Tuesday, Oct 01st

phonealertOn July 11, police Scarsdale Police used “A Child is Missing Alert Program,” in an effort to locate a missing elderly man. The program generates telephone calls to local residents within 15 minutes after initiation.

Residents who live near Rugby Lane received a call that said, “This is an urgent message from the Scarsdale Police Department. We are searching for a missing elderly person in need of medical attention in your area. The person is an 81 year old black male with grey hair and brown eyes, approximately 6 feet 5 inches tall. He was last seen near 25 Rugby Lane in Scarsdale Tuesday, July 10th at 10pm. He may be traveling in a 2007 grey Honda fit with a New York State tag plate number DYA 4365. We need your help. Please check your yard complex and vehicle. If you have any information please call the Scarsdale Police Department at (914) 722 1200. That’s 914 722 1200. To view this message, please visit achildismissing.org. Thank you for your help.”

On Tuesday after a friend of the missing man called police saying that she had arranged to take the man to a doctor’s appointment at 3 pm but did not find him or his car at the house. She had last spoken to him on Monday morning and he said that he planned to go to the dump and Pet Goods on Central Avenue on Tuesday and he would be home in time to go for the appointment.

When she didn’t find him at home she was concerned as he suffers from dementia and other medical conditions.

Police checked the house and found at least six cats, several litter boxes and food stations set up throughout the house, but there was no sign of the missing man. As they were discussing the situation, the man turned up in a cab.

It turns out that the man left his home at 11 am Tuesday but got lost on the way to the dump. He went to Scarsdale Pastry Center for breakfast and again tried to locate the dump but ended up on the Hutchinson River Parkway where his car broke down. He walked around for a while and later found a cab to take him back to where he had left the car but found that it had already been towed. By the time he got back to the house he learned the car was at Vincent’s Garage and had a broken clutch.

Police confirmed the car was at Vincent’s Garage and recommended that the missing man obtain a cell phone.

AMUncleSameDuring a beautiful, sun-filled and very hot summer day, the Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association held its 90th Annual 4th of July parade and picnic at Davis Park on Tuesday, July 4th.

The day started out with parade marchers gathering at the corner of Sprague and Bell roads at 9:15 am. Before the parade started, the judges ranked individual and group marchers in categories such as most patriotic costumes, decorated scooters, bicycles, tricycles and strollers and floats.

The marchers, accompanied by a special police escort, the Westchester County Band and Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company Number 1, started the parade from Bell and Sprague Roads at 9:45 am and marched through Arthur Manor to Davis Park where the traditional 4th of July ceremony was conducted in front of the flag pole at the North end of the park.

The ceremony began with the raising of the flag by the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company No. 1’s color guard and accompanied by the trumpet playing of Dr. Jack Binder of the Westchester Band. Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 also celebrates its 125th year in 2018.

Next, Richard Gast sang the National Anthem which was followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The gathering then observed a moment of silence to remember all of the men and women who sacrificed so much for the United States and what it stands for – both at home and abroad.

Dan Hochvert, Mayor of Scarsdale, then spoke to the crowd gathered at Davis Park on the meaning of July 4th and the significance the day holds for all residents. Village Trustees Lena Crandall, Jane Veron and Matt Callaghan were also in attendance together with Arthur Manor’s 4th of July all-star favorite, Uncle Sam (played by Teegan Lee).

AM3Al Stuart then held the award segment of the ceremony for the day’s parade marchers and other participants in the various categories such as floats, bicycles, tricycles, etc.. (A complete list of the winners follows below).

This year’s July 4th celebration was sponsored by Heather Harrison of Compass Realty and Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company No. 1.

Following the end of the ceremony, the crowd the moved to the other end of the Davis Park field for the annual races including the three-legged race, potato sack, wheel-barrow, relay and the annual favorite “egg toss” -which first appeared at Arthur Manor’s annual July 4th picnic in 1944! The games were conducted by Sam Bryant and his daughter, Olivia. (A list of the winning participants also follows below). This year’s egg toss winners were Helen Gimbel and Avery Bower.

Hosting the event was the Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association’s President, Matt Martin.

Refreshments included lemonade , hot dogs (courtesy of Kate and Gianni Porco), brownies and watermelon were on hand for all to enjoy.

This annual event in Arthur Manor is only made possible by the collective efforts of the Arthur Manor volunteer residents including especially the Marcus, Porco, Stuart and Bongiorno families, and all of the other Arthur Manor volunteers too numerous to list here. A special thanks also to Trader Joes’s for donating the eggs for the renowned egg-toss.

