Saturday, Sep 28th

mamaroneck1The Scarsdale Raiders had great hopes of defeating their rival the Mamaroneck Tigers on Tuesday January 31 at Mamaroneck. And for the first three quarters of the game, the Raiders lead – at times by a full ten points.  At the onset of the game, Scarsdale was focused on stopping Mamaroneck’s three top players, Mezansky, McMullin and Lanni. Team Captain Matt Mezansky, who has played Varsity since he was a sophomore, is considered one of the best point guards in Section 1. At Tuesday’s game, he proved himself again, and was the Tiger’s top scorer with 21 points. Scarsdale was more successful at defending against Gerry McMullin who scored 12 and stopping center Alex Lanni.

Scarsdale looked confident at the opening and dominated play in all three quarters, working together to defend their basket and making some great skip passes to penetrate against Mamaroneck’s 1-3-1 defense.

The contest was heated and the teams passed down the court from basket to basket at a dizzying speed. The gym was packed with Tiger fans who chanted, screamed and rocked the bleachers. But their enthusiasm was not enough to drive their team, at least in the first three quarters.

Nearing the end of the first quarter the score was close at 12-11 in favor of Scarsdale when Greg Scacchi grabbed the ball and scored an impressive three-pointer, leaving Scarsdale in the lead at 15-11.

At the opening of the second quarter, junior Jon Cohen was subbed in for point guard Alex Squadron and made a quick basket. Mamaroneck was successful at makingmamaroneck2 two foul shots and then Jack Hewitt stole the ball and scored within 40 seconds of the half. Again Mamaroneck was fouled and scored 2 points and with only a few second left Scacchi got hold of the ball and scored, leaving the tally at 26-20 at the half.

The Raiders also held their own in the third quarter with baskets scored by Crean, and Hewitt. Junior Tyler Nathan was subbed in with only 2 second left and passed the ball to Hewitt who laid it up and put Scarsdale ahead by ten points at the end of the third.

Even at the beginning of the fourth quarter it looked like the game would be a victory for Scarsdale. Scacchi grabbed the ball under the basket and passed it outside to Squadron who hit a floater, retaining the teams ten point lead.

But suddenly, with around 6 minutes to go in the 4th quarter, everything changed. The refs repeatedly called fouls on the Scarsdale players giving Mamaroneck the chance to make up the score in foul shots. Scarsdale fought hard to maintain their lead, but the refs called foul after foul –and eventually the score was tied at 39. With 1:50 on the clock, Mamaroneck scored and pulled out ahead at 39-41. Hewitt was fouled and hit one free throw, missing the second and bringing the tally to 40-41 with 21 seconds left. Both teams called several time outs in the closing seconds of the game. In the final 8 seconds, Scarsdale’s Jon Miller was given possession of the ball for a throw in, stepped out of bounds and a foul was called. Mamaroneck again scored on a foul shot and won the game 40 to 42.

The volume in the gym was deafening as Tiger fans cheered their team on and reveled in the turnaround. The Raiders, who thought a win was in sight, were left stunned by the loss.



jvbball1The Scarsdale JV Boys Basketball Team continued its winning ways this past week, improving its record to 8-3 with a 67-60 overtime win over White Plains and a decisive 58-41 win over Byram Hills.

White Plains: On January 20, 2012, the JV Raiders hosted White Plains for their second meeting in one week. In their previous meeting at White Plains on January 13, the Raiders defeated the Tigers in a high-scoring game, 75-71. In that game, the Raiders trailed until the final minute, taking the lead for the first time on a jump shot by Grant Knief with one minute to play. The rematch promised to be an exciting game and it did not disappoint, as the Raiders staged a furious comeback to defeat the Tigers, 65-60, in overtime.

Picking up where they left off one week ago, both teams got off to a fast start in the rematch. Paced by early baskets from Matt Katz (18 points, 11 rebounds) and Zach Marcus (12 points, 8 rebounds), the Raiders ended the first quarter tied at 16. The teams continued to exchange baskets throughout the second quarter. A basket by Evan Dweck (5 points, 6 rebounds) and two late free throws by Marcus gave the Raiders a 27-25 lead at halftime.

In the third quarter, however, White Plains took the lead and finished the quarter leading 43-40, despite a clutch basket from Eli Nobler. In the fourth jvbball2quarter, the Tigers extended their lead to 54-48 with just under 4 minutes to play and seemed to be pulling away. But the Raiders refused to quit. Trailing 57-53 with just thirty seconds to play, the Raiders got a clutch basket from Grant Goodman (12 points, 3 assists) to cut their deficit to two. After an intentional foul and two missed free throws, the Raiders had one last chance. With 6 seconds to play, the Raiders in-bounded the ball from under the Tigers’ basket. Goodman escaped a double team in the left hand corner, circled towards the top of the key, and drove strong down the center of the lane. As the White Plains defenders quickly collapsed on him, Goodman alertly found Eric Singer (8 points, 7 rebounds) under the basket for the game-tying lay-up as the buzzer sounded, sending the teams into overtime and the crowd into a frenzy.

