Saturday, Oct 05th

ElectricBikeAn employee of the First Republic Bank on Popham Road reported that a man attempted to make a fraudulent transaction, involving a request for statements, using a fake NJ license Dec. 2. The employee followed the man out of the bank after she declined the transaction. Police advised the employee to remain in a safe location and confronted the man in Spencer Pharmacy. He was arrested and charged with second-degree possession of a forged instrument. While searching the subject, police found the drug “crystal meth’ on the man’s possession. Therefore, he was additionally charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was identified as Daniel T. Dickerson, 44, of Los Angeles, TX. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Dec. 8.

Stolen cars
On Dec. 3, a Leatherstocking Lane resident reported two cars were stolen from his driveway. They were a $50,000 2020 Mercedes G30 and a $50,000 2018 BMW X5. The theft occurred between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. According to police, one car has been recovered.

On Dec. 5, a caller reported that a red Mazda was parked on the street with its windows open, smelling of fast food and possibly marijuana. It was determined to have been reported as stolen out of NJ. Police contacted the owner to arrange for a tow.

On Nov. 29, a commuter flagged down a police officer on East Parkway and reported his green Blix Vika electric bicycle had been stolen from the bike rack.

A Spencer Place employee reported that someone went through her purse and stole her driver’s license, credit card and medical card Dec. 4. Fraudulent purchases totaling $4,500 were made on the card.

Scams and ID theft
On Nov. 30, a Lebanon Road woman reported receiving a letter that claimed she was the winner of a $3.5 million dollar prize. The letter asked her to provide personal information to claim to prize. She suspected the letter was a scam. Police concurred.

On Dec. 1, a Brewster Road man reported he was the victim of identity theft. He learned of it after receiving a letter from Capital One bank regarding unpaid bills on a car loan, as well as a car insurance confirmation document from Geico. Both companies were informed the loan and insurance were fraudulent.

On Dec. 2, a Catherine Road man reported he was the victim of identity theft. A personal check he had written to a paving company had been stolen and altered. It was then cashed by an unknown person in the amount of $9,000.

On Dec. 3, a Black Birch Lane woman reported that she was tricked into revealing personal information to a caller who claimed the woman was already the victim of identity theft and was looking to help her.

On Dec. 3, an Oakstwain Road man reported he was the victim of a scam. He said a person called him claiming that a fraudulent transaction of $999 was billed to his Amazon account and he would need to be reimbursed. He was asked to log into his account and provide bank account access for the alleged refund. The man was then told that a credit of $20,000 was issued to his account. The amount was said to be in error, and the man was asked to return the extra money of approximately $19,000. The caller instructed the man to allow access to his account to return $18,500. This was completed. The caller then called back and said because the caller had logged into the man’s account, a fine of $18,000 would be assessed, since that activity was not allowed. The caller then initiated another transfer of funds out of the man’s account in the amount of $17,800. The next day the caller called the man back and claimed another fine of $50,000 was being assessed. Three transfers of $15,000 each were set up, but they were flagged by the bank and did not go through. The man lost approximately $36,000 in the scam, according to police.

On Dec. 4, a Cooper Road man reported that one of his checks had been stolen from the mailbox or from USPS. It was fraudulently altered and paid out to an unknown person in the amount of $5,000.

On Dec. 4, a Post Road resident said a person contacted him over Facebook asking for $5,000 in gift cards in exchange for $30,000 in stimulus money. The resident purchased the cards and sent photos of the access numbers to the person. He never received the $30,000 and therefore realized the transaction was a scam.

Criminal mischief
On Dec. 2, graffiti was reported on the Storm Water Improvement sign on Greendale Road.

A homeless man was reported to be lying on the ground, allegedly wearing a fireman’s coat, on the corner of Popham and Post roads, Dec. 4. The man told police he did not need any assistance.

On Dec. 5, police encountered the same man on East Parkway. He declined assistance again.

On Dec. 6, the homeless man was found to be sleeping in a tent on Spencer Place. Police told him that a tent was prohibited and that he should leave the area.

On Dec. 3, a Hampton Road resident reported that people were trespassing on his property. He said a news article had recently been published which listed a photo of his property, and he claimed that the photo could only have been taken if someone had entered his property without permission. He asked patrol to contact the person who he thought might have taken the photo, but there was no answer.

A man who was reported to be screaming on Edgewood Road told police he was out for a walk and talking loudly on his cell phone Nov. 29.

Road rage
On Dec. 2, a driver reported she was involved in a road rage incident involving a car that was following her on the Bronx River Parkway. The car proceeded to follow hers when she exited and drove onto Chase Road. She then parked in front of the Post Office and the driver of the other car allegedly attempted to throw something at her car. She attempted to videotape the incident, and the car fled.

Bicyclist hit
On Dec. 1, a boy was hit by a car while out riding his bicycle on Post Road.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 30, police directed traffic around a car with a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road while the tire was being changed.

On Nov. 30, police assisted a driver with a blown-out tire safely get to a nearby service station on Weaver Street.

On Dec. 1, police helped a driver overcome reported mechanical problems on Weaver Street. The car was operable and able to be driven safely from the scene.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Tompkins Road Dec. 2.

