Sunday, Jun 30th

Patrick2Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick and World Language teacher Matthew Contino join forces to reach far-flung trash. Photo credit: Michelle VernaAt Scarsdale High School, the motto “Non-Sibi,” that is “not for oneself alone,” came to life on Friday, May 26th, when the school hosted its 2023 annual Non-Sibi Day and held 50 workshops where students participated in activities that fostered community awareness and encouraged local volunteerism. The event had activities for everyone, ranging from Asian Hate and Situational Awareness to Harnessing AI to a Self-Defense Workshop. Among them were the Brook Clean Up, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Healing Tree, and Narcan Certification with the STAY Club.

DogPrior to the Brook Clean Up, the brook that runs through the Brewster Road parking lots had been inundated with garbage, no doubt the result of overzealous lunchtimes. The Brook Clean Up was composed of a short presentation detailing the effects of plastic on the environment, after which, students used grabbers, gloves, and bags to clean up trash in and around the brook. That morning the community came together to do something that the high school had been in dire need of—a brook beautification. 

The Scarsdale High School’s HELP Animals Club unites students with a love for animals to help organize fundraisers such as the cutest pet contest, bike/walkathon, bake sales, carnival booths, and more. The Club hosted Guiding Eyes for the Blind, a nonprofit organization that trains guide dogs for individuals with vision loss, for Non-Sibi Day. Guiding Eyes brought in several experienced handlers to teach students about the vitality of service/guide dogs for those who have disabilities. The organization’s guide dogs interacted with students, who participated in an activity that involved making felt chew toys for the dogs.  

Healing TreeThe National Art Honors Society Club created the Healing Tree, an interactive art installation, for last year’s Non-Sibi Day. The branches of trees that line the path of the entrance from Brewster Road were adorned with positive and uplifting notes written on colorful plastic sheets of paper. This year, students participated in a Healing Tree activity, where they added their own new notes to the tree. 

The High School’s Students Take Action for Youth (STAY) Club was developed and implemented by junior Caitlin Higgins. According to Higgins, “The STAY Club [is] a place for SHS students to learn, discuss, and take action against substance abuse in addition to supporting teens’ mental wellbeing.” For Non-Sibi Day, the club invited speaker Lauren Johnson, a drug prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction activist. Narcan TrainingJohnson taught students how to recognize and prevent overdoses and trained them in the use of Narcan. Narcan, also known as naloxone, is a nasal spray used to treat opioid overdoses. Each participant received a free Narcan kit at the end of training and became certified to administer Narcan to individuals having a suspected opioid overdose.

These were just a few of the many inspirational workshops presented at this annual event. Here is a list of the entire schedule:


GardenStudents harvest, clean and bag produce from the SHS Garden for Feeding Westchester. Photo Credit Michelle Verna

10 Things I Want You to Know about Autism

Self-advocate Paul Morris will talk about his experience growing up on the autism spectrum, feeling different as a child, and how he now has several jobs and lives independently. This presentation will be co-led with Dr. Peter Faustino, School Psychologist at SHS. Together, they will share a list of things that every student should know about Autism.

Asian Hate and Situational Awareness (Self-Defense)

Brianna Cea, the president of the OCA chapter in New York, will give a short presentation on Asian hate in New York and how to spread awareness. In addition, she will teach students basic self-defense moves.

ASL Interpreting the Pledge of Allegiance

We will be teaching the ASL interpretation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the ASL alphabet.

Breast Cancer Lesson

In this session, you will learn about breast cancer: what it is, risk factors, and how it can be prevented and treated. We will then prepare gift bags to donate to breast cancer patients in hospitals.

Brook Clean Up

We will meet outside the Brewster entrance and do a short presentation on the effect of plastic on the environment. We will then go around the brook with grabbers, gloves, and bags to pick up the trash in and around the brook.

Building Birdhouses

We are going to be painting birdhouses out of recycled materials (mainly jugs and milk cartons) during the Non Sibi Day event. We will construct the birdhouses out of the recycled materials prior to Non Sibi Day with Ms. Colleary.

Candle Decorating for Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

In honor of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, we will be decorating purple candles with either purple forget-me-nots, which symbolize the recognition and condemnation of the genocide, or any other creative design. Each student will have the opportunity to take home their own unique candle.

