Sunday, Sep 29th

RuthfightWhen we last checked in with Lauren Kessler during the quarantine she and her daughter Carly were painting rocks with messages of hope and leaving them around the neighborhood to cheer passers-by. The colorful rocks, some with uplifting messages, were cheered by frightened and often depressed neighbors out to get some air.

Now she has turned her talents to a new task – painting rocks with pictures and quotes from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg who passed away last week.

Kessler explains, “I’ve been painting rocks since the quarantine and decorating the neighborhood. I even painted a couple of RBG rocks long before she had died. She’s always been a cultural icon, and I’m a huge fan. When she passed, I painted a few of her just for myself and posted them as a tribute on Facebook. I didn’t post them to sell them or to say anything - just the rocks with a broken heart emoji.”

“Soon, commenters were asking, “how do I get one?” “How much?” I considered making a few to auction. But the next morning I woke up to a text from a friend asking if she could buy one. I honestly had no thought of selling them so I told her if she made a donation to a cause that I would give her one, or if she wanted to Venmo me money, I would do some research regarding where to donate, and then I would give her one. I did not specify the amount. She immediately sent me $100. I was so grateful and surprised, but at that moment decided if she was willing to pay $100, then that would be the amount!

“Soon many people were asking me to buy them and I was really so touched. Friends and strangers were asking for specific ones to send to their daughters in school or buying multiples for friends and family.”

“My close friend Suzanne has been on a mission since to sell as many as possible for specific causes. She has really spread the word! The money raised will be distributed to different organizations. We are still researching specifically where. One is definitely Sloan Kettering, as Ruth actively supported and donated to them. Some will go to help with the election, and some may go to a women’s initiative.”

To purchase your own RBG rock, email


applesandhoneyRosh Hashanah begins on Friday night September 18, and Yom Kippur on Sunday night September 27. If you don’t belong to a synagogue but would like to attend services, this is the year you can do so, without leaving home. All synagogues are offering a virtual option, and many of these services are open to the public.

Here are schedules and instructions from four local synagogues:

Bet Am Shalom

Bet Am Shalom, is a vibrant, egalitarian Reconstructionist congregation of families and individuals from diverse backgrounds, bound together by a shared belief in a thoughtful and progressive approach to Judaism. With a deep respect for tradition, they seek to evolve as the works eveloves. Located on Soundview Avenue in White Plains Bet Am is welcoming guests to attend all of their services in a Virtual Open Tent. To participate, please register here.

Here is the schedule:

High Holy Day Services:
Erev Rosh Hashanah: 6 pm
Rosh Hashanah Family Service Day 1: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Rosh Hashanah Service Day 1: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah Family Service Day 1: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Rosh Hashanah Service Day 2: 9:30 am – 1:20 pm

Kol Nidre: 6:15 pm
Yom Kippur:
9:30-10:30am Family service
9:30-10:45am Regular shacharit service
10:45-11:40am Torah service, Haftarah, blessing for sick
11:40am-12:10pm YIZKOR and Martyrology services
12:15-12:35pm D’rashah
12:40-2:15pm Musaf service
TBD Study
4:45-5:45pm Minchah
5:45-6:15pm Selected stories; Shirat Ha'am
6:15-7:15pm Ne'ilah
7:15-7:20pm Final shofar blast

Congregation Kol Ami

Congregation Kol Ami is a vibrant and caring Jewish community in Westchester celebrating its 97th year. Their purpose is to nurture the divine spark within, and to connect each of us to a meaningful Jewish journey through worship, the early childhood program, the religious school and Hebrew program, adult education classes and speakers, social justice initiatives, and our diversity. They are here for you in every way; in-person, virtually, and spiritually. The synagogue is located at 252 Soundview Avenue in White Plains. Non-congregants are invited join them for a virtual High Holy Day services this year: Here is the schedule and the links to join:

Rosh Hashanah Family Service, Saturday, September 19th, 2-3pm
Streaming on our HHD Channel:

Rosh Hashanah Day Two Service, Sunday, September 20th, 10am-12pm
On Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 841 8444 9438
Passcode: roshday2

Yom Kippur Family Service, Monday, September 28th, 2:00-3:00pm
Streaming on our HHD Channel:

If you are interested in joining for additional worship opportunities or membership please contact Alison Adler at Shanah tova!