Winners List For Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association Parade

Marchers in Patriotic CostumeAM1
First Place: Beatrice Martin and Zoe Maidman
Second Place: Maxwell and Sidney Block
Third Place: Kuo and Oyaki Families
Honorable Mention: Sammy and Adam Rashid

First Place: Ari and Benjamin Maibrunn
Second Place: Grace Horne
Third Place: John Bates
Honorable Mention: Ella Guarino and Johan Schuerhein

First Place: Madison Ferree
Second Place: Catilin Maddaloni
Third Place: Claire Carroll/Sloane Harshman
Honorable Mention: Grace Piekarski

First Place: Lola Schuerhein
Second Place: Bobby Kyle Carlton

Carriages and Strollers
First Place: Ethan Marcus
Second Place : Eliza Krause
Third Place: Shea Piekarski


First Place: The S.S. Neil Diamond/ Emily, Zoe, Jack Callaghan and Olivia
Second Place: Uncle Sam’s Mobile/ James Martin
Third Place: Patriotic Mobile/ Lexi, Madison, Brook O’Grady
Honorable Mention: America/ Alex, Zara, Eva, Sienna

The Games WinnersAMFloat

The Dash/ 5yrs old and under

1. Lillian Peterson
2. Jack Walker
3. Benjamin Maibrunn

6 and 7 year olds
1. Conner Coakley
2. Zoe Zheng
3. Ella Peterson

8,9,10 year old girls
1. Elena Sannicandro
2. Evie Schiff
3. Dia Mody

8, 9, 10 year old boys
1. Keisuke Ogaki
2. Connor Coakley/Ryan O’Shea
3. Julian Zlomislic

11 year old and older/girlsAM2
1. Asa Ogaki
2. Zoe Maidman
3. Ilona Goyal

11 yr old and older, boys
1. Dean Mancini
2. Daniel Hoey
3. Max Block

Wheelbarrow Race

7 yrs old and under
1. Heidi Debrabant/Paxton Debrabant
2. Henry Larch/John Bates
3. Colin Coakley/Aiden Roche/ Benjamin Maibrunn

8,9,10 yr olds
1. An Maibrunn/Matthew Mialkowski
2. Keisuke Ogaki/Perride Kuo
3. Sebastian Mange/Sergey Yanovsky

11 yr old and older
1. Max Block/Daniel Hoey
2. Bea Martin/ Ana Zerbo

Potato Sack Race/Girls
1. Ella Peterson
2. Aria Wang
3. Lexi O’Grady

Girls, 7 and 8 yr oldsAMBand
1. Riku Oba
2. Zoe Zheng
3. Asa Ogaki

Girls, 9 and 10 yr olds
1. Uma Scher
2. Eve Scheff
3. Elena Sannicandro

Girls, 11 year old and older
1. Zoe Maidman
2. Bea Martin
3. Ava Zerbo

Potato Sak Race/ Boys

6 years and under
1. Paxton Debrabant
2. Johan Schuerhein
3. Michael Miahoski/Alan Wang

Boys, 7 and 8 yr old
1. Connor Coakley
2. Matthew Miahoski
3. Colin Caokley/Henry LarchAMBand2

Boys, 9 and 10 yr
1. Sebastian Monge
2. Keisuke Ogaki
3. Ari Maibrunn

Boys, 11 and older
1. Daniel Hoey
2. Nicky Ebenes-Barst
3. Max Block

Parent Child Relay

Children Under 5 and under
1. Jonathan and Ellen Chang
2. Grace and Chris Piekarski
3. Micah and Uri Scher/ Benjamin and Marc Maibrunn

Children 6, 7, 8 yr olds
1. Dan and Connor Coakely and Christian and Oliver Elanisin
2. John and Patrick Bates, James and Lorenzo Martix
3. Henry and Daniel Lorch/ Rikku and Oba Uske/Asa Ogaki

Children 9 and 10AMBanner
1. Alana and Uri Scher
2. Hugo Gueler/Serge Yanovskey
3. Julian Zlomislic

Children 11 and older
1. Daniel and Kevin Hoey
2. Dean and Lou Mancini
3. Max and Felicia Block

Three Legged Race

6 and Under
1. Michael Mialkaski and Benjamin Maibrunn
2. Monica Peterson and Lillian Peterson
3. Sasha Yanovskey and Miles Mancini

7 and 8 year olds
1. Conner Coakely/Julian Zlomislic
2. Ella Peterson and Zoe Zheng
3. Lynn Tamura and Asa Ogaki, Henry Lardon and Colin Coakley

