Tuesday, Jul 02nd

marquisThis is the opinion of Scarsdale10583 site founder Joanne Wallenstein:

As a former Senate Page, a daughter of a member of the ACLU and a longtime member of the League of Women Voters, I must admit that I took my right to vote for granted. When I read about election fraud, voter intimidation and tampering with the results in other countries, I never imagined that those issues would come home to roost. It turns out it can happen here.

All it took was one crafty President to undermine what I believed was a secure election system. Trump stole the playbook from corrupt leaders and launched a campaign to redistrict, scour valid voters from the roll, limit the right to vote, intimidate local election officials, intimidate voters and even throw away ballots in order to secure his own victory.

In a talk hosted earlier this year by the LWVS of Scarsdale, Lauren Miller, a lawyer with the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program documented how false claims about the “Big Lie,” and the 2022 election have prompted the passage of anti-voter laws and mistrust in the election process.

According to Miller:

-One in six election officials have experienced these threats – and they are in association with the big lie.

-One in five election officials are preparing to resign before the 2024 election.

In order to combat challenges to our election system, the Brennan Center advises people to get involved in their local government, and the first place to start is to vote.

Though Trump was ultimately unsuccessful in swinging the election, these same tactics, fueled by changes in the law, will undoubtedly be used this week to cast doubt on our elections.yourvotecounts

Of course there are many issues to consider when you decide whether or not to vote this year, and who you will vote for, but I think securing your right to vote should be paramount in your decision.

Why? Because if we permit these national trends to invade New York, by electing candidates who are not committed to free and fair elections, we will lose the right to pick the best leaders, now and down the line.

And your vote does matter. As a Congressman, Lee Zeldin, now the Republican candidate for Governor of New York, actually stood with President Trump and 146 Republicans in his effort to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. After the attack on the Capitol on January 6, Zeldin voted to block the creation of an independent commission to investigate the violence.

Zeldin has tried to change the debate from Trump to crime and inflation, but it’s important to recognize what he stands for. As a voter, the key issue in this election should be retaining your right to vote in a free and fair election.

I urge you to safeguard our rights by voting for candidates and justices who will uphold our democracy and protect your right to vote. That’s what is at stake on November 8, 2022 in New York and around the country. Nothing less.

(Pictured at top: a movie theater in Oakland, CA)

Beer(This letter was written by BK Munguia of the Scarsdale Forum)
The Scarsdale Forum welcomed over 100 members and guests to Octoberfest 2022, its thirteenth annual membership party at The Scarsdale Woman’s Club on Saturday, October 29. Guests were greeted by Forum President Susan Douglass and directed to the many outdoor activities throughout the grounds. In addition to the games and craft activities set out for the children, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps brought its ambulance to explore, the Scarsdale Fire Department showcased an antique firetruck and the Scarsdale Police Department sent one of its finest in a patrol car. Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service hosted an informational table throughout the afternoon. Over the balmy fall afternoon, Cynthia Roberts conducted a tree tour on the club’s grounds.

Bruce Wells held court under the grand white oak at the popular beer tasting station featuring his home brewed beers. Manny Lourdes, MC Catering served a delicious buffet luncheon. Guests were entertained by the Hoff Barthelson Music School Advanced Jazz Ensemble in the club’s Music Room. Octoberfest 2022 was a zero waste event thanks to the efforts of Darlene LeFrancois-Haber, chair of the Forum’s Sustainability Committee.

We thank Lion’s Heart for providing several young volunteers as well as local vendors Bronx River Books, La Dentelliere, Learning Express, Metro Diner, Parkway Café, Serenity and Setsuko at Jean Claude for generously donating raffle prizes for the event.

The Scarsdale Forum is a 118 year old charitable organization dedicated to improving life in Scarsdale through its educational programs and activities. The Forum offers programs of interest to our community, engages in studies of the issues affecting Scarsdale and sponsors public events such as the Sunday Speaker Series. All Scarsdale residents are welcome to join: www.scarsdaleforum.com. Ahuja

A special thank you to Scarsdale10583 for its assistance in publicizing Octoberfest 2022 to the community.


Lena Crandall and B. Kathleen Munguia, Co-chairs
Scarsdale Forum
Special Events Committee

Mark ArestForumKidsfiretruck

IsabelleZhuYoung artists produced beautiful window paintings for the 71st year of the annual Scarsdale Halloween Window Painting event. The store windows of Scarsdale Village, Depot Place and the Golden Horseshoe were painted by individuals and pairs and the top prize winner in each category are pictured below.

The Grand Prize went to Isabelle Zhu for her skeleton painted at left.

In total, 204 entered the contest with an additional 158 painters in the family category that was not judged.

Beautiful fall weather made the day a big success.

Here is the complete winner's list along with their work.