Scarsdale Synagogue

Scarsdale Synagogue, a Reform synagogue on Ogden Road in Scarsdale invites you to be yourself, be connected and be inspired. They meet you where you are and join you on your Jewish journey. Scarsdale Synagogue is offering most services for Rosh Hashanah (Sept 18-20) and Yom Kippur (Sept 27-28) via Zoom and there are also a few in person opportunities. If you are interested in attending, please contact Temple Administrator, Fawn Mendel To learn more, visit or call 914-725-5175.

Westchester Reform Temple

Westchester Reform Temple, a Reform synagogue on Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale aims to satisfy all appetites for Jewish soul food—both spiritual and physical—through meaningful expressions of prayer, song, ritual, study, and community involvement. Select services are open to the public. For login information click her: Everyone will need to register, and confirmation email will provide a link for the services.

Here is the schedule of services for the public:
Saturday, September 12
7:00 pm - Selichot Program followed by Service

Rosh HaShanah
Saturday, September 19
9:00 am - Tot Service
10:00 am -Youth Service

Rosh HaShanah (second day)
Sunday, September 20
10:00 am - Main Sanctuary Service (Non-Members are welcome)

Kol Nidre / Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 27
5:00 pm - Youth Service

Yom Kippur
Monday, September 28
9:00 am - Tot Service
10:00 am - Youth Service
1:00 pm - Open Ark & Personal Teshuvah
2:00 pm - Musical
2:30 pm - First Yizkor
3:30 pm - Afternoon Service, Annual Rabbi Aaron D. Panken, Ph.D z”l Memorial Shiur, featuring Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the URJ and the Rabbi Aaron D. Panken Professors of HUCJIR, Yizkor, & Ne’ilah

shsThis year, for the first time, Scarsdale taxpayers will have the option of paying their school tax bill in two installments – with the first payment due by September 30, 2020 and the second by January 31, 2021. The Village Board opted to go this route to offer relief to residents who may be feeling financial stress due to the pandemic.

Residents will receive their tax bills this week – however, there is an error on the bills in the white portion of the bill that you retain for your records. The two payment coupons are correct. The two pink payment stubs are to be returned with your tax payments. The white portion that shows your assessed value, full tax amount and market value of your property are incorrect and should be ignored. If you want to see those values, go to the Property Information page of the Village website here and look up your address.

Here is the explanation Scarsdale Village:

Due to an error in the School Tax Bill printing system, which does not impact the integrity of the underlying property tax database, only the two pink payment coupons on the recently mailed school tax bills reflect the correct school taxes owed. Please refer to the “Tax Amount Due” on each pink coupon for the correct amount to pay. Importantly, due to the printing error, fields in the white summary portion of the tax bill containing assessed valuation and total tax information are not accurate. Again, the underlying property tax database’s integrity was not impacted by the printing system error. Please remit only the amounts appearing in the “Tax Amount Due” on each pink coupon, which are accurate and based on a property’s correct assessed value. Taxpayers wishing to verify the correct assessed value and tax information for their property may do so online using the Property Inquiry.

The info circled in red shows the error. The info circled in green is accurate and represents the correct amount due on each payment stub – both stubs are correct.

To reiterate, the underlying property tax database’s integrity remains intact – taxpayers can review the accurate information online using the Property Inquiry.

