Saturday, Oct 05th

refrigeratorIdentity theft: On Sept. 22, a Heathcote Road man reported his Social Security number was fraudulently used to open an illegitimate account linked to his Wells Fargo bank account.

On Sept. 23, a Greenacres Avenue resident reported someone used his information to open up accounts without permission. He discovered this after receiving a package he did not order. Investigation showed the package had been billed to one of his credit cards. After the credit card company was notified and the package was returned, one of the resident’s business employees received a call from someone alleging to be a bank representative. The person claimed a suspicious check had been issued from the resident’s account and requested personal verifying information. The resident instead contacted a personal banking rep directly and learned that the call had been fraudulent.

On Sept. 24, a Hamilton Road woman reported fraudulent purchases totaling $1,100 had been made with her debit card.

A Springdale Road resident was throwing out a refrigerator and placed it at the curb with its doors still attached Sept. 22. Police advised the resident to remove the doors for safety.

A Brite Avenue resident asked to retroactively report flood damage to his house resulting from the storm on Sept. 2.

A report of “something burning” at a Fox Meadow Road construction site was revealed to be evaporation vapor coming from wet soil – not smoke – Sept. 25.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 20 and 21, police called residents to ask them to move legally parked cars that were in the way of Village roadwork on Valley Road. No signs about parking restrictions or roadwork had been posted.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Dobbs Terrace Sept. 21.

Police re-secured a loose manhole cover at Brite Avenue and Chesterfield Road Sept. 22.

The owner of a car parked for more than three hours on Greenacres Avenue told police he lives inside a current construction zone and was not able to access his driveway Sept. 22.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire, taken down by a passing truck, on Scarsdale Avenue Sept. 22.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Fox Meadow Road Sept. 22.

Police assisted the highway department tow a fire truck from Mamaroneck and Murray Hill roads Sept. 23.

A Nissan was parked at the high school with its engine running Sept. 23. The owner told police he would instruct his son to turn off the engine.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Boulder Brook Road Sept. 23.

On Sept.23, policed called a tow for a driver that ran out of gas on Post Road near Huntington Avenue. Patrol also helped the driver move the car to a safe location.

Police set up temporary stop signs at the intersection of Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue after a caller reported the traffic light was out due to a power outage Sept. 24.

Workers were asked to park their trucks on Church Lane in a way that did not impeded traffic flow Sept. 24.

Police cleared improperly cars parked on lawns and on both sides of Murray Hill Road to increase traffic flow Sept. 24.

Police stood by while a driver waited for his rental truck’s dead battery to be jumped on Popham Road Sept. 24.

Police helped a driver find his parked car on Murray Hill Road Sept. 24.

On Sept. 25, police provided a courtesy ride to a gas station after a driver ran out of gas. The driver used a small gas can to get some gas for the car.

Police informed the highway department of a dead raccoon at Heathcote and Duck Pond roads Sept. 26.

Police assisted Greenburgh Police with a traffic stop at Popham and Garth roads during which a driver was failing to comply Sept. 26.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Dog struck by car
A woman called police at 9:19 a.m., Sept. 20, to report that her Husky dog had been struck by a car on Mamaroneck Road and Deerfield Lane. It was found dead on the road near the sidewalk. A witness reported that the driver of the car that struck the dog left the scene of the accident.

Lost and found
On Sept. 20, a Fairview Court woman reported losing two license plates somewhere in the Village.

On Sept. 21 and 23, two different people walked into headquarters to report losing two license plates. One person said she recently returned the plates to the DMV, but there was no record of the transaction.

A license plate was found on Scarsdale Avenue Sept. 22. Police contacted the owner for the plate’s return.

Village code
Police issued three landscapers and one employing homeowner summonses because the landscapers were using gas-powered blowers in violation of Village code Sept. 21. Police also issued summonses to a landscaper and a homeowner on Tunstall Road for the same violation.

