Sunday, Mar 09th

This Week In Scarsdale: Five Corners, Pirro, the Wall and More

trustees4-2-12_copyIf you were out of town or out of commission this week, here’s what happened in Scarsdale: Recently elected Scarsdale Trustees were sworn in at Village Hall on Monday April 2. Kay Eisenman and Jon Mark will serve their second two-year terms on the Board, while David Lee will join the Board for his first term. Justice John Galloway (not shown) was also sworn in for another 4 years of service to Scarsdale. (photo credit: B.K. Munguia)

At the Heathcote Five Corners construction continues next to Balduccis, where SuperSol will move into an 11,000 square foot superstore with two levels of underground parking. Of more interest are events at Massa across the street.  Al Pirro, the former husband of former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro now denies punching a waiter in a drunken brawl at the restaurant on the weekend of March 26. The fight began over a missing cellphone. Though the management of Massa had no comment for massaspring2012Scarsdale10583 on the fight, we hear the food is delicious and you should pay them a visit.

Next door, in the Massa parking lot, developer Frederick Fish continues to move forward with a plan to build luxury condominiums. The Village agreed to sell Fish a small strip of land that is now the driveway to the parking lot to incorporate into the project, provided that he did not request any variances to build the project. However, a new survey of the property revealed unexpected site conditions and Fish is now asking for parking and setback variances. The Heathcote Five Corners Coalition, accused the developer of “bait and switch” tactics and called for the Board to deny the sale of the village land to the developer now that the conditions of the term sheet have not been met.

heathcotemanor4-12And further down Weaver Street, progress is oh-so-slow on the construction of Heathcote Manor. In 2011, trees were cleared and a long concrete retaining wall went up. After calls from residents, the wall was faced with stone and some landscaping was done. Recently three stone columns appeared at the entrance. However, to date there are no signs of the nine home development that is slated for the property. Planning for the development has been in the works for 20 years. Developer Ron Paisner of Pais Built Homes promises an update to Scarsdale10583 in two weeks.

At the high school, we spotted sisters Talia, age 4 and Gabriella, age 7, enjoying some sunshine and selling lemonade at the high school track on Wednesday April 4th during a high school lacrosse game. Adorable.lemonade4-3_copy

And last, Scarsdale is awash in magnolias, cherry blossoms, forsythia and daffodils. See this beautiful display.