Centro Hispano

Centro Hispano works to help Hispanic families in Westchester. Staff from Centro Hispano will explain what they do and who they help, and have you make bracelets and write letters for their program. The bracelets will go to 6th graders who are part of their afterschool program called Mi Hermano/Mi Hermana Mayor (My Older Brother/Sister). You will create a bracelet with an inspirational word and a letter explaining the reason behind their choice of word. This will inspire younger generations to get involved in volunteer opportunities that could benefit the community in any way.

ChatGPT, High School, and the Future

In this workshop, the Model UN club will present the most recent developments regarding ChatGPT and other forms of AI specifically within the academic world and for high schoolers. Then student participants will be coached and asked to debate whether they would recommend schools resist and combat the new technology or embrace and embed it. The session will conclude with potential solutions that address many aspects and will hopefully resemble the diplomacy and compromise that the club roleplays throughout the year.

Comics & Social Justice + Sketching Characters

A presentation on the representation of social justice in comics with their societal impact as well as learning how to draw comic book characters.

Cookies for a Cause

The Jewish Culture Club is hosting a fun and interactive activity for students to make cookies and cards for residents of The New Jewish Home, Sarah Neuman, a nursing home in Mamaroneck. We aim to bring joy to students at SHS and senior citizens in the nursing home by continuing to spread support for each other throughout Westchester.

Creating/Curating Art to Support Incarcerated Individual Adults

The Promise We Share will provide a brief, holistic overview of NYC's criminal justice system with specific attention to the intersection of incarceration and mental health. After learning about the lack of access to meaningful programming for incarcerated adults, students will have the opportunity to create their own "creativity kits" to donate to New York City jails. Students may develop writing prompts, curate a collection of art print-outs and reflection questions, put together a drawing activity, design a meditation session, or create something else they are excited about! Through this activity, students will have a chance to harness their own passions to directly help address one of the most pressing failures of NYC's present-day detention centers.

Cupcake Decorating and Donation

We will be decorating cupcakes and then donating them to a food organization.

De-Mystifying Dyslexia

Do you know someone who has challenges with reading, spelling, or writing? Do you know someone who has dyslexia? Have you ever wondered why a fellow student gets extra time to take tests and you don’t? Come join Dr. Joanne Pierson of the University of Michigan’s DyslexiaHelp to learn the ins and outs about dyslexia. You may even win a prize. Go Blue!

DIY Survival Kit Challenge

Students will try to create a survival kit for different disaster situations and will only be able to choose 3 out of 6 tools per situation. They will learn how challenging it can be to get supplies quickly during a disaster as well as which tools are necessary during a disaster/emergency. Afterward, they will have an opportunity to revise their kits and take photos together! We hope to start a conversation and teach the significance of being prepared in a disaster!

Domestic Violence Awareness

The Girl Up Club will be hosting a domestic violence awareness and education activity for Non-Sibi day. Joined by facilitators from My Sister's Place, we will delve into topic areas related to prevention, stigmatization, and recurring stereotypes that are harmful to survivors and their journey to seek justice. This activity will begin with an information session, include a facilitated discussion, and conclude with a letter-writing activity.

Get to Know LiNK (Liberty in North Korea)

With speaker, Esther Park Chun, Senior Growth Coordinator at LiNK, this activity will introduce and inform students about LiNK and all the work they do to help North Koreans escape, relocate, and assimilate back into society.

Guiding Eyes for the Blind—Service Dogs

The Help Animals Club will be hosting Guiding Eyes for the Blind for Non-Sibi day. Guiding Eyes will be bringing in a few of their experienced handlers to teach about the vitality of service/guide dogs for those who have disabilities. They will also be bringing in a few of their guide dogs to interact with students and further their message of importance and value. We will also be running an activity that involves making felt chew toys for dogs.

Habitat for Humanity Sandwich Making

In an effort to combat the growing issue of hunger in Westchester County, the Habitat for Humanity Club will lead students in packaging meal kits for the hungry to be distributed to Community Service Associates in Mount Vernon and Hope Community Services – HOPE’s Soup Kitchen in New Rochelle. This includes making sandwiches and bundling them with a beverage, treat, and a note of encouragement, written by the students.

Harnessing AI

In this session, we will be demystifying some of the uncertainties about AI, talking about AI Ethics (eg. bias within AI), and various applications of AI that can specifically benefit the Scarsdale High School community. This session will also include an interactive coding that showcases some of the basics of machine learning.