In overtime, the Raiders dominated play. After White Plains scored the initial point on a free throw, the Raiders came back with 7 straight points on baskets by Goodman and Singer and a clutch three-point basket from Jonathan Potter (6 points). Free throws accounted for the final margin as the Raiders went on to a 67-60 victory over the Tigers. The win raised the Raiders’ record to 7 wins and 3 losses.

Armonk (Byram Hills): On January 24, 2012, the JV Raiders hosted Byram Hills. Using their superior speed and athleticism, the Raiders broke open a close game and cruised to a 58-41 victory.

The game started slowly, with both teams displaying strong defense and neither team allowing any transition baskets. Good shooting and aggressive play from Grant Goodman (7 points, 3 steals) and a halftime buzzer-beating shot from Eric Singer (9 points, 8 rebounds) -- his second buzzer-beater in two games -- kept the Raiders even as the teams went to halftime tied at 20.

The third quarter was all Scarsdale, as the Raiders switched to an aggressive, trapping defense and took control of the game. Baskets from Matt Katz (12 points), Goodman, and Zach Marcus (10 points), together with strong inside play from Singer and Evan Dweck (2 points, 4 rebounds, 2 blocks) sparked the Raiders on a 22-7 run, and the Raiders ended the quarter leading 42-27.

The fourth quarter saw the Raiders extend their lead on baskets by Andreas Larsen (6 points), Grant Knief, and Jay Pocharaju. The highlights of the second-half were a spectacular no-look pass from Jacob Newman to Jeff Leone for a driving lay-up, and a ferocious block by Daniel Markowitz of an attempted Armonk lay-up. A basket by James Beveridge closed out the scoring for the Raiders.

With their win against Armonk. the JV Raiders improved their record to 8-3, with upcoming games on Tuesday (January 31) at Mamaroneck (6 p.m.), Wednesday (February 1) at Eastchester (4:15 p.m.), Friday (February 3) at home against Irvington (4:30 p.m.), and Saturday (February 4), at home against Portchester (4:00 p.m.).



bobcats2Success seems to be evading the Scarsdale Varsity Boys Basketball team who suffered another disappointing loss on Tuesday January 24. The Byram Hills Bobcats came to Scarsdale with an 8-3 record and Junior Jeff Lynch in their lineup. Lynch made the Bobcat’s Varsity team as a freshman and was named a Super 7 Player by MSG Varsity after he lead his team to the State Class A Semifinal last season. Though he has been suffering from ankle injuries this season, he started in the game against Scarsdale.

The game started out close -- and a minute and a half into the first quarter, the score was tied. Since the Bobcats are known for taking a fast lead at the start and cruising through the balance of the game, it was good to see the Raider’s holding them in check. However, the Bobcats quickly turned the tables and went on a 17-0 run, leaving the Raiders down by 17 points as the buzzer rang.

During the second quarter, the Raiders fought back. The score narrowed as Larsen, Plummer, Squadron and Hewitt scored. Junior Jon Cohen, the leading scorer in the game against White Plains on Friday was subbed in, fouled and scored two points by sinking two foul shots. Point Guard Squadron was also fouled and scored again, bringing the score in the second quarter to 18-26 for Byram Hills. Right before the half, Plummer made an acrobatic leap and scored gracefully again and the Raiders were down by only six points at the half. Overall, in the second quarter the Raiders hardnosed defense was able to check the Bobcats’ pure shooters and limit them to 1 out of 13 shots from the field.

When they played “That’s Life,” by Frank Sinatra during half time, the song said it all. The Raiders began the third quarter by scoring, narrowing

Junior Point Guard Alex Squadron
Byram Hill’s lead to four points, but after that, they could never catch up. The third quarter ended at 35-47 and with four minutes left in the fourth quarter, Scarsdale was behind by 14 points.


At that point, the Bobcats took out their starting team and brought in players from the bench. Scarsdale took this opportunity to rally back and Aleks Larsen and Greg Scacchi brought the score to a seven-point spread with a minute left on the clock. However, it was too late to close the gap. Similar to the ending of the White Plains game, Scarsdale desperately tried to foul their opponents to stop the clock.

With only a minute left, and the score at 47 to 58, Byram Hills was given the ball for yet another foul, and scored two baskets bringing the final score to 50 for Scarsdale and 60 for their visitors. Scarsdale now stands at 4 wins and 9 losses for the season.

Scarsdale plays again at home at 4:15 pm on Friday 1/27 where they’ll meet Gordon, who they beat decisively earlier in the season. Hopefully this week will end with a win. (Pictured at top: Raider's Greg Scacchi)

Raider's Defend the Hoop



gorton6The Raiders Varsity Basketball team broke their losing streak with a hard-fought win against Gorton High School of Yonkers at SHS on Friday January 27th. The Raiders beat Gorton soundly earlier in the season and did not expect to have to fight so hard to come out on top at this second challenge. When they first played Gorton, the Yonkers players had not found an identity. Now, with more experience, they run an offense through Junior Point Guard Dane Williamson. This strategy was successful for Gorton, who most recently lost two close games in overtime against Scarsdale and Mamaroneck.

