Saturday, Oct 05th

turtleAFollowing a car accident at 5 a.m., July 17 at Post and Popham roads, police arrested a driver from White Plains for driving while intoxicated, aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content greater than .18, following too closely and moving from a lane unsuccessfully. According to the police report and fire department details, the car rear-ended a box truck, sustained heavy frontend damage and caught fire in its engine compartment. The driver got out of the car, and fire extended into the front passenger compartment. Firefighters stretched two hose lines and knocked down the fire with approximately 250 gallons of water. They overhauled the car to ensure that the fire had been completely extinguished. They spread absorbent on the road to clean up spilled fluids and stood by until the car was removed by tow.

Suspicious person

After midnight on July 15, a Wynmor Road resident reported that his doorbell camera captured footage of a man walking down his driveway, checking parked cars in the driveway. All doors were locked, so the man did not gain entry. The man was described as wearing jeans and a baseball cap.


On July 15, a Murray Hill Road woman reported that she had been scammed into sending an unknown person $2,000 through a banking app. The unknown suspect first contacted the woman alleging that they had met in New Jersey. The woman first ignored the text since she had not been in NJ, she said. Then the suspect contacted her again, alleging he could help her because she might be in danger due to interactions with someone else she had allegedly “wronged.” The suspect said he could protect her if she sent him $2,000 cash. She sent the money and later told some friends about the incident. They advised her she was most likely scammed. She reported the matter to police.

Identity theft

On July 13, a Mamaroneck Road woman reported that a fraudulent online account was set up using her personal information. Someone attempted to transfer $90,000 of the woman’s funds into the account.

On July 16, a Boulevard resident reported a fraudulent cash app card had been opened in her name. The account was flagged as fraudulent, and no financial loss was incurred.

One resident reported a fraudulent unemployment claim had been filed in her name this week.

Landlord/tenant issue

A Post Road tenant called police because the landlord had allegedly removed the toilet from the tenant’s bathroom July 18. The landlord said the toilet had been removed for replacement, but since no plumbers were working that day, the toilet would be replaced the following day. The tenant was advised to make other arrangements until the toilet could be replaced.


The caretaker of a decorative book drop box at Chase Park reported the box had been damaged, possibly intentionally, July 13. Police examined the box and noticed some loose ceramic flowers, with flower pieces on the ground. It did not appear that the damage had been intentional; more likely, some flowers dropped off during the recent storms. Police also noticed at least one flower drop off without provocation while patrol was examining the box.

Disorderly conduct

On July 13, a caller observed a man in his 50s punching a light pole and gesturing at passing cars at Depot Place. He was gone when police arrived.


A neighbor reported hearing “screaming and crying” from a Madison Road house July 18. Police investigated. The residents said they had told their son it was bedtime and he started to scream and cry. Police observed the son to be in good health, watching TV.


A man with a bandage on his head was out walking on Post Road after midnight July 16. He declined medical assistance and help from police.

A Franklin Road family reported a 94-year-old family member had passed away during the overnight period of July 15 to July 16.

A caller reported a foul odor coming from a Donellan Road work site July 17. Police examined the site and detected no obvious leaks. Patrol noted only a slight odor.

An intoxicated man who did not speak English was walking on Post Road at 3 a.m., July 18. Police called the man’s cousin who picked him up and drove him home.

Cars and roadways

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Murray Hill Road July 12.

Police provided traffic control around a disabled car on Burgess Road July 12.

Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Crossway July 13.

A Honda was parked in the traffic circle at Quaker Ridge School July 13. The school secretary called police. Police called the registered owner. He said his car broke down on the Hutchinson River Parkway, and he relocated it to the school parking area. He was awaiting a tow within the hour.

Police asked the drivers of legally parked cars, positioned in close proximity to each other, to move them to improve traffic flow on School Lane July 13.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Griffen Avenue July 14.

Police put a loose water valve cover back in place at Post and Oxford roads July 14.

The driver of a Jeep parked on Brittany Close told police he had stopped there to make a phone call July 14.

A water main broke and flooded Brittany Close July 15. Police assisted with traffic control until the water department could make repairs.

A truck was idling on Brewster Road July 16. Police asked the driver to turn off the engine.

A man sleeping in his car on Palmer Avenue after midnight July 18 said he pulled over to wait for heavy rain to pass.