Headlines: Selling Stories & Pushing Narratives

Being read to is one of the best ways to build a lifelong love of reading. Most of us have a favorite book or group of books that we remember fondly from childhood. Listening to a book and following along is a fun, low-stress way to engage in early literature…What if you could use SHS’ Non-Sibi day to build a library of ‘memories' for our Scarsdale K-2 kids? You can! During Read2Me you (with or without a buddy) can record a video as you read a book of your choice, upload it to our shared drive, and help build the elementary school's digital library. We supply the books…you supply the positive energy!

Healing Tree

The Healing Tree is an interactive art installation that would be made from students who are willing to participate. Notes would be written on colored plastic sheets of paper and placed into a clear envelope to be hang up on the tree by the Brewster entrance.

Help Fight Period Poverty and Clothing Insecurity with 914 Cares

Ms. Rosewater will lead a PowerPoint discussion briefly giving an overview of the real state of our county – that is, for example, one in which 40% of newborns are born to mothers on Medicaid – versus the stereotype that wealth abounds here. She will then discuss clothing insecurity and period poverty, and how addressing those issues with tangible items can have a positive impact. She will also touch upon pending federal legislation to make period products available for free in schools, and she will discuss other efforts by students to destigmatize this basic health/human rights issue. After the discussion and Q and A session, the group will help make packets of Bombas socks, laundry detergent sheets, and Flow Kits, which 914 Cares will distribute to its recipients.

Hudson Link

Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison provides college education, life skills, and reentry support to incarcerated people, so they can make a positive impact on their own lives, their families, and communities, resulting in lower rates of recidivism and higher rates of employment, community regeneration, cohesiveness, and reciprocity. Our organization provide post-secondary educational opportunities for incarcerated students enrolled in programs at five correctional facilities in the greater New York area. Students will meet alums of the program to discuss topics such as Turn on the TAP, The Clean Slate Act, and DVSJA (Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act). We will ask students to bring school supplies for the current and future students enrolled in Hudson Link's educational program.

Invisible Threads: Small Acts, Big Impacts

Small acts of kindness can result in much bigger impacts. The White Plains Hospital Club is thrilled to be hosting Laura Schroff, a #1 bestselling author, to discuss her book, An Invisible Thread. The book tells the story of how the lives of a busy sales executive and a disadvantaged young boy were shaped by what began as one small gesture of kindness. Please join us to hear about this special story, and spend time brainstorming and performing your own act of kindness by writing letters of gratitude to SHS community members as well as to healthcare workers at our local hospital.

Kindness Rocks Event

The Kindness Rocks event, in collaboration with the SAVE Promise club (Students Against Violence Everywhere), will promote kindness and joy within our community. Students will be able to paint rocks and come together to discuss resources/ways to prevent violence and connect with one another!

Learn Interviewing Skills from Sleepy Coffee, Too

This new nonprofit cafe in Sleepy Hollow is staffed by adults with disabilities. The unemployment rate for this population is as much as 80%. The cafe is operated with first-rate training and service. Let these amazing individuals teach you some interviewing skills. This is a valuable skill and students will leave inspired and wanting to put their talents in service of the greater good.

Letters of Love

Join the SHS Muslim club in writing "Letters of Love" for patients in children's hospitals all around the world.

Making Salad Kits

Join the SHS Garden Club in harvesting, washing, and packaging salad greens for distribution to those working at and receiving services from the White Plains Hospital.

Marketing and Consumer Behavior

The DECA Club officers will present on marketing and consumer behavior. Everyone who attends will get to learn about techniques of marketing, mediums, behavior patterns, and more. We will end the period with a fun game, where we will split the group into teams, and they will get to use their recently acquired knowledge to help run advertisements for a company.

Mental Health Lesson with UNICEF Club

We will teach a lesson about mental health including statistics, coping mechanisms, indicators that someone is struggling, and support systems.

NAMI Ending the Silence Presentation

NAMI Ending the Silence is a free mental health presentation designed to give students, families, and school staff an opportunity to learn the warning signs of a mental health condition, how to get help, and how to help someone. The presentation includes an informative PowerPoint and short videos as well as a personal testimony from a young adult living with a mental health diagnosis, about their journey to recovery. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.

Narcan Certification with STAY Club (16+ ONLY)

Learn how to recognize and prevent an overdose and get trained in the use of Narcan. Each participant will receive a free Narcan kit at the end of the training. (Must be 16 years or older to participate. In order to be certified, you must have a signed permission slip from a guardian).

One Can Food Packing

We will teach students about Bread of Life, a local food pantry, and about what goes into food packing. We will then have them pack cans collected by other students in a separate can drive to donate locally to Bread of Life.