Here's a sample bill showing the erroneous input circled in red and the correct portions circled in green:


elearningI don’t know how e-learning went for you and your children last spring, but for me and mine it was a struggle to put it mildly. To begin, learning how to use Zoom for a tech-challenged mom provoked both laughter and tears. Once I (sort of) got the hang of it, I completely forgot to help my daughter log into some class zooms while at other times I “helped” her log into the totally wrong zooms, meant for the “B” week students. And those mistakes were made even with the mom-made, color-coded schedule and daily routine I had created, which by the way, neither of my children followed for more than two days. Instead of adhering to my schedule, my kids began to sleep later and beg for more screen time because, as they said, “it is the only way I can socialize with my friends.” Of course, worried about their emotional well-being I gave into their requests more than I care to admit! To top it off, just as I was starting to pat myself on the back for managing things “okay enough,” I got a dreaded teacher email that said, “Your child has a missing an assignment…” Ugh.

So, determined to avoid the pitfalls of remote learning as we navigate this year’s hybrid schedule, I reached out to a fellow Scarsdale mom and executive functioning coach, Samara Heiman Chesler for some tips and suggestions. Mrs. Chesler, who holds a master’s degree in speech language pathology, has a private practice and has worked in various private and public schools as a speech and language pathologist since 2000 helping students of all ages ranging from preschool through high school. Mrs. Chesler specializes in helping students with language-based learning disorders by teaching them learning strategies to facilitate academic learning and to help them reach their maximum learning potential. Moreover, Mrs. Chesler equips students with a variety of skills that help build important skills such as working memory, organization and study skills, critical and abstract thinking, reading comprehension, processing, writing skills, study skills, planning and time management and so much more.

When I asked if she had any suggestions to help e-learning go more smoothly this year, Mrs. Chesler had a laundry list of ideas starting with, “remember to take deep breaths!” She went on to explain how last spring, as school moved from in-person learning with manipulatives and textbooks to fully remote, e-learning it became clear that students would need help bolstering their executive functioning skills now more than ever. As we continued to speak, it was evident that Mrs. Chesler has a deep well of knowledge and a variety of ideas and ways to support students with remote learning. While I would love to share it all here, I realize that parents have been swimming in emails from school and trying to sift through mountains of information. So instead, I asked Mrs. Chesler if she could offer just a few quick, important takeaways that parents and students could easily and quickly put to use.

Here are her suggestions:

1. Time Management
Make a "to do" checklist, create a schedule for yourself or child, set a timer to keep you on task, make deadlines.

2. Organization
Create a workspace, use a week at a glance calendar, sort materials and assignments by subject, keep supplies together.

3. Overall learning
Print material, highlight and take notes, use graphic organizers, use a notepad to write important details or brainstorm.

One of Chesler’s last pieces of advice came in the form of a quote attributed to Vivian Greene and it really resonates with me, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.” So, if I’m not making schedules and fumbling zoom meetings, you might catch me getting my groove on. I’ll do whatever it takes! If you would like more information on how to support your child with executive functioning and e-learning, please email Mrs. Chesler at

IosepoviciSHS Director of Counseling, Oren IosepoviciThere’s never been a stranger time to apply to or attend college. Every day brings news of changing application requirements, evolving situations on campus, announcement of in-school and virtual classes, quarantining, COVID testing and more. How is COVID affecting college applications and college attendance among Scarsdale students? We asked the expert, Oren Iosepovici, Director of Counseling at Scarsdale High School for the latest and here is what he shared:

With so many colleges announcing remote learning, what are you hearing from incoming freshmen – are they still planning to attend? Have you heard from any former SHS students who are now enrolled in college? Are many deferring their plans to go back?

There have been some reports recently of a greater number of students at some institutions opting to defer their enrollment than in past years. To be honest, we have not heard from our recently graduated seniors (or current college students) en masse that their plans have changed, but one would surmise that as more schools transition to a fully remote experience, the typical number of SHS students who opt for a gap year (typically a small handful) would be larger this year. That being said, the challenge of finding alternatives in the midst of pandemic will no doubt continue.

How are plans to go remote affecting this year’s seniors’ decisions on where to apply? When families are weighing the cost of a 4-year college experience, do you think that the colleges’ remote learning programs are impacting those decisions?

