Tuesday, Oct 01st

HateUGiveCurrently in theaters, The Hate U Give is a film adapted from the debut novel by Angie Thomas about violence and racism towards African American youth. This young adult novel and NY Times bestseller has been appearing on more and more high school reading lists.

Starr, the main character straddles two different societies. She lives in Garden Heights, a low income neighborhood plagued by gangs but attends an expensive private school outside of her neighborhood. Starr’s father, a former gang member and her mother, a nurse, work hard to keep Starr and her siblings away from gang involvement. Starr struggles to balance her two worlds and is often conflicted because she feels there are two very different versions of herself. She has a hard time remaining true to her Garden Heights roots while attending a posh school and secretly dating a wealthy white classmate. One night while leaving a neighborhood party with Khalil, her childhood friend from Garden Heights, the two are pulled over by the police. During the traffic stop the police officer shoots and kills Khalil, while Starr waits in the car. Khalil was unarmed. In an effort to protect Starr from the media, Starr’s parents prevent her from going public about witnessing Khalil’s death. Without witnesses, the officer is not indicted for Khalil’s death which leads to protests followed by riots and more violence.

Both the novel and film seek to tackle complicated themes of social justice, race relations and police brutality. The Hate U Give, takes its title from THUG LIFE, a song by deceased Rapper Tupac Shakur. THUG LIFE is an acronym for The Hate U Give Little Infants F__s Everyone. The novel was inspired by the real life story of Oscar Grant, an unarmed youth who was shot and killed by a police officer. It explores the idea that hatred is vicious and when introduced young, it can trap its victims into a lifelong cycle. We see this repeated in violent riots, shootings, and police brutality prevalent in African American communities, which gave rise to the Black Lives Matter movement. While the film does stray slightly from the novel’s storyline, the themes remain the same.

Some teachers debate whether or not The Hate U Give is school appropriate. The novel includes profanity and touches on sensitive and controversial subjects such as gangs, drugs, race relations, social media and teenage relationships. Another issue highlighted by the novel is the mistrust of police. After Khalil is killed by the police officer, Starr eventually decides to speak out about the incident, since he can no longer speak for himself. As a result, her family is targeted by the police. There are riots depicted in the movie that show police violence towards protesters as well as bystanders and address the issue of police brutality. According to the author, “There are so many misunderstandings. There’s the assumption that it’s an antipolice book, when the fact is it’s anti-police brutality.”

As a high school student who has watched in horror and lived in fear as the number of school shootings have shaken our country, I found this story’s message extremely important and relevant. While it does not directly address school shootings, it still emphasizes the dangers of guns, especially in one of last scenes of the film.

Growing up in a suburban town like Scarsdale, I don’t have any personal experience with police brutality to compare to Starr’s. However, I found this book very powerful and informative. Because The Hate U Give is a teenage girl’s story, I found it easy to relate to her character. I believe the issues of racism, gun violence, and police brutality are too important to ignore. I really enjoyed reading this book and believe that the more people that read it and watch the film, the better the chance of ending the cycle of hatred. If books and film encourage discussion of difficult topics then hopefully they will lead to better understanding and promote change.

Jordy Love is a junior at Scarsdale High School.

BronxRiverParkwayThe Bronx River Parkway came to a complete halt on Thursday night.The first winter storm of the season wreaked havoc on drivers on Thursday night November 16. The original forecast was for two to three inches of snow, but as the sun went down temperatures dropped and a slick, wet snow fell heavily atop wet leaves in the street and caused treacherous driving conditions.

The Scarsdale Schools suspended after school activities on Thursday and originally announced a two-hour delay for the opening of school on Friday November 16. However at 8:15 am a second email was sent, announcing that schools would be closed for the day.

According to Scarsdale Police Captain Thomas Altizio, Scarsdale Police received 84 calls for help from drivers during the storm. Alitzio reports that a full complement of police were out, directing traffic, pushing cars out of ditches and attempting to clear a host of minor accidents that occurred.

Police manned intersections to try to alleviate the traffic but stuck cars caused gridlock and little could be done. The intersection of Fenimore and Fox Meadow Roads came to a stop, and the Popham Road bridge was blocked as well. When a rush of commuters attempted to drive home from parking garages in Hartsdale and Scarsdale, stuck cars blocked their way. Altizio says that intersections at the Post Road, Mamaroneck Road and Saxon Woods Road were also snarled.