Phones as a Part of our Lives

An informative and interactive workshop designed to bring awareness to students about the impact of our phones, and how we can learn to live with them in moderation.

Public Systems Trivia

Students will learn about the jarring realities behind NYC's child welfare and food distribution systems. Through news headlines and research reports, we will briefly demonstrate how the public's general lack of knowledge of their rights acts as a safeguard to protect the Administration of Children's Services from accountability. Through a high-energy game of Jeopardy, students will test their own knowledge and hear about activism strategies to support reform movements.


Being read to is one of the best ways to build a lifelong love of reading. Most of us have a favorite book or group of books that we remember fondly from childhood. Listening to a book and following along is a fun, low-stress way to engage in early literature…What if you could use SHS’ Non-Sibi day to build a library of ‘memories' for our Scarsdale K-2 kids? You can! During Read2Me you (with or without a buddy) can record a video as you read a book of your choice, upload it to our shared drive, and help build the elementary school's digital library. We supply the books…you supply the positive energy!

Refugee Camp Simulation

Students in Ms. Thompson’s Race & Ethnicity class and members of the Hearts & Homes for Refugees Club will guide visitors through eight stations that will give them a glimpse of the conditions that refugees across the world suffer. A guest speaker from Hearts and Homes for Refugees will discuss the work that the organization has been doing in Westchester since 2015.

Self-Defense Workshop

Our sessions will consist of safety awareness, basic self-defense techniques, fast, effective, and efficient striking, and basic escapes.

SHS Non-Sibi Community Mural

In this activity, each student will receive a puzzle piece to draw/illustrate on. As they finish, the pieces will slowly be connected into one large mural.

Sparks & Rec: Straight-Up Coloring Edition

Burned out? Feel like your fire is cooling? Down to your last embers? In this edition of Sparks & Rec, we'll be doing some straight-up coloring (mandalas and similar templates)! Side effects may include: focus, meditation, relaxation, laughter, and more! You might be saying, "But isn't Non-Sibi Day supposed to be in the service of others?" That's true, but it's hard to be good to others if we're not good to ourselves. Join us for a session of healthy zoning out, taking a brain break, and thinking about something other than school.

Sustainable Shark Tank

Students will be split up into small groups and each group will be assigned the same problem impacting a large community. They will have to create a business plan to solve any aspect of the problem whether their idea helps a small community or the whole world. After, each group will present their idea and product to their classmates and the “sharks”/ leaders of the session will choose the best sustainable plan.

The Legacy of Housing Discrimination in Westchester County

This presentation will explore the history of housing discrimination in Westchester County, and how efforts to build new housing could help to mitigate the county’s de-facto segregation. In this workshop, students will be given the opportunity to write a letter to local officials in support of building affordable housing, if they would like to do so.

The Rise of Deepfakes

Deepfake creators are new and increasingly promising yet dangerous tools that can be used to create stunning visuals or to impersonate people. Learn how deepfakes work, how to detect them, and how they will impact our world.

Voter Suppression

This is an interactive presentation where students will learn about voter suppression, voter rights, and the importance of voting.

We Broke Up But Stayed Friends: Breaking Your Phone Addiction

Overwhelmed by your phone? Losing time in your day to the rabbit hole of TikTok, YouTube, Insta? Staring at your screen when you should be asleep? Not sure how to talk to people IRL? Feeling phantom vibrations in your pocket when your phone isn't there? If you are experiencing these or a multitude of other symptoms, you may be suffering from phone addiction. Find out to to break it and create a healthy relationship with your phone while also giving your time and attention to every other part of your life. Learn how to prioritize, manage your time, bring back your passions and hobbies and find joy off screen.

Witness Stones Project: Slavery in Scarsdale

Dennis Culliton, Founder and Executive Director of the Witness Stones Project and Theresa Vega, Family Historian and Genealogist, who are both working with Wayside Cottage on their Witness Stones Project, will give a presentation about their work and the plans that are underway for continued work with SHS teachers. We will be working together in preparation for the May 2024 placement of Witness Stones at Wayside Cottage, honoring the lives and contributions of the enslaved people who lived there.

Women's Sports Foundation Walk-A-Thon

Our activity is going to be a walkathon where you walk laps around the track to get exercise and have the option to raise money (not required) for the Women's Sports Foundation.

woof, woof—Therapy Dogs!


Come stretch your mind and body! We will focus on deep breathing, resting and clearing the mind, and moving the body to feel open and relaxed.

