Monday, Sep 30th

clock1Faculty study teams have deemed that the move to Advanced Topics at Scarsdale High School has been a success and are also working to develop a STEAM curriculum. Representatives from these two faculty teams presented updates on Scarsdale High School's Advanced Topics (AT) Program and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) curriculum development to the Board of Education at their work session on June 8, 2015. Scarsdale High School Principal Kenneth Bonamo introduced the meeting agenda by stating these areas are two important pieces of the high school curriculum and development goals and each has been assigned a faculty study team to evaluate program needs and successes and provide future direction.

Advanced Placement and Advanced Topics

It has been 8 years since the high school introduced Advanced Topics courses in lieu of traditional Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Some of the driving forces behind this initiative were to allow teachers to develop curriculum with more time for in depth inquiry -- without the pressure of having to rush through an agenda of topics in order to teach to the exam.

Math Teacher Monica Palekar and Social Studies Teacher Larry Brown led a study team in assessing "Where are we in the AT journey?" and presented their findings. They opened with a video of Scarsdale High School students talking about their experiences in AT classes. The common themes these students expressed were satisfaction with being in an environment where they could be intellectually challenged and engaged rather than memorizing facts to prepare for a test. The students appreciated how they developed problem-solving skills, worked independently and were able to ask for curriculum changes based on interest. They also mentioned passionate teachers with deep knowledge of their subject areas.

Palekar and Brown provided some background on how AT courses are developed using college level materials, assessments and syllabi. Some AT classes are even using college level textbooks. The teachers talked about efforts to address uniformity in curriculum and assessment across different sections of a class. There is a great deal of syllabus and exam sharing among the high school faculty and in some AT classes, such as chemistry, a uniform final exam is provided.

Two new AT courses will be introduced next year: International Politics and Spanish Literature and Culture.

One of the major concerns at the time of transitioning to AT was what impact, if any, this move have on the college admission success. Palekar and Brown presented a chart with data from the guidance department that showed the percent of students accepted at the "most competitive" (as per the Barron's Guide) colleges has continued to be strong:

Another concern about the implementation was how students who chose to take an AP test would be supported and how they would perform? Brown said that AT teachers make themselves available to students who want help preparing for the AP exams and he presented a graph showing the number of students scoring "3" or greater on the AP tests since 2010 has been consistently high:

ATChart2They closed their presentation by asking "What more can we do to continue to validate and confirm that this program is working?" Brown said the faculty concluded that they would like to get more qualitative and quantitative data from former AT students who are taking relevant college courses. He mentioned the possibility of surveys, perhaps followed by in-depth interviews with students with the goal of "making sure that we are providing high-order thinking skills and college ready content."

STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math

The floor was turned over to Science Teacher Jeremy Szerlip and Art Teacher Lisa Yokana for the STEAM portion of the presentation. They led a committee tasked with developing a course sequence in technology and engineering bearing in mind that SHS's own design lab is scheduled to open for the 2017/2018 school year. They began by looking at design labs in other schools and on college campuses and meeting with the people who run those labs. They also asked alumni who are studying engineering and computer science in college "How could we have better prepared you?"

Some common responses were:

- Provide more exposure to and overview of the field of engineering. What does it mean to be a civil engineer or a mechanical engineer or a chemical engineer?
- Offer opportunities to develop a more innovative mind set. In high school, projects were defined for them versus their college experience of having to be innovative and develop their own projects based on real needs.
- Supply hands-on "making" experiences.
- Provide exposure to tools and software commonly used by engineers.

Szerlip and Yokana presented some specifics about the envisioned course sequence. The introductory level will be a series of one-semester courses that meet twice a week. The first course will be Introduction to Design and Fabrication. This class will focus on tool use and safety, design thinking concepts, and documentation. The second introductory course will be Introduction to Engineering in which students will choose to build mini-projects such as a skeleton clock, a car that moves around a room and avoids objects, or a synthesizer. They hope to run prototypes of these classes in the fall and spring of the 2016/2017 school year.

The second level courses will be a selection of electives focused on different areas of engineering such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), Robotics, and Mechanical Engineering.