Though Gorton arrived with just eight players, they were tough and managed to best the Raiders in the first quarter which ended at 8-18 for Gorton. The tables seemed to turn at the beginning of the second quarter when Jon Miller scored a three-pointer. Coach John Feld subbed in Brad Fieldler, Dylan LoBue, Jon Cohen and Peter Simon. Both Simon and Cohen scored and Cohen sunk two foul shots, leaving the score at 22-25 at the buzzer.

Determined to win, Coach Feld brought back the starting lineup for the third quarter. Again, Miller scored quickly and tied up the score at 30-30 with the clock at 5:52. Aleks Larsen was fouled, missed the two foul shots but scored immediately afterwards keeping the score tied at 33-33. However, shortly thereafter Larsen was charged with his fifth personal and fouled out of the game. Near the end of the third quarter Plummer made another acrobatic move grabbing the ball at one end of the court, and making a run for the opposite side bringing the score to 38-35.

Gorton called a timeout and when they returned to the court they slowed down the game, and scored again leaving the count at 38 to 40.

The game remained neck in neck in the fourth quarter with the Raiders unable to pull ahead before the clock ran out. With two minutes left and the score tied at 42, the Raiders and Gorton ran out the clock with both calling for repeated timeouts.

start stop bwd fwd

Tied at 42-42 at the end of regulation time, the game went into a four-minute overtime and the Raiders pulled it together and shot ahead. Plummer scored first, moving the scoreboard to 44-42, followed by Hewitt bringing it to 46-42. With just two minutes remaining, Yonkers got desperate and continually fouled the Scarsdale players who used their foul shots to raise the score. Plummer, Scacchi, Cohen and Squadron were all fouled in the final minutes of the game and used these opportunities to score 7 points and raise the score to a final tally of 55-44.

The eleven-point spread was a sweet victory after the neck-in-neck game. High scorers for the game were Greg Scacchi with 14 points, and Jon Cohen and Jon Miller at 9 each. Gorton’s Dane Williamson was his team’s leading scorer with 22 points.

The Raiders are away next week. On Tuesday they’ll meet their biggest rivals at Mamaroneck at 4:15 and on Saturday 2/4 they’ll play Portchester at Scarsdale for Breast Cancer Awareness Day at 6 pm. Their second to last game will be the following Tuesday, 2/7, against Mt. Vernon and they will close out the regular season on Friday 2/10 against Mamaroneck at Scarsdale.

Photo credit: Cathy Hewitt



bballwp1Following a narrow loss to White Plains at White Plains last week, the Scarsdale Boys Varsity Basketball team was hoping for a win against the White Plains Tigers at home on Friday January 20. And the score was close for most of the game as the Raider’s played aggressively and fought hard for the ball.

During the first half the Raiders led. Near the end of the second quarter Greg Scacchi intercepted a pass and dunked a fast break lay-up that brought the score to 26-25 Shortly thereafter, with just 45 seconds left before halftime, junior Jon Cohen scored putting Scarsdale ahead by 29-25 when the bell rang. Playing his first starting game, Cohen showed promise, displaying his quick release and shooting 6 for 9 from the 3-point line. He was the game’s leading scorer.

A technical foul proved to have a big impact on the game. During the second quarter Scarsdale’s Andrew Crean was called from the bench to enter the game but his number was entered incorrectly in the stat book. This resulted in a technical foul for Scarsdale. White Plains’ Akeem Williams was given two free throws and possession of the ball. He made one of the two foul shots and White Plains scored quickly again thereafter. This was not the first time this season there was an error in the stat book. At the Mt. Vernon game on January 11, junior Peter Simon’s name was entered incorrectly resulting in another technical foul.

Those three points may have made the difference in the game.bballwp3

After halftime, White Plains turned the game around and at the end of the third quarter, the Raiders trailed by 4 points. The crowd was hopeful that the team could pull together and score a victory in the remaining minutes of the game but Scarsdale’s progress was snared by fouls.

The Tigers had several opportunities to score foul shots in the final minutes of the game and they were successful – dashing Scarsdale’s hopes to pull out a win.

If not for the three points scored as a result of the technical foul in the second quarter, the teams might have been tied at the end of the game. But as they trailed by three points in the final minutes of the game, the Raiders sought to foul White Plains and stop the clock. This resulted in several foul shots for White Plains and a heartbreaking loss for the Scarsdale.

bballwp5Junior Jon Cohen was the leading scorer with 18 points, followed by Jack Hewitt with 12 and Greg Scacchi with 11. Point guard Alex Squadron was also impressive as an elite Section 1 point guard.

The final game score was 53/49, and Scarsdale’s record for the season now stands at 4 wins and 8 losses. The Raiders next game is scheduled for Tuesday January 24 against Byram Hills at Scarsdale. Come out and cheer them on!