KarenEldonKaren Eldon will be the interim School Principal at Edgewood Elementary SchoolOn the evening of May 22, 2023, the Scarsdale Board of Education (BOE) convened to discuss a variety of topics, ranging from a review of the district-wide Safety and Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) to the Gift Proposals to Fox Meadow Elementary.

Emergency Response
The Board reviewed the SEMP in response to an incident on April 24th, when Heathcoat and Quaker Ridge initiated lockout protocols due to police activity and reports of a suspected fugitive who abandoned his car on the Hutchinson River Parkway. School staff quickly recovered students and secured the perimeters, while activities proceeded as usual inside. The decision to put school into a lockout was made with the police department, who later felt the area was secure enough to allow students to walk home and bussing to resume.

The board discussed afternoon sports, coordination with the village and bussing. Several important questions were raised. Why were parents informed of the events via text messages rather than email? Why were seemingly contradictory communications sent to the community? A member of the Board stated that there is no official protocol dictating when information should be sent by text or email and that all channels of communication are used when the information is timely and urgent. Regarding the second question, another member claimed that it is imperative to inform the community of official channels of information. The Board went on to announce that a summary of the April 24th events will be sent later this week in a community letter.

Interim Principal for Edgewood Elementary School

Following a review of the SEMP, Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick announced new faculty that will be joining the district this year, including Edgewood’s interim principal, Karen Eldon. She served as the Principal of Bedford Elementary School for 11 years, interim principal at Coman Hill Elementary School, and then as interim principal at Fox Meadow in 2017-2018. Dr. Patrick was pleased to welcome her back into the district as Edgewood’s interim principal.

Public Comments

The night continued as Ray Dotoratos shared his concerns about the prevalence of e-learning, specifically the effect of tablets on academic performance. He stated that children today are consumed by electronics, which are designed to be addictive, and that there is no balance of usage among children. He saw the detrimental effect of e-learning on his child’s performance and asked that his child switch to paper-based learning. After the switch, he observed an immediate improvement in his child’s performance. Ultimately, he claimed that Scarsdale parents must have a right to choose between e-learning and paper-based learning, and that the school’s must be transparent in offering this decision. He started a petition on this subject that was signed by over 700 residents.

Board Succession Plan

Board President Amber Yusuf announced information on the Board leadership’s succession planning. Ron Schulhof has indicated that he is willing to serve as President, and Suzie Hahn Pascutti as Vice President. Other nominations for president and vice president will be announced and voted on at a later meeting.

Budget and Bond Vote

The Board went on to accept the May 16, 2023, Budget/Bond Vote, board election and results of voting, and the results of the High School Auditorium Bond Proposition. The bond resolution authorizing the construction of alterations and improvements to the high school auditorium was adopted for an estimated cost of $4,750,000.

Gift for Fox Meadow School

The acceptance of gift proposals to Fox Meadow Elementary School did not go nearly as smoothly. Three gifts totaling $48,215 for the construction of an outdoor classroom and student space were proposed by the Fox Meadow Elementary School PTA.

The letter from the PTA explains the rationale of giving funds for “an outdoor space to learn and play. Aside from the many educational benefits of outdoor learning, we believe that for health reasons outdoor learning spaces are more valuable than ever as we come out of a pandemic. Further, as the size of our student body continues to grow, an additional learning space would certainly be useful. This proposal will also revitalize an area of our school that is underutilized. This space is currently unused by students or faculty and it has great potential to provide an additional space for our students to congregate."

The Board’s gift policy #1800 provides that the Board approve all gifts, but board member Colleen Brown voiced her concerns. She pointed out that all gifts total close to $50,000, giving Fox Meadow a significantly larger gift for renovations than the other elementary schools.

Another member of the Board pointed out that although the gift is larger, more money might be needed by Fox Meadow Elementary to construct a space that is equitable. Ms. Brown agreed and suggested that equitable outdoor spaces must be designed first, then a price tag should be put on it. Moreover, she and other Board members questioned how the decision to endorse the capital renovations with PTA money will affect the PTA’s role in our community. Historically, the job of the PTA has not been to fundraise, and she saw capital improvement as a gift concerning. Ultimately, gifts were approved, but the board decided to revisit the gift policy under new leadership.

newauditoriumThere’s an election in Scarsdale next week. What’s on the ballot? Scarsdale’s $177 mm school budget, a $4.75 million bond to fund a total renovation of the Scarsdale High School auditorium and the seats of two current school board members who are up for re-election for their second three year terms.

