Saturday, Oct 05th

pipesA new gas line is being installed on Walworth Avenue.On March 15, at 3:30 a.m., police encountered a black Chevy Camaro stopped at a stop sign on Overhill Road for an unusual amount of time. Police approached the car and noticed it was occupied by two young males. One was wearing a black sweatshirt and black ski mask. The other was wearing a red hoodie. The driver, in the ski mask, said, “We can leave if you want.” Police instructed the driver to put the car in park and turn off the motor. The driver said, OK” but then sped away, turning onto School Lane and Brown Road. While attempting to catch the speeding car, police noticed it was lacking a front license plate and the back plate could not be distinguished. On the dead end of Brown Road, the car drove onto a lawn, hitting a tree and a parked car. It continued to flee. Police asked for backup. Shortly thereafter, other officers encountered the car, unoccupied, at School Lane and Popham Road. Police impounded the car, registered out of New Jersey.

Further investigation revealed stolen mail from several jurisdictions inside the abandoned vehicle, along with materials, a belt and sticky rat traps, used to “fish out” mail from mailboxes. The vehicle was impounded and processed. The US Postal Inspector was notified. This incident is currently being investigated by Scarsdale Detectives. If anyone has any further information on this incident, please contact the Scarsdale Police Investigation’s Section at 914-722-1200.

Since late fall, 2021, there has been a spike in mail thefts throughout the county and in Connecticut immediately north of Westchester County. Thieves are stealing mail, accessing the contents and when checks are discovered, they are forged. As a reminder to the community, avoid leaving mail in your mailbox if that mail contains checks or bank information. Do not put the “flag” on your home’s mailbox to the raised position – this alerts thieves to the fact that mail is inside. Do not leave bank or sensitive information in your recycling bin that thieves could exploit – securely shred this information. Check your online banking activity daily to be alert for any suspicious or fraudulent activity. If you do need to mail a check, mail it inside your local post office.

Protect your kids
On Saturday, March 19 at approximately 4:45 p.m., an 11-year-old girl was playing near Garth and Popham Roads when a male in a passing car, whom the child did not know, stopped, rolled down his window and motioned to the youth. The male then exited his car and motioned to the child again and stated “Come, come.” The child, who was in the area with other children, entered a building on Garth Road and the male left the area. A short time later, a parent reported the incident to the Scarsdale Police. The person in the vehicle is described as a black male, wearing a black “beanie” style hat, with a mask down around his chin and wearing a black t-shirt. This male was reported to be driving a black Toyota sedan. This incident is currently under investigation by the Scarsdale Police Department’s Detective Division. Anyone with any information regarding this incident is asked to call the Scarsdale Police at 914-722-1200.

Stolen car
An Acura was reported stolen from a Boulevard driveway overnight between March 15 and 16. Later the owner called police to say that the reported theft was due to a miscommunication among family members.

On March 16, a Bradford Road resident reported that her $75,000 BMW X7 was stolen from her driveway. The incident was captured on video surveillance.

On March 14, a Garden Road resident reported that a package was stolen from her front doorstep. It contained clothing valued at $45 from Amazon.

Identity theft and stolen checks
On March 14, a Gorham Road man reported that someone opened a checking account in his name. Someone then attempted to deposit four checks into the account. The account was flagged as fraudulent, and the account was closed.

On March 14, a Dickel Road man reported someone fraudulently took funds from his account. The funds matched the amount on a check that the man had mailed to the water department. The water department, however, never received the check.

On March 14, a Gorham Road resident three fraudulent checks were withdrawn from his Chase bank account. The checks totaled $84,069.36.

On March 15, a Post Road woman reported someone stole a check she had written to a medical office, washed the check, altered it and attempted to cash it for about $5,000 on March 8. The original check had been written on November 14, 2021, and it had been mailed from her personal mailbox.

On March 16, a Hampton Road resident reported her identity was fraudulently used to obtain insurance.

On March 17, a Lenox Place resident reported a check had been stolen from her mailbox, altered and cashed for $16,900.

On March 19, a Boulevard resident reported that two lines of credit had been fraudulently opened in her name – at Target and Costco.

