Sunday, Oct 06th

dramaclubchalkAt long last this week, Scarsdale High School students returned to school full-time, with classes held every day of the week, including Wednesdays.

The schedule was not the only change to greet students. All desks are surrounded by plastic and students need to sit in assigned seats in each class.

According to an email from SHS Principal Ken Bonamo, “Classroom configurations will be different: desks will be closer together than they are now and will have polycarbonate shields affixed to the desktops to mitigate the spread of aerosols.” He explained, “Teachers will have seating charts that reflect how students are seated in their classrooms in case contact tracing needs to be performed.”

What about those attending remotely? The memo says, “Students who are virtual-only at the start of the fourth quarter will remain so for the remainder of the school year. Students who are in person will be permitted to attend classes virtually when they have an excused absence but are not required to be offered tests virtually by their teachers. If such students are absent on the day of a test, they can take the test or a make-up test at the teacher’s discretion, in person or virtually.”

How’s the first week going? Most students were a bit overwhelmed by the transition from two days to five days of school, but overall they were happy to see their friends and get off Zoom.

Here are comments from a few Scarsdale High School students:

Vivan Guo: As a senior, it was really nice being able to see many friends that I hadn’t seen in-person for over a year. I also had access to the library, where I was able to study and hangout with friends. Most students came in-person, even previously virtual students, so my classes were packed with people. The only negatives are that there is an increased chance of contracting COVID since there are more people and people tend to cluster together, and that I feel more tired afterschool. But overall, I am enjoying the social energy and I feel great going back to school. However, it seemed as though teachers started assigning a lot more work, which made the back-to-school process a lot more stressful. A lot of my senior friends are worried about upcoming papers and tests and AP Exams, and I can’t imagine what the workload is for sophomores and juniors. I wish that the school kept Wellness Wednesdays because they were an important break in the week and allowed us to relax, catch up on work, study, and meet with teachers. 5 days of school from 8am-3pm with hours of extracurriculars and homework every week is really not sustainable

Sydney Piccoli: Going back to school, I definitely had mixed emotions. After three quarters, I became quite accustomed to the shorter forty minute periods that allowed classes to move at a faster and more comprehensive pace. I also developed a routine to balance my extracurriculars, homework, and social life — in large part because of asynchronous Wednesdays. Thus, I definitely entered fourth quarter with reservations of such a pivotal change when only eight weeks remain in the school year. However, after a few days back, I can confidently say that although the new schedule requires more mental energy and time to get used to it is comforting to know that a sense of normalcy is returning — not to mention each classroom is now filled with more energetic and smiling students!"

Sara Wong : On the first day back, it felt a bit weird seeing twice as many people as I did when the school was still separated. On the other hand, I really enjoyed seeing my friends that were in the other cohort, and I personally like having in person classes as opposed to zoom meetings as I find zooming and staring at a screen all day can be exhausting. For me, the “new” schedule doesn’t feel that new as we used it before quarantine. However, it does feel a bit different having periods that are ten minutes longer, as I had gotten accustomed to shorter periods. One part I was less happy about was removing asynchronous Wednesdays — I definitely won’t be as well rested as I was with the old schedule. Despite these changes the new schedule is just another reminder that SHS is slowly but surely returning back to normal.

Janmariz Deguia: The transition has been overwhelming because being in person after a year online is truly such an odd and unique experience. I've adjusted well and I have my friends and teachers and copious amounts of frees to thank for that, but I got lucky. I know people who are taking APs and don't have good teachers or frees and the transition has been tough. It depends on each student's circumstance. For me, I almost enjoy the crowded hallways and seeing everyone again, even though last year all I ever wanted to do was leave. I'm very glad to be back.

Alex McCarthy: To be honest, it was both foreign and familiar. It felt great to see all my friends in one place but it was very strange to be around so many people at once. The crowded hallways were comforting and anxiety inducing. Sometimes the school feels as it did before COVID hit, but sometimes it feels almost as if we shouldn’t be back just yet. I definitely missed the people and *most* of the environment. Online school does not compare.ChalkRobelen

Chalk it Up

On Wednesday, April 14, Scarsdale High School seniors met at the front steps of the high school for the annual senior chalking event. Although the chalking was postponed from the fall, when it usually happens, Wednesday turned out to be the perfect sunny day to continue the tradition. In an effort to promote distancing and be more Covid-safe, seniors signed up for different time slots to chalk with their friends. While nothing about the chalking this year was typical, the Scarsdale seniors definitely made the best of it and left some amazing, colorful designs on the walkway up to school. Below are pictures of the SHS Drama Club seniors, and their chalk design.

Do you have pictures of chalking? Please forward them to to share here.