On Dec. 3, police issued a summons to an improperly parked landscaping truck on Sprague Road.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

On Nov. 29, a possibly sick raccoon was reportedly seen on Eastwoods Lane. It was not there when police arrived.

A loose dog on Black Birch Lane was reunited with its owner before police arrived on scene Dec. 4.

A caller complained of a dog barking on Crawford Lane or Saxon Woods Road Dec. 5. Police located the dog and asked the homeowner to bring the dog inside.

Lost and found
On Nov. 29, a Barry Road resident reported losing license plates while moving from one house to another.

A lost wallet was dropped off at headquarters Nov. 30. Using a school ID, police were able to identify the owner of the wallet. Police returned the wallet to the owner and verified his identity.

On Nov. 30, a Scarsdale Avenue resident reported losing two license plates.

On Nov. 29, a pile of leaves was reported to be on fire at the Hutchinson River Parkway entrance ramp on Mamaroneck Avenue. Upon arrival, firefighters found a small leaf pile smoldering. They put out the fire and overhauled the pile. Upon investigating, no cause of fire was found.

On Nov. 30, firefighters assisted at a car accident involving a car into a tree on the Hutchinson River Parkway. The driver got out of the car and was taken to the hospital.

On Dec. 1, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Dec. 4, firefighters found elevated CO readings in the boiler room of a Penn Road house. They ventilated the basement with a battery-operated fan. They checked a high-efficiency boiler and found it venting high levels of CO into a basement window well and through the window. They shut down the unit and advised to call for service.

On Dec. 4, firefighters detected elevated CO levels in a Rochambeau Road house. They ventilated the house and advised the residents to service a generator located near the building, which was thought to be a probable cause.

On Dec. 5, firefighters identified a minor gas leak at a gas meter at a Sycamore Road house. They stood by for Con Edison.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 29 – Dec. 5 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

montblancpensBurglary: On Nov. 28, a Brite Avenue resident returned home and found his rear house door broken. Numerous bedrooms were tossed. Stolen items included $700 cash, a $1,000 Cartier pen, $2,000 worth of Mont Blanc pens, $15,000 worth of gold bracelets, a Chase debit card, a $7,000 Cartier watch and a $3,000 Alfred Hammel watch.

Car break-ins
At 12:30 a.m., Nov. 23, police observed a Mercedes-Benz with an equipment violation pass them at the intersection of Weaver Street and Crossway. “Suspicious activity was also observed, associated with occupants of the vehicle and a [databank] check of the plate found the vehicle was listed as stolen,” according to the police report. Police attempted a traffic stop, but the driver did not stop. Additional information from police also reported “prior to the [attempted] traffic stop, an officer saw a party exit a vehicle on Weaver Street and get into the Mercedes. The Mercedes fled at a high rate of sped. The officer discontinued the pursuit for safety reasons. Upon checking the area where the officer saw the party enter the Mercedes, [the officer] found a vehicle that had been entered. New Rochelle police were contacted.”

In Nov. 25, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported someone had entered his parked car and removed personal items. A formal report was not filed, at the resident’s request.

On Nov. 28, a Ferncliff Road resident reported that three individuals exited a dark SUV and entered two of his four parked and unlocked cars at 4:06 a.m. No items were reported as stolen from the resident’s Mercedes SUV, but the resident was unsure if anything was stolen from his Mercedes sedan.

On Nov. 28, a Paddington Road man reported that two individuals wearing masks and hoodies were observed in his driveway trying to open locked car doors at 3:21 a.m.

At 4:20 a.m., Nov. 29, someone walked up a Brown Road driveway and attempted to enter a locked car parked in the driveway.

Identity theft
A Fox Meadow Road woman reported that money had been fraudulently withdrawn from her bank account in separate transactions over a period of time. The matter was reported on Nov. 22. The bank had been informed and was working to return the funds.

On Nov. 24, a Palmer Avenue woman reported she was the victim of identity theft. She learned of it after receiving a debt collection letter. Further investigation revealed that a Citizens Bank account was fraudulently opened in her name in early November. She contacted the bank and closed the account.

On Nov. 24, a Stratton Road man reported that a check made out to Con Edison had been stolen, altered and cashed against his bank account. It was written to an unknown person for $9,560.

A Sylvan Lane woman reported an unknown person accessed her bank account and fraudulently transferred money out of the account Nov. 25. The bank froze the account after learning of the incident.

On Nov. 26, a Colvin Road resident reported someone had stolen $23,860 from his bank account by processing a fraudulent check. Chase Bank’s fraud department is following up.

Criminal mischief
On Nov. 26, police investigated a report of an individual driving around Greendale Road’s George Field Park on an ATV. Damage was caused to the lawns by the ATV’s tires.

A group of kids was running from door to door, ringing doorbells and running away, Nov. 27.

Rowdy customer
On Nov. 28, a Garth Road establishment called police about a rowdy customer who might have been intoxicated. The customer was no longer there when police arrived.

Missing car
A Canterbury Road resident reported, on Nov. 25, that he dropped his car off at a Volvo dealership in Greenburgh on Nov. 23. He told police he was now unable to retrieve his car, and an app on his phone was showing the car’s location to be at a private residence in Rockland County. Police advised the resident to file a formal complaint with Greenburgh police due to the location of the dealership.