The third level will be an AT level class focused on design and entrepreneurship. Projects in this class will be generated by student's passions.

The work to get all of these courses established will begin this summer when the project team will focus on defining the introductory courses and associated projects, writing course descriptions and an explanation of the course sequence for the catalog. The team will also develop a job description for an Engineering Teacher who would hopefully be hired for the 2016/2017 school year.

In the fall and next spring (2015/2016), they will continue to define the projects for the introductory courses assisted by a group of twenty independent study students who will be prototyping potential projects and provide important feedback to the curriculum team.

Bonamo and all four of the teachers who presented at this meeting expressed tremendous gratitude to the many members of their project teams. Both Advanced Topics and STEAM are great examples of how the district's support for professional development of faculty leads to innovation and excitement in the classroom and is presenting many new opportunities to look forward to at Scarsdale High School in the near and not so far away future.

The full presentation can be seen here. 

alandJaneScarsdale's Village Manager Al Gatta was one of a kind. He was direct, honest and tough, yet also empathetic, supportive and willing to listen. These qualities came through at his retirement dinner at the Beach Point Club on Friday May 29th.

The elegant dining room overlooking Long Island Sound was filled with present and former Mayors and members of the Board of Trustees, Village staffers, community members and municipal leaders from around the county.

Newly appointed Village Manager Stephen Pappalardo, who has known Gatta for 27 years, repeated some of Al's signature expressions and had everyone howling. He introduced Al as one of the finest Village Managers in Scarsdale history, adding, "just ask Al and he'll tell you himself!" According to formermayorPappalardo, when Al was asked to grant permission for a staffer to take vacation he would often say, "This guy takes off more than a 747." About someone he found slow on the uptake he would say, "This guy couldn't spell CAT if you gave him a C and a T.

Al, who has been Village Manager here for 20 years, came to Scarsdale after stints as the city of Hartford where he managed 2,700 employees and a budget of $360 million and Ann Arbor, Michigan, with 1,000 employees and a capital budget of $230 million. As Scarsdale was less than half that size, here he learned every employees name, supported the staff and kept an open door. He secured millions of dollars in grants for the village, managed large construction projects including Christie Place, the new Public Safety Building, the Popham Road Bridge and storm water management projects. He will also be remembered for overseeing the first Scarsdale tax revaluation in 49 years.

busbymarraPappalardo vowed to carry on in a way that will make Al proud.

Mayor Jon Mark also joked about Al's last meeting at Village Hall. He looked out at the crowd who had come to wish him well and said, "I haven't seen so many people here since we were going to do something about the geese!" Mark called Gatta, tough, determined, and persevering.

Former New Rochelle City Manager Peter Korn came to toast his colleague. He noted Al's leadership skills, professionalism, vision and sense of humor. Looking back at the 1980's when there was ample federal and funding for local projects, Korn rued the current climate where "the spigot from Albany has been shut off." He said, despite these challenging times for municipal government, Al remained calm and professional. He also received toasts from Pelham Village Manager Robert Yamuder and Meredith Robson, the Village Manager of Ardsley.marrinanandmcclure

State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin remembered working with Al when she served on the Scarsdale Board of Trustees. She said Al had "color and personal style, "believes in his community," and was "one of the finest people" she has ever worked with.

County Legislator Ben Boykin presented a proclamation for Al from the Westchester County Board of Legislators. He said, "Al has a wonderful reputation and shows why government matters," and declared May 29, Al Gatta Day in Westchester County. County Executive Rob Astorino also issued a proclamation for Al.

