Sunday, Mar 09th

Your Letters: In Support of Jeremy Gans and Jeremy Wise for Village Trustee

(This letter was written by Jeffrey Watiker)JeremyGans2024

Dear Editor,

I write in unconditional support of Jeremy Gans for re-election as Village Trustee. Given the commitment of time and energy required to serve on the Board of Trustees, I am appreciative of anyone willing to serve, especially for a second term. However, even among the talented persons who have served as Trustees, both currently and in the past, Jeremy truly stands out.

I was privileged to work closely with Jeremy for several years on the Scarsdale Board of Zoning Appeals and since that time I have continued to work closely with him in his capacity as the assigned Trustee liaison to the Village land use boards. He is hard-working, dedicated, a very good listener and a fast learner. He is detail oriented and yet also able to grasp the big picture. He is both a team player and a person will exercise independent judgment when the circumstances warrant. If re-elected, I have every confidence his presence on the Board will help assure that our Village government continues to operate efficiently and fairly.

Accordingly, I strongly encourage all Scarsdale residents to join me in voting for Jeremy on March 19th.

Jeffrey Watiker
8 Wynmor Road

(This letter was written by William and Cynthia Roberts)

To the Editor: Jeremy Wise, Candidate for Scarsdale Village Trustee

JeremyWiseWe are writing in enthusiastic support of Jeremy Wise for Village of Scarsdale Trustee.

I have known Jeremy since our shared childhood in New Rochelle, NY. Longtime residents of Scarsdale, Jeremy and his wife Randi Wise, have lived here for 33 years.

My wife, Cynthia, and I have lived in Scarsdale for 24 years and have followed many municipal issues closely. This has provided a picture of the myriad challenges that can face our Village Board. We have never been as excited about a potential Trustee as we are now.

Jeremy brings an unusually rich experience to the table as a potential Trustee.

After graduating from Columbia University and Boston College Law School, Jeremy has spent most of his more than 40-year career in public service. He just retired from his most recent role, having served for 23 years as General Counsel to a state appointed board responsible for overseeing the finances of Nassau County, NY.

In that role, he gained an intimate understanding of the intricacies of running a municipality. He worked closely with the state appointed board on labor relations, contracts, budgets, and multi-year financial plans. Jeremy was also responsible for compliance with regulations addressing such areas as personnel, ethics and access to public information.

Jeremy worked collaboratively with the elected officials and staff of a large municipality to ensure that the residents of Nassau County were well-served in a fiscally responsible manner.

These experiences make him particularly well suited to the responsibilities of Trustee in Scarsdale. He would work in a collaborative manner with the Mayor and other Trustees, as well as with the Village Manager and other full time staff of Scarsdale.

On a personal note Jeremy is an avid gardener, and he and his wife are dedicated hikers and swimmers who use the local facilities several times per week year-round. His energy is seemingly endless.

He has a gracious manner and a warm sense of humor. He and his wife, Randi, enjoyed raising their two children in Scarsdale and are now happily involved grandparents.

With his work experience and these personal qualities, Jeremy’s energy, wisdom and collaborative nature would make him an ideal Trustee to represent the interests and welfare of the residents of Scarsdale.

William and Cynthia Roberts
15 Autenrieth Road