-contributed by Jamie Robelen

discgolf1Controversy is brewing over the proposed installation of a Disc Golf course at Saxon Woods Park. Friends of Saxon Woods Park fear that building the course would require the destruction of trees and the course would draw Disc Golf enthusiasts from far and wide, causing crowding in the park. They claim that planning was done in secret and that there was no public hearing on the proposal to build the $40,000 course.

What is Disc Golf? According to the Professional Disc Golf Association, “Disc golf is played much like golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, though, players use a flying disc or Frisbee®. The sport was formalized in the 1970s and shares with golf the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes (or, in the case of disc golf, fewest throws).

A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target, which is the "hole." The hole can be one of a number of disc golf targets; the most common is an elevated metal basket. As a player progresses down the fairway, he or she must make each consecutive throw from the spot where the previous throw landed. The trees, shrubs, and terrain changes located in and around the fairways provide challenging obstacles for the golfer. Finally, the "putt" lands in the basket and the hole is completed.”

Friends of Saxon Woods are circulating a petition on Change.Org asking for answers. You can read the petition below.

In response, County Executive George Latimer sent the email below. He explains that funding for the Disc Golf course was approved in the County’s 2019 budget, but plans to build the course were put on hold due to the pandemic.
 Latimer says that no trees will be taken down to accommodate the course, heavy machinery will not be required to build it and there was nothing secretive about the planning.

Petition on Change.Org with 677 Signatures Circulated by Friends of Saxon Woods

An Imminent Threat to Saxon Woods!

We have become alarmed to learn of a shadowy deal organized by a small, special interest group that plans to restrict large segments of the park from free public use. More troubling, this group has been negotiating with the County quietly, with little public knowledge or comment.

The group in question , Hudson Valley Disc Golf, has staged a “whisper campaign” for 8 years to transform our glorious wooded refuge into a single use Disc Golf course. This group claims that Saxon Woods is an “underused park” and they diminish the benefits Saxon Woods Park has to the thousands of dog walkers, hikers, children, runners, Scouts, and horse riders who use the park every day

The group claims Saxon Woods is underutilized, however, their proposal caters to an extremely narrow segment of the population, mostly from out of town. For most of us who don’t know, Disc Golf is an extremely niche hobby catering to a group of out-of-towners from NYC, the outer boroughs and New Jersey. Their Facebook page has 1200 members. It is not hard to envision vans and carloads from NYC, and NJ streaming into the parking lot, forcing us to pay parking fees on our public land, and effortlessly evicting us from the park.

Importantly, this group has leaned heavily on family contacts within the County Parks department to obtain $40k of funding, to clear hurdles and to ensure smooth passage. There are signs of improper municipal governance particularly given the secrecy under which this activity has been conducted. If the park is thought to be underutilized the County should have held a public comment period on how to use that $40k.

The Disc Gold group has unabashedly admitted to all of this behavior and you can hear their smug self-satisfaction as they high-five their questionable dealing and fleecing of the County in their own podcast: Hudson Valley Disc Golg Podcast, episode 75 available free for all to listen. Listen to the podcast as you walk –

Here are some excerpts:

- “The whole project is completely selfish” “it was basically a whisper campaign” “waged for 8 years” “spectacular underused place” “greasing the wheels that had to happen prior”
- “the Gift box delivery” “wouldn’t have happened without ‘personal relationship’”
“didn’t have to put a petition” in place, alternate sites would cost “millions of dollars”,
- fixing up the tollbooth when they “see how many cars are there and start charging” staging tournaments to “draw from most of the Northeast”

The direct quotes are damning and should raise alarm as to how this project received the green light and how willingly our limited free space is carved up for the interest of a few well-heeled, well-connected individuals.
We call upon existing park users to reach out to County leaders and to the County Parks department for answers.disgolf2

We want to know:

-When was the public comment period?
-Were personal relationships used to circumvent petitions and other common practices in determination of how to spend public funds? Were there proper disclosures of conflicts of interest?
-Where is the study of the best use of $40k of county taxpayer money for the specific improvement of Saxon Woods Park to facilitate more public usage?
-Where are the current Disc Golf plans? What are the restrictions on future expansion?
-Where are the erosion/environmental studies to show the lon-term impact? Where is the estimate of costs related to maintaining the existing low-lying thoroughfares in the hilly park once deforestation leads to the well-known impact of water and gravity?
-What is the plan for funding the required staffing and garbage removal? Parking fees will be raised for park users and taxpayer money will be required to fill the shortfall.

The wheels are in motion, much of this is already been signed off and this threat is very real. This is a last call for action. Stand up for our beloved park! Demand answers to these questions! Show County leadership that this park is NOT underutilized and demand our money is spent where it will give the biggest benefit to the most people.

The Parks Dept works for the residents NOT for private interests.

Please circulate this to your neighbors, the REAL park users, and together we can take a stand.