On March 20, a Fenimore Road man reported his son’s personal information was compromised because of a security breach in December 2021.

Criminal mischief
A Hillandale Close woman reported someone threw a jar of salsa on her driveway, shattering the glass and making a mess March 14. She thinks one of her daughter’s friends threw the jar.

On March 18, an Old Lyme Road resident reported his car had been damaged while parked in his driveway. At approximately midnight, the resident heard two loud noises outside and saw a possible SUV at a stop sign. Upon checking his parked car, he noticed “keyed” damage to the fender and driver’s side mirror.

An Edgewood man reported his intoxicated wife left their property in a car en route to a liquor store at 1 p.m., March 14. Police canvassed the area for the wife and her car but could not find her.

On March 15, an Edgewood man reported his wife was yelling at him as the result of a disagreement over the disposal of garbage. Police mediated the argument, and the couple was advised to remain separated for the night.

A Ridgecrest West resident saw a man wearing a black hoodie and pants on his property via video surveillance March 14.

Shortly before 9 p.m., March 19, a Heathcote Road resident reported a woman pulled into her driveway and exited the car with a case of beer. She was insistent that she had a delivery for the resident. The resident denied placing an order for delivery, and the woman left.

An elderly Saxon Woods Road resident called police asking where she should sit for dinner March 16. Police spoke with front desk employees who said a facility aide was already assisting the resident.

An elderly man wearing a neon shirt was attempting to cross a Sherbrooke Road stream but was unsteady on his feet and fell a few times March 18.

Policed performed welfare checks of Parkfield Road and Gilmore Court residents due to a power outage March 18 and 20. All was in good order.

A three-year-old child accidentally got locked inside a bathroom in the child’s Meadow Road house March 19. The parents called police, but before emergency services could arrive to help, the parents creatively bypassed the lock, and the child got out.

On March 15, a Weaver Street resident reported that his neighbor was banging on a wall complaining that the resident’s TV was too loud. Police tried to make contact with the neighbor, but the neighbor did not answer the door.

Civil matters
On March 17, a caller reported her was having difficulty collecting money from his employer, following an incident that occurred on Nov. 18. Police advised the caller that it was a civil matter and suggested he follow up with a lawyer.

On March 19, a female driver told police she brought her car to a Scarsdale Avenue service station for service, and after she picked up the car, she noticed the car was displaying new mechanical issues. She assumed the problems were a result of the mechanic’s actions. Police attempted to speak with the mechanic, but he had already left the shop. Police advised the driver that this was a civil matter.

On March 19, police arrested Tatiana Cepeda, 27, from Passaic, NJ, on charges of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle with three of more suspensions on three separate occasions, operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver, speeding and operation of a motor vehicle without insurance. These offenses were revealed during a traffic stop for speeding on Bypass. Following her arrest, Cepeda was released on her own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Village Justice Court.

Bicyclist struck
On March 15, a car at Fenimore and Brewster roads struck a bicyclist, who was a student on the way to school. Injuries appeared to be minor, and firefighters notified parents while Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps tended to the bicyclist.

Cars and roadways
On March 15, a caller reported seeing a white Kia Optima drive onto the sidewalk in front of Scarsdale High School, “almost hitting a pedestrian.” The car was not there when police arrived. No injuries were reported.

An abandoned car was reported at a Mamaroneck Road temple March 17. It was interfering with school drop-off. Police called the car’s owner, and the owner said the car was left there because it had car trouble overnight. The owner was in the process of getting the car towed.

Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Scarsdale Avenue March 17.

On March 19, a sanitation worker requested help on East Parkway due to a disabled Cushman.

On March 20, police asked a driver to move his car from a Kingston Road driveway belonging to a house for sale.

Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street March 20.

Five car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A Popham Road resident reported a coyote in his backyard March 17. The animal ran away and appeared to be healthy.

On March 17, a neighbor complained about a Continental Road resident’s loudly barking dogs. The resident apologized and said she had let the dogs out to relieve themselves.

An opossum was spotted in a Benedict Road driveway March 20. The animal was gravely injured, so police shot it to put it out of its misery. The carcass was disposed of properly.

