Saturday, Oct 05th

MetroNorthTrainPerson killed by train: At 12:45 a.m., Aug. 14, firefighters were called to assist MTA police with an incident involving a person who was killed after being struck by an MTA train on the northbound tracks, north of Crane Road. The person was confirmed dead, and firefighters helped move the person’s body from the tracks. Scene lighting and a rescue train were brought in on the southbound tracks, and tracks were de-energized so firefighters could assist passengers as they transferred to the rescue train. MTA police were investigating the incident.

An MTA spokesperson provided the following information: "The incident happened at 12:45 AM (August 14, 2022) just north of Scarsdale station. It was a fatal incident. There were no injuries to anyone on the train. Harlem Line service was partially suspended from 12:54 am to 2:21 am. No criminality suspected."

Bail jumping arrest
On Aug. 10, Stanley De Jesus Cruz, 28 of Astoria, was arrested on six active arrest warrants dating back to 2019 for bail jumping, burglary, criminal mischief and criminal possession of stolen property. Cruz had been in Westchester County Jail on other charges, and Scarsdale police picked him up and transported him to headquarters to process the arrest. Cruz was arraigned, transported back to Westchester Court Jail and ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17.

On Aug. 8, a man reported he previously lost his wallet after taking it to the Scarsdale Pool, believing it fell out of a bag he was carrying. Following the loss of the wallet, the wallet was allegedly “intercepted” and stolen by an unknown person. The man who reported the incident said the air tag on his wallet indicated it was last seen at an address in Port Chester on Aug. 7. Some credit cards also revealed possible fraudulent activity,

A package, from Costco, containing a patio umbrella was stolen from a Murray Hill Road doorstep Aug. 10.

Criminal mischief
On Aug. 12, a Quentin Road man reported someone damaged the door handle of his 2019 Audi overnight, possibly in a larceny attempt.

Identity theft
On Aug. 12, a Kent Road resident reported he was the victim of identity theft because someone fraudulently accessed and obtained airline miles valued at over $2,000 from his American Airlines miles account.

A jogger reported that another person whom he passed while jogging on Post Road followed him, cursed at him and attempted to lunge at him as the result of a verbal dispute Aug. 11. The jogger asked to be taken to the hospital because he was distressed. He said he was not afraid because he thought something was “off” with the person.

Police and firefighters helped unlock a car door on Ogden Road to free a child who accidentally got locked inside the car Aug. 10.

Police helped a disoriented woman found on Popham and Garth roads, displaying “an altered mental state,” by contacting her family members Aug. 11. The woman’s husband arrived to pick her up. She declined medical attention but was evaluated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Police and firefighters helped stop a leaking water pipe that burst in a Crest Lane bathroom Aug. 12. The homeowner was advised to call a plumber.

After a Lyons Road resident complained that a pesticide applicator was spraying chemicals on a neighbor’s lawn, police checked the applicator’s credentials and referred the matter to the State Conservation Police for follow-up.

On Aug. 14, a Bethel Road resident reported that someone was dumping debris in her backyard near a stream. Investigation revealed the items in question were old tree limbs and shrubbery that had died and naturally fell onto the lawn.

Patrol was flagged down by a man in Chase Park regarding an issue with a band member playing in the orchestra Aug. 11. The man said he has been having an ongoing issue with the band member, who is a woman. He reported that when she saw him in the crowd, she said, “This is what I think of you” and proceeded to spit on the ground. The spit did not touch the man. Police interviewed the band member. She said she had no knowledge of who the man was. She said she had had something in her mouth, and that is what caused her to possibly spit.

On Aug. 10, a Post Road man said he returned home to find a person in an unknown car sitting in his driveway. He inquired and the person said he was an Uber driving waiting for a passenger. However, the man had not called for an Uber. The man photographed the person’s car, and the person allegedly got angry and left.

A person was reportedly walking on Post Road with a cane, pointing the cane at passing cars, Aug. 11. Police arrived on scene and saw White Plains police already tending to the situation.

A Popham Road bank employee reported a man was in the bank, possibly attempting to commit fraud Aug. 11. She said he could not answer a question about who recommended him to do banking there, and that is why she thought his attempt to open an account might be suspicious. She said the man filled out the paperwork and left the bank.
On Aug. 12, a driver on Scarsdale Avenue reported seeing a couple across the street, possibly “casing” his rental car, picked up from the Shell station, on Aug. 11. The couple was last seen in a blue Honda sedan.

On Aug. 13, two men in a white van pulled into a Bradford Road driveway twice and walked to the rear of the property. When the homeowner questioned them, the men said they were “looking for a bouncy castle.” The resident advised them that they were at the wrong address.

A picketer at a concert at Chase Park complained that she had a negative interaction with a band member, described as “older, overweight, white woman” Aug. 14. The band member allegedly demanded that the picketer leave the park because she did not condone the picketer’s form of peaceful protest against the Village. After the picketer refused to leave, the band member allegedly became irate and used profanities. When leaving the park area, the band member was said to have rolled down her window and said, “I hope you trip and get hurt. I hope you break your legs.” Police documented the complaint.

Welfare check
A person wearing ski jacket and a hood was waiting at a bus stop at Wilmot and Heathcote roads Aug. 8. Police inquired if the person needed assistance, and the person declined.

