Monday, Jul 01st

LeahDembitzer(This letter was written by Tracy Tang)
Dear Scarsdale10583,

I'm writing to express my enthusiastic support for my friend and neighbor, Leah Dembitzer, in her candidacy for the Board of Education.

When I first moved to Scarsdale six years ago, Leah was the first neighbor I met. Her kindness and consideration quickly made her a good friend. Our bond deepened as we discovered that her two boys, Lucas and Noah, are the same age as my two boys, Harry and Charley. However, beyond our personal connection, I want to highlight Leah's remarkable dedication to volunteerism in our community.

Leah introduced me to the Scarsdale League of Women Voters, where she served as the president. Attending a lunch event she hosted for the league, I was immediately impressed by her meticulous organizational skills. Despite the immense effort she put behind the scenes, Leah made everything look effortless. Her leadership inspired me to become a member right away.

Five years ago, when our older boys, Lucas and Harry, started 7th grade, Leah stepped up as the PTA president for the middle school. I volunteered as the co-chair for the PTA’s Multicultural Committee, and Leah's support was invaluable. Our largest event, the annual international luncheon, was a testament to Leah's dedication. With over 1200 attendees, Leah ensured everything ran smoothly with her kind and encouraging emails and hands-on assistance during the event.

Leah is a tireless volunteer who serves in various roles within our community. Despite her demanding position as PTC president this year, she still finds time to contribute to initiatives like the Scarsdale Bowl Committees. Her unwavering commitment to volunteerism and community is truly admirable. I believe the Board of Education would greatly benefit from having more dedicated volunteers like Leah. Therefore, I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy for the Scarsdale Board of Education.


Tracy Tang
56 Harvest Drive

LeahDembitzerPT Council President, President of the SMS PTA and President of the League of Women Voters are just a few of the volunteer roles held by Leah Dembitzer during her 15 years in Scarsdale. Now she has set her sights on the Board of Education and has been nominated by the School Board Nominating Committee to serve. With an election coming up on Tuesday May 21, Dembitzer answered some questions about why she would like to serve and what she hopes to do as a member of the Board.

Why did you volunteer to run for the Board of Education?

I decided to run because I love the Scarsdale Schools. The schools are the center of our community and my children have grown and been inspired, challenged and supported throughout their years in the schools. I have been involved as a volunteer in the school community since my high school junior was in kindergarten at Quaker Ridge. As a parent, I see there are so many complex issues affecting and impacting our children. I want to work toward preserving and enhancing the student experience and help to support our school community as it continues to evolve and move forward during these challenging and pivotal times.

What do you see as some of the important issues facing the Scarsdale Public Schools today?

That’s a great question. There are so many complex issues at play in the world around us. For Scarsdale, after watching the budget process this cycle, I really think future budget planning is essential. I would imagine that much will be brought forward and discussed during the roll-out of Dr. Patrick’s strategic plan later this spring but a focus on communicating and bringing the community along in the process of identifying and advancing our shared goals and values is essential work. The school buildings themselves need care, maintenance and innovation. We have a potential bond coming up that may include needed capital projects. Thoughtful planning for the build-out and strategic maintenance of our core programs. Keeping an eye on student mental health and wellness; supporting the growth and development of the whole child with ongoing opportunities for enrichment and exploration. There is so much happening at almost hyper-speed in our complex world, like technology innovations, artificial intelligence, the impact of social media on our children, creating space for civil discourse, and the effects of climate change on our community. These are all important issues facing the Scarsdale Schools.

What about your past volunteer activities qualifies you to be on the Board?

I didn’t know when I moved to Scarsdale 15 years ago that I would find so much joy and edification in the volunteer world. Our community is really special with regard to volunteer participation and the level of professionalism and expertise brought forward. We have such a talented, diverse and creative community. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many people through various volunteer experiences. I’ve served as President of the Quaker Ridge PTA, President of the Scarsdale Middle School PTA, and I’m finishing my term as PT Council President. I have chaired the School Budget portfolio for the League of Women Voters Scarsdale and served as President of the League of Women Voters Scarsdale as well. I’ve chaired Young Writers’ Workshop and currently co-chair an incredible program called Running and Winning for the League of Women Voters Westchester. I’ve also served on the Board of Westchester Reform Temple and have done a lot of volunteer work there as well. I really enjoy learning about the schools and being part of the energy and work to move our school community forward during these complex times. I’ve had a lot of experience, through my PTA and PTC work, on district-level committees. Several of my volunteer roles have focused on community and youth engagement, advocacy, civics education, and creating space for student voice.