Lost and found
On March 17, a Potter Road woman reported her daughter’s cello had been stolen the previous day. It had been left on a walkway, and the woman thought someone might have mistaken it for trash.

On March 18, an Old Orchard Lane man reported losing his red iPhone while riding from Greenburgh to Scarsdale in a Lyft on March 17. Later, the man told police that he believed he located his phone on Facebook Marketplace, for sale. He arranged to purchase the phone and asked the seller to meet him at the public safety parking lot. There, the serial number of the phone that was for sale did not match the serial numbers of the man’s lost phone. So, it was determined to be a different phone.

On March 19, a passerby turned in a found iPhone. Police returned it to its owner, who lost it.

A passerby turned in a found wallet to police March 19. Police identified the owner and returned the wallet.

On March 20, a person found a wallet in an Uber and brought it to police. It contained cash and out-of-state checks.

Village code
On March 14 and 15, police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers in violation of Village code. They issued other landscapers warnings on March 15.

Workers were using water from a fire hydrant to wash construction tools on Secor Road March 15. Police issued the workers summonses.

On March 16, policed issued summonses to landscapers for using gas-powered blowers in violation of Village code on Beechwood Lane and Fenimore and Elm roads. They issued a warning to landscapers on Innes Road March 16.

On March 18, police issued summonses to landscapers on Innes Road who were using gas-powered blowers in violation of Village code. They issued other landscapers warnings that same day and on March 20.

Mistaken park
The driver of a car parked on Saxon Woods Road, got out and entered the Golf Course March 19. Police asked the driver what he was doing on the course. He said he was eating lunch there because he mistakenly thought it was a park.

This week, firefighters assisted at car accidents at Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue.

On March 20, firefighters taped off an area around an exploded transformer at Post and Olmsted roads and stood by for Con Edison.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a Fox Meadow Road gas leak March 17.

A gas-powered power washer released carbon monoxide into a Chesterfield Road basement March 18. Firefighters ventilated the space and advised on proper use of gas-powered equipment.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a transformer explosion on Walworth Avenue March 18.

A Montrose Road resident accidentally got locked out of the house March 18. Firefighters assisted.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a transformer explosion on Olmstead Road March 20.

This report covering policed and fire department activity from Marc 14-20 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

mailboxBreaking News from the Scarsdale Police:
On Tuesday, March 15th 2022 at approximately 3:29 AM, a Scarsdale Police Officer noticed an occupied vehicle on School Lane stopped at a stop sign for a long period of time. When the officer approached, the vehicle fled at a high rate of speed, struck a tree and continued to drive away recklessly. Officers located the vehicle abandoned and empty a short distance away. A check of the area for the occupants yielded negative results.

Further investigation revealed stolen mail from several jurisdictions inside the abandoned vehicle, along with materials, a belt and sticky rat traps, used to “fish out” mail from mailboxes. The vehicle was impounded and processed. The US Postal Inspector was notified. This incident is currently being investigated by Scarsdale Detectives.
If anyone has any further information on this incident, please contact the Scarsdale Police Investigation’s Section at 914-722-1200.

Since late fall, 2021, there has been a spike in mail thefts throughout the county and in Connecticut immediately north of Westchester County. Thieves are stealing mail, accessing the contents and when checks are discovered, they are forged.

As a reminder to the community, avoid leaving mail in your mailbox if that mail contains checks or bank information. Do not put the “flag” on your home’s mailbox to the raised position – this alerts thieves to the fact that mail is inside. Do not leave bank or sensitive information in your recycling bin that thieves could exploit – securely shred this information. Check your online banking activity daily to be alert for any suspicious or fraudulent activity. If you do need to mail a check, mail it inside your local post office.

Graffiti was found in a fourth-floor boys’ bathroom at Scarsdale high school March 10. The graffiti consisted of hate speech and is being treated as a bias incident.
After learning of the incident, Patrol officers responded to the scene, spoke with the staff and observed the graffiti. The SPD Investigations Section launched an investigation into the source of the graffiti, and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office Bias & Hate Crimes Division was contacted. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the Scarsdale Police Department’s Investigations Section at 914-722-1200.

Car theft
On March 13, a woman reported her $30,000 2020 Audi was stolen from East Parkway sometime between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The woman advised that she left the keys inside the car.

