Sunday, Mar 09th

A Community Garden is Planted in Greenacres

elmroadkidsResidents of Elm Road gathered on Saturday May 21 to plant a traffic island at the end of their street with beautiful perennials purchased by the Greenacres Association. Planning for the project began in 2010 when the Greenacres Neighborhood Association agreed to design one new traffic island a year. They started with a large plot at the intersection of Greenacres Avenue and Colvin Road and replanted that area with help from the Village of Scarsdale and the Friends of the Scarsdale Parks.

This year, local landscape designer Anita Aaronoff of Heathcote agreed to provide a plan for the island which was overgrown with weeds. She measured the space, did a light analysis and recommended a plan incorporating perennials that could survive with little sun light as the area is heavily shaded.

Her plan included coral bells, astilbe, ajuga, bleeding hears, hosta and lariope – selected for their variety of foliage, color tones and seasonal elmroad1blooms. The neighboring residents were very enthused about the project and also provided input.

Greenacres Neighborhood Association President Deborah Pekarek wrote a proposal that was sent to Eric Gerringer at Village Hall. He approved it as it permitted access to the fire hydrant and manhole on the island and used plants that would not exceed the maximum height requirements to allow for visibility for drivers and pedestrians. The Village highway department cleared the island and turned over the soil in preparation for the installation of the garden.

Using funds from the association, Aaronff, Joanne Wallenstein and Deb Pekarek purchased the plants and neighbors showed up with their shovels and a roto-tiller to lend a hand.

elmroad3The result is an attractive circular garden that is a vast improvement on the previous island. Neighbors agreed to water the plants until they are established and to weed and tend the garden. Drive up Elm Road – off Fenimore Road -- to take a look at their work.

Thanks to the Caione, Carroll, Hurshman, Finegold, Hosseinbukas, Suzman and Surin families for their hard work and enthusiasm for the new garden. Photos courtesy of Stephanie Carroll and Deb Pekarek.


