Sunday, Mar 09th

The Epilepsy Foundation: Stronger Together

epilepsywalk1On Saturday, May 3, the Scarsdale High School Epilepsy Foundation Club held a walk and bake sale at the high school track. The afternoon skies were clear, and there was a nice turnout of people who really wanted baked goods ­ especially the high school juniors who wanted to satisfy their hunger after the grueling SAT!

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures. The Epilepsy Foundation is very underfunded, but is quickly gaining increased popularity as more and more people are raising awareness about epilepsy. The Epilepsy Foundation Club is a relatively new club at Scarsdale High School; it was started in the spring of 2013 by now­Scarsdale High School juniors Megan Shelton and Ariel Tzamarot. The two of them know numerous people whose lives are affected by epilepsy, and they founded the club in hopes of making a difference for their loved ones. The SHS Epilepsy Foundation Club works directly with the Epilepsy Foundation of Metropolitan New York.
The club, like many others at Scarsdale High School, primarily raises money and awareness through selling baked goods and bracelets. Earlier this year, numerous club members participated in the second annual Into the Light Walk for Epilepsy at Hudson River Park in New York City, held by the Epilepsy Foundation of Metropolitan New York. The walk was three and a half miles, with numerous checkpoints along the way and lots of encouragement from the Metropolitan branch members. While at the walk, the SHS club members received T-­shirts, pamphlets discussing how to live with epilepsy and how to help those that are living with epilepsy, and ultimately just had a fantastic day.

The walk that the SHS Epilepsy Foundation Club held today lasted from 12 to 4:30. Members sold pizza and numerous baked goods including Ghirardelli chocolate chip cookies and spring­themed cupcakes. Many people came out to walk, but even more people came to eat the pizza and baked goods, which are documented to have been "insanely delicious".       

Just as the club was getting ready to change their location to the village, they were met with an extremely generous donation from the Siegel family. Later in the village, the club learned that
while many people do not want to buy baked goods after eating ice cream, people are always willing to donate. With the generous mentality and empty stomachs of people in Scarsdale, the Scarsdale High School Epilepsy Foundation Club raised $332.66.

If anyone has any questions regarding epilepsy, how to get involved in raising epilepsy awareness or would like to make a donation, please contact Megan Shelton at or Ariel Tzamarot at