Car break-in attempt
A person dressed in black was observed, via a doorbell camera, walking up a Secor Road driveway and attempting to open the door of the resident’s parked car. The door was locked, and the person walked away.

Two residents of a Post Road home got into an argument over food distribution March 7. Police mediated the dispute, and the residents agreed to stay away from each other.

A Post Road resident of a group home reported a housemate moved some of her groceries and later returned them to their original location March 10.

On March 12, two Colvin Road sisters were arguing over documents, and police advised them to follow up civilly.

Identity theft
On March 9, a Barry Road resident reported that someone stole a check she had written for $26.32, altered it and fraudulently cashed it for $11,180.
On March 10, a Post Road resident reported that someone stole a check she had written for $600, altered it and fraudulently cashed it for $17,200.

A person with a hammer in his hand was reported top be lying down on Post Road March 7. Police asked the man if he needed any assistance, and he reported he was walking to meet friends in Eastchester. The hammer appeared to be non-functional and was discarded.

A Catherine Road man reported that he discovered a basement door was ajar on the same day that his burglar alarm was activated March 8. Police investigated the house and did not observe any signs of criminal activity.

At 2 a.m. March 10, a Broadmoor Road woman reported there were two men outside her door. She said that her dogs started barking and the men walked away. She did not recall is the men knocked on the door or rang the bell. Police logged the incident for extra ridebys.

A car reportedly entered a circular driveway on Grand Park Avenue and left when the homeowner observed the van.

Police removed a hubcap from Crane Road and Church Lane and discarded it March 11.

On March 10, police performed a welfare check of a Nelson Road man. The man was OK.

Police transported a truck driver and his passenger from Palmer Avenue back to the scene of an accident involving his truck impacting an overpass bridge March 10.

Cars and roadways
Police asked drivers to move construction vehicles on Overlook Road March 7.

Police picked up shattered glass from a gutter on Sherbrooke Road March 7.

Workers removing leaves were parked in a no parking zone on Crane Road March 7. Police issued a parking summons for the parking.

Policed closed the entranced to the Hutchinson River Parkway because of a fallen tree March 7.

Police removed fallen branches from Bypass and Palmer Ave March 7.

A tree branch fell on Brewster Road and took down wires March 7. Con Edison was notified.

A fallen branch pulled down wires on Heathcote Road March 8. Con Edison was notified.

Con Edison was informed about a branch leaning on wires on Wayside Lane March 8.

The highway department was notified about broken glass at Post and Olmsted roads March 8.

Police asked workers to move their cars from a no parking zone on Sycamore Road March 11.

On March 11, police issued parking summonses to a parked car, registered to a NJ resident, left on Axtell Road for several days. Police contacted the registered owner and advised her to move the car. It was apparently left there by the owner’s brother’s girlfriend while the girlfriend was away.

Police received a false report about a gray Kia chasing a pedestrian on a Post Road sidewalk March 11.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A loose Labradoodle with a collar was observed eating from garbage on Myrtledale Road March 12. Police caught the dog and returned it to its owner. The owner was issued a summons.

Two loose dogs were reported in the Village March 13; however, police did not see the dogs when they responded to the areas.

Village code
Police issued a Cooper Road homeowner a summons for leaving a loudly barking dog outside for approximately 20 minutes, causing a noise disturbance March 10.

Lost and found
On March 8, a Chesterfield Road caller reported her car’s lower grille cover had been stolen. The last time she saw it was March 6. Police advised her that the cover might have been lost while she was out driving March 6 or 7.

Car keys were found on Walworth Avenue March 10. Police returned them to their proper owner.

On March 8, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Grand Park and Griffen avenues. A fire hydrant was damaged, and one occupant was taken to the hospital by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

On March 8, firefighters found a gas leak at a meter in a Chesterfield Road basement. Firefighters informed and stood by for Con Edison.

On March 8, a seized air handler motor was causing hazing, smoke and odors in an Oxford Road basement. Firefighters turned off power at the unit and advised the homeowner to call for service.

