Take Our Survey On Scarsdale Real Estate Taxes
- Wednesday, 28 July 2010 23:23
- Last Updated: Thursday, 29 July 2010 10:52
- Published: Wednesday, 28 July 2010 23:23
- Hits: 3896
Scarsdale residents: do you think you are paying your fair share of real estate taxes? Property values in Scarsdale have not been reassessed since 1969. As a result, there are wide disparities in the tax assessments of homes of similar market value. Due to these disparities, the Village has received a record number of tax grievances this year from homeowners who believe they are unfairly assessed.
Village Management and the Village Trustees are currently considering a Village-wide reassessment that would bring assessments in line with current home market values. Advocates for the revaluation contend that it would result in a fairer, more transparent system. The projected cost of the revaluation is estimated to be $1,750,000 and though the Village would not accrue additional revenues from the reassessment, they could save money in the future if the number of tax grievances falls. Historically, after a reassessment, taxes on one third of properties increase, one third stas the same and one third are reduced.
Do you think it’s time for a revaluation? Please take this short confidential survey and let us know. We'll publish the results when they are in.
Click here to take the survey: or copy this URL into your browser to begin: