Sunday, Mar 09th

Eleven Receive Girl Scouts Gold Awards

scouts1Eleven young volunteers were recognized for their service projects with Gold Awards from the Girl Scouts on Sunday June 6, 2021.

This is the highest award granted by the Girl Scouts and acknowledges a girls’ time, effort leadership and creativity which is required to complete a service project which fulfills a need within the community creating change and continues forward. Girls spend over 80 hours on their projects.

Girls from 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 were recognized at an awards ceremony outside the Girl Scout House on Sunday, June 6th.

The 11 girls recognized worked on projects ranging from anti-bullying, developing a local natural trail, helping the homeless in various ways, the environmental impact of the fashion industry, promoting golf to low-income children and the importance of incorporating ways to de-stress in our lives etc.

Dignitaries and family members were in attendance.


Here are this year’s Gold Award recipients from Scarsdale and Edgemont:

Katie Asciutto
Annabelle Donnelly
Amy Hu
Ashley Jakubowicz
Jaime Kaufman
Hayden Plattus
Gabriela Orlando
Olivia Reduto
Kayleigh Richmond
Sarah Jane Traumer
Gillian Zitrin
