Sunday, Mar 09th

Nine Days and Counting: Restoration Continues and Village Announces Free Debris Drop-Off at the Recycling Center

canadiansWith the storm more than a week behind us, it looks like Scarsdale is finally on the road to recovery. Crews from as far away as Canada and Texas descended on the "Dale and are making a big impact. As of Saturday morning the Con Edison Outage Map shows 297 outages, down steeply from the 600+ reported on Friday.

In Greenacres, two large outages, one on Greenacres Avenue and an even larger one on Walworth were repaired on Friday, lighting up many homes that were dark for over a week. Though the power is on, on Walworth, large trees are still lying on the lines. Perhaps the crews strung new wire around the damage? We're not sure.

These crews are supposed to continue to work through the weekend and the new restoration deadline appears to be Sunday night at 11 pm.

Streets looks better too – though there is debris throughout, Village Crews have done an excellent job with the clean up and in some places you almost wouldn't know what happened last week.

Debris: The Village issued the following notice about free debris removal:

Storm-Related Debris on Private Property

To facilitate the removal of storm-related wood debris from private property, the Village is authorizing free disposal of such debris from Scarsdale residential properties, subject to certain conditions related below.

Importantly, no large logs or branches (those exceeding four feet in length), stumps, soil, metal, or other non-wood materials or objects will be accepted. Any load containing prohibited materials or objects may assessed a fee of $125/ton or rejected, solely at the Village's discretion.

The Scarsdale Recycling Center, located at 110 Secor Road, will accept authorized materials between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM beginning on Thursday, March 09, 2018, and continuing thru Friday, March 30, 2018. No other dates or times will be permitted.

Contractors delivering storm-related wood debris to the Recycling Center must present a completed Wood Waste Disposal Ticket, as included with this press release, signed by the Scarsdale property owner where the debris was removed. A separate voucher must be completed for each separate trip. In addition, branches left curbside for pick-up must be tied and bundled, not to exceed four feet in length or 35 pounds in weight. Please contact the Sanitation Office at 914-722-1295 or the DPW Office at (914) 722- 1150 if you have any questions."

Con Edison:

If you're frustrated with the service you received, or should we say didn't receive, last week, lodge a complaint with the NYS Department of Public Service. You can access the form here: We did this after we were out of power for eleven days after Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately we haven't seen much change with Con Edison, but it is a good way to vent.

To those still without power, we're with you! Hang in.