Al's son, Mark Gatta, who is a police officer in Mamaroneck said that "residents always want everything right now, their way." Al responded by "giving them what they need" and never took credit. He remembered going to work with his father in Hartford and seeing him as a "powerful guy in charge of a huge machine."

raizenDavid Raizen, who heads the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps shared a memorable tale about Al that occurred at the time the new ambulance corps building was going up on Weaver Street: He said,

"During the early construction phase, we were picketed by the carpenter's union, and this made it hard to get the building going. Since we were funded by private donations, there was some urgency to make progress. After about two weeks of dealing with unruly picketers, the police designated a 3-foot wide by 30 feet long patch of grass on front of the building, where the union could continue their demonstration under the rights of free speech and assembly. But, it was obviously still a hindrance to our progress. So, I asked Al if I could take matters into my own hands, and he did not tell me, "no." Without telling him what I was doing, I drove to Home Depot and bought 10 50-lb bags of manure. That night, I spread all the manure down on the picketers' designated pathway, and then got a garden hose and wet it down so it packed into the earth.jackandellen

At 8 a.m., the next day, the picketers showed up. But, the stench must have gotten to them. After only a few hours, at 11 a.m., they left and never came back.

Later Al asked how I had gotten rid of the picketers. I told him he probably didn't want to know, but he should enjoy it that SVAC would have the greenest lawn in Scarsdale."

Raizen called Al "ethical, professional, intelligent, a generous mentor, and an upstanding gentleman."

Gatta's eloquent wife Jane, a clinical psychologist spoke lovingly about her husband. She said, "there are givers and takers, and Al is a giver." Though giving comes naturally to Al, "being praised and appreciated" is hard work for him and "he does not know how toot his own horn." She also noted that he was ethical, moral and truthful, and holds firm to his beliefs.

gattaboykinRecounting some of their funnier moments together, she told the story of their second date where Al appeared at the door with 2 dozen roses. She was surprised and flattered until he admitted, "They had two-for-one at the supermarket." When the couple was moving to Westchester for the job in Scarsdale, they were house hunting and floored by the prices. Al turned to the broker and said, "You got any slums here?"

She said, Al, "you have run four cities, and given each one your all.... I am so proud of you!"

Al took the podium and seemed overwhelmed by the public outpouring. He thanked his staff, Angela Marin and Christine Sciandra for organizing the dinner, David Raizen for sponsoring the event at Beach Point, everyone he works with and "Scarsdale's amazing elected official who debate, talk and in the end make the best decisions for Scarsdale, separating politics from administration. " He added, "though you made me an honorary resident of Scarsdale, I am not going to pay those taxes." (Photo Credit: Wayne Essanason)

college nightSHS Juniors and their parents gathered anxiously in the school auditorium on Thursday May 14 to hear a panel discussion with college admissions officers who offered advice on the process of selecting schools and getting into college. The College Admissions Presentation, hosted by the SHS Counseling Department and the PTA, featured a panel of nine college admission officers who each provided insight into the college process and told the group what their particular schools look for in prospective students.

Is it better to take the SAT or the ACT? Is it better to get a B in a top math class or an A in a second-tier class? Is it useful to join many clubs to demonstrate diverse interests, or to focus on grades instead? How much do legacy or connections help?

Those were the kinds of questions that parents and students raised—sometimes delicately—and that the college representatives addressed.

For the record, most colleges don't care whether students take the SAT or ACT. And this may not be helpful but the answer to the second question is: it's better to get an A—in the top math class. As for clubs, admissions officers advised students to find a balance between earning top grades and participating in extracurricular activities. Legacy and connections may help, but perhaps less than many believe.

The panel included Kathleen Torrey of Alfred University, Craig Broccoli of Binghamton University, Emily Lake representing Boston University, Peter Johnson of Columbia, Catherine McDonald Davenport representing Dickinson College, Jeanne Holzmann of Fordham University, April Hadnot of the University of Texas at Austin, Jan Deike representing Vanderbilt University, and finally JC Tesone of Vassar College.

The program began in the auditorium where the representatives each wisco copyintroduced themselves and the schools they represent. Shortly after, the auditorium was split into two smaller groups; half went into the cafeteria with five of the representatives and the other half stayed in the auditorium with the other four representatives. The college admissions officers then went on to explain further about what students should do to prepare to apply to college and answered questions from students.

Scarsdale High School's deans believe that this college admissions presentation is essential in helping students understand the college process. "I think a college presentation like this is important because...there are many truths and many rumors floating around out there and I think it is helpful to hear directly from the college representatives," said Dean Matthew Sweeney. Others said that end of junior year is the right time for students to begin focusing on college advice, because by now the students have a sense of their SAT scores and grades.

