Sunday, Mar 09th

Vigil on Saturday in Chase Park

In response to the shootings in Atlanta, a vigil will be held in Chase Park from 1-3 pm on Saturday March 27, 2021. The vigil will be led by Scarsdale High School students and will focus on the experience of Asian American teens. The community is invited to attend and masks are required.

The Vigil came about as members of SCA felt the need to do something to mourn the senseless loss of the victims, beyond the public statement, and mobilize the neighborhood to unite together to show love and respect for human lives.The vigil is organized by the SHS Conscientization and Empowerment Club and the Scarsdale Chinese Association, and sponsored by OCA Asian Pacific Advocates, Westchester Association of Chinese Americans, the Scarsdale Ad Hoc Council to Combat Racism and Bias, and Scarsdale Insight.

During the Vigil the following roads will be closed: Chase Road from Popham to Christie Place, as well as Boniface Circle, Harwood Court, and Spencer Place. Parking meters will be bagged on these streets at 2AM Saturday morning, and the roads are scheduled to be closed at 11AM on Saturday. Popham Road, Christie Place, and East Parkway will remain open.

The barricades and bagged meters will be removed upon completion of the event and the safe dispersal of all participants.

The crowd size is expected to be in the hundreds.

A public restroom at the Christie Place Garage is available for public use.

Vigil Flyer