Domestic matters
On Nov. 24, a Black Birch Lane daughter called policed because her mother allegedly asked her to leave the house. The mother was not there when police arrived. The daughter said she would call her sister for a ride in about an hour.

On Nov. 24, a caller reported having a dispute with a Lyft driver on Carthage Road. She alleged that the driver became verbally aggressive when she opened the window of the car and spoke on her cell phone during the ride. After dropping off the woman at her intended address, the driver allegedly refused to open the trunk so the woman could retrieve her belongings. The caller’s brother then assisted in de-escalating the situation, according to the caller. The caller also alleged that the driver was shown the caller’s phone and the driver gave himself a 20% tip. The caller said she did not want to tip the driver and was looking for a document to assist in cancelling the tip. Police advised the caller about how she could file a credit card dispute.

On Nov. 26, a Colvin Road woman called police and reported she was having a dispute with her sister over their mother’s care. When police arrived on scene, the woman said she was upset because her older sister would not go to bed at 1 a.m. Police explained that the older sister was a legal adult and was able to make decisions on her own. Police recommended that the women stay away from each other for the night.

On Nov. 28, an Edgewood Road woman reported that her husband took keys to her rental car, and she wanted them back. Upon police arrival, the husband agreed to return the keys. Police recommended that the couple stay away from each other for the night. Later, the woman called back on two other occasions, asking for help finding her keys.

Near miss
A woman reported that a white Mercedes-Benz sped by at almost “60 miles per hours” and allegedly almost hit her while she was out walking with her mother on Church Lane. She said the near miss occurred as the car was turning left from Crane Road onto Church Lane. She also claimed that the car crossed the double yellow line. Police canvassed the area for the car, but they did not find it.

Road rage
On Nov. 24, a caller reported a driver cut her off and caused the two cars’ tires to touch on the highway. As a result, the caller said she followed the driver in an effort to get the other driver to pull over. The driver pulled into the police headquarters lot, followed by the caller. The other driver admitted to cutting off the caller, but she did not think her car caused any damaged to the caller’s car.

Cars and roadways
Police called a tow for a disabled car parked in the Weinberg Nature Center parking lot Nov. 22.

Police stood by at a Con Edison work site on Weaver Street until flaggers arrived to direct traffic Nov. 22.

A truck parked on Penn Road was determined to be disabled and awaiting a mechanic Nov. 23.

A black BMW was observed driving recklessly on Post Road, according to a caller, Nov. 23.
On Nov. 24, police asked workers to move construction vehicles that were parked on Dolma Road obstructing traffic.

A driver blocking the entrance to Freightway Garage was asked to move his car Nov. 24. A verbal warning was issued.

On Nov. 25, a driver moved a parked car from Elm Road into a driveway to improve traffic flow.

A parked car on Meadow Road was disabled and waiting for a tow Nov. 25.

One car accident was reported in the Village this week.

Civil matter
On Nov. 23, a Horseguard Lane woman reported she was having an issue with a neighbor over tree cutting on the property line. Police arrived and learned that a neighbor hired workers to cut branches that were overhanging the woman’s property. The neighbor said he was cutting the branches to prevent the hazard of them falling on the house. This explanation was satisfactory for the woman.

A Seneca Road resident complained that some stray leaves blew into his yard from a leaf pile that was collected by landscapers working on Fenway Golf Club Nov. 23. The landscapers were gone when police arrived.

On Nov. 24, a Herkimer Road woman reported that a neighbor’s landscaper blew leaves onto her property. The landscaper denied the allegation. Police spoke with the landscaper and asked him to be more careful.

On Nov. 24, a Vernon Road man complained about a neighbor’s landscaper blowing leaves onto a pile at the corner of his front lawn.

A pile of leaves at Post and Fenimore roads was discovered to be on fire around 12:00 p.m., Nov. 25. The fire department extinguished the smoldering fire. A cause of the fire could not be determined.

A loose dog with tags was running on Fox Meadow School grounds Nov. 22. A teacher managed to check the tag for an address. Police contacted the owner, and the owner picked up the dog. Police issued a summons.

Police tried to catch a loose dog at Post Road and Boulevard, and later at Post and Lee roads, but it ran away Nov. 25.

On Nov. 26, a Parkfield Road dog owner reported she was being followed by a loose yellow Labrador dog while out walking her own dog on Paddington Road. She leashed the loose dog and waited for police. However, before police arrived, the Lab’s owner drove by and advised that the dog belonged to her.

Lost and found
On Nov. 26, an Eton Road woman reported losing a $16,500 diamond bracelet. The last time she saw it was in her jewelry box on Nov. 23. She noticed it missing on Nov. 25. Later she called police back to report she had found the bracelet.

Village code
On Nov. 24, police informed a Post Road resident that a neighbor complained of noise, and the homeowner turned down the music.

On Nov. 25, police dispersed a group of loud kids from Garth Road.

On Nov. 23, a Vanderbilt Road fire alarm was activated after smoldering fireplace embers were placed in a trashcan and ignited paper. The can was dumped out on the front steps prior to firefighters’ arrival. Firefighters checked the house and confirmed that no smoke was present. Firefighters used a water can to fully extinguish the materials. They placed burnt papers in a metal bin away from the house.