"Gathering more accurate information from a variety of different colleges is only a good thing," commented Dean Michael Hiller. "On the panel there's a large public school, there's a small private school, there's an Ivy League school, and it's just a great opportunity to hear from a cross section of schools about the admissions process and how they make their decisions."

The deans hoped that students walked away from the presentation much more knowledgeable and confident about the college process. "I hope students take away that this is not a mysterious or insane process," stated Dean Sweeney. "I also hope students gain an understanding that this is a human process. Real people are reading their applications--maybe even the same people who were speaking on the panel."

Dean Hiller added, "My hope is that the presentation helped students gain a little more of an understanding of the different pieces to the process--the college essay, the importance of senior year courses, and things that are still under the control of juniors at this point," he said.

Students agreed that hearing from admission counselors was beneficial. "It was cool to meet the actual people who are behind the process and as students we have to learn more about how the process works for specific colleges," said SHS junior Ali Bauersfeld. "I learned that even though there are distinct differences between each school, primarily the schools are looking for each student to do their best and show who they are in their applications...hearing from the counselors themselves goes beyond what a parent or friend can tell you."

However, despite all the information and comfort that the presentation provided, the upcoming months will still be stressful for the students. "I'm most nervous for the atmosphere and hype surrounding the college process," said Hayden Carey, a junior at SHS. "I feel that it will be impossible to avoid comparing yourself to others. Society, especially Scarsdale, puts so much weight on your college education that it is easy to get sucked in." Another SHS junior, Macie Wasserberger, is nervous about "falling in love with a school that I can't or won't get into."

Junior year and the first semester of senior year may feel like a Sisyphean task, yet students have suggestion about how to decrease the stress. Many juniors, including Wasserberger, believe that it would help for parents and teachers alike to not talk about college 24/7, as right now "it's all you hear about, which makes it even more stressful," she commented. Meanwhile, whenever Carey is feeling stressed he remembers what his brother always tells him: "It's just college." He thinks it's "always reassuring to hear that, that college isn't everything." Other students realize that "every year students go through the same process and deans, teachers, and parents are all amazing supporters," noted Bauersfeld.

Dean Sweeney advised students to "be organized and start applications in the summer, because starting early and being on top of things can be invaluable." He wants students to understand that "while the process can be stressful, it will work out in the end." Dean Hiller said, "try to really be reflective about who they are as learners and what they want to get out of their college experience, so that the schools they will ultimately apply to mesh with who they are and the goals they have." He also hopes that students "take the college process as a time to learn about themselves and to think about themselves in ways they hadn't before...they should just be honest with themselves and their parents so they find the right fit and have the potential of thriving both emotionally and academically to get the best out of their college experience."

algattaVillage Hall was filled with well wishers on Tuesday night May 26 when colleagues and former trustees came to say thank you and goodbye to Village Manager Al Gatta, who will retire this week after 20 years of service to Scarsdale.

Before they could make their remarks, Mayor Jon Mark read a proclamation for Al, listing his many accomplishment, naming him an honorary resident of Scarsdale and declaring May 29 "Al Gatta Day." The full text of the proclamation is reprinted below. After Mark read it and thanked Gatta for his "faithful service," Al received a standing ovation that lasted for quite some time.

Former Trustee Dorothy Finger, whose son Carl Finger is now serving on the Board of Trustees, said that Gatta "taught her a lot about government and taught his staff as well." She was sorry that Gatta was retiring before her son could have that same experience.

Bill Kaye, who served on many village boards and councils said that Gatta would be "a hard act to follow, and that "history will count Al as one of the best to ever serve the Village of Scarsdale."

Coming to the microphone, former Mayor Bob Steves joked, "I used to work here!" He said he had "the privilege of working with Al for the past six years." He credited him with handling critical and sensitive issues and attracting and retaining high quality people. He said that Al's greatest legacy were the quality people he "attracted, nurtured and trained."BOT2

Former Trustee Kay Eisenman said "I have always admired your style, ability to see problem clearly and handle them with grace and dignity." She said that through her work at the County she saw that Gatta was "admired beyond Scarsdale and seen as a senior diplomat around the County."