On March 10, an accidental sprinkler activation in a stairwell at The Ambassador on Saxon Woods Road was caused by a malfunction. Firefighters were able to trace the possible problem to an air compressor. Firefighters shut down water to the alarm, which allowed the system to reset and stay completely functional. Firefighters advised employees to have the system serviced.

On March 12, firefighters checked a circuit breaker at a Harvest Drive house after a power line fell on Harvest Drive. Firefighters taped off the affected area around the fallen line and stood by for Con Edison.

On March 13, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a Horseguard Lane gas leak.

This report covering policed and fire department activity from March 7-13 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

dogbiteCar break-ins: On Feb. 21, two separate Boulevard residents reported that someone rummaged through their unlocked, parked cars overnight and stole loose change.

Police mediated a dispute between a sanitation worker, a Mamaroneck Road resident and a person hired to shovel the homeowner’s driveway Feb. 25. Apparently, the dispute occurred when the sanitation worker asked the homeowner and the snow shoveler to move the household garbage bins to the end of the driveway. The homeowner and the sanitation worker each accused the other party of being rude.

Suspicious activity
On Feb. 23, suspicious activity was reported on Garden Road, as per a homeowner. The homeowner said two white men rang her doorbell and asked to speak with the previous owner of the house via intercom. When the homeowner said the person no longer lived at the house, the men left.

A man on East Parkway was reportedly asking people for money to get to Elmsford and also asking to use their cell phones Feb. 21. Police went to the scene, and the man said a friend had already called an Uber for him.

A tree fell on a Carthage Lane house and pulled down an electrical wire Feb. 22. The fire department was dispatched to evaluate the matter and a Con Edison crew was dispatched to repair the wire damage. Only superficial damage to the house’s gutters was caused.

On Feb. 23, a transformer exploded on Griffen Avenue and wires were burning. Police blocked the road so firefighters and Con Edison could address the matter.

Cars and roadways
Police replaced a loose manhole con Dobbs Terrace on Feb. 21 and Feb. 27.

A tractor-trailer got stuck under an overpass near Waver Street and Manor Lane Feb. 22. Police assisted with traffic control until Westchester County Police arrived.

Police set up a temporary stop sign on Griffen Avenue to address traffic safety Feb. 23.

Police removed a fallen branch from Weaver Street Feb. 25.

A pothole on Black Birch Lane was filled with about six inches of water Feb. 26. Police notified the water department to investigate the source of the water.

On Feb. 25, police stopped a 29-year-old Yonkers driver for speeding on Post Road. At that time, police realized the driver was driving with a suspended license. Multiple summonses were issued.

On Feb. 26, police stopped a 51-year-old Yonkers driver for traffic violations on Popham Road. At that time, police realized the driver did not have a valid license. Multiple summonses were issued.

On Feb. 21, a Donellan Road woman told police she saw an animal, which she believed to be a bobcat, on her street. Police did not observe the animal and could not confirm its species.

A lost dog at Post and Kingston roads was reunited with its owner Feb. 23.

On Feb. 23, police removed a dead animal from the intersection of Mamaroneck and Cooper roads. The animal was alternatively identified as either a cat or a marsupial.

While a police officer was on duty setting up traffic cones at Greenacres and Colvin roads Feb. 25, a dog bit him. A woman was walking the dog, on a leash. The dog became aggressive toward the officer while passing by, turned and bit the officer. The woman apologized and left. The officer continued setting up cones. Later, when he tried to locate the woman and dog in the area, he was unable to find her.

Village code
After a car alarm was sounding, for no apparent reason, on Bradley Road for an extended period of time around 3 a.m., Feb. 23, police and firefighters gained access to the car and removed fuses to silence the alarm. The car’s owner was issued a noise violation summons.

A house alarm malfunctioned and could not be silenced for an excessive period of time Feb. 23. Police issued a summons.

On Feb. 24, police advised a person soliciting for a youth organization that he needed a permit to solicit in the Village.

Police advised a solicitor, on Oakstwain Road, that he needed a permit to solicit in the Village Feb. 25.

Lost and found
A passerby found a salmon-colored wallet in the street somewhere in the Village and brought it to headquarters Feb. 24. Police contacted the owner and made arrangements for he to pick up the wallet.