9 and 10 year oldsAMdog
1. Mady O’Grady/Brooke O’Grady
2. Eve Schiff and Uma Scher
3. Matthew Mialkowski/Conor Roche

11 year olds and older
1. Bea Martin and Zoe Maidman
2. Max Block and Daniel Hoey
3. Nicky Eloner-Burst/Neal Mazza

Egg Toss

Winner- Helen Gimbel and Avery Bower


FM 90 2Fox Meadow parents learned this week that both the principal and assistant principal of Fox Meadow Elementary School will resign to move to Briarcliff Manor where Colleen Mangan will become Principal of the Todd Elementary School and Principal Duncan Wilson will be the next Director of Curriculum and Human Resources for the Briarcliff Schools. Parents received the news about Ms. Mangan last week, and only learned about Mr. Wilson’s plan in an email on Tuesday June 19.

As Drew Patrick notes in his email below, Wilson is leaving Scarsdale to fill a vacancy in Briarcliff Manor that was created when that district’s Director of Curriculum was hired away by Scarsdale to fill a similar position in Scarsdale due to the retirement of Lynne Shain.

As the Scarsdale administration will not have time to do a full scale search before September, Drew Patrick announced that the district will retain an interim principal who will be “drawn from the ranks of retired principals with experience in this region.”

The district already celebrated the retirements of tens of retiring faculty members and these departures came as a surprise. Both were very popular with kids and parents and the void will be felt.

The news makes one wonder if Wilson applied for Shain’s position? If so, we might have retained both Mr. Wilson and Ms. Mangan who might have served as Fox Meadow’s next principal.

Commenting on the departures, Fox Meadow parent Mayra Kirkendall-Rodriguez sent the following to the district administration:

Dear Messrs. Hagerman and Patrick,
….. I write to express my disappointment that Duncan Wilson is resigning. Of course, he deserves to pursue his career in whatever way that he chooses. No doubt he will excel wherever he goes. It is too bad that the Scarsdale school district could not have found a way to keep him.

I have had the opportunity to work with Duncan for three years on matters related to multiculturalism, since I have been a co-chair in that committee for that time period. I have found him to be incredibly global in his outlook of education matters. He is also very sensitive to the great differences in cultures and education traditions in our student body. He has also been so open-minded about changes that the Multicultural Committee has recommended on events that we run. His ideas on how we can improve multicultural events have also been very creative.

Even more important to me has been all the good guidance that he has given Brice and me on education matters related to our son and daughter. He has been very approachable on any matter related to our children, and he has also been very generous with his time.

I hope that if there is a committee to be convened to look for his replacement, that the committee really will include a diversity of parents both ethnically and professionally, who can help choose the next principal.

Below are the texts of emails from Drew Patrick and Thomas Hagerman as well as Duncan Wilson about the news:

(From Superintendent Hagerman and Assistant Superintendent Drew Patrick)

Dear Parents,

We are writing once again to share some bittersweet news about one of our Administrators. Duncan Wilson, Principal of Fox Meadow Elementary school for the past nine years, has been selected as the next Director of Curriculum and Human Resources in Briarcliff, NY. Duncan was appointed by the Briarcliff Board of Education last evening, June 18. You will recall that our own appointment of Edgar McIntosh as the successor to Lynne Shain in the position of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment is the reason for the vacancy in Briarcliff. We congratulate Duncan, thank him for fifteen years of service to the District, and look forward to seeing Duncan succeed in his new leadership role!

As we wrote last week with the news of Colleen’s departure, we want to assure you that we are already in the planning stages for a search process to select a one-year Interim Principal for Fox Meadow Elementary School, most likely drawn from the ranks of retired principals with experience in this region. The two most important reasons for the decision to appoint an interim are 1) it is very late in the school year to conduct the kind of search that would cultivate a candidate pool with the depth and breadth we desire, and 2) an Interim appointment allows us to recognize and thoughtfully plan for the possibility that there may be candidates within Scarsdale that warrant due consideration for a probationary appointment in 2019-20. We are confident that we will be successful in finding an individual to serve during the 2018-19 school as Fox Meadow transitions to a new leadership team.

Finally, we want to assure you that we will be supporting Debbie Vellozzi, Fox Meadow’s secretary, Michael DeSantis, Head Custodian, and the entire staff during this transition. We look forward to sharing more as June proceeds, and to introducing a new leadership team in the coming weeks.