On Nov. 24, firefighters assisted with a rear-end car accident involving a pickup truck and a van on the Hutchinson River Parkway. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transported one occupant of the van to the hospital.

On Nov. 24, an improperly drafting fireplace let smoke enter a Madison Road house. Firefighters assisted.

On Nov. 25, firefighters were dispatched to a Kingston Road house because of an electrical burning odor. Firefighters determined the odor was from electrical components in the oven. They shut off the oven and advised the homeowner to call for service.

On Nov. 28, firefighters investigated a reported gas leak in a Leatherstocking Lane house and discovered an unlit stovetop burner. The resident had hit the knob inadvertently and then left the house for a few hours. The knob was moved to the
Off position, and the house was ventilated.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 22-28 has been compiled from official information.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

coyoteCoyote Sightings: This week, there were several coyote sightings reported to the police:

Coyote sightings were reported at Lockwood and Tisdale roads Nov. 8 and Sunset Drive and Ferncliff Road Nov. 9. Later, on Nov. 9, a Sunset Drive man told police he saw what he believed to be a healthy coyote while he was outside walking his dog.

On Nov. 10, a coyote was sighted in a Post Road backyard. Patrol advised that the coyote did not appear to be sick or injured and it would eventually leave the area.

A caller reported a “sick coyote” in a Taunton Road backyard Nov. 10. Patrol observed the coyote, and it did not appear to be sick, injured or aggressive in nature.

On Nov. 12, a coyote was sighted near Fox Meadow School. It was gone when police arrived.

In response, the Scarsdale Police Department issued the following about how to act if you encounter a coyote:

In recent weeks, residents have reported several coyote sightings throughout the Village of Scarsdale. The Scarsdale Police Department would like to share some information from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation about what to do should you come across a coyote.

According to NYS DEC, if you see a coyote:

• Be aggressive in your behavior – stand tall and hold arms out to look large. If a coyote lingers for too long, then make loud noises, wave your arms, throw sticks and stones.

• Contact your local police department and DEC regional office for assistance if you notice coyotes exhibiting "bold" behaviors and having little or no fear of people, or if you see them repeatedly during the daytime in a human-populated area or near residences. Seeing a coyote occasionally throughout the year is not evidence of bold behavior.

• Do not allow pets to run free. Supervise all outdoor pets to keep them safe from coyotes and other wildlife, especially at sunset and at night. Small dogs and cats are especially vulnerable.

• Teach children to appreciate coyotes from a distance.

If there is ever an emergency involving a coyote, please contact the Scarsdale Police Department at (914) 722-1200. A police officer will be dispatched.

Please check the DEC website below for further guidance and information or contact the DEC Regional Office at 845-256-3000 .

Stolen carAudiSQ8Black
A $95,000 2021 Audi SQ8 was stolen from a Birch Lane driveway overnight and reported the next morning, Nov. 9. A set of golf clubs valued at $2,500 was also stolen when the car was taken.

Stolen wallet
On Nov. 12, a debit card was stolen from an employee’s wallet at Scarsdale High School. The wallet was inside a purse on the employee’s desk. Before the cardholder realized the card had been stolen, the thief billed $701.86 in fraudulent charges to the card on

Pedestrians struck
On Nov. 8, a pedestrian was struck by a car at the intersection of Church Lane and Crane Road. An 18 year-old driver, driving a 2021 Toyota Jeep turned left from Church Lane onto Crane Road and hit a 65 year-old woman who was crossing Crane Road.

A caller advised his wife was struck by a car Nov. 10. After learning the location of the accident, police determined it occurred in the Town of Mamaroneck.

On Nov. 14, a caller reported seeing a pedestrian struck on East Parkway. No one was there when police arrived.

Attempted car break-ins
At 4:30 a.m., Nov. 10, a Johnson Road man reported that his doorbell camera showed someone checking his car doors. Police responded to the scene and canvassed the area, but they did not find anyone.

On Nov. 10, a Fenimore Road resident reported someone entered her unlocked car parked in her driveway at approximately 3:30 a.m.

Identity theft
On Nov. 8, a Mamaroneck Road man reported he was the victim of identity theft because someone used his personal information to fraudulently purchase a car in Tennessee. He informed the dealership and the national credit reporting agencies.

On Nov. 8, a Fox Meadow Road woman reported someone used her parents’ names to attempt to open fraudulent lines of credit.

On Nov. 11, a Bradford Road man reported a fraudulent unemployment claim was filed in his name.

A Crossway man reported that someone attempted to open a fraudulent loan in his name Nov. 11.

On Nov. 10, a caller reported receiving a scam phone call from someone alleging to be from Con Edison. An officer called the number and was met with a realistic-sounding message claiming to be from Con Ed. The message directed the officer to leave a voicemail, but when the officer attempted to do so, the officer received an error message.

On Nov. 10, an Oak Lane resident reported being the victim of a Con Edison scam. A caller told them they needed to remit $5,000 in unpaid invoices. When attempting to send the money electronically, the resident’s bank would only permit $1,000 to be sent per day due to a bank limit. The resident’s wife called the bank to ask if the limit could be raised, and a bank employee informed her she was probably the victim of a scam.

A Lebanon Road woman received a disturbing phone call that she realized was a scam Nov. 10.