A car got a flat tire in a dangerous curve on Saxon Woods Road July 18. Police stood by for safety until a tow arrived.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week, two of which involved drivers teaching learners how to drive.


On July 12, a Brown Road resident reported a large turtle in bushes in his yard. Police observed the turtle on private property and advised the resident to contact wildlife services.

After a resident called for help, police freed “an animal” from a window well in a Brewster Road house July 12.

A Secor Road dog got loose after landscapers accidentally left a gate open July 15.

Police reunited the dog with its owner.

Police disposed of a dead opossum found near a Carstensen Road house July 17.

A loose Cooper Road dog was reunited with its owner July 18.

An Overlook Road resident reported a loose deer in the yard July 18. It was gone when police arrived.


On July 17, a Shaw Road resident turned down music volume after neighbors complained of noise.

Lost and found

A Donellan Road resident reported losing a license plate in the Village July 12.

On July 12, a Griffen Avenue resident reported license plates in the Village July 9.

On July 13, a Brewster Road woman reported losing her wallet in Yonkers. Police referred her to Yonkers PD.

A black wallet was found near Boniface Circle July 13. Police identified the owner and returned the wallet to her.

A Valley Road resident reported losing his wallet in the Village or on the train July 17.


On July 14, firefighters assisted Con Edison check houses for possible gas infiltration due to a gas leak on Murray Hill Road.

On July 14, gas igniters were firing on a Taunton Road stove, although the stove’s controls were in the “off” position. There was also standing eater on the stove.

Firefighters disconnected power and advised to refrain from using the unit until it dried out. They advised seeking service if the stove continued to fail.

On July 14, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a natural gas leak on Donellan Road.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident in a Weaver Street parking lot July 15. No injuries were reported.

On July 16, a commercial food trucked parked near a Wildwood Road garage was releasing carbon monoxide into the structure. Firefighters directed the driver to move the truck to a safe location, and they ventilated the structure.

On July 18, firefighters assisted with a three-car accident, involving one overturned vehicle, on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 12-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

2 Mohican TrailFire in a garage at 2 Mohican TrailHouse fire: On July 10, a Mohican Trail house caught fire. Firefighters arrived and observed smoke pushing out from second floor eaves, with the main body of the fire appearing to be located in the garage. Police notified the homeowner who said he was out of town with his family, and no one was in the house. Firefighters used a hose line to attack the fire with water. They forced open the front door and found no one inside. They searched the house for extension and found a second-floor room above the garage to be affected by the fire. A second hose line was stretched for use fighting the fire in this area. Volunteer firefighters were dispatched for help. Greenville and Hartsdale fire departments also assisted until the fire was out. The fire investigator noted that the house was under construction, and the garage seemed to be the place where work materials were being stored. The cause of the fire could not be specifically determined. A contractor arrived on scene to board up the house during the homeowner’s absence.

Stolen cars
A Cushman Road homeowner reported an unlocked 2019 Audi Q7, valued at $40,000, that had been parked in his driveway overnight was stolen July 7. The car was unlocked with keys inside. The homeowner also reported another parked car was entered.

On July 7, Westchester County police pursued a 2021 Lexus that they believed was possibly stolen from a Huntington Avenue address. Following the pursuit, they surrounded the car in Rye Brook and set up a perimeter. Scarsdale police went to the registered owner’s address. She confirmed the car had been stolen from her driveway during the overnight period. It was unlocked with its keys inside.

Car break-ins
A Brite Avenue resident reported someone in a gray Range Rover with New Jersey plates stopped in front of his house, got out of the car, opened the door of a parked car in the resident’s driveway, looked inside and left July 6.

On July 10, the Popham Road CVS store manager reported someone stole items from the store and left with them in a black garbage bag. The person was described as a man wearing an orange top, white shorts and with a shaved head.

Identity theft
On July 7, a Mamaroneck Road resident reported someone attempted to forward her mail to an address in the Bronx without her permission.

A Village resident reported receiving a fraudulent letter from a scammer posing as a tax collecting agency July 6. The letter was a scam.

A Secor Road resident reported someone with a white shirt was observed leaving their house through the back kitchen door July 6. Later they thought this person was probably one of their kid’s friends who had permission to come to the house unannounced. Police advised them to lock their doors to prevent similar confusion in the future.

On July 5, police received a report of a man yelling at a woman in a Palmer Avenue parking lot. The man and woman were no longer there when police arrived.