On Feb. 24, a resident found a wallet in the Village and brought it to police. While police were vouchering the wallet, the owner called looking for the wallet. Police facilitated the proper transfer of the wallet back to the owner.

On Feb. 25, a Brookby Road resident reported losing the license plates to his car Feb. 25.

On Feb. 26, a Madison Road woman reported losing her engagement ring, but she later found it. It was valued at $7,500.

A reported gas odor on Brite Avenue was determined to actually be a skunk odor Feb. 21.

Con Edison was dispatched to address a leaning utility pole on Richbell Road Feb. 23.

Firefighters assisted with a residential lockout on Fox Meadow Road Feb. 23.

Firefighters helped a Secor Road resident change a battery in a carbon monoxide alarm Feb. 23.

An air handler in a Seneca Road house was emitting an odor Feb. 26. Firefighters shut down the unit.

A dishwasher was leaking water and which was collecting in light fixtures in a Wildwood Road house Feb. 26. Firefighters shut down the affected circuits.

Firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident involving a possibly intoxicated driver on the Hutchinson River Parkway ramp at Mamaroneck Road Feb. 27. Westchester County police took the driver into custody.

A Walworth Avenue resident extinguished a grill fire and firefighters confirmed the fire had been properly extinguished Feb. 27.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 21-27 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

policecruiserArrested: On March 3, police arrested Angel Gabriel Lopez, 34, of Eastchester, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more, failure to use a designated lane, moving from a lane unsafely and a diver’s license violation. Police initiated a traffic stop of Lope’z car on Post Road after observing that the car was not maintaining its lane. During the interview with the driver, police observed signs of intoxication. Lopez agreed to taker field sobriety tests, which confirmed his intoxication. He was released on his own recognizance with a court date of March 23.

Car break-in
On Feb. 28, a Madison Road homeowner reported his unlocked car was entered overnight, and quarters were taken.

Identity theft
On March 1, a Fox Meadow Road man reported that someone opened a fraudulent credit card account in his name. The creditor was informed, and the account was closed.

A Springdale Road resident reported someone made unauthorized charges totaling $1,469.19 on one of his accounts March 4.

On March 5, a Shawnee Road resident reported someone opened a fraudulent T-Mobile account in her son’s name.

On March 5, a Fox Meadow Road woman reported someone stole a check she had written in late January for $298, altered it and cashed it for over $18,000.

Civil matter
On Feb. 28, a woman reported that her sister had given her a key to a Colvin Road house and it didn’t unlock the door. Police advised her to speak with her lawyer regarding obtaining a properly working key.

On March 1, police advised a Brewster Road man on questions he had about his wife coming over to pick up personal items while their divorce was pending.

On March 1, a Popham Road landlord said a tenant who was possibly intoxicated came to him and got into a dispute about whether there were any larger apartments available. Police tried to contact the tenant but did not reach him.

Two men were sitting in a parked car on Ferncliff Road after midnight March 3. When approached by police, one of the men said they were there to fix WiFi in a school, but they could not specific details regarding which school. The became agitated and left the scene.

On March 3, a Walworth Avenue man reported a mailman looked inside his parked car. He had video surveillance documenting the incident, Police noted there was no attempt to open the car door or break into the car.

A man was walking in the center of Post Road after midnight March 3. He told police he was on his way back to Yonkers. Police called a taxi for him. However, the taxi was delayed and the man became impatient and said he wanted to continue walking., Police advised him to walk on the sidewalk. Shortly thereafter, the man went to the fire department and requested a ride, stating he had changed his mind again. The taxi dispatcher required payment upfront, which the man refused to provide. So, the man continued on his way by foot.

Cars and roadways
On Feb. 28, a parked BMW on Crane Road was struck by a car, and the car left the scene.
A witness noted the car’s license plate, and police informed the owner of the car that was hit. Police also went to the house of the offending car’s registered owner and inquired about the accident. The owner was aware of the impact but said he did not stop because no damage occurred.

A person was trapped inside an overturned car that had impacted a utility pole at Heathcote and Post roads following a two-car accident Feb. 28. Firefighters removed the windshield to extricate the trapped driver. Both drivers were taken to the hospital.

Police removed a piece of metal from Post Road and discarded it March 1.