 9thGradeIndividualFirst Place 9th Grade Individual - Alexandra Israel9thGradePair1st Place Ninth Grade Pair - Olivia Bercun and Dia Mody7gradeindividualFirst Place Seventh and Eight Grade Individual - Alexandra Thela7gradepairFirst Place Seventh and Eighth Grade Pair - Sophie Luo and Michelle Peng5thGradeIndividualFirst Place Fifth and Sixth Grade Individual - Victoria GongFifthGradePairsFirst Place Fifth and Sixth Grade Pair - Irena Mao and Helen Feng4thGradeIndividualFirst Place Fourth Grade Individual - Leticia Schiavinato4thGradePairsFirst Place Fourth Grade Pair - Jonah Bloomgarden and Teddy Eisenberg3rdGradeIndividualFirst Place Third Grade Individual - Giovana Bardella3rdGradePairsFirst Place 3rd Grade Pair- Scarlett Group and Liv Bass


ShushmaSushma Shadaksharappa with Diyas ( Clay Lamps)You may have read recent headlines announcing that NYC public schools will observe Diwali as an official holiday, or maybe you saw friends and celebrities posting photos of their Diwali celebrations on social media, or perhaps you took note of politicians wishing all who observe, a Happy Diwali! Whatever the case, it has been hard to miss the buzz around this important spiritual holiday.

Since Scarsdale is known to have ample cultural diversity, it may come as no surprise that there are a significant number of neighbors celebrating Diwali right here in the ‘Dale. The Scarsdale Public School District recognized the holiday with a message on their Facebook page, “Wishing you a Diwali that brings you happiness, prosperity, and joy…”. The post went on to explain “Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and even some Buddhists around the world are celebrating Diwali today. Using light as a metaphor for knowledge and consciousness, this 'festival of lights' celebrates the symbolic victories of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance with lamps, candles, feasts and sweets.”

Scarsdale resident Pallavi Mehta explained that Diwali is the “Festival of Lights” that celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and hope over despair. She said that Diwali honors the Goddess Lakshmi who symbolizes wealth, good health, and prosperity and that it is a high holiday in India that truly represents many Indian cultural traditions and beliefs. For the past fifteen years, Pallavi Mehta’s family has been hosting a Diwali celebration in keeping with many of these cultural traditions. Her family gathers wearing traditional Indian clothing, conducts a puja (an act of worship) for Goddess Lakshmi and exchanges Diwali gifts and sweet treats (called Mithai) with family and friends. Mehta and her family adorn their house with flowers and diyas (small, clay lamps) to invite Goddess Lakshmi to bless their home. For their children, celebrating Diwali each year has allowed the Mehtas to pass on the religious and cultural aspects of their Indian heritage.

Although she is no longer in a strictly Hindu family, another Scarsdale local, Shilpa Spencer, feels it remains important for her to honor the Spencer and Vora children dressed for DiwaliSpencer and Vora children dressed for Diwali.traditions of her childhood and to pass some of those traditions to her children. Spencer’s childhood memories of Diwali are centered on great feasts, great company and great celebration. She remembers the celebrations as boisterous, joyful events with fireworks and a lot of laughing and dancing. As an adult, these are the aspects of Diwali that Spencer chooses to focus on: warm company, great food, and a festive atmosphere which over the years has come in many different forms. This Diwali, the Spencers invited good friends over for a smaller, but very festive dinner and fireworks which she hopes created strong memories for all that were there!

For Sushma Shadaksharappa and her family, Diwali is a very special holiday. To celebrate the Festival of Lights they place glowing diyas all over the house to signify light overtaking darkness. In addition to diyas, the family draws elaborate patterns on the floor with colored sand and decorates with fresh flowers to welcome Goddess Lakshmi and to pray to her. Most years, the Shadaksharappa family likes to make Mithai at home and then pack them in little, sweet boxes that they decorate and exchange with each other as well as gift them to friends.

Hindu priest with Sheth FamilyHindu priest with Sheth FamilyWhen celebrating at home, Shadaksharappa prepares a traditional Indian meal for her family to enjoy after the puja but, before the pandemic, she and her family attended big, festive Diwali parties. In fact, for many years, Shadaksharappa and her friends organized a Scarsdale community Diwali party at a local Indian restaurant with food and lots of Bollywood dancing. Also for many years, the Indian community held a Diwali program showcasing cultural activities so both kids and adults could connect with their culture. Whether celebrating with friends or at home, the Shadaksharappa family likes to complete the Diwali festivities with firecrackers and sparklers and with lots of Mithai to end the evening on a sweet note.