A Birchall Drive woman was unable to unlock her door July 8. Police helped her.

Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street July 9.

A Madison Road wife called police because here 88-year-old husband told her he was going to clean their house gutters to prepare for the coming storm, and she was concerned about his safety climbing up on a ladder. Police spoke with the husband who said he was perfectly capable of performing the work. He declined assistance.

On July 10, around 1:30 a.m., police encountered two cars stopped on Heathcote Road – a 2006 Mini Cooper and a 2004 Ford truck. The Ford’s registration had been suspended due to non-payment of tolls in March 2021. The Mini Cooper did not have any license plates attached to the car. Two men near the cars said the Mini was having car trouble and they were waiting for a tow. Patrol issued both drivers appropriate summonses. The Mini Cooper was towed to the impound lot.

Cars and roadways
On July 5, police helped a driver change a flat tire on Post Road.

A caller reported a car revving its engine on Quaker Circle, possibly stuck in mud, July 5. On scene police found an 18-year-old driver who had driven his Jeep off road in a vacant area. The car had gotten stuck in wet mud. A tow was called to remove the Jeep, but it was too dark to safely remove the Jeep until the next morning. The driver’s parents were notified.

Police and highway department workers removed a fallen tree branch from Hutchinson Avenue July 5. They also removed a fallen tree from Quaker Circle this day.

Police stood by a disabled car on Popham Road until it could be removed by tow July 7.

Police notified Verizon of a fallen wire on Olmsted Road July 7.

Police called a tow for a driver whose car suffered a flat tire on Walworth Avenue July 7.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from Bypass June 10.

A woodchuck got struck by a car on Post Road July 11. The highway department was informed for removal.

Storm damage
A car became disabled on Brookby Road during the heavy rainstorm July 8. Police called a tow to remove it. They also closed the road until flooding stopped.

Police closed other roads in the Village due to flooding during the storm July 8. These included Greendale and Sprague roads.

Police removed branches, trees and other storm debris from Olmsted and Post roads July 8. Basements also flooded on Cambridge Road and Windmill Lane that day.

A bus was stuck in high water at Sprague and Clarence roads July 8. All passengers were evacuated and received rides to their destinations, according to the police report. The bus was towed from the scene.

A car needed to be towed from high water at Paddington and Fox Meadow roads July 8.

An electric car was stuck in high water at the high school’s Brewster Road parking lot July 8. It could not be towed due to risk. Police taped off the area until flooding receded.

On July 8, police received a report of kids possibly swimming in floodwater on Brewster Road. They dispersed when police arrived.

On July 9, a cold patch that Con Edison placed near a gas line excavation site on Montrose Road appeared to be sinking July 9. Patrol notified Con Edison for repair.
Con Edison was notified about a branch in wires on Brite Avenue July 10.

A goose was apparently stuck in the courtyard area of Village Hall July 7. Police helped walk the goose out of the geesecourtyard to open space, where it soon took flight in the direction of a pond on Tisdale Road.

A caller reported two dogs in a Mercedes truck parked on East Parkway July 10. Police spoke with the driver, and the dogs appeared to be in good condition.

Village code
On July 10, police advised a Rectory Lane homeowner of a noise complaint due to a small gathering. The homeowner said the gathering was ending and promised to keep the noise level low.

After a neighbor complained of noise, a Mohican Trail resident lowered music playing at home July 10.

Lost and found
A passerby found a set of keys on East Parkway and gave them to police July 5.

A NYS driver’s license was found on Christie Place July 9.

A debit card was found on Olmsted Road July 10.

On July 8, firefighters ventilated a Stonehouse Road house because of possible carbon monoxide infiltration due to a malfunctioning and leaking flue pipe on a boiler. Repair was recommended.

On July 9, firefighters shut down a stovetop in a Fountain Terrace hose due to a gas leak. Repair was recommended.

On July 10, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Crane Road and East Parkway.

On July 11, firefighters assisted at a car accident involving a sedan rear-ended by a van on the Hutchinson River Parkway. Two occupants of the van were taken to the hospital by SVAC for injuries.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 5-11 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

chickens1Stolen: A man reported his black wallet containing $100 was stolen from beneath his backpack on the basketball court on Huntington Avenue June 25. He was playing ball with approximately 20 other people, of whom only five were familiar to him.