Given that most of us hope (wish) to have a sense of normalcy this time next year, we expect that our seniors will approach their post-secondary plans based on an anticipated in-person experience, rather than any current remote option. At the same time, it will be interesting to see how the experiences of the past few months have shaped our students’ approach. For example, approximately 30% of our seniors typically enroll in a college within New York state, and only time will tell if that number increases this year due to a reticence to travel further.

In terms of cost, there is no doubt that conversation is happening all across the country, and we have been privy to those questions and concerns in Scarsdale as well. From the college’s point of view, finances and ongoing economic realities are the primary challenges that are keeping university and admissions leaders up at night.

Discuss the decision by some colleges and universities not to require SAT/ACT tests. What are you advising high school students about testing?

Prior to the pandemic, approximately 1000 schools were already test optional. That number has now increased exponentially, and I would argue that “some” is actually “most”. As for many students across the country, testing has been a real challenge for our rising seniors. All spring exams were cancelled, and given social distancing guidelines and ongoing issues related to hosting exams, most high schools have been forced to either limit the number of students they can safely test (SHS as an example) or cancel the exam at their site altogether. That has caused ongoing difficulties for students with respect to taking exams, especially prior to any early deadlines. Any further school closures could cause additional test center disruptions. That being said, admissions officers live in the same world we do, and we encourage students to have conversations with their respective Dean. We will be able to support their efforts in providing context and developing an individualized plan that makes sense for them.

If a student is able to test, the decision on whether or not to submit scores is an individual one. Students may alter their approach based on different schools on their list (for example, submitting a score to one school and not others). It is a nuanced conversation that Deans can have with a specific student.

If students apply without test scores are they at a disadvantage?

It is important to remember that standardized tests are one aspect of an application, and a wide variety of schools are already accustomed to making decisions without scores. The National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC) has just released a report on the “Role of Standardized Testing in the time of Covid-19 and Beyond”, calling on colleges to reflect on the role standardized testing plays in their admissions process. I would argue that most college admissions officers recognize the impact the pandemic has had on students ability to test, and have adjusted their admissions practice to reflect that.

In answering the larger question, I would say, “it depends”. There are many institutions that have made a commitment to an evaluation process that minimizes or even eliminates the use of standardized tests in their process. Others are still insisting on some type of standardized metric. Still, we believe that the following quote from a Dean of Admissions at a highly selective institution captures the current state of affairs.

"Optional" is not a trick word. It is not a wink that signals a continued institutional preference for the upcoming admissions cycle. This is not a moment for euphemisms or gimmicks; there should be no parsing of intent with this amended testing policy. It is a clear response to an unprecedented moment that requires admission officers to reimagine some of the elements we have historically required as we reassure anxious students about their upcoming applications. Worries about oversubscribed test sites, anxiety regarding limited registration access and the incongruity of test prep during a quarantine can be set aside. We will welcome any testing element a student chooses to share—the SAT, the ACT, a subject test, an AP score—or none at all. Our admission committee will review each candidacy without second-guessing the omission or presence of a testing element.

Now that in-person school is limited – are advisors meeting with students? How is the counseling department navigating the college admissions process?

We understood in the spring that the coming academic year would probably be unlike any that we have ever experienced. To that end, the Counseling Department has worked throughout the summer to consider our program for the 20-21 school year, and shared our plan for supporting students in the college application process with our rising seniors and parents. You can find the link for that email here. We will soon be in touch with students across all grade levels to reiterate our support and ongoing counsel in this incredibly challenging environment.

How is the guidance department keeping up with all of these changes? New announcements seem to be coming out daily!

This summer has been unlike any other any of us can recall. There has rarely been a day without a group email from one of the Deans providing information regarding a recent development in college admission. We have also been quite busy in supporting the restart plans and our overall work in general. The past few months have been incredibly challenging for all of us, professionally and personally, and I couldn’t be more proud of a group of colleagues as committed to their students and profession. At the same time, I hope that those reading this article remember the incredible commitment of the entire SHS faculty to our collective work, and that ultimately we are human beings who are facing the same challenges and disruptions to our daily lives as so many across this country. Patience and kindness will be our ultimate goal for this year. To our students. Ourselves. And each other.