Sunday, Mar 09th

An Owl, Illicit Conduct and An Arrest from the Scarsdale Police

owl.jpgWho’s Home? A Brite Avenue resident called police on the afternoon of 11/29 to report that a large bird was flying around inside her house. Police arrived and found a big owl in the living room. They opened the front door and were able to force the owl to fly out.

Inappropriate Conduct: The father of a 15 year-old girl returned to his house at 1:30 pm on the afternoon of 12/1 and found that his daughter was engaged in inappropriate conduct with a 19 year-old Raymond Ortiz of Yonkers. The girl had failed to go to school. Ortiz was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child and released to his parents on $250 pail, pending a court date.

A 30 year-old woman reported an unsettling incident that occurred at 4:44 am on December 5th. The woman was walking toward her car that was parked on Depot Place when she saw a black sedan drive around the circle toward her. The car drove past her and then stopped. The woman got into her car and as she was backing out of the parking space, a man got out of the car and walked toward her. He rolled up a magazine or newspaper that was in his hand, stuck his hand in his pants and made sexually explicit expressions with his mouth and tongue. The woman drove away and could see the man standing in the street behind her. She described the suspect as a white male in his fifties wearing an insulated winter hat with earflaps. She had never seen him before.

Arrested: A Crawford Lane woman charged her 25 year-old daughter with driving the mother’s 2010 Honda Civic without permission on the evening of December 1. The daughter, Alexandra Lascher did not have the authority to use the car. Her mother was in White Plains hospital at the time and asked police to take charge. Lascher reappeared with the car on 12/2 and was arrested for unauthorized use of a car. On December 4, when Mrs. Lascher was released from the hospital she asked police to help her move her daughter out of the house.

Accidents: At 1 pm on 12/3 Alfreda Bendet, age 87 of Mohegan Road in Larchmont was driving with her adult daughter in the car. Bendet was turning from Grand Park onto Griffen Road when she lost consciousness. Her daughter quickly shut off the car and took her mother’s foot off the accelerator. The car rolled backwards into a stone wall at 2 Grand Park Avenue. Ms. Bendet was transported to the hospital and her condition is unknown.

An 81 year-old Crawford Lane driver rear-ended another car on Mamaroneck Road on the morning of 11/29, causing the second car to end up on the grass. A witness saw the elderly driver strike a curb, hit the second car and then go up and over another curb. When questioned by police, the 81 year-old man had no recollection of the accident. Police have asked the DMV to review the driver’s capabilities.

A passing car grazed a Garth Road man, who was crossing the street on the night of 11/29. The man’s hand was cut and the car did not stop.

A Lockwood Road man was driving on the Post Road near Sprague Road on the night of 12/1when he hit a big pothole. A tire and rim of the wheel were damaged and an airbag was deployed. A utility company had recently dug up the road.

Asleep at the wheel: A tired deliveryman was found asleep at the wheel of his 2001 Nissan Pathfinder at the intersection of Mamaroneck Road and Post Road at 3:56 am on 12/1. Police woke him up and the driver explained that he was making deliveries to nursing homes in the area and fell asleep while stopped at the traffic light.

Death: Lloyd Marmon, age 78 of 40 Fenimore Road passed away overnight 11/30-12/1. His son Judd found him on the morning of 12/1 when he arrived to take his father to a doctor’s appointment. Mr. Marmon had been ill.

Disputes: A Mamaroneck Road man called police to complain that he was being harassed about a payment from Adam Levine of Hardwood Flooring, Inc., who had sold the Scarsdale man wood flooring. Police intervened and Levine agreed to deal directly with American Express and refrain from bothering the customer in Scarsdale.

A contractor and an architect, both hired to work on a Heathcote Road home, were feuding over the job schedule on 12/1. The architect threatened to “kill” the contractor, pushed him in the chest and left the meeting abruptly. The architect reported a different story and charged the contractor with being extremely argumentative and raising his fist at the engineer. The architect agreed to refrain from any future contact with the contractor.

Found: Forged $50 bills were found printed on sheets of paper on the sidewalk of Popham Road near Lockwood Road on 11/29. The forged bills included serial numbers. Police turned over the forged bills to an agent of the U.S. Secret Service.

A cosmetics bag containing keys, credit cards and a license was found on Boniface Circle on the afternoon of 12/2. Police tried to contact the Yonkers woman who owns the bag but were unable to reach her.

Thefts: A Sprague Road man reported that his Dahon collapsible bike, valued at $600 had been stolen from a bike rack on East Parkway where he locked it on the morning November 22. When he returned in the evening, the bike and the lock were gone.

A Southwoods Lane man reported that someone had accessed his Yahoo email account and sent emails to all of his contacts asking them to send money. The hacker then erased all of the man’s email addresses and changed the reply email. The incident occurred between 12/2 and 12/4.

Locked in: A six year-old Gaylor Road girl locked herself into the bathroom at five pm on 12/3. The child was able to unlock the door herself to get out.

Wind Damage: During the windstorm on the afternoon of 12/1, trees and wires were down around town:

  • Two large trees fell in the road way and blocked traffic. One tree was at the corner of Foxhall and Palmer and the other fell down across Black Birch Lane.
  • There was a transformer fire at the intersection of Burgess and Post Roads that inactivated the traffic light. Police closed Post Road and called the Fire Department.
  • A large portion of a tree fell on the room of a Fayette Road home, bringing the power line with it.