Dr. Thomas Hagerman
Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Drew Patrick
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Leadership Development

(From Fox Meadow Elementary School Principal Duncan Wilson)

Dear Fox Meadow Families,
Last week, you heard that Mrs. Mangan will be leaving Fox Meadow for the opportunity to become the Principal of Todd Elementary Schools in Briarcliff Manor. It is with a tremendous mix of emotions that I share with you my plans to leave Fox Meadow to take on a District Office position as the Director of Curriculum and Human Resources coincidentally in Briarcliff Manor. On a professional level, I know it is time for me to pursue this new challenge. But on a personal level I am saddened to leave a community that I have served proudly and have truly grown to love.

With that said, I am heartened to know that I leave behind a faculty as well as parents and children who have the strength of tradition and of community to move forward confidently. As a student and teacher of history, I want to remind everyone that this great school thrived for 81 years before I arrived, and on the eve of our 90th birthday, it is poised to do so for years to come. I am grateful for what you have taught me and for how you have allowed me to strive to be a better educator and a better leader. In truth, schools like ours thrive because they are lead not by one person but by many. Teachers, parents, support staff, and even students lead our school proudly everyday.

On a much more practical note, I want to assure you that I will work with Dr. Patrick and the new team to ensure a smooth transition for the new FM Team this summer.

Finally, a thought about saying goodbye. I have always said at graduation, "You never really leave the Meadow." I will hold onto that thought since I really hate goodbyes. Beside, I will still be your “friendly neighbor to the North” up on Ridgecrest West. I will still do laps at the pool (look for me in lane 4), and I will still stay in touch through my village work on sustainability. So just as Christopher Robin will always have “that enchanted place on top of the Forest,” I hope to see you around the Meadow in the weeks and years ahead.

Your Friend,
Duncan Wilson

scoopshopAfter over twenty years, Jon Deutsch – the previous owner of Last Licks – is back in Scarsdale with even more exciting plans than before.

In 1997, Deutsch opened an ice cream shop called “The Scoop Shop” in the Golden Horseshoe. After three years, Deutsch partnered with Steiner Sports and renamed the shop “Last Licks.” The ice cream shop was often an iconic destination for sports teams after winning a game. Last Licks sold sports memorabilia and occasionally invited sports stars to sign autographs for customers.

In 2006, Deutsch split up with his business partner and left the shop. Last Licks eventually closed a few years later and was bought by Brian Levy, who opened All Good Things.

In the interim period between 2006 and the opening of Scoop Shop at the Golden Horseshoe this May, Deutsch was working in the customized apparel business. He opened up his own company, School House Tees, and sold a variety of customizable products such as shirts, water bottles, and magnets.

Now back in the ice cream business, Deutsch is planning on tweaking his previous business plan based on his new experiences. Coming soon, Deutsch will be selling customizable T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other merchandise at Scoop Shop. There will be a heat press in the back of the shop so people can design and receive their products within minutes. “You come in, you pick a shirt, and we’ll have a book with all the different designs... Then I have printers so you can customize it any way you want. You want to put your name on it, you want to put your school name, your camp name, your college – you name it, I can put anything on it.” Deutsch eventually hopes to expand and sell bar mitzvah gifts, party favors, and other larger projects.
Deutsch sees two major benefits from adding customizable merchandise. First, being able to create an individualized product adds to the experience of going for ice cream. “You’re not going to come in here and buy a shirt off the rack. A kid is going to come in here and really create something on his own…it’s an experience.”

Second, Deutsch explained that – unsurprisingly – business dwindles during the fall and winter, so selling other products will help keep Scoop Shop popular year-round.
Another difference from previous ice cream shops in this location is the addition of self-serve frozen yogurt, which has already proved to be extremely popular among customers. However, Deutsch doesn’t expect to face any competition from other local frozen yogurt places due to Scoop Shop’s offering of ice cream and candy in addition to the yogurt. “I was thinking about not having the ice cream, but everybody I spoke to liked having the two options. They liked having regular ice cream sometimes, or let’s say the wife and kids like to have the yogurt but the husband likes the ice cream – it’s just more options.”

Another change is that Scoop Shop now sells 16 different flavors of A La Mode ice cream, which is egg, sesame, and nut-free. In addition, Deutsch plans to allow kids to come up with their own flavors over the summer.

But perhaps Scoop Shops’ greatest source of potential for success is Deutsch’s passion. He met his wife in Last Licks almost twenty years ago and still feels close with the community and most of all the ice cream business. “I was in this business for 10 years and I missed it. I love interacting with the customers.”

Scoop Shop is located at 1074 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale and open 7 days a week from 11 am to 10 pm. To learn more, you can follow Scoop Shop on Instagram at scoopshopscarsdale or call 914-472-1400.