On Aug. 13, police checked the welfare of a Meadow Road resident.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 8, police assisted a driver with a disabled sanitation truck on Saxon Woods Road and escorted the truck and a HELP truck to the Village compost lot for attempted repair work.

A passing truck on Cambridge Road pulled electrical service wires from a house Aug. 8. Police notified Con Edison, and firefighters stood by.

On Aug.8, police informed Con Edison about sneakers dangling on wires at Heathcote and Duck Pond roads. Police notified Con Edison.

On Aug. 10, a jogger reported he was almost hit by a car that did not yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk at Sherbrooke and Heathcote roads.

Patrol helped a driver move a car with a flat tire to a safe location off Post Road, where the driver could wait for assistance, Aug. 11.

The water department was notified about a significant water leak on Mamaroneck Road Aug. 11.

A woman who parked her car on private property on Boulevard was advised to move her car Aug. 12.
On Aug. 12, police notified Verizon about a branch trimmer that got entangled with a low-hanging wire. Police attempted to untangle the equipment from the phone wire, but they were unsuccessful.

Three car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week, including one on Fenimore Road involving a 41-year-old White Plains driver who left the scene of a property damage accident and was subsequently issued a summons Aug.12.

Civil matters
On Aug. 8, police advised a Fox Meadow Road resident to follow up in family court regarding an order of protection that had been allegedly violated.

On Aug. 14, a Cambridge Road man reported he was having difficulties with a former tenant who left his rental space in terrible condition. Among other things, the man reported there was obvious sewage backup, since resolved, in the space. Wet insulation, wet cardboard boxes and a water line were evident. Police advised the man it was a civil matter.

Village code
A caller reported a “mosquito hunter” sign posted at Valley and Farley roads in violation of Village code Aug. 10. Police called the listed number on the sign, and a secretary said the sign would be removed within the hour.

On Aug. 11, police asked a River Road man to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained.

Residents complained about noise from a Village event on Boulevard Aug. 12. Police investigated the noise and found it to be reasonable. The recreation department as informed about the matter.

A resident of a house near Madison and Tunstall roads turned off the music as soon as police arrived on scene to deliver a noise complaint Aug. 13.

On Aug. 13, police issued a summons to a Johnson Road landscaper who was using a gas-powered leaf blower in violation of Village code.

A Bell Road neighbor complained about loud drumming in the neighborhood Aug. 13. Police spoke with the drummer who apologized for the noise. He explained he was practicing before he went away for school, where he is studying music.

Lost and found
Key fobs, for an Audi and two other cars were found on an initialed lanyard on Sherbrooke Road Aug. 8. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.

On Aug. 14, a Highland Way resident reported a damaged blue mountain bike was found on his property in the bushes. Police picked up the bike and disposed of it.

On Aug. 8, firefighters were called to address a stuck elevator in a Saxon Woods Road building. Upon arrival, management said the occupant was out of the elevator.

On Aug. 8, firefighters received a report of a cat stuck 25 feet high in a Sprague Road tree. Firefighters advised to place tuna and water at the base of the tree to prompt the cat to come down on its own. After 20 hours, firefighters rigged a rope and basket to help the cat down. Food was placed in the basket to attempt to lure the cat inside. Firefighters advised the resident to call them once the cat was down.

A water leak in a Sheldrake Road house caused a false alarm activation Aug. 8.

On Aug. 8, firefighters helped a Mamaroneck Road resident open a stuck door.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Griffen and Grand Park avenues Aug. 9.

Firefighters were called to assist at a Hutchinson River Parkway car accident Aug. 9.

A clogged dryer vent at a Park Road house was creating steam Aug. 9. Firefighters advised to have the vent cleaned.

A person fell in a Seneca Road bathroom behind a locked door Aug. 10. Firefighters unlocked the door so SVAC could help the person who fell.

On Aug. 11, a Mamaroneck Road resident called firefighters to assist with finding the water meter on his property after receiving a water bill in excess of $3,500. Upon looking for the meter, the resident noticed a large area of clear standing water on his property near the location of the obscured meter. Firefighters informed the water department.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Barry Road Aug. 11.

Firefighters opened windows to ventilate a Harvest Drive house after food got scorched on a stove in a Harvest Drive house Aug. 11.

Firefighters shut water to a leaking toilet in a Crest Lane house Aug. 12.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a fallen electrical wire on Heathcote Road Aug. 12.

On Aug. 13, firefighters assisted Hartsdale fire department with a possible reported roof fire in Hartsdale’s jurisdiction.

Firefighters helped a Cambridge Road resident move a table in the garage so the table would not longer be blocking a car Aug. 13.
On Aug. 13, firefighters assisted Fairview fire department with a possible reported porch fire in Fairview’s jurisdiction.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 8-14 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

eastparkwayA 40-year-old female pedestrian, from Scarsdale, was struck while using the crosswalk at the intersection of Popham Road and East Parkway Aug. 2, around 9:20 a.m. Police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps were dispatched to the scene, where they learned that the driver – Thomas Michael Berry, 62, of Bronxville – failed to stop his car and instead left the scene of the accident. Numerous witnesses were on scene at the time of the accident. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital for injuries. Police tracked down Berry and requested that he respond to headquarters where he was charged and arrested for leaving the scene of a personal injury accident and failing to yield the right of way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Berry was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Aug. 17.