Choking back tears, former Mayor Carolyn Stevens thanked Al for "making this a better place to live." She said that Gatta helped Scarsdale "to weather an economic recession" but that his talents could not be measured with statistics or financial data." She credited Al with his ability to teach and said that he taught "in a way so that most don't even realize they are learning." She credited Al with "finding a way to work with difficult personalities" and to work collaboratively. She thanked him for his "mentoring and his friendship."

Former Mayor Ed Morgan said he was "present for Al's first and last board meetings." He said that Al was hired due to his strong financial background and considerable experience with municipal construction projects, ' skills that he put to good use in the last 20 years." He said that the relationship between the Mayor and the Manager is a partnership and thanked Al for being a wonderful partner and friend."

BOT4Bob Harrison said Al always had an open door, returned his emails and his phone calls and remembered going to lunch with him and splitting the check.

Dan Hochvert enjoyed Al's company and valued his guidance. He said Al had "a soft spot in his heart for anyone who needed a hand." He said, "you feel that people have a right to be heard and you listen to them." He ended by saying, "I think you are a great guy."

Remembering Al, former trustee Stacey Brodsky said, "Al was a more passionate advocate for Scarsdale than the most passionate Scarsdale resident."

In other business, the Board recognized the Scarsdale Department of Public Works and honored its employees for National Public Works Week.

They received an update on a storm water management report required by the Federal Government.

The Board resolved to enter into a professional service agreement with Fuller and D'Angelo Architects and Planners for $13,700 to design and oversee the construction of a new stairway on the eastside of the Scarsdale Train Station. The stairs have deteriorated and are now closed.

The Board authorized the Chamber of Commerce to hold the annual sidewalk sale in Scarsdale Village on Thursday July 30, Friday July 31 and Saturday August1, 2015.

Proclamation for Al Gatta:

WHEREAS, on this day, May 29th, 2015, Alfred A. Gatta will retire after 20 years of faithful, productive and competent service as Scarsdale Village Manager, and

WHEREAS, his accomplishments as manager over that long service are many and leave the Village of Scarsdale in a much improved condition, and

WHEREAS, during his managerial tenure the important village Popham Road artery was reconstructed and modernized at its vital bridge juncture over the railroad tracks, ensuring safe auto travel and improving downtown traffic flow, and

WHEREAS, the Public Safety building also was completely renovated and modernized under Alfred Gatta's management, and

WHEREAS, other major improvements during his tenure include the Supply Field Building renovation, the Fox Meadow storm drainage upgrade, renovation of 17 village playgrounds, rehabilitation of the historic Wayside Cottage and the Scarsdale Train Station, water system pump station upgrades, improvements to the municipal swimming pool and downtown infrastructure modernization improvements, and

WHEREAS, the above improvements involved a cost of over 40 million dollars with State and Federal Governments providing half of the required funding, and

WHEREAS, these major improvements were accomplished and those costs met while the village manager's budgets provided only modest annual tax rate growth and the Village maintained its Aaa bond rating, and

WHEREAS, the difficult problem of property tax fairness also was addressed under Alfred Gatta's management with the Village spending $1.1 million dollars on a needed revaluation program, the first in 45 years, and

WHEREAS, Alfred Gatta's retirement completes a 45-year career in local government, a career that includes major city management experience for a decade in Hartford, Connecticut, where he managed 2,700 employees and an operating budget of 360 million dollars and a five-year stint as City Administrator for Ann Arbor, Michigan, a community with 1,000 employees and an operating budget of $141 million dollars, and

WHEREAS, despite that long and major city management experience, Alfred Gatta served the Village of Scarsdale with unassuming modest authority, remaining approachable to Village residents and willing to listen to their complaints and ideas, while at the same time managing staff with a soft, understanding hand. Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this day is proclaimed "Alfred Gatta Day" in Scarsdale to honor his service to the Village of Scarsdale, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Alfred Gatta, a native of Long Branch, New Jersey, raised in Queens, New York and Red Bank, New Jersey, and the holder of a Master's Degree in Public Administration from New York University, is named an honorary resident of the Village of Scarsdale, and be it further