On Nov. 10, police mediated as dispute between two drivers who were arguing over a parking spot on Chase Road.

On Nov. 13, police mediated a dispute between a mother and a daughter in a Popham Road apartment.

Homeless man
On Nov. 9, the parks and recreation department requested police assistance in getting a homeless man to leave a Mamaroneck Road property owned by the Village. The man allegedly uses electricity on the property to charge his phone and sometimes shows up for private events to which he is not invited – both of which are not allowed. The man left the property when police arrived.

On Nov. 9, police were again called to remove a homeless man from Village property during a scheduled youth event. Police and Village staff told the man he cannot be on the property during scheduled events because youth safety is the priority. So, the homeless man said he understood and left the scene.

On Nov. 13, police helped a driver who parked on Boniface Circle retrieve his keys after they fell through a sewer grate.

On Nov. 14, a passenger fell asleep in the back seat of a taxi on Stonehouse Road, and the driver asked police for assistance in waking up the passenger.

On Nov. 13, a Barker Lane resident reported that a woman knocked on the door asking if the house was for sale.

Cars and roadways
Police interviewed the driver of a car that momentarily drove the wrong way on the Bronx River Parkway before pulling to the side of the road near Chase Road Nov. 8. The driver said the mistake was caused by a GPS error. She showed no signs of impairment.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road Nov. 9.

Police called a tow for a driver who accidentally locked her keys inside her car at Popham Road and Scarsdale Avenue Nov. 9.

A bus was involved in an accident on Post Road Nov. 10. Upon arrival, firefighters found a two-car accident with four occupants on the bus and one occupant in the other vehicle. Firefighters stabilized the scene and assessed the occupants. An Edraulic device was used to open the driver’s door and extricate the driver. Four occupants were transported to the hospital by SVAC and Eastchester VAC. Two vehicles were removed by tow.

A caller reported seeing a Jeep with a broken axle that was sparking while travelling on Weaver Street Nov. 11. Police canvased the area for the car but were not able to locate it.

On Nov. 11, police moved an empty box to the side of Mamaroneck Road for sanitation pickup.

A pedestrian crosswalk sign fell over at Popham and Chase roads Nov. 12.

Four car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A loose gray dog with tags, and small in stature, was reported at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane Nov. 8. It was gone when police arrived.

A Bradford Road woman reported an “injured dog” was dropped off at her house, but it was not her dog Nov. 9. Police contacted the owner using information printed on the collar and responded to pick up the dog. The owner said the dog suffers from a chronic condition and was not injured.

While responding to a call at a Black Birch Lane house Nov. 10, the homeowner’s dog ran outside. Police canvassed the area for the dog but could not find it.

A knocking sound in a Hamilton Road house was determined to have been caused by an animal inside the chimney Nov. 10.

On Nov. 14, police removed a dead cat from Post Road.

Village code
On Nov. 11, police issued a summons to the driver of a truck who was making a delivery to a Scarsdale Avenue business outside of allowable business hours.

Police advised two men that they were not permitted to smoke marijuana on Edgewood School grounds Nov. 11.

On Nov. 13, police issued summonses to three different landscapers and homeowners throughout the Village for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of Village code.

Police issued a summons to a truck driver for improper unloading in violation of Village code Nov. 13.

Lost and found
On Nov. 9, a passerby found a coin purse on Forest Lane and gave it to police, who determined it contained face cream.

An empty bag left on Walworth Avenue was determined to be trash Nov. 11. Police notified the sanitation department for pickup.

A vaccination card was found on Tisdale Road Nov. 11. Police picked up the card and returned it to its owner.

On Nov. 12, a Walworth Avenue resident reported her son left his cell phone on the school bus. The driver found the phone and it was returned to the resident.

A FedEx employee was walking around a Brite Avenue property with a flashlight looking for his cell phone that was pinging in the area Nov. 13.

On Nov. 8, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Lincoln Road.

On Nov. 9, firefighters assisted police and custodians wash graffiti from the side of Fox Meadow School.

Firefighters investigated a gas leak at a Meadow Road house Nov. 10. They found a slight leak coming from the gas valve on the boiler. The resident advised a plumber was already scheduled to come and replace the valve. Firefighters shut down gas to the boiler and advised the resident not to turn it on until fixed. No other gas readings were measured in the structure.

On Nov. 14, firefighters were dispatched to a Johnson Road house for a kitchen fire, but police reported there was no fire. Instead, smoke was coming from an oven in “self-cleaning mode.” Firefighters confirmed this and used positive pressure ventilation to expel the smoke. The cause of the excessive smoke was a dirty pan left in the oven while on self-clean.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 8-14 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Stolen PackageStolen packages, mail: A package containing a $158 sweater was stolen from a Secor Road porch Nov. 19. The suspect was described as a man wearing black pants and a green hooded sweatshirt. His skin color was described as black.

A postal employee reported an unknown person stole a tray of mail from his van prior to delivery on Clarence Road Nov. 19.

On Nov. 20, a Secor Road resident reported several packages had been stolen from his front porch approximately 10 minutes after they had been delivered by an Amazon driver on Nov. 19.

On Nov. 20, another Secor Road resident reported a package delivered by Amazon on Nov. 19 around 11:15 a.m., had been stolen from his porch around 1:20 p.m. later that day. The theft was captured by a doorbell camera.