Attempted car theft
On Monday morning, Aug. 8, around 7:40 a.m., a Dolma Road man advised he was in his yard and saw a person attempt to steal a parked car from his driveway. The suspect was described as a man with a thin build, approximately 5’9” tall, wearing sunglasses, a hoodie and a dark hat. The suspect ran from the driveway when he noticed the homeowner and got into a white Porsche with NJ plates. The Porsche drove away toward the direction of Weaver Street, where it was seen speeding away.

On Aug. 2, a Gatehouse Road resident reported that someone entered her parked car around 10 p.m. the previous evening and stole a pair of glasses, a phone charger and a bag containing approximately $10 in loose change. The woman said she forgot to lock her car because she had been distracted by unloading many items from it earlier that evening.

Identity theft
On Aug. 2, a Herkimer Road man reported that he received a letter from Bank of America on July 27 advising him that a debit card was on its way. However, the man did not apply for such a card. On Aug. 2, the man reported the incident to police, stating that he had since received the fraudulent debit card, as well as a letter from Wells Fargo indicating that an attempt to open a line of credit had been made at that institution, fraudulently, as well.

On Aug. 3, a Heathcote Road resident reported a credit card was fraudulently opened in his name.

Computer scam
An Ogden Road woman reported she attempted to sign up for “TSA Pre-Check” credentials on a website that she later believed was fraudulent Aug. 3. Policed advised her to report the incident to the three major credit reporting agencies.

Mail fraud
On Aug. 2, a Brite Avenue resident reported that someone changed his address with the post office, and his mail was fraudulently being forwarded to an unknown address in Missouri.

Police assisted Greenburgh police with a shoplifting suspect detained on Depot Place Aug. 4.

Police investigated a report that a Fox Meadow Road resident’s security cameras had been moved from their locations on the house Aug. 5. Police determined that the mounting brackets for the cameras were not properly attached, and the cameras fell to the ground and rolled into the yard.

Police checked a Quaker Center house to make sure security system wires were intact, as per the resident’s request, Aug. 6. Everything was confirmed to be in good order.

An organizer of a concert at Chase Park complained a person was picketing outside the concert area and disturbing the set-up for the concert Aug. 4. The picketer, a woman known to the department, was holding a sign that read, “Sh**ty but legal,” and conducting her protest in a calm and peaceful manner. She was not interfering in the concert activities and was allowed to continue her peaceful protest because she was not violating any laws or Village codes.

A Dobbs Terrace resident reported, on Aug. 1, that someone cut a vine from a tree on her property without her permission. Police consulted with gardeners and Con Edison and Verizon workers, and they all denied cutting the vine.

A caller reported youths ringing doorbells and running away in the area of Chesterfield and Hampton roads Aug. 3.

Disorderly conduct
On Aug. 5, the Scarsdale Library Director asked police to speak with an unruly patron, but the patron left before police arrived. About an hour later, the Library Director called police again and asked police to inform the patron, who had been accused of making inappropriate comments, that he was banned from the library until November 5.

Welfare check
At the request of a concerned party, police checked the welfare of a Heathcote Road resident Aug. 2. The resident was not at home, but a neighbor was able to provide contact information for a family member who could confirm the resident’s whereabouts and wellbeing.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 1, police notified the highway department about a three-inch hole on Myrtledale Road.
Yonkers police were notified about a woman sleeping in a car parked on Scarsdale Avenue, in Yonkers, Aug. 1.
A white van parked on Cohawney Road was impeding traffic flow Aug. 2, Police successfully asked the driver to move the van.
Police contacted the owner of a car with two flat tires found parked at the Little League parking lot Aug. 2. The owner, a Village resident, said he was aware of the cars’ flat tires and would move the car shortly.
Police notified the highway department about a fallen tree at Crane and Fox Meadow roads Aug. 2.
On Aug. 2, Yonkers police requested assistance in handling a road rage incident that first occurred on Central Avenue and, after which, the involved drivers relocated to Popham Road and Depot Place.
On Aug. 2, a Windsor Lane resident reported that a car rolled off a flatbed tow across the street and caused property damage to her shrubbery, cobblestone curbing and a light post. The private tow company said they would pay for the damages.
On Aug. 3, police advised drivers to move their parked cars from locations on Lincoln Road and Crossway to improve traffic flow.
Police called a tow truck to jump a car’s battery at East Parkway and Crane Road Aug. 3.
Police helped a woman find her parked car in the area of Walworth Avenue Aug. 5.
On Aug. 6, police informed Con Edison about a branch on wires on Fox Meadow Road.
The owner of an e-bike was asked to move it off the high school track Aug. 7.
Four car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

Civil matters
On Aug. 2, police were called to mediate a dispute between a driveway-sealing contractor and a Cooper Road resident. The dispute concerned payment and quality of work. Police advised them that their dispute was a civil matter and needed to be handled in civil court.

On Aug. 3, police advised Horseguard Lane neighbors that their dispute over branches allegedly being removed by landscapers was a civil matter.