At this point in my volunteer career, I have knowledge of and experience with school-related issues and understand the importance of engaging the community-at-large. If elected, I will listen, learn, bring questions forward, lean into my strong collaborative and consensus-building skills, and emphasize thoughtful decision-making in my Board work.

What do you hope to accomplish if you are elected as a member of the BoE? Or maybe: What compelled you to want to become a member of the BoE?)

I think that one of the essential roles of the Board is to help facilitate a connection between the community and administration; creating space for input, feedback and clear communication. I hope to develop and strengthen aspects of community engagement. I also hope to use my experience and skills to support the work of educating and empowering our district’s students to meet the challenges of this complex world: to be critical thinkers, thoughtful collaborators and confident leaders.

The Scarsdale Schools’ Budget Vote and Board Election will take place on Tuesday, May 21 at the Scarsdale Middle School Gym, 7am - 9pm.

Amy Arms Folded Best copyThe drone and missile attack on Israel on April 13 elicited the following response from local leaders:

Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s Statement Regarding Iran’s Attack On Israel

Yesterday, Israel was once again under attack.

Foremost I stand with Israel and pray that America continues to stand unequivocally with Israel as it confronts and responds to Iran’s attack.

I am also so grateful that Israel has developed the technology to keep its population safe. And I thank the American, British and Jordanian governments and pilots who served to protect Israel.

These are perilous times for Israel, the Middle East, and the world. Iran’s massive and unprecedented direct attack on Israel is a reckless and irresponsible escalation of war. We now must find a way to avert an active war with Iran, rid Hamas of power, and free the hostages.

Despite this immense challenge, I still remain hopeful. There are choices to be made at this moment, and a chance to change the current trajectory. I pray that the choices which are made provide a sustainable, peaceful future path for Israel.

Westchester Reform Temple sent out the following message on Saturday April 13, 2024

Dear WRT Family,

We write to you amidst an unprecedented attack by Iran, which has fired hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel. We are closely monitoring the news and the threat against Israel, the full scope of which is not yet known.

We express our appreciation for the ironclad support of the US government for Israel's defense, and offer prayers of love and solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Israel, as well as to all innocent people who are now in harm's way because of Iran's dangerous and callous escalation of a war that has already exacted a heavy cost in human lives, homes and livelihoods, and emotional trauma.

We will update our WRT community as developments may necessitate.

עושה שלום במרומיו
הוא יעשה שלום עלינו
ועל כל ישראל
ואמרו אמן

Oseh Shalom Bimromav
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
v'al kol Yisrael
v'imru: Amen

May the One whose peace fills the heavens
Instruct all of us in the ways of peace,
Bringing shalom to all Israel,

Bivracha - with our blessings and prayers,

Rabbi Jonathan Blake
Cantor Amanda Kleinman
Rabbi Leah Citrin
Cantor Danielle Rodnizki
Rabbi Sasha Baken
Cantor Isaac Sonett-Assor

AmyPaulin2022(April 25, 2024) Today, the New York Court of Appeals overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction in a 4-3 decision, concluding that “the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts against persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes.”

In 2020, Weinstein was convicted in New York of a criminal sexual act in the first degree and rape in the third degree for offenses against two women. The judge in his trial allowed for the admittance of evidence of his prior sexual assaults under the Molineux Rule, which allows prosecutors to bring in proof of a defendant’s prior bad acts or crimes to establish motive, intent, or other relevant issues.

However, in February, Weinstein’s defense argued that Justice James Burke influenced the trial by allowing three women to testify about allegations that weren’t part of the case. Today, in a 4-3 decision, New York’s highest court overturned the 2020 decision and determined Weinstein had not received a fair trial.

The NY Court of Appeals is composed of seven judges, but for this case, two judges recused themselves. While it would be standard practice to allow the remaining five judges to vote, the Chief Judge appointed two new judges which provided the 4-vote majority that overturned the conviction. The three judges that voted to uphold the conviction were all permanent judges on the court.

“I am deeply disheartened by the NY Court of Appeals decision today and urge the legislature to pass my bill to allow NY courts to admit evidence that a defendant has committed any prior sexual assaults in a criminal proceeding in which a defendant is accused of sexual assault” said Assemblywoman Paulin, “we must ensure that victims are able to rely on this type of evidence in future cases.”