Stolen car and bicycle
A Bronx resident reported his $100,000 Mercedes-Benz, which he had parked with the keys inside, had been stolen from Brite Avenue around 12 p.m., Nov. 18. Also stolen were items inside the car, including a Louis Vuitton book bag, sports equipment, a passport, personal documents and $2,200 cash.

A $675 Metro brand mountain bicycle was stolen from Depot Place Nov. 18.

On Nov. 19, a caller reported that his bike had previously been stolen from the bicycle rack on East Parkway but he did not report the incident at the time. However, on Nov. 19, the caller decided to report the theft because he saw a bicycle matching his stolen bike on the same East Parkway bike rack, and he wondered if the bicycle might be his. He did not have the serial number or any identifying information, and he said he purchased his bike outside the United States. However, the present bicycle displayed a Danny’s Cycles sticker on its frame. Police checked with Danny’s Cycles to see if the sticker had been placed there recently, such as following a service visit. However, a store employee said that they only place their stickers on bicycles that they sell or assemble. Therefore, it did not appear as if the bicycle with the label was the same bicycle as the one reported as stolen.

On Nov. 15, a Chrome Book and an iPad were reported as missing from the Scarsdale Union Free School District. A District employee said a student was last in possession of the Chrome Book, stored in his backpack during a football game Oct. 1. Following the game, he could not find his backpack, and it was assumed to have been stolen, together with the computer. In another incident involving a missing iPad, a Quaker Ridge parent reported that he was the victim of car theft and the District-owned iPad was stolen as part of that theft. However, police were unable to find any reports of the car theft in this jurisdiction. The District employee was making the reports for insurance purposes.

A Secor Road resident reported someone removed four snow tires from his property Nov. 15. The tires were last seen near his garage at the end of a long driveway.

On Nov. 19, a Weaver Street gas station manager reported a driver and passenger in a tan Mercedes-Benz pumped approximately 13.7 gallons of gas into the car and said they would be paying with $9 cash and the rest with Apple Pay. Following pumping the gas, the attendant received the $9 cash and asked the passenger to follow him into the office to accept the Apple Pay payment. Instead, the passenger got back into the car, and the car left – leaving an unpaid balance of $52.58.

Identity theft
A Saxon Woods Road man reported that $45,000 was fraudulently transferred out of his account, following a fraudulent email which the man initially believed had been sent by a construction company whom he had hired to do work Nov. 16. The email was, however, fraudulent, and the money was sent to an unknown person.

On Nov. 19, a Brite Avenue man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his wife’s name.

On Nov. 20, a Cooper Road man reported he was lured into providing personal information via text message, including his name, date of birth and his previous home address, to an unknown person alleging to be a woman with whom he had been communicating on a dating app in late October. He believed the unknown person created a fake profile using the woman’s information from the dating app.

On Nov. 20, an Aspen Road woman reported she had been tricked into purchasing $100-value Google Play gift cards and emailing photos of the cards to a person who requested the cards. The person had alleged to be one of her friends, but after the Cooper Road woman emailed the photos to the friend and she “did not receive the response she was expecting,” she realized she had been the victim of a scam. She confirmed this after speaking with her friend, who confirmed her email had been hacked.

Oil spill
While receiving an oil delivery, an overflow occurred that resulted in an oil spillage on a Bradley Road property Nov. 18. The spilled oil affected the resident’s front garden area. A supervisor from the oil company came to the scene, and placed absorbent on the spilled oil.

Broken window
A Sheldrake Road laundry room window was broken by a piece of metal debris that cracked the window and ended up inside the room Nov. 19. Most likely the debris was kicked up from a piece of landscaping equipment.

Police mediated a verbal dispute between a landscaper and his employer at the corner of Bell Road and Boulevard Nov. 18. The dispute was verbal in nature and concerned the way work was to be done, as well as payment over past work. During the disagreement, one of the partied allegedly slipped on a Belgian block and allegedly re-aggravated a past injury. As a result of police mediation, the employer agreed to pay the landscaper $180 for his previous services.

On Nov. 18, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported a verbal dispute during a custodial exchange, during which one parent raised her voice at the other parent.

On Nov. 19, a Stratton Road woman reported she had received a notice that a pile of leaves placed outside her property could not be picked up due to branches and grass clippings mixed into the leaves. She also claimed the leaves had been placed there by her former landscapers and the leaves did not belong to her property. This could not be verified because it was after the alleged fact. Police, however, did not observe branches and grass clippings in the leaf pile and therefore asked the highway department to pick up the leaves.

A Village Court clerk requested police assistance in dealing with a woman who came to the window and was irate about a parking ticket Nov. 18. She was asked to leave.

Police helped an Edgewood Road resident get inside her house after she was accidentally locked out Nov. 18.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 15, Police stood by while a contractor moved machinery away from a fire hydrant on Paddington Road.

On Nov. 16, police issued warnings to improperly parked car on Brambach Road.

On Nov. 16, police issued a summons for a parking violation on Overlook Road.

On Nov. 16, a driver reported that his car was struck on Post Road, but the other driver did not stop.

Police and firefighters helped a Hamilton Road woman get back inside her car after he was accidentally locked out Nov. 16.