A driver received a citation while parked on East Parkway March 1. He thought it was an expired meter, but police explained it was for an expired registration.

On March 2, police notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Carthage Road. On March 4, police pushed a disabled car in the owner’s Claremont Road driveway where the owner could wait for a mechanic.

Police removed an animal carcass from Popham Road March 6.

Two car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

On Feb. 28, a Colonial Road dog owner reported that her dog was bitten by another dog approximately one week ago and wanted to follow up. She reported her dog’s medical bills had been taken care of. Police spoke with the owner of the offending dog and the owner said she would take all necessary steps to make sure a similar incident did not happen again. Neither dog owner had obtained proper licenses for their dogs. They told police they would take care of that.

On March 2, a Meadow Road woman reported that her dog came in from outside and smelled really bad. Police advised the woman that the dog’s odor was from a skunk.

A loose dog was reported on Olmsted Road March 2. It was gone when police arrived.

A Murray Hill Road dog that was being walked on a very long leash ran into the street and entered a parked car belonging to a DPW worker March 3. The dog was not injured, and the car was not damaged.

A Greenacres Avenue dog was allowed to walk off leash and ran into the street March 3. Police advised the owner about Village code.

A loose dog and its owner were reunited at Kingston and Brewster roads March 4.

A coyote was reported on Wayside Lane March 4.

On March 5, a Greendale Road dog ran outside when a house door was left open. Police informed the owner, and the dog was brought back inside.

A loose, friendly but elusive dog, ran away from police on Cooper Road March 6. Later that day, a neighbor caught the dog. Police reunited the dog with its owner and issued the owner a summons.

Village code
A caller complained about a woman playing loud music on Lyons Road Feb. 28. Police investigated and saw a woman running a play group playing music and singing songs. The noise level was determined to be within allowable limits.

Police issued a summons to a Jefferson Road dog owner because the dog was barking incessantly and loudly while outside in the yard, inside an apparent electric fence, March 4.

Lost and found
On March 2, a postal worker found a pair of black reading glasses outside a Jefferson Road house in the Village. Police vouchered the glasses for safekeeping.

On March 3, a person walked into headquarters to report losing license plate in the Village.

On March 1, firefighters shut down a defective gas stove in a South Woods Lane house.

On March 2, firefighters shut down a boiler following elevated carbon monoxide levels in a Wildwood Road house. They ventilated and stood by for Con Edison.

Firefighters investigated an oil odor in a Sprague Road house and advised the homeowner to have the unit serviced March 4.

Vent pipes became detached from a boiler and a hot water heater in a Jefferson Road house March 6. Firefighters shut down the system and ventilated the space.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 28 - March 6 has been compiled from official information.

coyoteAttempted car break-in: Video surveillance of a Brookline Road house showed that an individual wearing a facemask pulled up to the house in a dark-colored sedan, exited the car and attempted to open the door of a Porsche parked in the driveway of the house Feb. 16. Fortunately, the car’s doors were locked, and the individual was not able to gain entry. The individual was described as a man wearing a green baseball hat, a dark-colored facemask, black jacket, white shirt, sneakers and jeans.
At 5:30 a.m., Feb. 21, a Boulevard resident reported an individual dressed in black, with a black backpack, attempted to gain entry to his parked car. But the car was locked, and individual was not able to open the door.

Missing bracelet
On Feb. 17, a Heathcote Road business owner reported a gold bracelet, which had been brought to her business for repair, was missing. She was unsure of its location and if it had been stolen or got lost. She needed a report for insurance purposes.

Unknown substance
On Feb. 18, a Chateaux Circle resident reported that she believed some sort of noxious substance had been sprayed on her hallway entrance door. She and one other person claimed that on Feb. 11, they each felt a strong burning sensation in their eyes and on their lips. Soon thereafter, they noticed a sticky, amber substance was on the door. This, they claimed, was the cause of the irritation. Medical attention was offered, but the resident and the other person declined it. It is unknown if the substance was intentionally applied. The substance was no longer present in the hallway when police were there to investigate.

On Feb. 15, police assisted a Fox Meadow woman who wanted to pick up items from a house where her husband was living. Police reminded her that a stay away order of protection had been issued against her.

