Sunday, Mar 09th

Residents Make a Case for a New School

c1aerialviewPrior to the administration's recommendation to table the conversation on the Greenacres School, concerned community members attended a meeting of the Greenacres Neighborhood Association (GNA) on September 7th to state their case for a new school on the Greenacres Field (Option C1) – instead of a renovation to the existing building (Option B1). Advocates to preserve the field and renovate the existing building had approached the neighborhood board at a prior meeting, so Andrew Sereysky, GNA President invited advocates for a new school to present their views. Though the neighborhood association has decided not to take a position on this issue, members did want to be informed.

Three fathers of young children addressed the board, presenting why they believed the revised plan for the new school at the rear of the field answered opponents concerns and would better serve children now and for the next 100 years. John Krisberg, Gabriel Streche and David Schwartz offered the perspective of young parents who said a new school was "not just for this generation but for generations to come." They applauded the district for coming up with a compromise plan for a new school that would save the lion's share of the field and the blacktop and meet the needs of the students.

In a measured and unemotional presentation they contended that the plan for a new school, built on the present field, parallel to Brewster Road would do the following:

First and foremost, the new school would meet model program requirements and provide ample classroom space for children of all grades. The model program calls for 950 square feet for kindergarten classroom and 850 for grades one through five.
All classrooms in the new school would meet this mandate. If the district chose to renovate the existing school, plans call for the K-2 classrooms to remain as is, and all are smaller. In fact, this past year, in one classroom, kids sat on the floor rather than at desks, so that there would be enough space in the room for class activities. For the current school year, an additional child moved in to Scarsdale after the deadline, and there is a second grade class with 23 students in a 611 square foot classroom.

The new school would have a spacious cafeteria, a kitchen, music rooms, a maker space and an additional multipurpose room as well as an additional classroom. Though space in the existing school has been repurposed to meet student needs, the cafeteria is inadequate, and three lunch periods are required.

Architects have proposed geothermal heating and cooling for the new school, which they estimate would pay for itself in energy cost savings over 10-15 years. In the renovation plan (B1), $8.5 million would be spent to install a non-energy recovery HVAC system in the basement of the school, an area that is damp and has been a cause for concern. The original renovation plans called for an energy recovery HVAC system on the roof, but that was shelved to save money. In addition, the first phase of the renovation plan does not include some future infrastructure needs for the existing building such as a new room and windows that will have to be replaced down the road.

On the exterior, proponents for the new school argue that the C1 plan will:

• Save the preponderance of the existing green space
• Provide play areas adjacent to the school, eliminating the need for children to cross the street to play
• Provide bathrooms adjacent to the playground
• Offer additional parking spaces

Last, these parents felt there was less risk to children to build a new school than renovate the existing building with the children inside. Architects estimate it would take 1.5 to 2 years to build a new school. During that time, the children would stay in the old school with limited use of trailers when necessary. Some parents have raised concerns about lead paint, dust, asbestos, construction noise and safety and believe it would be best to keep the children out of the school during a renovation which is estimated to take three years.

In terms of cost, proponents for the new school believe that in the long run it will be more efficient to spend $53 million now, rather than $41 million to repair and maintain a one hundred year-old building. Furthermore the district would finance a new building over 30 years, while limiting financing for a renovation to 15 years to coincide with the useful life of the renovated facility.

They have launched a website that you can view here

Though they made a persuasive case for their view, strong opposition to knocking down the existing Greenacres school remains. The Scarsdale School Board has heard strong arguments from those who wish to maintain neighborhood character, preserve Scarsdale's first school, maintain the field and the blacktop and keep the large baseball diamond. Those who live around or near the field argue that their needs as residents should be considered. Furthermore, they contend that parents' fears about safety during construction are unfounded, citing other projects that have been undertaken while the children remained in school.

A recent email circulated by the Committee to Save Greenacres, urged residents to send emails to the Board of Education prior to their first meeting of the year on September 12. They argue that:

• It will cost "tens of millions" less to renovate rather than construct a new building.

• Preservation and renovation is best and will allow the Board to fund other district needs.

• A safe renovation can be achieved and the model program requirements can be met.

• The renovation will be undertaken with vigilance according to strict state code and the highest standards of safety and environmental abatement.

• Residents will have the ability to use the field during the renovation.

• The full Greenacres field and the baseball diamond will be preserved along with the character of the neighborhood.

Last, they urge supporters to tell the Board that they will not vote in favor of a bond that funds a new school.

Learn more about their campaign here

Due to opposing views from residents and financial constraints, the administration later recommended that the issue be tabled. In a memorandum in the agenda for the September 12th meeting, Superintendent Hagerman and Assistant Superintendent Stuary Mattey discuss the need for a district-wide master plan, high bids for already approved capital projects and a polarized community as reasons to hold off on making a decision about Greenacres.

However, delaying a decision could possibly cause more discord, as Greenacres residents were long ago promised that the aging school would be upgraded or replaced. With no solution on the horizon, real estate prices in Greenacres may be affected by continuing uncertainty about the fate of the school. If and when the next bond comes to a vote without a solution for the school, it could meet opposition from Greenacres' residents who believe their school is substandard and they are not getting their fair share from the district.

The issue is anything but settled. Watch or attend upcoming school board meetings and read to stay informed.