on both sides, was delighted.

Each invited one person from every stage of their lives. Bella, who spent her early years in Russia, invited a friend with whom she played in the sandbox. Larry had one friend from high school, one from medical school, a friend from residency, a colleague from his medical practice and one from each decade thereafter. Also in attendance were members of his former wife’s family, including her father, who is now 94 years old.

Larry is a physician who practiced medicine for many years and was the senior administrator of Northwell Health and the Founding Dean of the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. Ceremony

The two are members of both Fox Meadow Tennis Club and Scarsdale Golf Club, where they are enjoying the course. They live in Hastings on Hudson and spend their time walking and hiking, eating good meals, visiting family and babysitting for their many grandchildren.

Nanette Koryn, a Fox Meadow Tennis Club friend and a baker, created a themed wedding cake for the occasion. It shows Dalton holding an antique clock, as she is a collector, and Smith dressed as a doctor.

They are planning a honeymoon in January to Australia and New Zealand with some close friends.



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