RESOLVED, that I as Mayor and on behalf of the Village Board of Trustees, the Village of Scarsdale and its residents, thank Alfred Gatta for his faithful service and wish him and his wife, Jane, and his children many happy years in his retirement, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the text of this mayoral proclamation be spread on the minutes of the June 9, 2015 regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees and that that meeting be adjourned in honor of Alfred Gatta.

A retirement dinner honoring Al Gatta will be held at the Mamaroneck Beach Point Club on Friday night May 29th.

awardsScarsdale High School hosted their Academic Awards Ceremony on Wednesday May 13 to honor those students who attained academic and community service excellence over the past year at the High School, or over their four year High School careers. Parents, teachers, friends and community members gathered in the auditorium to honor 46 students, all juniors and seniors.

The night began with the science awards, the first was the New York Science Supervisors Association Awards presented to the top students in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The Biology award went to Senior Adina Estrin, a top student in the Advanced Topics Biology program. The Chemistry award went to Senior Henry Kline, who studied Advanced Topics Chemistry this year after doing very well in Chemistry as a sophomore. The Physics award went to Danielle Ezratty, who excelled in both Advanced Topics Physics and junior year Physics with teacher Michael Egan. Following the New York Science Supervisors Association awards, Science Teacher Joseph Vaughan presented the Bausch and Lomb award. This award went to junior Han(Cherie) Xu, who ended the night with three awards, including one in the English Department, and another for overall excellence. The next award given by Mr. Vaughan was the Science Achievement award for academic achievement in the sciences, which went to Senior Geoffrey Fitzgerald. Senior Samuel Koslowsky received the Science Department award, for his excellence in overall science and his Science Research project, his first of two awards on the night.

English Department Chair Ms. Ann Liptak presented the Harvard University, Brown University, and Princeton University Awards, followed by the Audrey McGinn Creative Writing award. Han (Cherie) Xu received the Harvard University award first, her second of the night. Juniors Elliot Klein and Samuel Goldman received the Yale and Brown University awards respectively for their writing skills and their appetite for books and novels. Senior Kara Schechtman was the recipient of the Princeton English Excellence award, for her superior writing skills. Fellow Senior Anil Sindhwani received the Audrey McGinn Creative Writing Award for his remarkable skills in poetry and creative writing, producing characters that are witty and deep. Following Ms. Liptak's presentation, Ms. Linda Leavitt, Editor of the Scarsdale Inquirer presented The Scarsdale Inquirer Award to co-winners Ali Bauersfeld and Jake Abrahams, for their coverage of various local sports teams over the past year.

The Social Studies awards were announced by Mr. John Harrison, shssealChair of the Social Studies Department. Junior Alexa Miller won the Social Studies Achievement Award for her excellence in the Social Studies department. Senior Yunchao Le took home the Social Studies Excellence award, cited for his exceptional work ethic and his leadership skills. The final Social Studies award, the Social Studies faculty award went to senior Rahul Gosain, for his extraordinary contributions to the social studies department, and his calm, thoughtful, and humble attitude.

Chair of the World Language Department Ms. Sylvie Corten presented the World Languages award, partially speaking about each winner in his or her chosen language of study. Senior Jonny Dorf won the faculty's Spanish Language award, for his exceptional Spanish language skills, both written and spoken. Koji Shiromoto won the French Language award, cited as being someone whose spoken French sounds like music. Koji also received the Eric Rothschild scholarship later on in the evening. The Latin award went to Aaron J. Hallac, for his four years of dedicated study of the language, and excellence studying it. Amy Saslekova won the Mandarin award for her excellence in the language, and also received an award later from the Counseling Department. Matthew Mandel won the World Languages Department award for his phenomenal language skills, and for his renowned status as a polyglot; one who can speak more than three languages, for his knowledge in Mandarin, French, Spanish, and of course English. Finally, Constance Lam won the Dartmouth College award for her excellent language skills.