Assemblywoman Paulin has introduced legislation, A.4992, that would codify the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) in New York State law. Pursuant to FRE 413, the court may admit evidence that the defendant committed any other past sexual assault. Sex offenders are far more likely overall, as compared to non-sex offenders, to reoffend with a sexual crime. Sexual assault is an especially heinous crime and given the likelihood of recidivism, it is necessary to codify FRE 413. If New York enacted this legislation, we would join the sixteen other states that have adopted the FRE to protect victims of sexual assault.

“The stunning reversal of Harvey Weinstein's conviction shows a failure by New York's highest court to recognize the relevance of an abuser's pattern of serial sexual assault. It is time for New York to do what 16 other states and the Federal Rules of Evidence have done, and allow juries to hear evidence of a sexual abuser's pattern of similar conduct. We applaud Assemblywoman Amy Paulin for leading the way by introducing a bill to right this injustice,” said Jane Manning, Director of Women’s Equal Justice.

Hon. Judy Harris Kluger, Chief Executive Officer for Sanctuary for Families, said, "Sanctuary for Families and the survivors we serve are deeply troubled by the reversal of Harvey Weinstein's conviction for rape, a decision that exposes a critical gap in our legal system's response to sexual violence. Assembly Member Amy Paulin's bill, A4992, which permits the admission of evidence of the defendant’s prior sexual assaults in sexual assault prosecutions, is precisely the legislative response urgently needed to address this gap. This reform, adopted by California and fifteen other states, would help ensure that serial sex offenders are held accountable and prevented from continuing to perpetrate harm while strengthening the rights of survivors to access justice. Sanctuary for Families urges New York State lawmakers to act decisively and pass this bill.”

"We are profoundly disheartened by the Court's decision to reverse Harvey Weinstein's case. For survivors to have a chance to achieve justice, these cases should have the ability to include evidence of prior sexual assaults perpetrated by the abuser," said Robyn Mazur, Executive Director of the Joyful Heart Foundation. "Overturning this ruling and forcing survivors to endure the retraumatizing effects of another trial will also create a chilling effect on other survivors in the future."

earthquakemap(Updated 4-6) Mother Nature is making her presence known. After high velocity winds and driving rain on Wednesday, Scarsdale was hit by an earthquake on Friday morning April 5 around 10:20 am. According to the Yonkers Police the quake was measured at 4.8 and it originated in Lebanon, New Jersey.

Initially the rumble caused some to think that winds had picked up, something had fallen on their roof or an airplane was overhead. But when it continued, the shaking sent many out into the streets to avoid potential injuries inside.

We contacted the Scarsdale Police who have not heard about any damage now. An emergency notification from Scarsdale says, “A regional earthquake just occurred with a 4.7 magnitude. At this time, the Village of Scarsdale is not aware of any hazards or earthquake-related emergencies. If you experience a gas leak or odor of natural gas, please contact 1-800-75-CONED and the Scarsdale Fire Department at 914-722-1217.

An email from Eric Rauschenbach from the Scarsdale Schools sent at 10:50 am says, "As you are aware, the area just experienced a tremor which shook the buildings. At this time all students and staff are safe. We have put the District into a hold in place to allow our facilities crew to check all of the buildings and utilities to assure there is no damage or danger. We will communicate once we have additional details or the hold in place is lifted."

Yonkers Police also say, “there is no reported structural damage or injuries in Yonkers resulting from this incident.”

Westchester County Executive George Latimer sent the following email: “Westchester County, along with the rest of the tristate area, experienced 4.7-magnitude earthquake around 10:23 a.m. according to the US Geological Survey. While we are still checking in with County Departments and municipalities, at this time we have received no reports of damage. Holtec is reporting no damage as well as ConEdison, and the electrical grid and Department of Environmental Facilities (DEF) plants. Residents should check for gas or water leaks, or any structural damage to their homes. Airport operations are continuing uninterrupted. Understandably, this is an unnerving experience, but Westchester County appears to have no ongoing emergencies due to the earthquake. While the earthquake was prolonged and noticeable, it is not dissimilar to what we have experienced in the past with other earthquakes. The Westchester County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will remain activated as a precaution, and provide updates as needed. As aftershocks are common following an earthquake, residents are advised to stay alert.”

The earthquake was felt in Manhattan and as far as Vermont and Philadelphia.

A tweet from Governor Hochul said, “A 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit west of Manhattan and has been felt throughout New York. My team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred and we will update the public throughout the day.”

At 6 pm that night a 4.0 magnitude aftershock hit the area and shook the walls again. This one seemed shorter but rattled windows and confidence in the earth under our feet.

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