Sunday, Mar 09th

More than Three Times the Required Number of Voters Sign Petitions for the CNC-designated Candidates for Mayor and Village Trustees

Samwick Mark copy Candidate Samwick with CNC Chair MarkThe nominating petitions for Marc Samwick for Mayor, and Jonathan Lewis, Seth Ross, and Rochelle Waldman for Village Trustee were delivered today to the Village Clerk – a critical milestone for the candidates to be placed on the ballot for the forthcoming Village Elections on March 19, 2019.

The petitions were filed in accordance with state election law and contained the signatures of registered Village of Scarsdale voters. The candidates filed with 372 voters’ signatures – well over three times the number required by election law. The total also represents a 29% increase over the number filed on behalf of Citizens Nominating Committee-selected candidates in 2018, and a 55% increase from 2017.

“Jonathan, Seth, Rochelle, and I want to thank the volunteers who made this happen from the bottomSamwick FoleyCandidate Samwick with CNC Vice Chair Tim Foley of our hearts,” said mayoral candidate and two-time Village Trustee Marc Samwick. “We know how tirelessly the members of the Citizens Nominating Committee worked to research and vet all of the potential candidates, and then to carefully and respectfully deliberate. So many of them then went to their friends and neighbors, and joined other volunteers to knock on doors in the freezing cold to ensure their choices would go before the voters in March.”

“We look forward to using the weeks before the election to introduce ourselves and our backgrounds to our fellow Scarsdalians and to engage in conversations about the challenges and opportunities we face. Most important of all, we want to listen to our neighbors about what their hopes and aspirations are for this village we are all proud to call home.”

Outgoing CNC Chair Jon Mark and Vice Chair Tim Foley were on hand to witness the completion of the successful volunteer effort.

The Village Election will take place on Tuesday March 19, 2019. The Village will make the final determination on the location of the polls and will provide further information on where voting will be held.