For another Scarsdale resident, Minisha Sood, Diwali is a time to reflect and to be with loved ones. Sood begins decorating her home about a month before Diwali so she can get the Diwali spirit going and give her family a nice, visual cue to start thinking about the meaning of this important festival / holiday. During the days and weeks preceding Diwali, Sood talks often about family and choosing knowledge and wisdom over ignorance. In the week or so leading up to, and the week after Diwali, Sood takes part in local celebrations - some big and some small - which involve wearing new clothes, dancing, lighting fireworks and lights and eating delicious food. Sood and her family also say prayers for the continued wisdom to choose the righteous path in life.Handmade Mithai(Indian sweet) boxes.Handmade Mithai(Indian sweet) boxes.

For Sood, Diwali is such an important holiday that when her children were younger and it was easier for them to make up missed lessons or work, she would keep them home from school so they could fully participate in the celebration. Sood points out that as her children grow up and their deeper understanding of the meaning of Diwali crystallizes, they’d love to stay home and celebrate the holiday but they’d then miss very important academic work and so, are forced to make a tough choice. This year Sood’s children chose to attend school and were pleasantly surprised that some teachers chose not to assign homework, yet others still did. Sood argues that because of the inconsistent awareness, instead of being able to relax with family, pray and enjoy themselves fully when they got home from school, her children were focused on completing homework. Sood feels it is unfortunate that Diwali isn’t recognized as an official school holiday to reflect the broader community of Westchester and she hopes that this will soon change here in Scarsdale.

Sheetal Mehta wholly agrees with Sood and would like to see Scarsdale observe Diwali as an official school holiday. As Sheetal explains, “Diwali is THE most important festival for Hindus (also celebrated by some Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists too) and marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year. It is the time when, once a year, we come together as a family to offer prayers, exchange hope and give thanks. We thank God for our blessings and pray that our troubles go away. We celebrate by decorating the house, dressing in nice clothes, making traditional food and desserts, lighting sparklers and exchanging gifts. The mood is as if someone has sprinkled happiness all around. We cherish each other’s presence and relish the joyful vibes all around.”

DiwalilightsDiyas lit for Diwali“However, when the kids do not have the day off from school, the spirit to celebrate our most important festival does not remain the same. The day starts off with calls/messages to wish family and friends, but when there’s no school holiday on Diwali, the kids are not able to exchange greetings. We decorate the house in the morning, which is a great activity to involve the kids in, only if they are at home. The kids want to stay home for this once-a-year celebration, but there’s the trade off of missing instruction/tests/quizzes/school work etc. if they were to miss school.” Without observing Diwali as an official holiday, Mehta says that her children “come home tired in the afternoon, with homework and tests on their mind. They are not as excited to get dressed in traditional clothes and participate in offering prayers in a timely way. It becomes a half hearted attempt at the most important part of the celebration…Not having a day off for Diwali presents a lot of challenges to keep our cultural identity alive.”

And finally, even though she is kept busy with her job as a realtor at Houlihan Lawrence here in Scarsdale, Bela Sheth still somehow finds the time to beautifully decorate her home with diyas, and flowers and to lovingly prepare a delicious Indian feast called an Annkut, with 60 different dishes! While she frequently opens up her home and warmly invites all friends and loved ones to join her family in a festive Diwali celebration, this year Sheth hosted a Hindu priest who performed a traditional worship service. Dressed in customary Indian clothing, Sheth and her family took part in a special puja where they kept with Hindu tradition and made several offerings of fruit, flowers, and sweets to Lakshmi and Ganesh. Sheth explained that there are different auspicious times of the day that are difficult to celebrate when children are at school so she and her family usually only celebrate in the evening. With smiles lighting up the room just as brightly as the glowing diyas, it is easy to conclude that Sheth and her family are indeed blessed with happiness, light, and joy and readily share it with others.

The author would like to thank all the families that shared their stories of celebration and allowed the greater Scarsdale community to gain a better understanding of the importance of this high holiday.

Wendy MacMillan is a former teacher and now a proud mom of two, school aged children. With a background in psychology, education, and mindfulness, Wendy has long been passionate about wellness and helping others.
sparklersChildren light sparklers

PancakeBreakfastThe Greenacres Neighborhood Association served over 150 people at its seventh annual Pancake Breakfast on Monday, Oct. 10.

The hungry residents arrived at Greenacres field by the dozen to enjoy camaraderie and fresh-made pancakes, coffee, cider and hot chocolate.

"Everyone - from babies to grandparents - reveled in the gorgeous weather, delicious food, and neighborly conversation. As we always say, Greenacres is the place to be, and this morning truly demonstrated that sentiment," said Kristen Zakierski, Greenacres Neighborhood Association President.

Members of the neighborhood association’s board along with community volunteers helped to make the morning a success.

After a pandemic-inflicted hiatus, the GNA resumed its flagship community events over the summer with its July 4th Celebration and outdoor movie night last month.

For more information, visit greenacres10583.com.

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