Car break-ins, attempts
On June 21, a Church Lane man reported that someone attempted to enter his parked car in his driveway overnight. Fingerprints were observed on the car, but the car had since been used by the man, he said.

Video surveillance showed someone attempting to break into a parked car in a Cornell Street driveway shortly before 6 a.m., June 22. The door was locked; so the person was not successful. The suspect was a white man with black hair, a blue cap, a light jean jacket, shorts and red and white sneakers. Police are investigating.

Identity theft
On June 22, a Carthage Road caller reported receiving an unrequested debit card in her name. She cancelled the card and changed her passwords.

On June 23, a Fairview Road caller reported receiving an unrequested debit card in his name. The address was incorrect, but the debit card had the caller’s name on it. He called the number on the back of the card to cancel it. He provided personal information to the phone rep. Then he realized he might be speaking with a scammer.

On June 26, a Hillandale Close man reported a fraudulent American Express account was opened in his name.

An Ogden Road resident reported being the victim of a phone scam June 22. Someone called the resident and posed as a representative from the Social Security Administration, luring the resident into revealing is Social Security number.

On June 23, police mediated a dispute between a passenger and an Uber driver at Post and Popham roads. Both parties agreed there had been a misunderstanding.

A Scarsdale Avenue employee and a customer were having a dispute over the price of merchandise June 26. Police were called. The customer paid for the merchandise and left.

Wrong address
Men from a moving company were looking in windows at a Haverford Road address June 25. It turned out they were at the wrong address, and instead were trying to get to a job on Swarthmore Road.

Valet parking
A woman parked her car through valet parking in an Overhill Road garage June 25. When she returned for her car, the valet employees had left for the day. Police contacted the garage manager who said he would come to the garage to obtain the woman’s keys for her.

Police conducted a rideby of a Heathcote Road house after someone reported kids might be partying on the lawn June 22.

On June 22, a Ross Road woman reported that an unknown caller made sexually explicit remarks to her on the phone. Police advised her to hang up on such calls.

Police checked an unoccupied house on Madison Road and noticed several broken windows June 23. The main power source for the house had also been disabled. The Village Manager’s office was informed so the building department can follow up.

A doorbell alarm was sounding for no apparent reason at a Rodney Road house. The resident could not silence it. Police helped the homeowner get in touch with tech support to address the issue June 26.

A Forest Lane woman said her teenage neighbor came to her house because the girl observed “suspicious” activity in her own house June 26. Investigation showed the girl’s sister had also been home with her, but the girl was not aware that the sister was there, causing her to believe someone else might have been in the house.

Police checked the welfare of a Heathcote Road man at a neighbor’s request June 27. All was in good order.

On June 21, a woman came to headquarters requesting help finding a shelter. Police provided her with several options, all of which she declined.

Cars and roadways
Police conducted traffic control for a disabled car on Mamaroneck Road and Palmer Avenue while the driver awaited a jump June 21.

On June 21, a Brambach Road student reported someone hit his car while it was parked in the High School lot. There was damage to the rear of the car and scratch marks on the side door.

Police asked drivers to remove illegally parked cars from Windmill Circle June 22.

Water on Griffen Avenue was determined to have come from a resident using a hose for pool cleaning – and not a water main break June 23.

Police notified Verizon about a broken wire on Fenimore Road June 25.

Police called for duty tow to provide a jump for a car with a dead battery on East Parkway June 27.

A car’s wheel well came undone on Mamaroneck Road June 27. The driver pulled over to wait for help from her parents.

One car was repossessed in the Village this week.

A Fox Meadow Road woman reported a deer got hit by a car and wandered into her backyard June 25. Police looked for the deer and found it dead in the woods.

A loose German shepherd was reported on Brewster Road June 26. It was not there when police arrived.

A Kensington Road woman reported her dog Cody, a husky/boxer mix, got loose in the neighborhood June 26. The dog came home and was quickly retrieved.

A caller reported a possibly sick raccoon crawling into storm sewer drains near Heathcote Road and MacDonald Place June 26.

Two loose dogs in a Garden Road yard were secured on site after a neighbor complained about loose dogs there June 27.

Neighbors reported loud roosters on Brewster Road around, June 27.

Village code
Police stood by while the Village code enforcer stopped tree stump removal work on Garden Road because the workers did not have a proper permit June 22.

Police issued summonses for the improper use of blowers on Ferncliff Road June 24.