On Nov. 16, a caller reported a minor hit-and-run accident with a Liberty Line bus at Post and Popham roads.

The fire and water departments were advised about a knocked-down fire hydrant on Popham Road at Depot Place Nov. 17. Upon investigation, officials determined that a ring used to secure the hydrant was cracked in three places, causing the hydrant to become dislodged. It did not appear that the cracked bracket ring was the result of any criminal mischief. Nor were there any tire marks or signs of accident debris in the area. It appeared that oxidation of the metal and loose bolt joints caused the hydrant to become dislodged and tip over.

A car reportedly struck a parked car on Cayuga Road before leaving the scene Nov. 17.

Police notified Con Edison about branches entangled in wires on Birchall Drive Nov. 17.

On Nov. 19, a driver reported that her car had been struck and damaged while she was parked in Balducci’s parking lot on Palmer Avenue. The other driver left the scene without reporting the incident.

Police reached out the highway and engineering departments to investigate a leaning tree on Overhill Road Nov. 19.

After trying unsuccessfully to contact the owner of an illegally parked car impeding traffic flow on Madison Road Nov. 20, police issued a summons.

Six car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Kids were reported to be ringing doorbells and running away from houses on Sheldrake Road Nov. 19.

Coyote sightings were reported on Paddington Road Nov. 15.

Police shot a mangy coyote walking with an unsteady gait and looking ill or injured on Woods Lane Nov. 16.

A small dog was reported to be loose at Brewster and Cohawney roads Nov. 16. Police went to the area to look for it, but it was gone.

On Nov. 17, a loose dog wandered into a Spier Road yard before it was retrieved by its owner.

A coyote, described as “sick looking and skinny,” was reportedly seen on Taunton Road Nov. 17.

A coyote sighting on school grounds was reported by Edgewood School employees Nov. 17.
Police reunited a small, white dog –found loose on Lawrence Road – with its owner, who was out driving around and looking for the dog Nov. 17.

Village code
On Nov. 16, police issued a summons to a Rock Creek Lane resident for an oversized leaf pile blocking traffic and impeding visibility.

On Nov. 19, police twice asked a Harvest Drive homeowner to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained of noise. Following the second complaint, the music was completely turned off.

On Nov. 18, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Post Road and Wayside Lane. One vehicle was up an embankment, leaning onto the other vehicle. The vehicle was a roll hazard. Firefighters anchored the hazardous vehicle to a tree and used a Hurst Quick Strut to stabilize the vehicle. Both vehicles were removed by tow.

On Nov. 18, firefighters assisted at a three-car accident at Post and Popham roads.

On Nov. 22, firefighters discovered elevated carbon monoxide readings coming from a defective heating system in a Heathcote Road house. They shut down the system and ventilated the house. Con Edison was notified and red-tagged the boiler. Con Edison noted this was a recurring issue.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 15-21 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

NoiseDWI: On Nov. 6, police arrested Ulysses Fernandez, 29, Yonkers, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, speeding and an equipment violation. Police pulled over Fernandez after detecting that his car was speeding on Post Road around 12:45 a.m. During the traffic stop, police noticed signs of impairment and initiated field sobriety tests. These tests confirmed that Fernandez was intoxicated. He was taken to headquarters, where the arrest was processed. Fernandez was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Village court on Nov. 17.

Arrest on warrant
On Nov. 6, police arrested Christopher Seemer, 36, of Tuckahoe, after police were called to the Popham Road CVS on a report of an alleged larceny in progress. The suspect, described as a white man wearing a white winter hat and jeans, had already left the store, but police quickly apprehended him on Depot Place. Further investigation showed that no criminal activity had actually been committed in the store at that time. The store manager requested that police inform Seemer that he was no longer welcome in the store, and Seemer said he understood. Police checked Seemer’s pedigree information and learned there was an active bench warrant for petit larceny issued from the Town of Greenburgh police department. Police notified Greenburgh PD ad learned they wanted to extradite Seemer. Therefore, Scarsdale police arrested Seemer on the strength of the bench warrant, and Greenburgh police picked up Seemer.

A Saxon Woods Road resident was scammed out of $300 according to her daughter, who reported the matter to police Nov. 4. The mother had been in contact with an unknown man over Facebook Messenger. After a few online conversations, the man asked her for financial assistance to pay for his Internet connection so they could continue their conversations. She then purchased three Google cards for $100 each and sent photos of the cards’ access numbers to the man. It wasn’t until she told her daughter about the incident that she realized she had been scammed.

Identity theft
On Nov. 3, a Franklin Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent credit card in his name, via an online application. The bank closed the account after the man reported it as fraudulent. The man also received a letter from his bank stating a second credit card application had been denied.

Car break-ins
On Nov. 6, a Forest Lane resident reported his unlocked car had been entered overnight, and approximately three dollars in coins were stolen.

A caller reported seeing a child’s nanny get out of a Jeep Cherokee on Griffen Avenue and Brittany Close and verbally berate a girl Nov. 3. They left in the Jeep toward Mamaroneck Avenue.

A Myrtledale Road man reported seeing two men with shovels and surveillance equipment on his property Nov. 3. The men were determined to be surveyors on a scheduled job. The man said he thought they were coming the next day.

