Sunday, Mar 09th

Defensive Driving Course

Enrolling in the Scarsdale Adult School’s Defensive Driving course will save money over the next three years on your auto insurance bills. It could save your license, but it will definitely teach techniques that may save your life!

The law in New York State requires that principal drivers who complete this course receive a 10% discount on automobile insurance for the liability, collision and no fault premiums for 3 full years. In addition, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles will deduct four points from the driving records of all who successfully complete the course. The Defensive Driving Course can be taken once every 18 months for point reduction.

Driver Improvement Programs will be instructing the sessions and is a member of the National Safety Council. Upon completion of this two-session course, participants will receive a certificate to present to their insurance company for the three-year discount.

The course is offered Two Thursdays, starting 5/13 from 7-10 pm at Scarsdale High School. The cost is $60. To register, or for information on all course offerings, visit Questions? Call 723-2325.