Police dispersed kids from Edgewood School grounds and Davis Park after dark June 24.

Construction was being performed at a Harvest Drive house in violation of Village code June 26. Police issued a summons.

Loud music was playing at a graduation party on Cooper Road June 21.The homeowner advised police that the party was ending, and the music would be turned down.
A Lyons Road homeowner advised that he would turn down music after neighbors complained of noise June 21.

A Cooper Road resident did not think his music was loud, but he advised he would turn it down after neighbors complained June 23. Hours later, neighbors complained again about the noise, and police returned to the house. The resident said his guests were leaving, and the music would be turned off.

A Dolma Road homeowner advised that she would turn down music after neighbors complained of noise during the early morning hours of June 25.

Brambach Road party hosts said they would lower the volume of music after neighbors complained June 25.

Police went to a Lawrence Road house at 2:30 a.m., June 26, after neighbors complained of noise. When police arrived, all was quiet, and the resident’s friends had gone inside for the night.

Lost and found
A passerby found a silver chain on Greenacres Avenue while out for a walk June 24. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

A Carman Road man lost his wallet after using it at Starbucks in Village center June 25. It was black and contained his driver’s license and $1,000 cash.

New Jersey police contacted SPD to report a lost wallet, with a Scarsdale resident’s contact information, had been found in their jurisdiction June 27. Scarsdale police contacted the resident, who said the wallet belonged to his son.

On June 22, firefighters assisted a Fenimore Road resident with a carbon monoxide in the household’s hot water system faucets. Tests are being conducted to determine the source, and Con Edison was contacted.

On June 25, burnt food in a Greenacres Avenue kitchen activated a smoke alarm.

Firefighters helped reset the alarm.

On June 27, firefighters assisted with a one-car accident on the Bronx River Parkway. Firefighters and EMS workers found the driver unconscious and with a head injury in the driver’s seat. They started chest compressions and continued CPR until Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived. SVAC took the driver to White Plains Hospital.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 21-28 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

jewlerypouchArrests: While conducting traffic control at Heathcote and Duck Pond roads June 29, police observed a 2008 gray Mercedes-Benz speed down Heathcote Road at approximately 66 mph in a 30 mph zone. Police initiated a traffic stop, and the driver – Juan Valentin, 48, of the Bronx – haphazardly pulled his car over, almost striking a stone wall, according to police. Valentin showed physical signs of intoxication and was unable to answer some of patrol’s questions. He also apologized numerous times during the initial interview with police. He was unable to successfully perform field sobriety tests and was unsteady on his feet while trying to walk outside his car. He refused to submit to a breath test. He admitted to drinking “a Corona.” He was placed under arrest and taken to headquarters. While in the holding cell, he damaged the lock. He was charged with aggravated DWI with a passenger under the age of 16, speeding in a zone, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, fourth-degree criminal mischief, driving while intoxicated, circumventing an ignition interlock device and endangering the welfare of a child. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail without bail.

Following a rear-end hit-and-run accident which left a red Honda bumper on the ground at the corner of Post and Fenimore roads July 2, police pursued the red Honda CRV and pulled over the driver on Boulevard. The car had heavy frontend damage with driver’s seat airbag deployment. The driver – identified as Richard Villegas Munoz, 42, of Yonkers – had difficulty rifling though papers in his console and wallet to produce proper identification. He told police he could not recall how his airbag deployed, but he claimed it had been like that for awhile. He smelled of alcohol, showed signs of physical intoxication, admitted to drinking three or four beers in White Plains with friends and could not successfully perform field sobriety tests. An Alco-sensor breath test measured Munoz’s alcohol level at .17. Based on the totality of circumstances and patrol’s observations, Munoz was placed under arrest and charged with DWI, moving from a lane unsafely and leaving the scene of an accident. At headquarters, a Datamaster test measured his blood alcohol level at .19. At that time, he was also charged with aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level greater than .18. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail without bail.

Stolen bicycle
On June 28, a Jefferson Road resident reported his bicycle was stolen from the street in front of his house that morning. He was unable to provide further information.

On July 2, an Eastwoods Lane man reported he received an email stating that he had purchased a TV from Amazon. The man said he called the number in the email and reported he did not purchase the TV. He was told he would have to purchase $600 worth of gift cards to be refunded the additional money that the alleged TV scammer had placed on his credit card. The man complied and purchased a $500 Target gift card and two $50 Google Play gift cards. He gave the gift card numbers to the person on the phone. After speaking with patrol, he called Target in an attempt to block the card and was given a case number from the fraud department.

