Sunday, Mar 09th

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to Speak In Scarsdale on Thursday

thomasdinapoliNew York State Comptroller, Thomas Di Napoli, will speak at 11:45 Thursday morning at the luncheon following the League of Women Voters of Westchester Annual Convention at the Scarsdale Woman's Club, 37 Drake Road, Scarsdale, NY. There will be a Q&A from the floor after his presentation.

Comptroller DiNapoli has been in office since 2007, has reorganized the Office of the Comptroller, and has pushed for increased transparency and financial accountability, through exercising his office's responsibility for auditing the operations of all state and local government agencies, reviewing New York state and city budgets, approving state contracts and administering the state's payroll and central accounting system.

The Comptroller is also the sole trustee of the State pension fund, safeguarding the interests of over one million members, retirees and beneficiaries.

The League invites all community members to attend. There will also be a presentation from Diana Kasdan, Counsel to the Democracy Project of the Brennan Center for Justice at approximately 1pm.

Luncheon tickets are $40 and may be purchased at the door of the Scarsdale Woman's Club.