A Tisdale Road resident reported that a neighbor’s landscapers damaged her property while performing tree work Aug. 4.

A Chesterfield Road man reported he had a court order addressing terms related to the occupancy of his house and that it was being occupied by a party who was erroneously given permission to occupy the dwelling Aug. 5. Police reviewed all documentation, went to the house and advised the occupant of the situation. The occupant compiled with patrol’s instructions to leave the house.

On Aug. 6, a Bradley Road resident reported he had gotten involved in an investment agreement with an acquaintance’s sporting foundation start-up. The agreement was that the Bradley Road man would invest $8,000 in the foundation and receive $12,000 in return. The man reported there have been numerous “insufficient funds” notifications related to attempts made by the foundation to return some of the Bradley Road man’s money to him. Police advised it was a civil matter.

Village code
On Aug. 1, police issued a summons to a Cushman Road resident whose house alarm was sounding for more than 10 minutes, in violation of noise ordinances.

On Aug. 6, police advised a construction crew on Crossway of allowable working hours.

On Aug. 6, police asked a Fairview Road man to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

On Aug. 4, police reunited a lost dog and its owners at headquarters.

Lost and found
Highway workers found a debit card on Chase Road, near the post office, and gave it to police Aug. 2. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

On Aug. 4, police found a wallet on Spencer Place and notified the owner by phone. The owner came to headquarters to retrieve his wallet.

On Aug. 2, HVAC workers using a torch in a Murray Hill Road house activated a carbon monoxide incident. Firefighters ventilated the house and notified Con Edison.

Firefighters applied absorbent to dry spilled fluids following a car accident at Post Road and Boulevard Aug. 2.

Sewer smoke testing caused smoke scares in some houses on Hillview Drive when smoke entered in the basement.

On Aug. 2, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of carbon monoxide incident in a Murray Hill Road crawl space and boiler room.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a minor gas leak in a Palmer Avenue house Aug. 3.

Firefighters assisted at a Hutchinson River Parkway car accident and a School Lane car accident Aug. 3.

Firefighters were called to assist at a Hutchinson River Parkway car accident with injuries Aug. 4.

Firefighters assisted at a motorcycle accident with injuries on the Bronx River Parkway Aug. 5.

On Aug. 7, firefighters assisted SVAC personnel with a lift assist at a Fox Meadow home.

On Aug. 7, firefighters were called to a Morris Lane house for a reported carbon monoxide alarm activation and gas odor. The occupant of the house was outside when firefighters arrived. Investigation showed the gas-fired hot water heater was submerged in 1.5 inches of water from an unknown origin; so it was not functioning properly. Con Edison and a plumber arrived to address the issue. The plumber determined the flooding was caused by discharge from an air handler, and he felt the problem would be remedied once the water accumulation could be drained.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 1-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

parrotCar break-ins: A Brewster Road woman reported her car had been broken into the previous night, and checks were stolen July 19. The car was parked in the driveway and possibly unlocked. While checking with a neighbor about a Ring doorbell camera that possibly caught the incident on tape, the neighbor said her car had also been broken into and rummaged through.

On July 19, a Kensington Road woman reported her car had been broken into the previous night, but nothing was stolen.

On July 19, an Autenreith Road resident reported items, such as loose quarters, had been stolen from his car overnight.

Stolen packages
On July 19, a Church Lane man reported a heavyset white man with tan shorts and a blue T-shirt, possibly driving a four-door sedan, removed two packages from his front porch.

On July 20, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported that packages were stolen from her doorstep the day before. They contained colored pencils, a spiral book and a tripod – valued at approximately $160.

Lightning strikes
On July 18, firefighters were called to investigate a house struck by lightning on Reimer Road.

On July 18, firefighters were called to investigate a house struck by lightning on Reimer Road. The smoke odor was confined to the laundry room. There, firefighters found charred remains of dryer ductwork and a melted water line. Firefighters isolated and shut power, gas and water to the unit. They opened a wall to make sure the fire was completely out. The homeowner said she had been using the dryer at the time of the lightning strike. Firefighters suggested she get the dryer serviced before using it again.

On July 18, firefighters were called to investigate a house struck by nearby lightning on Montrose Road, due to sparks coming from a basement electrical receptacle. Firefighters advised the resident to follow up with an electrician.

On July 18, firefighters were called to investigate a house struck by lightning on Cambridge Road. A homeowner said she received a minor electrical shock through earphones while working at her computer immediately after the lightning strike, which occurred near the room she had been in.

Firefighters also answered numerous storm-related calls, including flooded roads and basements, July 18.

Stolen checks
On July 22, a Carman Road resident reported a package containing checks was stolen from her house. She received a box of Citibank checks on July 20. On July 22, she realized one booklet from the originally ordered 25 booklets was missing.

On July 21, a Meadow Road resident reported that someone created a fraudulent check, forged her signature, and cashed the check for $9,032. The original check bearing the same number as the fraudulent check was still in the resident’s possession.

A Sycamore Road man reported he was the victim of a crypto currency scam July 22. He said he transferred money to a foreign exchange for the crypto currency, but he now believes the exchange was fraudulent. When he attempted to withdraw his funds, he was unable to do so. He already contacted the FBI for help.