Identity theft
On July 3, a Pinecrest Road man reported he was the victim of identity theft and he suffered financial loss. He said someone opened a fraudulent Chase account, transferred $15,000 in funds and withdrew them in three separate transactions.

Disorderly conduct
The Scarsdale Village Justice Court personnel requested police presence while dealing with a “disruptive individual” June 30. It turned out that the man was agitated due to clerical confusion. Proper identification was provided, and the court proceeded in an orderly fashion.

The Scarsdale Village Justice Court personnel requested police presence while dealing with an individual who was disgruntled about a landlord tenant issue July 2. The individual was told he was allowed to receive requested paperwork only with an attorney present, as per Court policy, at which time he became upset. Police reiterated Court rules, and the individual left.

A taxi driver reported a customer did not like his driving and asked to exit the car June 29. The driver was on a highway, he said, and pulled over after he could exit at a safe location. He reported the dispute to police.

On June 30, a Heathcote Road man reported a dispute with a neighbor’s landscaper over a leaf blower. Police advised the neighbor to inform her landscaper to avoid using gas-powered leaf blowers, as per Village code.

A Greenacres woman called police over a domestic dispute she was having with her sister over the care of their elderly mother and the food their mother was eating July 4. Police mediated the dispute, and both women agreed they were going to sleep.

Police picked up hypodermic needles from the side of Fenimore Road and Oak Lane and safely disposed of them in a sharps container at Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps June 28.

Police investigated the license plate of a person who reportedly took unwanted photos of a Chesterfield Road house July 2. The car’s registration came back to a local appraisal company that was ostensibly performing official business.

On June 28, an Elm Road resident reported two of his tires were slashed overnight while the car was parked in his driveway. Later, the resident updated the report to say that the tow company that was addressing the tire issue did, in fact, find puncture marks in the tires.

A Chase Road business manager reported a delivery truck damaged the awning above the rear employee entrance and delivery door of the business June 28.

At the request of a Canterbury Road homeowner, police closed a resident’s open garage door July 4.

Cars and roadways
Cars reported to be idling outside Quaker Ridge School were determined to be delivering roofing materials June 29.

A Brewster Road resident’s car hit a water department vehicle while backing out of the driveway June 29.

Police controlled traffic on Post Road while a driver waited for a tow June 29.

A tree fell on Murray Hill Road June 30. Police cut and removed a large branch blocking the roadway and advised the highway department to remove the rest of the tree.

The highway department was advised to remove a fallen tree on Saxon Woods Road July 1.

Patrol helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street and Heathcote Road July 2.

Police removed cardboard debris from Post Road July 3.

On July 4, the water department was informed of a water main break at Ferncliff Road and Roosevelt Place.

Village code
On July 1, police advised a Farragut Road resident that neighbors had complained of noise coming from a party hosted by the resident around 10:30 p.m. The resident said he would lower the volume of the music.

Following a noise complaint described as “an odd noise for over an hour” in the area of Cohawney Road July 3, police investigated and heard a loudly barking dog. The owner was not home. Police called him, and the owner said the dog often stays outside during the day with food, water and shelter. He said he would be home within the house. It was 10:30 p.m. The dog was not longer barking when police left the property.

After a neighbor complained about possibly illegal tree removal work on Cushman Road July 4, police temporarily stopped work until the homeowner arrived and could produce the legitimate permit for the work. The permit was in effect at all times the work was being performed.

On July 4, police dispersed people playing basketball in a Boulevard park after dark.

On July 2, a Brown Road resident reported a “bag of jewelry” had been missing from her house for approximately on year. It was valued between $30,000 - $50,000. Later she called back to say the bag of jewelry had been found.

A passerby found a cell phone at Davis Park July 4.

On June 29, firefighters assisted with a car accident that occurred on the Bronx River Parkway.

On June 29, firefighters stood by for Con Edison after gas readings were detected above stove burners that were in the off position inside a White Road house. Con Edison shut down and red-tagged the appliance.

On June 29, Con Edison was called about a fallen power line and arcing wires on Carthage Road. The area was isolated with cones and caution tape, pending repair.

On June 30, firefighters isolated a water pipe and shut it off to immediately address a water leak in a Windsor Lane structure.

