Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Village Board Forms Committees to Address Emergency Response

stormworkmenThis just in from Village Hall: In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the Village Board and administration are undertaking a review of the ways in which the response to a major storm and resulting damage might be improved in future emergency events.

The Village Board is working on this study as a committee of the whole board, chaired by Mayor Flisser. The study is divided into several fact-finding areas, each of which is being coordinated by several trustees. Trustees Bob Steves and David Lee are addressing issues related to the personal safety and well-being of the residents. Trustees Stacey Brodsky, Bob Harrison and Bob Steves are considering communication issues. The role of the public utilities is being examined by Trustees Kay Eisenman and Jon Mark. Mr. Mark and Mr. Harrison are also looking at the question of burying utility lines, and Ms. Eisenman and Ms. Brodsky are examining whether modifications to existing Village tree laws and policies could mitigate future storm damage.

This fact-finding includes a number of steps in which the input of residents has been and will be very valuable. For example, at the request of the Village Board, the Advisory Council on Technology has already met to consider recommendations for building in communication and website redundancy that would protect against major communication failures in the future. The Technology Council's report was then presented to the Village Board and discussed at a public meeting at Village Hall on Monday, December 3. The Planning Board has met and made recommendations to amend the local law governing the installation of permanent emergency generators, easing setback requirements, yard placement and noise level requirements. The Law Committee of the Village Board will consider those recommendations at a public meeting in Village Hall on Wednesday, December 12, at 6:55 p.m. At the Village Board meeting on November 27, Scarsdale Police Chief John Brogan reported on the police department's response during and after Hurricane Sandy, and at the Village Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, Scarsdale Fire Chief Thomas Cain will make a similar report with respect to the fire department's emergency response. Other Village department heads will report on their storm-related work at upcoming board meetings.

The trustees are also working with other boards, councils and neighborhood organizations for their insights into storm-related issues. All of these meetings are open to the public. In addition to these meetings, any resident who wishes to share suggestions about how to improve the response to emergencies may also contact the mayor or any of the trustees individually.

Once the fact-finding is complete, the Village Board will convene public meetings to consider what changes should be adopted going forward. These meetings will be an additional opportunity for residents to share their recommendations.

Respectfully submitted,

Mayor Miriam Levitt Flisser
Robert J. Steves, Deputy Mayor
Kay Eisenman, Trustee
Jonathan I. Mark, Trustee
Stacey Brodsky, Trustee
Robert H. Harrison, Trustee
David S. Lee, Trustee