A group of people was playing soccer on a Quaker Ridge School field without a permit or proper permission from the Board of Education Sept. 21. Police asked them to disperse and advised them of proper requirements. On Sept. 22, police had to return to the field to disperse the same group of soccer players. They were again advised on proper procedure for obtaining a permit.

A caller complained of a loud lawn mower sound at Montrose and Gorham roads Sept. 25. Police went to the scene and did not hear any lawn mowers. Instead, they saw kids playing with an electric car. They sound was not loud enough to be considered a noise violation.

On Sept. 25, police advised a party manager on Drake Road to lower the volume of music three times after people complained of noise.

On Sept. 25, police advised an Olmsted Road resident to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained. A verbal warning was issued.

On Sept. 25, police advised a Carthage Road resident that neighbors had complained of noise. The resident said his son’s gathering was breaking up.

On Sept. 25, a Heathcote Road resident advised he would be turning off music after police informed him of noise complaints.

On Sept. 26, a Rural Drive party host advised she would be turning off music after police informed her of noise complaints.

On Sept. 23, a natural gas detector was activated in a Bethel Road basement. During investigation, plumbing contractors reported that the alarm went off while they were attempting to shut down and remove the meter for an integrity test.

Firefighters observed a light odor and combustible gas readings of up to 600 ppm in the area of the meter. No odors or readings were observed on the first and second floors. Firefighters ventilated the structure. Con Ed Gas checked for leaks and locked out and tagged the meter due to improper actions of the contractors.

On Sept. 25, reported smoke on Fox Meadow Road was determined to be evaporation of morning dew.

On Sept. 26, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Post Road.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 20-26 has been complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

holdingcellAssault: On Sept. 16, while police were patrolling Mamaroneck Road, they observed a man removing items from the trunk of a BMW parked in the parking lot of the Scarsdale pool. The man said he had gotten a flat tire and had unsuccessfully attempted to order a tow. Police attempted to call numerous tow companies, but many were not answering. When one company answered, the man became combative and argumentative with the tow truck dispatcher. At that point, police began to look further into the man’s physical state. In continuing to talk with the man, police discerned signs of intoxication, including the smell of alcohol on his breath and glassy eyes. A further examination of the man’s car revealed that it was unregistered and bearing a Connecticut license plate that was assigned to a different car and owner. A check of his identity revealed he was named Raeshone J. Foote, 34, of Mt. Vernon. Foote said he would be registering the car the next day. He also told police he had a valid pistol permit and then lifted his shirt to show police he was not carrying a gun. Police informed Foote his car would be impounded, and he became combative. Police backup arrived on scene, and Foote grew increasingly agitated. With several officers on scene, Foote attempted to grab a 3-4 foot long metal pipe located in the back of his car. Officers told Foote not to grab the pipe, and he disregarded their commands. While Foote was attempting to grab the pipe, an officer put his foot on the pipe to hold it down. Foote pulled up on the pipe and attempted to gain control of it. The officer then grabbed the pip, pulled it from Foote’s hands and threw it approximately five to ten feet away. At this point, all officers on the scene used restraining force to bring Foote to the ground. Foote continued to resist being placed in cuffs and also resisted all commands. Once Foote was cuffed, he was placed in the back of a patrol car. There, he used his back and his cuffed wrists to attempt to break the protective glass panel separating the front and rear passenger seats. Foote was irate and verbally threatened the lives of the officers on scene. At headquarters, he continued to make threats and repeatedly kicked the door of his holding cell. The force of his kicks caused the lock on the cell door to become broken, and the cell wall became slightly bent. Firefighters were called to remove the lock, so Foote could be relocated to a jail cell. Foot was charged with second-degree menacing with a weapon, disorderly conduct, second-degree obstruction of governmental administration, third-degree criminal mischief with intent to damage property, assault with the intent to cause injury to an officer, driving while intoxicated, having an unregistered motor vehicle, operation of a motor vehicle with improper plates. In lieu of $5,000 bail, Foote was remanded to Westchester County Jail.