All residents are urged to vote at the Scarsdale Middle School from 7 am to 9 pm on Tuesday May 16 to support Scarsdale’s schools.

The 2023-24 school budget of $177.7mm is a 2.59% increase over the 2022-23 school budget and will translate into a 1.93% increase in the tax levy. Residents in Scarsdale will receive a 1.36% increase and those in the Mamaroneck strip will see an 11.2% decrease. The budget increase is just below the 1.94% tax cap.

The budget funds some new initiatives as outlined in the district’s budget presentation. Here they are:

--Adds social work support for elementary students and funding for Responsive Classroom training, and support for student mental health and well-being at all levels K-12.

-Continues the rollout of the Reveal Math program in grades K-5.

-Enhances funding for Deans to travel to colleges, universities and conferences.

-Funds a field study with the Village of Scarsdale and a transportation study to aid in the transition to clean energy vehicles, and continued work in DEI.

-Funds a new roof for the high school band room.

The bond to fund the high school auditorium is on the ballot as a separate proposition.

The $4.75 million will be used to upgrade the seating, acoustics and stage area of the auditorium along with the dressing room and AmberYusufAmber Yusufcatwalk area.

It provides necessary safety and accessibility updates for the auditorium which has not been upgraded since the 1980’s.

The bond offer will mean a modest increase of just $27.56 per year for Scarsdale residents and $24.91 for those in Mamaroneck.

The district has launched a website that outlines the project which you can view here.

Also on the ballot are the election of two school Board officers.

Amber Yusuf, who is currently serving as the President of the School Board, is on the ballot for a second three year term. She helped to shepherd the district through the COVID crisis, the payroll tax issue and the transition to a new superintendent.

Bob KleinBob KleinBob Klein is also running for a second term. An architect by training, he has contributed his expertise in facilities planning and been a committed and involved member of the board.

Remember to vote for the people and the funding that make Scarsdale Schools special on Tuesday May 16, 2023 from 7 am to 9 pm at Scarsdale Middle School.

image1.jpegTayt Rompala (11), Scarsdale police officers, Caitlin Higgins (11), Maya Regenstreif (11), Yeonsoo Go (11)

Despite numerous restrictions, many teenagers are exposed to or even consume drugs and alcohol. To raise awareness about the effects of substance use and encourage healthier lifestyles, Caitlin Higgins founded the Students Take Action for Youth Club, better known as the STAY club. Higgins recently wrote an article detailing the founding, goals, and recent community involvement of the club, which is shared below:

I am happy to announce that STAY is officially a part of Scarsdale High School. Inspired by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Students Take Action for Youth (STAY) encompasses more than just drug and alcohol awareness. The STAY Club will be a place for SHS students to learn, discuss, and take action against substance abuse in addition to supporting teens’ mental wellbeing. We are focused on looking deeper into the truths about substances in our community and larger society. Many of the things we believe to be true about substances are, in fact, untrue and misleading. We are here to spread the truth. Our goal is to educate students about substance misuse, separating fact from fiction, and allowing students to make informed decisions that will lead to healthier lifestyles. 

As a long-time member of Scarsdale Action for Youth, I have been active in planning, speaking, and conducting activities for my peers and the community. Through events like Light The Dale and The Scarsdale Car Show we’ve worked to bring attention to the issue in a supportive and approachable way. I also spoke in front of the Village Hall Board of Trustees, objecting to the allowance of marijuana dispensaries in our village. Earlier this year in February, SAY sent me to Washington, DC to attend the National CADCA convention, where I had the thrilling opportunity to address our New York politicians and gave a youth perspective in support of New York State bills and funding for substance abuse prevention, early intervention, and treatment programs. Yet, after returning, I wanted a place where students can work together in an independent and more personal setting. When I applied to be a club, Jessica Levenberg, the SHS health teacher, agreed to be the STAY club advisor. 

After being passed, we planned an ambitious schedule with at least one event each month in order to best keep organized and to make each month meaningful. Two weeks ago, in preparation for 4/20 Day, the STAY Club along with SMS 8th graders, met up at Italian Village Pizzeria, and stickered close to 400 pizza boxes with different messages about the harms of marijuana use in order to spread a less aggressive message. The next day, we also hosted an SHS Club table at the annual SHS carnival, continuing the marijuana awareness theme. Alongside our table, we taped a green zig zag line on the pavement. Participants walked the line while wearing “Foggles,” simulation goggles that replicate the physical effects of marijuana and alcohol impairment. Many students and adults were surprised by the impairment they experienced, which included concentration, coordination, depth perception, and even nausea. Judging by the lines of people, we know that this activity was very well received. The Scarsdale Police stopped by and gave it a try as well. With all of this positive reinforcement, STAY is beginning to build its name. 