The next category of awards was more miscellaneous, with the Scarsdale Rotary Club, MSG Varsity, Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce, and other community organizations presenting awards. The Scarsdale Rotary Community Service Recognition awards went to two students; seniors Robert Lee and Maggie O'Keefe, for their community service efforts. Jared Fischer, organizer of a biking club at Scarsdale High School won the MSG Varsity Award for his efforts with the biking program at Scarsdale. Samuel Koslowsky won his second award of the night, the Technical Service Award, for his commitment to the Scarsdale Audio and Video program, and his work with the community. Next was the Casey Ferrone Memorial award, given to a student who plans to study education. This year's winner was Carly Kahan, who has devoted many years of high school to babysitting and working with children. Mr. Jason Wilson of the Chamber of Commerce presented Connor McCarthy with the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce award, wishing him success in the future.

The Performing Arts awards were given to top musical and theater students. Will Ashman received the Band Award, for his dedication to the trumpet and the Scarsdale Band. Cailey Martin received the Chorus award for her dedication to the Scarsdale choir, despite her status as a world-renowned singer. Talia Schulman received the Orchestra award for her devotion to the cello and the Scarsdale Orchestra. The Sidney R. Case Memorial Scholarship went to Caroline Teicher for her musical skill, mastering several instruments, including the Piano and the Clarinet. India Stachyra won the Friends of Music and Art Drama award for her work with the Drama club and devotion to theater.

Art program awards went to Eliot Sernau, who won the Friends of Music and Art Permanent Collection Award, for his transformation of music into artwork, and will have his art forever on display at the school. Elizabeth Goldstein won the Excellence in Visual Art 2D award for her work with Visual 2D art, creating spectacular drawings for all of her four years. Yunchao Le won his second award, the Excellence in Visual Art 3D for his work with sculptures, some of which were on display in a show in Katonah, New York. Two seniors, Elizabeth Hansen and Bridget Horwood were awarded the Media Award, for their fantastic photos of their friends and other visual masterpieces. Sabrian Kaune won the Elisa Draper Art History Award, for her quick development into an excellent student of art history.

The penultimate group of awards was for the Mathematics department, and began with the Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award, given to Harry Chalfin for his work in both the math and science fields. The Math Faculty award followed, given to Rebbecca Agustin, for her work at the highest math levels in the school, as both a student and Teacher's Assistant.

The final awards were those of supreme excellence and merit, given for the overall quality of work of the student, or the overall quality of the student. The Wellesley Book Award went to Junior Stephanie Strek, for her top quality work in the school. Amy Saslekova won her second award of thenight: the Counseling Department award, for her complete immersion in the Scarsdale community. The Junior Scholarship/Service award went to Charles Musoff, for his work in community service as a junior. Han (Cherie) Xu won her third award, the Junior Academic Excellence award, for her superior academic work over her junior year. The Halliday Clark Sr. Memorial Award went to senior Adrienne Travis, for her work in and out of school as a star student and tennis player. The Scarsdale Alumni Eric Rothschild Scholarship became Koji Shiromoto's second award of the evening, which he received for his total excellence in everything he does. The Michael V. McGill Book award is given to a student who represents the school motto "Non Sibi", or "Not for Self." This year, the award was a book, The Boys in the Boat picked out by Mr. McGill, and given to Nakul Garg, whose work with the Edward Williams Club tutoring young students in Mount Vernon defined Non Sibi. The Billy Safian Humanitarian Award given in honor of former Scarsdale student Billy Safian was awarded to Kate Schnitzer, for her work with various clubs and organizations helping those less fortunate, especially the homeless. Lindsay Kim won the Scarsdale Foundation Award, for her excellence in Scarsdale. The final award of the night was given to former SHS President Amanda Shuster, for her dedication to Scarsdale and her role as a model Scarsdale Student.

Full Video of the event can be found here.

Note: Scarsdale10583 would have liked to include more photos of the award winners, but the Scarsdale Inquirer prevented us from taking photos at the event.