On July 1, a driver stopped by fire headquarters with a passenger who was having an allergic reaction. Firefighters aided the passenger and called for SVAC to help the passenger and provide transport to the hospital.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 28 – July 4 has been compiled from official information.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

BentleyStolen: A gray 2007 Bentley, valued at $30,000 was stolen from an Oak Lane driveway overnight June 14 into 15. It had been parked unlocked with the keys inside.

On June 17, a Heathcote Road storeowner reported a customer purchased over $8,000 worth of merchandise from her store several months ago with a credit card that turned out to be fraudulent.

A contractor reported that a generator, a steel saw and an impact driver were stolen from an Ogden Road work site June 14. The thief left behind an empty toolbox that had been used to store the items. The value of the stolen items was approximately $2,800.

Car break-ins
At 5 a.m., June 15, an Oak Lane caller reported two people wearing masks, gloves and hoodies attempted to enter a parked car in his driveway. The car was locked and the people were last seen leaving the area in a white BMW.

On June 15, a Highland Way man reported his car had been broken into overnight, and items were stolen. These included two pieces of medical equipment, sunglasses and Apple Air pods. The car was unlocked at the time.

A Colonial Road woman reported that her doorbell camera caught a man pulling on the door handle of her new car parked in her driveway in the early morning hours of June 17. The door was locked, and the man left.

Identity theft
On June 14, a Cayuga Road man reported fraudulent checks with his bank account and routing number, in excess of $100,000 have shown up on the man’s business checking account. The person who received the checks called the man’s bank to inquire about cashing them, since the man had placed a positive pay security feature on the account. The account was closed, and no financial loss occurred.

On June 15, a Carman Road woman reported that mail from Progressive Insurance, advising of an overdue account, was sent to her former address in Queens. The woman told police she did not have an insurance policy with Progressive. She notified Progressive, and a fraud investigation was initiated.

On June 19, a resident walked into headquarters to report he received a Citibank debit card that he did not request. He cancelled the card and closed the account.

On June 16, a Madison Road woman reported someone fraudulently posed as a Social Security Administration employee and advised the woman to transfer more than $7,000 to an unknown person using a Bitcoin ATM in Dobbs Ferry. She executed the transfers before realizing it was a scam.

On June 14, a Harvest Drive woman reported that she believed she was scammed after she attempted to request her deceased mother’s tax ID number, for estate purposes, and accidentally entered personal information into a fraudulent website posing as the IRS.

Criminal mischief
While on patrol, police noticed a driver’s side window of a parked 2016 Toyota on Scarsdale Avenue was shattered June 18. The White Plains owner was notified.

A woman reported a neighbor of her Brewster Road employer yelled at her while she was out walking her employer’s dog June 17. The neighbor said she thought the woman was allowing the dog to relieve itself on her property. Police advised the neighbor to refrain from confronting neighbors or their employees and to instead contact police if any issues should arise.

A caller reported a man wearing “half a furry costume” and carrying a guitar was going through garbage on Boulevard and Clarence Road June 16. The man was gone when police arrived.

A Lebanon Road man reported that a man in a black truck pulled up in front of a neighbor’s house and “removed property” June 18. Police spoke with the neighbor who confirmed she was selling the property and had engaged the man to remove it.

A Park Road man reported his 77-year-old wife passed away at home June 15. She was in the presence of her husband and son when she passed. Police provided assistance as needed.

A Tunstall Road man reported receiving confusing messages from an unknown person on his work phone June 18. The messages alleged that the man had called the unknown person and the unknown person was upset by this. Police advised the man to block the person’s number and notify the phone carrier.

An elderly woman walked to police headquarters from White Plains June 20. She was identified as an Alzheimer’s patient who had reportedly wandered away from home. Police contacted White Plains PD. WPPD picked her up and drove her home.

Pedestrian hit
A car exiting a Mamaroneck Road driveway at 7:30 a.m., June 18, struck a 60-year-old female pedestrian. The pedestrian was conscious and alert following the accident. She said that after the gray SUV, driven by a man, struck her, she fell backward, inuring her leg and foot. A passerby contacted the pedestrian’s employer while the pedestrian was lying on the ground. She was taken to White Plains Hospital Center by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The driver reportedly left the scene. Police contacted the driver who admitted to leaving his driveway for work that morning, but he said he did not hit any pedestrians. Police are following up.

