Sunday, Mar 09th

Backyard Sports Cares Hosts Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament to Raise Funds for Special Needs and Underserved Children

msgvolunteers2014 2Backyard Sports Cares (, a Westchester-based non-profit that provides quality team sports programs for both underserved and special needs children hosted its second annual Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament to raise critical funds for their expanding programs. More than 150 players, some invited from the underserved areas through local sponsorships, provided a unique community building experience. Held on Saturday March 29, 2014 at the MSG Training Center in Tarrytown, the event featured retired Knicks legends Larry Johnson and John Starks and the Knicks City Dancers who were on-hand to support the 35 teams and the Backyard Sports Cares special needs All Star players. BYS All Stars were assisted in their half-time scrimmage by local high school peer mentor volunteers, highlighting BYSC unique teaching methodology and our commitment to volunteerism and a greater understanding of differences in our community.msgscarsfamily2014

"The event was a huge success because of the dedication of the Backyard Sports Cares coaches, mentors, athletes and tournament participants," said Backyard Sports Cares Founder Danny Bernstein. "It drives home our core belief that sports participation should be available to all kids, regardless of economic or ability level."

Three-on-three tournament winners included Tommie Copper of Mt. Kisco, Moore Lob City and Triboro Connection representing WestHab. Lead sponsors included AQR Capital Management, Houlihan Lawrence, Massey Knakal Realty, Modells and Wilson and Son Jewelers.

About Backyard Sport Cares:
Backyard Sports Cares (BYSC) is the non-profit (501c3) division of Backyard Sports, the leading provider of community team sports programs for kids of all ages in Westchester County. To date, over 4,000 children have benefited from BYSC programs including many in Mamaroneck, Mt. Vernon, White Plains, Port Chester, Yonkers and neighborhoods in New Rochelle. Established in 2005, Backyard Sports is committed to replacing the win at all costs mentality of youth sports with an approach that promotes increased self confidence and a lifetime love of sports while maximizing the athletic potential of each participant. Backyard Sports Cares was created to bring these ideals to children who have limited access to traditional youth sports programs, including children with special needs. Please visit our website, or call 914-304-4052.