STAY was honored to be asked by the SHS administrators to participate in Non Sibi Day on May 26th—a day of community service and present a topic of our choosing. We felt it was important to do NARCAN training for SHS’ 16+ year-olds to address the fentanyl and opioid epidemic— the worst drug crisis in US history. We recognize it’s an uncomfortable and gruesome topic, but so important for students to be informed and help protect themselves and others. We want to help prepare our peers in the best way possible for any situation they may encounter.

Our next activity is a Post-It note event where we will write encouraging messages on post-its and place them on the 8th grader’s lockers in order to welcome them to the high school and congratulate them on their successes so far. We aim to form tight connections with members of the whole community– not just high school students. The event will be on Tuesday, May 16. Anyone is free to join us and we hope to have a great turn out!

In the future, there are many more events on the schedule and we hope that with each STAY exposure, SHS students will join and get involved with our initiative. Our message is one of truth and action, but we will also have fun doing it together. In other words, STAY is here to stay.

auditoriumrenovationThe Principal of Edgewood School is leaving, girls athletic participation has declined and the District launched a new website to track the renovation of the high school auditorium. These were just a few of the items reviewed at the meeting of the Board of Education on Monday night April 17, 2023.

Auditorium Renovation

Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick announced that the District has developed a website devoted to the proposed renovations of the Scarsdale High School auditorium. On March 27 the Board authorized a bond referendum not to exceed $4.75 million dollars for much needed improvements of the SHS auditorium. The website is now available here.


Girls participation rates in high school sports has declined.

Athletics Director Ray Papallardi explained that after accounting for the spring athletic season, the District is at roughly 62% participation for the course of the year with 908 students participating in interscholastic athletic programs. He also noted that Scarsdale, along with many others in the area, saw a bit of an anomaly this spring with male participation at roughly 64% and female participation at roughly 36%. Because the percentage numbers are usually closer to 50/50, Mr. Papallardi researched how we arrived at such a discrepancy this year and why female participation in sports saw a drastic decline. With only a quick reflection on the subject, he described many contributing factors to the decline including:

-A drop in senior participation because their early high school years took place during the pandemic when sports weren’t offered

-The desire of some students for less competitive and less time-consuming programs

-The feeling among some students that they won’t make it on to a super elite and competitive team or that it isn’t the right fit for them.

Papallardi discussed finding a space to create a suitable softball field, gifts from Maroon and White that will need Board approval and fall and winter varsity teams that were recognized as New York State Public High School Athletic Association Scholar Athlete Teams which is considered a huge accomplishment.

Papallardi also spoke about athletic administrators and coaches taking part in a new program called core training. The core training is still in development but in May, Mr. Papllardi will hold an informational meeting to describe how they will start to implement the new training that aims to develop a purpose based, educationally-focused athletic program.

Edgewood School Principal

In Human Resource news, Dr. Patrick announced that Edgewood’s current Principal Tashia Brown will be leaving at the end of the school year to pursue other academic opportunities. Dr. Patrick expressed profuse gratitude for Ms. Brown’s leadership especially through the trying years of the pandemic. He went on to describe two different options for finding a suitable replacement for Ms. Brown. Both options include a robust search and recruitment of the best candidate for the position. Since it is already mid-April it might be a challenge to do a robust national search at this time so Dr. Patrick will weigh conducting the search now vs. naming an interim principal from Scarsdale’s existing staff to serve for the next school year.

Patrick said that the Board had planned to extend an offer of tenure to Dr. Brown before learning of her decision to move on.

New District Physician

Eric Rauschenbach, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Student Services District, said the district is in search of a new District Physician and will submit a request for an RFP. Mr. Rauschenbach also gave an update on the automation system describing work to the PA system that will bring us closer to completing the project.

Kudos to SHS Social Studies Teacher Heather Waters

Dr. McIntosh then reported that he had recently attended the Global Educational Benchmarking Group convention in Washington D.C. At the convention Social Studies teacher Heather Waters was surprised with First Prize in the Global Expression of Thought award. Dr. McIntosh also spoke about the parent workshops taking place throughout the District providing parents with insight into our current math landscape and with tips and suggestions for supporting their children at home.