Identity theft
On July 22, a Kent Road man reported that an unknown person accessed his airline loyalty program and used some of his airline miles to fraudulently purchase a ticket.

Criminal mischief
On July 19, a Griffen Avenue man reported an incident of criminal mischief to his plastic perimeter fencing, valued at $200. He said the fence had been damaged before, was repaired and now got damaged again.

On July 22, an Olmsted Road resident reported someone rang her doorbell after midnight and ran away, possibly in a white or silver hatchback. Doorbell camera surveillance showed a young male, attempting to cover his head with a jacket, ring the bell and run from the scene. He exited in a large SUV. Police advised to install motion-controlled lights to discourage similar incidents in the future.

On July 19, a hole was noticed in the sidewalk on Garth Road. The highway department was notified.

Police checked the welfare of a Christie Place resident July 20.

Police helped Eastchester police look for a suspect involved in an assault incident in the area of Montgomery Avenue in the jurisdiction of Eastchester.

Police notified a custodian about leaking water from a restroom sink at Post Road tennis courts July 24.
A Garth Road restaurant employee asked for help with a person banging on windows and acting disorderly July 24. The person said he was trying to get some food. Police advised him the restaurant was closing and advised him to go elsewhere.

Pedestrian hit
On July 19, a 911 caller reported a pedestrian had been struck by a bus at Taunton and Popham roads. The pedestrian allegedly ran between stopped traffic and then crossing into the lane of the oncoming bus on Popham Road. The driver then struck the pedestrian. The pedestrian was taken to White Plains Hospital Center for injuries.

Cars and roadways
Police issued a parking summons to the owner of a car parked in excess of the two-hour parking limitation on Lockwood Road July 18.

Police corrected loose manhole covers at Weaver Street and Stratton Road, as well as Morris Lane and Murray Hill Road July 18.

Flooding on July 18 caused a Con Edison road plate to become dislodged. Police stood by until a Con Edison supervisor organized a replacement road plate.

The front grill plate of a car parked on Fayette Road was damaged after a car allegedly backed into it July 18. Police issued an accident report.

Police and firefighters removed a fallen tree from Griffen Avenue and Grand Park Avenue July 18.

A traffic light on Wildwood Road was malfunctioning July 19 and 20. Police notified the NYS department of transportation.

Police moved a hanging wire from Heathcote Road July 20.

Police corrected a loose manhole cover on Brewster Road July 20.

On July 20, a caller reported an erratic driver in the vicinity of Post and Olmsted roads. The caller said while he was out riding his bike, a female driver approached and started honking her horn for no apparent reason. The car then moved into his lane, and the caller’s knee got scuffed on a bush while he was trying to avoid the vehicle. The car then fled.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Tyler Road July 21.

A tree fell on Meadow Road July 21. Police closed the road with police tape and notified the highway department for removal.

On July 22, the water department was notified about a water leak on Morris Lane.

On July 22, police called a tow for a driver with a flat tire on Old Lyme Road.

Police issued a summons to a driver that was driving the wrong way near Mamaroneck Road July 23.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Post and Fenimore roads July 24.

Police closed and secured a construction fence at Murray Hill and Mamaroneck roads July 24.

Civil matter
A customer and a Lyft driver had an argument over an incorrectly entered address and the customer got out of the car at Post and Lee roads July 21. She then called for a second Lyft to pick her up. She then observed a black Jeep circling the area. She called the new Lyft driver who said he was ”out front” but was supposedly in a gray car that she did not see. She asked police to document the matter.

On July 22, a Boulevard woman reported she hired a contractor to fix her chimney. He accepted multiple payments for the work, but did not complete any of the work. Instead, he only made excuses. The woman had another contractor assess the project and learned the first contractor had not done any of the work. Police advised her it was a civil matter.

On July 19, a dead raccoon was found in the library pond at Olmsted and Brewster roads.

A Dolma Road caller reported a parrot was in his house and he needed assistance July 19. The caller said a parrot flew onto his back while he was working outside. Police transported the parrot back to headquarters and called the Humane Society. The Humane Society directed the man to contact a Greenburgh business for bird care for assistance.

A Richbell Road dog got loose July 21. The owner picked it up, and police issued a summons.

A dog was choking on a toy and the Elm Road owner called police July 21. The owner was able to dislodge the toy on her own before help arrived.

On July 22, a Madison Road man reported a neighbor’s dog was loose on his property.

A Potter Road resident reported a sick skunk in her yard July 22. It had already died when police arrived.

Village code
On July 24, after midnight, police dispersed kids from Edgewood School grounds.

On July 24, police dispersed noisy kids from Boulevard.

Lost and found
On July 18, a passerby turned in a found wallet to police. Identification inside the wallet revealed it belonged to a Village resident, whom police contacted for the wallet’s safe return.

On July 20, a bicycle rider reported that his key fob fell out of his pocket while he was riding around in the Village.

A NYS registration plate was found at Post and Sprague roads July 20. The owner was contacted but could not pick up the plate, he said.

A resident reported losing his car’s registration plates during the process of selling his car July 22.

A passerby found a wallet outside Spencer Pharmacy July 22. The owner of the wallet called headquarters and said he would respond to headquarters to retrieve the wallet.