Cars stalled and fishtailed on the icy surface. One Greenacres man reported that he was stuck in his car on the Bronx River Parkway for an hour, just a half mile from his home but unable to get off the road.

The Department of Public Works was unable to clear many of the blocked roadways as plows could not bypass the stuck cars. Plows worked through the night and as of Friday morning most roads are wet but clear.

Fortunately no one was hurt and Altizio has not heard of any big trees downed by the storm. However his own 40-minute commute home last night took five and a half hours. Many cars were abandoned along the highway. Conditions were no better at rush hour in downtown White Plains which also came to a complete stop when so many left their offices at once.

SBAMike Wilson, Andrew McMurray, Dean Morretta, Ken Giddon, Anthony Barreira, Jane Veron, Jeff Rosen, Essie Cohen, Marcy Berman-Goldstein, Darci DeMatteo, Dina Grossman, Nancy ChochrekThe Scarsdale Business Alliance (SBA) is a new, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Village of Scarsdale and its local businesses. On Thursday night, October 25th at Rothmans of Scarsdale, more than 50 people gathered to learn about the SBA and connect with the local business community. Trustee Jane Veron and Mayor Dan Hochvert were in attendance to introduce the Board of Directors and Executive Director, Darci DeMatteo.

The SBA was created to foster cooperation and innovation in local businesses. Scarsdale is fortunate to have many large independent successful retail businesses along with new emerging entrepreneurial ventures. There is also a robust contingent of realtors, banks and independent practitioners throughout the area that support the community. The SBA looks to combine all of these elements, and work closely with Village government to improve Scarsdale and create a vibrant downtown. It is easy to track the SBA on Instagram at @scarsdalebusiness.

“I am so excited to be a part of this. I have worked with businesses in other parts of Westchester and the SBA board is active and creative. I believe that we will help to accomplish great things for Scarsdale,” said Darci DeMatteo, SBA Executive Director.

Jane Veron, Scarsdale Village Trustee and SBA Liaison said, “In a matter of a few months, the newly formed Scarsdale Business Alliance, with its professional Executive Director and top-notch board, has built a dynamic and high growth organization of dedicated merchants and service providers. The SBA is poised to make Scarsdale a preferred place for shopping, dining and gathering. With a laser-like focus on creating relevance for our local retail hubs, the SBA has big plans to bring events and value-added services to its consumers. The SBA has also forged strong ties with the Village government and is already collaborating on a range of policy issues.”

Upcoming events include Light the ‘Dale on Friday evening, November 30th, in Boniface Circle from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, co-sponsored by the Scarsdale Business Alliance, The Acceleration Project (TAP) and the Village of Scarsdale. Langes will again, generously donate hot chocolate, and the festivities will feature caroling, crafts, the holiday lighting, Santa and food stations provided by SBA’s own Popojito.

A holiday shopping event will take place on Thursday, December 6th through Saturday, December 8th, featuring participating SBA Merchants in Scarsdale Village, Golden Horseshoe, Five Corners and Colonial. Stores will stay open late on Thursday until 8:00 pm. There will be incentives, discounts, and giveaways at many of the participating shops and large collaborative raffle prizes with gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants.

To learn more about the SBA, become a member, or offer suggestions, please reach out to Executive Director, Darci DeMatteo (darci@scarsdalebusinessalliance.com).

Scarsdale Business Alliance Board of Directors

Executive Director: Darci DeMatteo
President: Essie Cohen, BLVD
Vice President: Marcy Berman-Goldstein, I Am More Scarsdale
Treasurer: Jeff Rosen, Popojito
Secretary: Dina Grossman, Great Stuff
Colonial Liaison: Jamie Steinthal and Michelle Adams, Meritage
Commercial Business Liaison: Nancy Chochrek, Houlihan Lawrence
Communications Chair: Ken Giddon, Rothmans
Five Corners Liaison: Dean Morretta, Vintology
Garth Road Liaison: Joseph Spadafino, Allstate Insurance
Golden Horseshoe Liaison: Karen Tolchin, Current Home
Government Liaison: Scarsdale Village Trustee Jane Veron
Membership Co-Chair: Andrew McMurray, Zachys
Membership Co-Chair: Mike Wilson, Wilson & Son Jewelers
Property Management Liaison: Anthony Barreira, Scarsdale Improvement
Small Business/Professional Liaison: Jennie Kramer, Metro Behavioral Health Associates
TAP Liaison: Dalya Khan
TAP Liaison: Amy Nadasdi

HandsUpScarsdale Citizens Nominating Committee (“CNC”) invites the public to its first meeting Monday, November 26, 2018 at 8:00 PM in Rutherford Hall in Village Hall, 1001 Post Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Come to the meeting to learn more about Scarsdale's non-partisan system for selecting candidates to run for Village office on the Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party slate. Scarsdale Public Television will record the meeting.