A food delivery driver contacted police because a Crossway resident who ordered food locally did not answer the door, and the driver was worried Nov. 3. After 20 minutes, the driver said he gave up and contacted police. Police called the resident.

She confirmed the food order and said she had left her house to go to a temple.

A caller reported a fight in progress involving two men on Haverford Road Nov. 5.

There were no people fighting the area when police arrived.

An Obry Drive resident thought she heard someone trying to get into her house by using a contractor’s ladder left outside Nov. 6. Police examined the house and did not observe anything suspicious. They advised her to put the ladder away for safety.

A caller was concerned about dead branches on a private tree on Overhill Road Nov. 7. The branches do not seem to be posing an immediate danger according to police. Nevertheless, police attempted to contact the realtor who had listed the house for sale, in an effort to get the branches removed. Only a voicemail could be left. The highway department was notified to remove branches hanging over the sidewalk and roadway.

Civil matter
On Nov. 3, a caller complained that he purchased three diamonds from a Harwood Court business over the weekend. He told police he felt he overpaid for the diamonds, although “they have value.” He said he was trying to negotiate a resolution civilly.

Neighbors, housemates
Police mediated a dispute over street parking involving two neighbors on Clarence Road Nov. 11. One neighbor allegedly yelled at the other neighbor’s babysitter.

Police mediated a verbal argument between housemates resulting from a misunderstanding in the kitchen of a group home on Post Road Nov. 5. One resident allegedly raised her fist to another resident but did not strike her.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 1, a driver accidentally set off her car alarm on Chateaux Circle, and a caller complained of noise.

Patrol directed a delivery truck around construction on Palmer Avenue so the driver could enter a driveway Nov. 2.

Damage to Mamaroneck Road curbing, probably the result of a car accident, was observed Nov. 2.

Water from a leak on private property was entering Mamaroneck Road at Sheldrake Road Nov. 2. Police spoke with the homeowner, and the issue was corrected.

Con Edison was called to address a utility pole damaged in a car accident at Overhill and Popham roads Nov. 3.

Con Edison dispatched a tree crew to remove a dead tree resting on wires on Mamaroneck Road Nov. 3.

Police directed traffic around a disabled vehicle on Mamaroneck Road while the vehicle was being repaired Nov. 3.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Heathcote Road Nov. 6.

The water department was informed about a possible water main break on Black Birch Lane Nov. 6.

Police contacted Con Edison to readjust the placement of roadway plates as a small gap had occurred because of shifting on Walworth Avenue Nov. 6.

Five car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

On Nov. 4, a loose dog was reported on Rock Creek Lane. It was gone before police arrived.

On Nov. 5, a small “lost dog,” described as a beagle with a collar, was reported at Brookby and Wheelock roads. It was gone before police arrived.

A coyote was sighted at the intersection of Heathcote and Sherbrook roads Nov. 6.

Village code
On Nov. 5, police advised employees of Fenway Golf Club about a complaint resulting from loud music at the club. Employees said the event was ending. The music was off.

A summons was issued for the use of a construction excavator on Stonehouse Road without a permit Nov. 5.

Police issued several warnings to landscapers throughout the Village because they were using leaf blowers in violation of Village code Nov. 6.

On Nov. 6, police thrice advised employees of Fenway Golf Club about a complaint resulting from loud music at the club. Employees said they would lower the volume. When a fourth complaint came in, police returned again to the club and asked for the music to be turned off completely.

Lost and found
A Kathy Lane resident reported losing her car’s license plates Nov. 3.

On Nov. 4, a credit card was found in Christie Place Garage. Police returned it to its owner.

On Nov. 1, a burnt plastic handle on a frying pan created a smoke odor inside a Sprague Road house.

On Nov. 2, a boiler malfunction released carbon monoxide into a Brown Road house. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison and ventilated the house. The boiler was red-tagged, and the resident was advised to have the boiler serviced prior to it being used again.

On Nov. 2, firefighters responded to a report of an inside and outside odor of natural gas on Overhill Road. Firefighters determined the odor was due to a high efficiency boiler’s vent located outside a window. When the boiler was activated, a slight odor of natural gas was detected outside the structure, near the vent. No other leak or odor was detected. Con-Ed gas investigated the incident as well.

On Nov. 3, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Nov. 5, firefighters responded to a gas alarm in a Butler Road house and discovered that contractors had damaged a gas line. Firefighters shut off gas in the basement and ventilated the house.

On Nov. 5, an Elm Road homeowner set off a smoke alarm while starting a fire in the fireplace. The homeowner extinguished the fire prior to firefighters’ arrival. Firefighters checked the fireplace and found the damper closed. A light smoke condition was present on the first floor. Firefighters ventilated the house with a portable fan.

On Nov. 6, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak, with hissing, from a meter outside a Heathcote Road house.

On Nov. 7, firefighters responded to a report of a carbon monoxide alarm in an Oak Way house. The resident was evacuated, and Con-Ed gas was dispatched. Firefighters traced the leak to the high efficiency HVAC system. Firefighters shut down the system and ventilated. Further investigation revealed a tarp over the HVAC vent and air intake.

On Nov. 7. A plastic dish in an Elmdorf Drive oven melted and caused a smoke condition. Positive pressure ventilation was set up, and the house was checked and determined to be safe.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 1-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.