A Con Edison representative shut gas to a malfunctioning Paddington Road water heater setting off a carbon monoxide alarm July 18.

Firefighters removed a fallen tree limb from Griffen and Grand Park avenues July 18.
On July 18, firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On July 19, a fallen tree impacted wires and caused them to catch fire on Post Road. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

On July 19, firefighters assisted with a bus accident on the Post Road.

On July 22, a disabled car pulled over on the Hutchinson River Parkway exit ramp. Its coolant was leaking and causing steam to rise from the engine compartment.

Firefighters examined the car and determined it was safe.

On July 22, firefighters helped a locked-out dog walker get back inside her employer’s Taunton Road house to walk the dogs.
On July 24, firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Firefighters shut water to a leaking pipe in a Black Birch Lane house and advised the homeowner to call a plumber July 24.

Firefighters extinguished a fire that was intentionally set to burn brush in a Lee Road driveway at 6:21 a.m., July 25. Firefighters tried to tell an elderly woman who lived at the house that burning brush was not allowed. A language barrier prevented communication; so police left a voicemail with the owner of the house, who was the woman’s son.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 18 – 24 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


checkwashingBurglaries: On July 30, around 10 p.m., a Sheldrake Road homeowner reported his house had been burglarized sometime within the last three hours. No further information was immediately available.

On July 31, a Brewster Road homeowner reported that he just returned home from vacation and realized the house had been burglarized because he found a broken window on the second floor. It did not appear as if any property had been stolen.

On July 27, Sophie Gemel Sassoon, 50, of New York City, was arrested for violating an order of protection. She turned herself in at headquarters, was arrested, arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and was released on her own recognizance.

Identity theft
On July 25, a Richbell Road resident reported that someone fraudulently filed an unemployment claim in his name.

On July 25, a Richelieu Road resident reported that someone changed her address on June 20 with the post office, which caused a return check related to a mortgage payment to be sent to an address in New Jersey. Additional pieces of mail were not properly delivered during the time.

On July 26, a person walked into headquarters to report that a Citizen’s bankcard had been fraudulently opened in her name.

Someone attempted to open a fraudulent credit card in a Herkimer Road resident’s name, but the attempt was flagged as suspicious and the account request was not processed July 26.

On July 27, a Barry Road resident reported that someone attempted to open numerous fraudulent accounts in his name over the past few days.

A fraudulent check was cashed against a Montrose Road woman’s account in the amount of $9,800. She reported it to police July 28.

A person came to headquarters on July 30 to report that someone stole and altered one of his checks, which was originally issued in May. Numerous attempts to cash the check had been made, but one attempt at the end of July went through, causing a loss of $3,000.

Civil matter
On July 25, police were asked to escort a Fox Meadow man who wanted to return to his girlfriend’s place to retrieve his belongings. A temporary order of protection had been issued against the man earlier that day due to an incident in the Bronx.

Wrong address
A man asked a Barker Lane resident for a check for work about which the resident was not aware July 26. Further investigation with the man’s boss revealed that he had mistakenly arrived at the wrong address.

A man in car with CT plates was observed handing out sealed brown paper bags to other drivers as they parked July 30. Police checked on this suspicious report and discovered the man was delivering food.

Youths were caught on video ringing a Claremont Road doorbell and running away, as a prank, July 30.

SHS track and pool
On July 30, two e-bikes were observed to be parked on the high school track. Police asked the owners to move them to the parking lot.

Cars and roadways
On July 26, a traffic stop at Popham Road revealed the 39-year-old White Plains driver was driving with a suspended registration and was also a “persistent violator.” He was issued summonses for committed violations, and the passenger of the car, a registered driver, drove the car from the scene.

On July 26, police called a tow for a disabled vehicle on Mamaroneck Road.

On July 26, police notified the highway department about overgrown bushes, reportedly causing a vision obstruction, on Fairview Road.

On July 26, police contacted the owner of a flood-damaged truck parked on Sprague Road and asked that the truck be moved.

On July 26, police helped a driver move a car with flat tires off the roadway, while the driver awaited a tow, at Mamaroneck Road and Barker Lane.

A woman who parked her car on East Parkway reported that her car’s bicycle rack had been struck July 27.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Quentin Road July 28.

On July 29, police picked up a piece of scrap metal from Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue.

On July 29, a car was towed from East Parkway and placed in an impound lot. The towing company informed police in case the driver was looking for the car.

A fallen tree knocked out power lines on Post Road July 30. Police blocked the road and firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

On July 31, police helped a driver move a car with a flat tire off the roadway, while the driver awaited a tow, at Post Road.

Two car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Civil matter
A Barker Lane woman reported that a neighbor damaged her bushes while cutting trees July 26. Police advised the neighbor it was a civil matter.

On July 26, police shot a sick raccoon on Brewster Road near library pond.

On July 27, a Sycamore Road resident reported that a neighbor’s adult children allow their dogs to go to the bathroom on her yard, and she did not appreciate such behavior. Police attempted to address the issue with the neighbor, but no one was home.

On July 27, a coyote was reported on Cayuga Road.

Police notified the highway department about a dead skunk on Oak Lane July 28.

On July 28, police addressed a complaint about a baking dog on Palmer Avenue.