The CNC consists of 30 elected Scarsdale residents who represent their neighborhood election units (Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge). Ten new members are to be elected to the CNC in a village election held each November to serve a staggered three-year term. In addition, this year three additional members are to be elected to fill vacancies on the CNC in classes presently serving. The volunteer group will meet from November to January to seek, interview, and evaluate potential candidates to run for Village office. This year the CNC will nominate individuals to run for Mayor and three openings on the Scarsdale Village Board. Mayor Dan Hochvert will be finishing his two-year term as Mayor. Trustees Matthew Callaghan and Carl Finger will be finishing their second two-year terms and Trustee Seth Ross will be completing his first two-year term. The General Village Election will be held at Village Hall on Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

Scarsdale's non-partisan system has been operating successfully for over 100 years, following a contentious election in 1909. The goal of the non-partisan system is to attract qualified citizens who would otherwise avoid campaigning, but would be willing to run for office. The CNC's deliberations and due diligence on all potential nominees is kept confidential to further encourage well-qualified volunteers to apply for a spot on the non-partisan slate. Typically there are four non-elected and non-voting administrative members of the CNC present to insure adherence to the procedural requirements of the Non-Partisan Resolution. Potential candidates also have the option to run for office outside of the Non-Partisan System under provisions of New York State law.

Are you interested in running for Mayor or Trustee? Do you know someone who would serve the Village of Scarsdale well? Contact the CNC Chair, Jon Mark, at 914.472.4053 or jmark58@aol.com or CNC Vice Chair, Tim Foley whose contact information appears above.

Final deadline for submission of Biographical Form to the CNC is 5:00 PM January 18, 2019.

School Board Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates

The deadline for candidates running for membership in the School Board Nominating Committee to submit their bios and petitions is Monday, November 19th at 5 PM. The forms remain available at the SBNC website here.

The election for SBNC members will take place on Tuesday, January 8th at the Scarsdale Middle School.

EarlMonroe.jpgBasketball fans of the of the late 60s and 70s will have the opportunity to see and hear from NBA legend and former New York Knicks and Baltimore Bullets superstar, Earl the Pearl Monroe on Sunday morning, November 11th at Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El, at 2 Ogden Road in Scarsdale. Earl Monroe is a member of the New York Knicks 1973 championship team, four time All-Star, member of the Hall of Fame and voted one of the 50 greatest players in the history of the NBA.

Dan Alpert, co-President of Brotherhood says “It’s truly an honor for Brotherhood of Scarsdale Synagogue to host NBA legend, Earl the Pearl Monroe, who many of us grew up idolizing in the late 60s and 70s. Not only was he a transformative player with his patented spin moves, Monroe has been involved in many community service projects and philanthropic endeavors. He is one of the true gentlemen of the game. There will also be a raffle and silent auction of Monroe related memorabilia. Everyone in the local community is welcome.”

Mr. Monroe will speak about his experience in the NBA beginning at 10 am. A breakfast comprised of bagels, lox and pastries will be served beginning at 9:30 am. Signed memorabilia will be raffled during the program.

Members of the public of all ages are welcome to attend. Admission is $30 per person ($25 for synagogue members). Children under the age of 12 eat free if accompanied by a paying adult. RSVP’s are appreciated to ensure ample food by calling the Synagogue office at 914.725.5175 or by emailing brotherhood@sstte.org. Admission fees and raffle proceeds will support this and other programs organized by the Synagogue’s Brotherhood.

Scarsdale Synagogue President Karen Chapro expressed her deep appreciation for Brotherhood Co-Presidents Dan Alpert, Richard Primoff and David Nodiff, for organizing the Earl the Pearl and other Synagogue programs: “Dan, Richard and David have done a phenomenal job lining up an incredible series of really interesting, high-quality programs for 2018-19 on a broad array of different topics. My husband couldn’t be more excited to hear Earl the Pearl. I am just blown away by the overall calendar they have put together. I couldn’t be more grateful to have such wonderful and committed volunteers in our community!”

Scarsdale Synagogue is a reform Jewish synagogue located at 2 Ogden Road, Scarsdale, NY 10528. 914-725-5175. www.sstte.org.