On Feb. 19, police consulted with a Fox Meadow Road man to answer questions about how to possibly report potentially stolen items from a house that did not belong to him.

Civil matter
On Feb. 17, a Post Road resident reported a dispute with a housemate. The resident furthermore said that after she returned home, following the dispute, she noticed some of her property, with damage, on the floor of her bedroom. Police interviewed the resident’s housemates, and one housemate claimed to have bumped into a dresser, causing the property to fall to the floor.

Cars and roadways
A white van was reportedly circling the neighborhood near Mayflower Road Feb. 14. Police canvased the area but did not locate the van.
Police issued summonses to the owner of a car parked in front of a Paddington Road fire hydrant Feb. 15.

An Ogden Road resident reported a car was parked in front of her driveway, blocking access, Feb. 15. Police had the car, identified as a 2006 Nissan Altima, towed. Investigation showed that the car was registered to a Connecticut address but was improperly displaying a Pennsylvania license plate. As a result, police issued multiple summonses. On Feb. 16, the owner of the car came to the resident’s house and knocked on the door, inquiring about the car. The resident called police, but the man left before police arrived.

A teacher at Fox Meadow School reported her car was struck by another car in the school parking lot Feb. 16. Police stood by while the teacher and the other driver exchanged information.

On Feb. 16, a Brite Avenue resident reported that workers from a Kingston Road construction site were parking on his lawn. Police went to the scene and did not see any cars parked on lawns.

The sanitation department removed a cardboard box from Burgess Road Feb. 16.

The driver of a van with flashing lights stopped on Kelwynne Road said she was waiting for middle school dismissal Feb. 16.

Police noticed a car with an open trunk parked in a Harvest Drive driveway at 3:30 a.m., Feb. 17. Police spoke with the owner who confirmed nothing was missing from the car’s trunk.
A car was causing a traffic condition on Kingston Road Feb. 17. Police asked the owner to move the car.

Two cars sustained flat tire after driving over fallen branches from a fallen tree at Post and Fenimore roads Feb. 18. Police assisted with traffic control while one driver changes his flat tire and the other left the scene to wait in a parking lot for the delivery of a spare tire.

Police stood by and directed traffic around a disabled car while the driver changed a flat tire at Post Road and Lorraine Place Feb. 18.

Verizon was notified about fallen wires on Walworth Avenue Feb. 18.

On Feb. 18, police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street.

Police located the driver of a poorly parked car on Scarsdale Avenue and asked the driver to move the car so it was no longer obstructing traffic flow Feb. 18.

Two car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

On Feb. 14, police reunited a loose white dog, found on Brewster Road, with its owner.

On Feb. 15, a coyote was reported inn the area of Heathcote and Duck Pond roads.

The sanitation department removed and disposed of a dead animal’s carcass at Mamaroneck and Secor roads Feb. 17.

A passerby alerted police to the body of a dead cat at Post Road and Wayside Lane Feb. 17. Sanitation workers confirmed that the cat was not wearing a collar or any identifying information, and they disposed of it.

On Feb. 17, approximately three or four coyotes were observed on Dobbs Terrace.

A passerby found a loose Golden Retriever on Brewster Road Feb. 20, put it on a leash and took it back to its owner.

Village code
On Feb. 14, a resident complained about noise coming from a neighbor’s apartment in a Popham Road building. Police heard some noise, but it was neither deemed too loud nor concerning.

On Feb. 18, a Crossway resident reported hearing a loud engine noise. Police investigated the area and traced the noise to a generator on Hillview Road. The owner of the generator said he would reach out to a service provider to get help with turning off the generator.

On Feb. 14, firefighters assisted with a car accident at Stratton Road and Weaver Street.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of gas odor and a potential gas leak on Penn Blvd. Feb. 16.

On Feb. 16, stood by for Con Edison at a Nelson Road house, where the homeowner reported smelling “an odor.”

Firefighters helped a Brite Avenue homeowner change a battery in a carbon monoxide detector Feb. 18.

Firefighters notified Con Edison about a “popped” fuse on a Con Edison pole Feb. 18.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 14-20 has been compiled from official information.

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