Energy Savings

Dr. Patrick discussed an information item regarding the Energy Savings Program and our agreement with Cenergistic for the behavioral energy savings program. While details about the RFP were discussed in a previous BOE meeting, Dr. Patrick opened the discussion to questions. Ron Schuloff asked if we could get started with the program this year if the Board were to approve the RFP tonight. Dr. Patrick said that we could.


Eric Rauschenbach reviewed the annual updates and changes made to our District wide Safety and Emergency Management Plan.

District Treasurer, Lisa Zareski, District Treasurer presented a Treasurer's Report where she detailed information about needed budget transfers explaining they are necessary because staff often move from one building to another.

New Textbooks

Speaking about curriculum, Dr. McIntosh described a new book that 8th graders will be reading in their English classes. The book, Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Remix by Ibi Zoboi is a modern retelling of the classic Pride and Prejudice. The students are reading this as a comparative text which encourages critical thinking and unlearning some of their own prejudices. Dr. McIntosh describes the book as “relatable” and provides students with an opportunity to read “Black joy”.

Budget Resolution

During the Action Items portion of the meeting, Colleen Brown recommended that the Board adopt the proposed budget resolution. The Board members each took turns voicing their support of the proposed budget and voted unanimously to pass it.

The Board also voted unanimously to adopt budget transfers, the property tax report card, an RFP award for a behavioral energy savings program, proposed new textbooks, the Heathcote Main Office renovations bid award, and a proposed gift to the Middle School.

The Board unanimously approved the Board Budget Insight Letter in support of the proposed budget which will be published in the next Insight publication.

School Safety

During public comment, two parents expressed concerns about school safety. Both parents advocated for a School Resource Officer (SRO) at each school and asked if the District had plans to hire such employees, especially in light of the school shooting that recently took place in Tennessee.

In response, both Dr. Patrick and Mr. Rauschenbach encouraged the parents to write to the administration so they could provide more detailed answers to their specific questions. They also said there are many factors that play into the decision to employ SROs in our schools … one is that it can substantially change the culture of the schools. Mr. Rauschenbach went on to highlight the work done by our District’s Emergency Response Team and our partnership with Scarsdale Police Department.

Ass’t Superintendent for Business Stuart Mattey reported on six upcoming facility bids and RFPS.

What’s Going On

Dr. Patrick reviewed some of the exciting things happening in our schools. In our elementary schools students are taking their learning outdoors into the schools’ educational gardens and learning about germination and planting. As spring brings good weather, many of the elementary schools have also restarted their “Walking School Buses” enhancing not only physical well-being, but social and emotional well-being too. Dr. Patrick also described a special performance at Heathcote Elementary, a visit from author Ellen Ho at SMS, the first annual “Able Lacrosse Classic” at SHS, and the SHS Science Research Symposium where seniors in the program shared their projects and presented their work. Dr. Patrick extended congratulations to the SMS Science Olympiad Team who brought home 10 metals from State competitions. In conclusion he drew attention to two important, upcoming dates: Eid al-Fitr on April 21-22 and Earth Day on April 22nd.

Board Updates

Board members gave additional updates on various happenings in our community.

Robert Klein spoke about an author visit on Tuesday, April 18th sponsored by the Safe Coalition with author Rachel Louise Snyder who will discuss her book: No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us.

Colleen Brown spoke about a meeting she attended at Southern Westchester BOCES on April 12th. Ms. Brown gave some details about their budget and then emphasized that it this year recognized BOCE’s 75th anniversary.

Suzie Hahn Pascutti reminded the audience about an upcoming joint SMS/SHS PTC program featuring our DEI consultant Dr. Derrick Gay. The program, Are Scarsdale Students Prepared for Success in a Globalized World, will be held in the SHS Auditorium on April 25th at 7:30 p.m.

The Board held a special meeting on Monday April 9th with several community volunteer and liaison groups including, Scarsdale Advocates for Youth (SAY), Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling, Scarsdale Schools Education Foundation, Maroon and White, and the Safe Coalition. BOE president Amber Yusuf described the annual meeting as an opportunity to enhance communication between all agencies and to discuss how the Board can further support each organization’s efforts. The meeting also ensures that all parties are aware of issues as they arise and of community sentiment. Yusuf added that the Board values their partnership with these organizations who help support our students and strengthen our community.

Watch a video of the board meeting here.

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