CornellHonoreeJoshua Klein, Larry Brown and Allison Weiner Heinemann with Provost Michael Kotlikoff Scarsdale native, Joshua Klein, was recently honored as a Merrill Presidential Scholar - an outstanding graduating senior at Cornell in the top 1 percent of his class. Each Merrill scholar is selected by their college deans for their intellectual drive, leadership abilities and potential to contribute to society. Klein was one of only three students recognized from the School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

Each scholar is also given an opportunity to recognize the high school teacher who most inspired his or her scholastic development and the Cornell faculty member who most significantly contributed to his or her college experience. Klein honored his high school teacher, Larry Brown and Allison Weiner Heinemann in the Department of Labor Relations, Law and History.

To further honor the high school teachers chosen by the Merrill Presidential Scholars, a one-time, $4,000 scholarship is awarded in the teachers’ names to incoming Cornell freshmen or current students with financial need from the teacher’s high school or geographic area.

 Girl Scouts Gold and Silver Award Ceremony

scoutsSydney Vleck, Grayson Rosenberg, Marykate Gorham, Katie Belbusti, Theresa Alarcon, Amy Paulin (NYS Assembly), Danielle Duffalo, Gillian Duffalo, Angelina Clark

The Scarsdale/Edgemont Girl Scouts (SEGS) held their 2018 Girl Scout Gold and Silver Award Ceremony on Sunday, June 10th. Nine Gold Award recipients as well as five Silver Award recipients were honored. Several local officials came to recognize the Scouts. Amy Paulin (NYS Assembly, Scarsdale), Benjamin Boykin II (Westchester County Legislator), Dan Hochvert (Scarsdale Mayor) and Kathie O’Connor (BPOE-Elks) were all in attendance. In addition, Erik Anderson, president of the Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, came to present the girls with their Gold Award pins.

The Gold Award is the highest honor a girl can receive within Girl Scouts USA. In order to earn this distinction, the scout has to spend a minimum of 80 hours on her chosen project, including hours earmarked for leadership within the project.

The projects for 2018 were all very interesting and wide-ranging in scope:

- Theresa Alarcon, in her project Crestwood Library Connections, worked to increase awareness of the library’s offerings by promoting the use of press releases, articles, blogs and social media.

- Katie Belbusti, with her project Stay Healthy, Limit Screen-Time, focused on promoting individuality, healthy electronic habits, and awareness of cyber-bullying by holding a screening of a documentary regarding internet addiction.

- Marykate Gorham’s project was titled Good Food for Good Soil. She created a program at a local nursery school to teach young children about composting, reducing, reusing, and recycling to help eliminate what is going into landfills.

- Emma Kornberg created a project called Art for the Heart. For this project, she wrote a guide containing various craft projects and helpful hints to aid new volunteers when working with the elderly in nursing homes.

- Gillian Duffalo, in her project Nutrition 101: Live to 101, concentrated on getting the message to all socioeconomic communities that affordable and nutritious meals could be easily prepared at home. To do this, she worked with boys from Children’s Village, both cooking and practicing de-stressing activities.

- Danielle Duffalo’s project was called Passport Around the World. The goal of the project was to create greater diversity acceptance by giving girls an opportunity to experience other countries by tasting international foods and working on crafts, activities and movements native to other countries.

- Paige Panessa, in her project Donating to the Humane Society, facilitated the donation process to the pet shelter. Paige built a donation bin enabling people to drop off goods at any time, as well as printing a Wish List to make it easy for donors to know what is needed at the shelter.

- Grayson Rosenberg’s project, Staging a Change, addressed many of the renovations that needed to be done to her high school auditorium. She raised money to purchase new carpeting, paint and supplies and repaired and painted the façade of the stage. Grayson also created an arts information pamphlet for new community members to use as a reference.

- Sydney Vleck created a project called Diabetes Education in Food Pantries. Sydney noticed a high rate of diabetes in the population that frequents food pantries. Consequently, she focused on teaching a nutrition class for 3-6 graders at Don Bosco Community Center as well as creating an indoor herb garden for the center and assembling and distributing a Diabetic cookbook utilizing food commonly found in pantries.

- Angelina Clark, the Silver Award recipient, worked on a project Molly Bochner and Laura Paternoter called Dance to Discover. This project involved creating a fun and educational dance program for the children staying at the Coachman Family Center.

- Julia Genin’s Silver project, Lend a Paw, involved providing Pet Therapy to nursing home patients

- Lindsey Kaufman’s Silver project was called Gardening at Home. This project educated people about gardening in small spaces.

Congratulations to all of the Silver and Gold Award recipients.