Cars and roadways
A car reported to be parked on Ridgecrest East “for days” was determined to belong to a resident of the street June 14.

A person reported to be sitting in a parked car on Nelson Road after 1 a.m., June 15, was determined to be talking with a friend.

Dispatch notified Verizon about fallen wires on Popham Road June 15.

Patrol stood by while Con Edison repaired wires on Popham Road June 15.

A truck reported to be suspiciously parked on Hampton Road was determined to belong to a contractor who was working on the street June 15. The truck was having mechanical problems; so that is why it was left there, the contractor said. He told police he would move it as soon as possible.

Police advised Village employees working on cobblestone on Heathcote Road to use flaggers to control traffic while working in the area June 15.

On June 15, a caller reported a Lexus was parked facing the wrong direction on a one-way street at Huntington Avenue and Putnam Road June 15. Police issued a summons.

Patrol called for assistance for a driver with a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road June 15.

A caller witnessed a black sedan hit his parked car at Harvest Drive and Mamaroneck Road and then drive off June 15.

A gate was reported to be opening into the roadway at Overlook and Whig roads June 16. Police closed the wire gate and used caution tape to secure it.

Police advised a moving truck driver that he had parked his car in a private lot on Chase Road and the owner of the lot wanted him to leave June 16.

Patrol proved traffic control while a driver with a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road waited for help June 16.

At the request of Greenburgh police, Scarsdale police attempted to make contact with a Kent Road resident to assist with translation regarding a car accident that occurred on East Hartsdale Avenue June 17.

Police notified Con Edison about Mylar balloons tangled in wires on Wayside Lane June 17.

A disabled car was parked in a no parking zone on Montrose Road June 17. After attempting to reach the owner without success, police issued a summons.

A dump truck backed into a parked car on Palmer Avenue June 18. No injuries were reported.

The highway department was informed about a tree branch dangling over Popham Road June 18.

Eastchester EMS advised that one of its ambulances was sideswiped and damaged by a construction vehicle on Post Road June 18. The vehicle left the scene and did not stop following the accident.

Police issued a summons to the owner of car parked the wrong direction on Harwood Court, a one-way street.

Police assisted a woman with a flat tire change on Post Road after the woman’s son called police for help June 20.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A Wheelock Road woman reported a coyote was lying down in her backyard June 14. She said she was given trappers’ phone numbers but was unable to determine if th4 animal was healthy or sick. Police looked at the coyote and noted that it appeared attentive and was not obviously sick. Police advised the woman to call a trapper and stay out of the yard until the coyote had been removed.

A coyote sighting was reported on Taunton Road June 16. coyote2

The highway department was informed about a dead rabbit on Sprague Road and a dead groundhog on Mamaroneck Road, for removal, June 17.

A caller reported a loose dog on Franklin Road June 19. It was not there when police went to the area to look for it.

A beagle and a black cat were observed running loose on Colvin Road June 19. The animals were gone when police went to look for them.

A coyote was reported on Reimer Road June 20.

Village code
Police dispersed kids playing basketball from Edgewood School grounds after dark June 16 and 17.

Police issued a summons to contractors performing construction work with power tools prior to allotted hours on Franklin Road June 19.

After a neighbor complained of loud music and shouting, police advised Nelson Road residents who were hosting a small gathering to lower the volume and keep noise at a minimum June 20.

On June 14, firefighters assisted at a three-car accident involving impact with a utility pole at Post and Popham roads. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transported one person to Westchester Medical Center for treatment of a head injury.

On June 18, a Greendale Road woman reported an odor of gas in her laundry room. Firefighters determined the odor was not gas.

On June 19, firefighters assisted with a one-car rollover accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway. During investigation, firefighters observed the car on the shoulder and determined it had struck and rolled over the HRP center median before falling on its roof onto the Mamaroneck Avenue underpass. One patient was reported to be trapped and unresponsive. The patient was extricated from the vehicle after front door removal and placed on a backboard. Scarsdale and Harrison firefighters performed CPR until patient care was transferred to Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The patient was transported to White Plains Hospital. Firefighters searched the area for additional patients using thermal imagers, yielding negative results. Firefighters remained on location until released by Harrison FD and Westchester County PD.

On June 21, firefighters extinguished a car engine fire on the Hutchinson River Parkway. No injuries were reported.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 14-20 has been compiled from official information.

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