--Fellow Friends of Saxon Woods Park

Response from Westchester County Executive George Latimerlatimer

Dear Neighbors,

I saw over the weekend an anonymous flyer that expressed alarm over impending implementation of Disc Golf at Saxon Woods. The flyer, which made its way around Facebook and e-mails, spoke in very alarming and conspiratorial terms about what was about to happen at Saxon Woods. Much of the flyer’s assertions are untrue – so I wanted to clear the air with the facts as they exist. Feel free to circulate this e-mail in as wide a circle as the original flyer may have reached.

· Westchester County had a Disc Golf course in play at Kensico Dam Plaza Park up until 15 years ago. It was discontinued at that time when the Park was renovated. There has been demand from Westchester residents since then to re-establish it at another park; proposals from a group known as WeDGE (Westchester Disc Gold Enthusiasts) have been received as recently as 2013 asking for consideration to reinstitute the recreation.

· Disc Golf as a recreation/sport involves tossing a Frisbee across an area from a “tee box” to a “hole’, simulating a game of golf; the hole is usually a basket that the Frisbee lands in. Scoring is similar to golf with the number of throws = strokes to complete an 18-hole course. Lowest number of throws/strokes wins.

· In our 2020 County Budget adopted on December of 2019, the Board of Legislators added $40,000 to the budget to implement a Disc Golf course at one of our existing parks. Our Administration accepted the proposal and budgeted the money. Plans to advance the sport stopped with the initial outbreak of COVID last March. Originally, Sprain Ridge Park was surveyed for the purpose, but that park was found not to be sufficiently structured to allow for Disc Golf without disrupting other sports. The Parks Department has since focused on Saxon Woods, the portion in the southeast section, entered from Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison. As you know, Saxon Woods in other sections houses an 18-hole regular golf course, a miniature golf course, public swimming pool and soccer field, along with numerous hiking/walking trails, picnic pavilions, etc.

· The Parks Department accepted two proposals for design of the Disc Golf Course, selecting one on a short-form contract of $20,000. That design group is developing a planned layout for the course and has not yet presented the design plan to the Parks Department personnel, much less to our Executive Team, for review and approval.

· Since “the plan” is in design and not yet approved – there is no site preparation at hand (i.e. NO clear cutting occurring; NO acceptance of any of the course layout adjacent to the Mamaroneck River; NO environmentally unsound actions underway). Reports to the contrary are false.

· Any plan adopted will NOT include the removal of healthy trees – in fact, the sport wants the existing wooded environment as essential to the competition in the sport. Dead trees and branches, and invasive species will be removed, as they normally are throughout all of our parks. No pesticides or herbicides will be used.

· NO heavy machinery will be needed or employed for this project. The existing ground cover – leaves, ivy, etc. – will remain intact.

· The disc golf holes are to be laid out at a distance from existing hiking trails so as not to disturb the enjoyment of the park for all users

· The Park will remain open as it usually does; hours of operation will not be extended to accommodate this specific use

· Parking fees remain as previously; free during the week, in force on the weekends; limited Park capacity and social distancing, notwithstanding the demand for this recreation, will continue to be in force as it is at all County parks during this pandemic

· We are considering, but have not yet decided, if we will limit usage in the first six months of operation, to Westchester residents, when the sport opens. We may do this to ensure a smooth start to managing the program

· Proper signage will be in place before any usage begins

· A site tour for legislators and Parks Board members will occur before final plans are set, to inform and elicit comments before final arrangements are set

· For those who are unfamiliar with the sport, and perhaps apprehensive, existing Disc Golf course are in use at the FDR State Park in Yorktown, and Leonard Park in Mt. Kisco. Visiting them to see operations may better inform those who are not well versed in the concept.

I was particular disturbed to see references to a podcast made by a group advocating this recreation; the opinions of those individuals do not represent the County’s management effort regarding this program. I was also offended to see the appearance of some type of unethical behavior attached to a Legislator and Parks department official, each of whom met with advocates as we often do in such matters. I might add there is no interest in expanding this program beyond Saxon Woods to Ridge Road Park or any other park until we see its level of usage and acceptance in the community. Such comments either by the advocates on the podcast, or the unnamed opponent on the flyer are equally inaccurate.

Finally, it is greatly frustrating to me to have to chase a false rumor all over the internet, when a simple inquiry to our office would have cleared up the matter properly. Which is exactly what I am doing, 24 hours after seeing the flyer online. This proposal has not yet been approved or implemented, so everything that projects a “behind the scenes deal” is extrapolated by those who choose to make their judgments based on the advocates’ podcast or some other source.

I have now set the record straight, and I trust you will convey this to all interested parties. Feel free to respond with any further questions you may have.