A caller caw a pit bull being walked on Haverford Road and though the dog should be muzzled July 29. Police looked for the dog but did not find it.

Patrol reunited a lost dog found on Larch Lane wit its owner July 29.

A man complained that Rectory Lane dogs barked at him and his dog when he walked by July 31. Police observed normal barking behavior from all dogs on scene and did not think the barking was unusually prolonged or loud. Police advised the man to avoid dog-to-dog contact in the future if he does not want to be disturbed by barking.

A small beige and white dog without a collar was found on Franklin Road July 31. It was picked up by New Rochelle Humane Society.

Village code
Neighbors complained of noise from a loud pool party on Harvest Drive July 30. The host said she would lower the volume of the music.

A party planner agreed to lower the volume of music at a Heathcote Road party July 30.

Lost and found
On July 27, a purse was found in Village center. Using information found inside the purse, police contacted the owner and returned the purse to her husband.

A person walked into headquarters to report losing license plates July 29.

Police responded to a Chase Road address where a man reported losing his wallet containing his driver’s license, credit cards and $50 cash July 29.

A wallet was found on Woodland Place July 30.

On July 25, a Lee Road resident was burning branches in a fire pit near the house. Firefighters extinguished the burn and advised the resident of the dangers of an open fire. There was a language barrier, so firefighters attempted to contact a family member to advise that open fires were not permitted in the Village.

Plumbers soldering pipes created a false CO reading in a Tunstall Road house, as confirmed by firefighters and Con Edison, July 25.

On July 25, a call about a potential car fire was determined to be in regard to a car emitting normal exhaust when the car was on.

Oven drippings created smoke but no fire in a Fairview Road house July 25.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway July 26.

On July 27, firefighters assisted at a multi-vehicle car accident with injuries on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

A woman fell on Spencer Place July 29. Firefighters tended to her injuries and stabilized her until Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived to transport her to the hospital for care.

An excavator punctured a gas line at a Richbell Road house July 29. Firefighters made the scene safe and stood by for Con Edison.

A Fox Meadow School custodian got locked out of the school because his key fob was not working during a power outage July 30. Firefighters used a key to let the custodian into the building.

Firefighters assisted other agencies with a structure fire on Ocean Avenue in Larchmont July 31.

On July 31, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

A broken garden hose was leaking water on Walworth Avenue deck July 31. Police shut the water at the spigot.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 25 – 31 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

TisdaleRoadA house fire broke out in a second-floor bathroom of a Tisdale Road house July 13. Firefighters were dispatched to the scene and saw light smoke showing from the ridge vent of the two-story, wood-framed house. The homeowner approached initial crews and reported that the house had been evacuated when smoke was noted throughout the second floor. During interior investigation, firefighters observed light smoke on the first floor and moderate floor-to-ceiling smoke on the second floor. There was no visible fire. A 360-degree scene survey was conducted by firefighters, and contractors’ equipment was noted on the rear side of the house.

Multiple contractors’ ladders were observed extended to the second-floor drainage gutters with scaffold planks in place. A worker was on the roof directing a garden hose stream into a corner roof opening in an attempt to extinguish the fire. This worker was advised by command to return to the ground level and maintain a safe distance from the structure.

A 1.75” hose line was brought to the second floor for fire suppression operations. Primary searches of the structure yielded negative results. Crews breached the drywall ceiling of a second-floor bathroom after detecting increased thermal contrast depicted on a thermal imaging camera. Smoke emanated from this opening, and the hose line stream was directed into the void space. Command confirmed with interior crews that the area breached was the internal counterpart to the exterior fire damage. The attic was evaluated for fire extension with charring noted between rafters in an unfinished space. Overhaul was conducted to ensure complete extinguishment. The structure was evaluated for significant additional thermal signatures with negative results. Positive pressure ventilation was utilized to expel smoke from the house, and the situation was deemed to be under control. The Scarsdale Fire Department Origin and Cause Team responded to the scene for further investigation.

Firefighters were assisted in this incident by the other following agencies, some of whom were covering for Scarsdale fire department: Fairview, Hartsdale, Greenville, White Plains and Eastchester fire departments, Con Edison, the Scarsdale building department, Scarsdale police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Attempted car theft
An attempted car theft was reported on Weaver Street at approximately 4:20 p.m., July 15. The owner of the car told police a suspect got into his 2020 BMW worth $100,000, with the keys inside. The owner saw the suspect, opened the car door and pulled the suspect out of the car. The suspect then fled the scene.

Car break-in
On July 11, a Hampton Road man reported someone broke into his parked car, rummaged through it and stole a bag of change. The incident occurred around 2 a.m., as per video surveillance, the owner said. The video showed a sedan pull up to the driveway, where two men exited the car, walked up the driveway and entered the Hampton Road parked car. After about 30 seconds, the men left, got back into the sedan and drove off.

Identity theft and scams
On July 11, a Highland Way man reported a debt collection agency mailed him paperwork related to an unknown debt totaling $2,739.65.

On July 12, a Chesterfield Road man reported that someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

A Walworth Avenue man reported that his bank informed him that three of his checks had been “washed,” which means they had been stolen, were altered and were attempted to be cashed. The checks were originally written on May 16. After being altered, they were cashed on various dates in June, for various fraudulent amounts totaling more than $43,000.

