Sunday, Mar 09th

Holiday Crime Prevention Tips from the Scarsdale Police

tree lighting 2019The Scarsdale Police Department, in partnership with the community, want you to help make the Village a safe place to live, work and visit. The Scarsdale Police Department makes the following recommendations to residents to assist in preventing home burglaries and other crimes during the upcoming holiday season:

• Make your home appear occupied. Leave lights or televisions on timers when you are out.

• Use motion sensing exterior lighting and keep the perimeter of your home well lighted. The smallest light may be a deterrent to prowlers.

• Consider investing in a camera surveillance system – and advertise that your home is protected by video surveillance.

• Make your home more difficult to enter by increasing exterior security.

• Always turn your alarm system on when you are away. This includes second-story alarm sensors.

• Keep all exterior doors locked, using deadbolt locks. Keep your garage door closed and locked.

• Always lock your vehicle whether it is parked on the street or in your driveway. Do not leave valuables or your keys in the vehicle when it’s unattended.

• Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, packages or other items to build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or arrange for a friend or neighbor to collect them regularly.

• Be an observant neighbor. Immediately notify the police of any suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.