George Latimer
Westchester County Executive

What do you think? Disc Golf or not at Saxon Woods Park? Please comment below.

teenvaccineExciting Vaccination News: In the next two weeks, all residents, ages 16 years and up, will be eligible to receive the vaccine. New York State has announced that beginning Tuesday March 30, anyone aged 30 and up is eligible to sign up, and starting April 6, this mandate will be lowered to all residents 16 and up.

Vaccine supplies are up as well. White Plains Hospital received 1,000 doses to administer this week and some Westchester pharmacies are receiving the one dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. You can find all vaccination sites in Westchester here:

On March 29, County Executive George Latimer announced that even though the County does still not have sufficient doses to meet demand, many vaccines are being administered.

Currently, 15% are of Westchester residents are fully vaccinated and another 15% have had their first shot. In the next few weeks Latimer expects that 30% of all Westchester residents will be vaccinated.

The numbers of active cases, which were declining, have gone up a bit in the past two weeks. There are currently 5,760 active cases, which is still down from 10,812 at the end of January, but slightly up over the past two weeks. It is assumed that variants of the virus are more communicable and can be blamed for the uptick.

259 are now hospitalized and 23 people died in the past week. Latimer warned, “We are not out of the woods. The numbers are not as encouraging as we hoped they would be. We all have pandemic fatigue.”

coneflowerSHS Senior Sarah Jane Traumer built a garden to improve the local habitat for butterflies, bees, birds and even bats in Scarsdale. These pollinators carrying pollen from the stamen, which is the male part of a flower, to the stigma of another flower, which is the female part of that flower and need native plants to survive and thrive.

For her Girl Scout Gold Award Project Traumer strove to improve the environment for pollinators by creating a native plant pollinator garden at the Weinberg Nature Center. She worked with nature center director Samuel Weinstock, President of the Friends of Scarsdale Parks (FOSP) Madelaine Eppenstein and a team of volunteers to prepare the soil and plant native pollinator plants in the first ever pollinator garden at the Center.
FOSP donated 250 landscape plugs and provided advice on how to efficiently plant the landscape plugs to ensure the success of the garden.

The garden provides a habitat for pollinators and as a medium to educate visitors about the importance of pollinators, their endangerment, and how to help them. It features a diverse selection of plants to ensure that the garden will successfully attract and nourish generations of various pollinator species throughout their life cycle. The garden not only aids the conservation of pollinators by providing a habitat, but also spreads information on how everyone can aid in the conservation of pollinators as well.

Traumer created signage for the garden to convey these messages and included pictures of the flowers to inform visitors about the diversity of the garden. She created a survey to gain insight on the effectiveness of the signage, visitor demographics and how the garden has impacted them.

This spring, Traumer plans to continue her pollinator preservation efforts by incorporating more pollinator gardens throughout the village, thus making Scarsdale a “Buzzing Community”.

How can you make your own garden pollinator friendly? Here are some tips from Traumer:SarahJaneSarah Jane Traumer

1. Plant native plants: Native plants, like those in this garden, provide an excellent habitat for our pollinators and can be planted in your yard.

2. Avoid Using Pesticides: It is important to avoid use of pesticides as they are toxic and kill pollinators.

3. Limit size of grass lawn: Lawns solely made up of grass have no benefit for pollinators. Make these lawns beneficial by planting pollinator-friendly plants.

4. Provide Water: Keep your local pollinators hydrated by setting out a shallow dish or saucer in your yard.

5. Provide Shelter and Nesting Sites: Native plants, as displayed in this garden, provide an excellent habitat for our pollinators and can be planted in your yard!

Which plants does Traumer recommend? Echinacea ‘Ruby Star’,Packera aurea, Monarda ‘Claire Grace’, Asclepias syriaca, Phlox paniculata 'Jeana', Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun', and Eupatorium ‘Ruby'.

Help to turn Scarsdale into a buzzing community by planting these natives in your garden and visit the Weinberg Nature Center to learn more.


covidmapAlmost a third of Westchester County residents have now been vaccinated, with 150,000 receiving both doses and 289,000 at least one dose. At his weekly briefing on Monday March 22, County Executive George Latimer also reported that the active case count in Westchester is at 5,036 and 256 are now in the hospital due to COVID. A total of 2,168 have died due to the virus, with 22 last week. Latimer said the number of COVID cases is coming down steadily, but not dropping dramatically.

In other vaccine news, New York State has now cleared the way for those 50 or older to be vaccinated. In addition people of any age who have a co-morbidity can schedule a vaccination appointment. The state has authorized pharmacies to vaccinate people with co-morbidities, expanding the available vaccination sites.

Last, senior citizens and anyone who is disabled can get a free ride to and from their vaccination appointment from Westchester Paratransit. In order to schedule a ride, call (914) 995-7272 at least 24 hours before your appointment.