On July 13, a Montrose Road woman walked into headquarters to report that she believed a person was intercepting her mail because two checks that she had mailed from a USPS mailbox were stolen, altered and fraudulently cashed for more than $20,000.

On July 15, an elderly Gorham Road resident reported being scammed out of approximately $45,000 through a computer pop-up scam. The pop-up window stated that the resident’s computer had been hacked and that the resident needed to wire $45,000 to an unknown person in order to research and identify the person responsible for the hack. Shortly after going to the bank and initiating the transfer, the resident became suspicious and believed he was being scammed. He informed his bank to retract the wire transfer. The bank said it would investigate the matter and attempt to get the money back.

On July 16, a Brewster Road man reported that he discovered an AT&T account linked to his name, for which he had no previous knowledge. He determined then that the account had been fraudulently opened.

Mail fraud
A sticky substance, intended to enable mail theft, was found near the mail depository slot at a public mailbox located at Dobbs Terrace and Fenimore Road July 17. Police informed the Postal Inspector for follow-up.

Criminal mischief
On July 11, a 19-year-old female driver from White Plains said she was followed by a man on a street scooter who punched her driver’s side mirror and broke it. The incident has been classified as an incident of road rage.
A rear window in a 2004 Subaru car parked in a Post Road driveway, as well as a glass panel in a post light on the same property were found to be shattered. The owner of the car reported it to police July 11.

A woman reported a white van was driving on the same streets that she was walking on, but the driver did not attempt to speak with her or approach her. Nevertheless, she was concerned and reported the matter to police July 12.

The daughter of a former Penn Boulevard resident reported seeing someone appear to come to the Penn Blvd. house with carpet, and shortly thereafter the surveillance camera lost connection July 13. Police checked the house, and everything was determined to be in good order.

According to a Meadow Road caller, a heavyset, white man in his 40s was attempting to sell jewelry out of his black Ford Explorer with Massachusetts license plates July 13. Police canvassed the area but could not find the man.

Police conducted a welfare check of a Heathcote Road daughter July 12. She was okay and said she would call her mother.

On July 15, police mediated a dispute between a passenger and an Uber driver on Archer Lane. The dispute was the result of a misunderstanding due to a language barrier.

On July 17, police removed a bicycle from the waterway near the high school’s Brewster Road lot and placed it in the bicycle rack.

Burning lawn debris
A caller reported seeing smoke coming from a Morris Lane property July 15. Police went to the scene and noticed a wheelbarrow filled with burning lawn debris. Police used a garden hose to extinguish the fire and cautioned the resident to refrain from burning lawn debris.

Cars and roadways
On July12, police asked a worker to move his vehicle to a driveway so as to not impede traffic flow.

Police assisted a driver with a flat tire move his car into the Quaker Ridge School lot where he could safely leave it there for a tow July 12.

Police directed traffic around a disabled vehicle at Post Road and Wayside Lane until the vehicle could be safely moved into a parking lot to await a mechanic July 15.

Police put flares around a car with a flat tire at Bypass and Secor Road while the driver waited for assistance July 15.

One car accident was reported in the Village this week.

An injured rabbit was observed on the side of Cayuga Road July 11. It was immobile and seemed to be “mortally injured,” according to police. It was not in a position for police to safely put it out of its misery.

A loose friendly dog was reported in the Mamaroneck Road area July 12. It ran away before it could be apprehended.

Village code
On July 11, police asked soccer players to leave Quaker Ridge field. Police advised the players that a permit was necessary to play soccer there.

A Brambach Road resident complained about not being able to sleep at night due to hearing his neighbors’ voices outside an open window July 17.

Lost and found
A Rock Creek Lane man reported losing his car’s front license plate somewhere in the vicinity of Weaver Street July 11.

On July 12, a Fox Meadow Road man reported losing his U.S. passport. The last time he saw his passport was inside his house.

On July 13 a person reported that license plates mailed to her from the DMV were never received.

On July 13, a Village resident reported losing her car’s rear license plate.

A Ridgecrest East woman reported losing her Green Card while traveling through the Canadian and United States border July 15.

A passerby found a wallet in Greenburgh and brought it to the Scarsdale police station July 15. Police contacted the owner and returned the wallet.

A passerby found a lady’s purse at Duck Pond and Heathcote roads and brought it to police July 17. Police identified the owner and returned the purse to her.

On July 17, a propane tank was leaking on Continental Road. Firefighters isolated the tank until proper repairs could be made. A house affected by the propane was aired out by a family member under firefighters’ supervision.

On July 12, firefighters stood by to cover for White Plains firefighters wile they were battling in a fire in a multiple dwelling.

On July 13, firefighters assisted Hartsdale fire department with a dumpster fire.

On July 14, a sink garbage disposal in a Garden Road kitchen overheated, Firefighters isolated the circuit in the breaker and advised the resident to contact a repair company.

On July 17, an underground propane tank was hissing and leaking on Continental Road. Firefighters isolated the tank until proper repairs could be made. The house affected by the propane was aired out by a family member under firefighters’ supervision.

This report covering police and fire department activity has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


(Pictured at top: Fire on Tisdale Road.)