On Sept. 18, police arrested Emiliano Catemaxcatemich, 27, of White Plains, on charges of driving while intoxicated – first offense, aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more and an equipment violation. Police came across Catemaxcatemich’s car on Mamaroneck Road, where it was disabled with a flat tire, and police stopped to help. While evaluating the situation, police noticed Catemaxcatemich was unsteady on his feet and was showing signs of intoxication. While speaking with police, Catemaxcatemich said he had hit a rock and admitted to having recently consumed six beers. Police conducted field sobriety tests, which Catemaxcatemich was unable to perform successfully. Catemaxcatemich was arrested and taken to headquarters. After arrest processing, Catemaxcatemich was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Oct. 6.

Stolen bicycle
A black Metro bicycle was reported to have been stolen from a bike rack at Scarsdale High School Sept. 19. It was reported to be worth approximately $737.

Identity theft
On Sept. 14, a Gaylor Road resident reported her banking information had been stolen and was being used to make unauthorized purchases at and Game Stop.

A Lincoln Road man reported he was the victim of a Con Edison bill pay scam and lost approximately $2,600 in funds that were sent via Zelle to an unknown person Sept. 15.

Landlord tenant issue
A Mamaroneck Road man reported he was being threatened by a tenant who was essentially squatting in his house Sept. 13. The tenant allegedly has posted comments on Social Media in which he admits to squatting and alludes to wanting to kill the homeowner. The tenant has not been paying rent. Then tenant has also allegedly attempted to manipulate the homeowner into investing money into the tenant’s venture. Police are investigating.

A suspicious looking man wearing dirty clothes and driving a graffiti-covered van attempted to open a bank account without proper credentials or documents at a bank located near the intersection of East Parkway Popham Road. He left after bank employees refused his request Sept. 14. Later police spoke with bank management and employees about security protocols and staff concerns. Approximately two hours later, the same man returned to a Popham Road store and viewed art in the store. He told employees he was an artist who specializes in painting animals.

A White Birch Lane woman reported two unknown men were on her property Sept. 14. They refused to answer any of her questions. The men told police they were on Village Property, regarding a neighbor’s property.

Doorbell noises on Eastwoods Lane were discovered to be from kids ringing doorbells and running away Sept. 18.

A 99-year-old Heathcote Road woman died at home Sept. 17. A doctor on scene said the cause of death was natural causes.

On Sept. 13, police mediated a discussion between Sherbrooke Road neighbors over the cutting down of a tree that had branches hanging over the property line. After speaking with the neighbor’s daughter, who explained only dead branches were being cut off to eliminate the risk of the branches falling onto gas tanks, all parties agreed to continue with the work.

Firefighters helped a resident get back in her Drake Road house after she accidentally got locked outside Sept. 16.

A man with a motorized wheelchair needed help getting out of a ditch on Depot Place Sept. 18.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 13, a caller advised of a possibly abandoned Subaru at Ogden Road and Church Lane. The car had been damaged in the storm and was awaiting removal from the owner’s insurance company. With the owner’s permission, police towed the car to a tow lot to clear the road.

Con Edison closed Church Lane and Ogden Road to perform emergency electrical work to repair a broken cross arm on a utility pole Sept. 14.

A work truck with the keys inside was reported to be parked on Oxford Road “for a long time” by a resident Sept. 14. Police vouchered the keys for safekeeping. Police called the owner who said the truck was having a problem that could only be resolved the next day.

Dispatch advised Con Edison and Verizon about a fallen wire on Tompkins Road Sept. 15.

A couple repairing a car on jack stands on Bradley Road advised they would be lowering the jacks stands and moving the car shortly Sept. 16.

The owner of a blue Mercedes-Benz parked “for days” on Sherbrooke Road told police the car had been damaged in the recent flood and was awaiting a tow Sept. 16.

An accident was reported on Saxon Woods Road Sept. 17. A van was traveling southwest on Saxon Woods Road, with a Lexus following behind it. The van proceeded over the double yellow to pass some cars that had been involved in another motor vehicle accident. The van then caught a low-hanging Verizon utility wire in the roadway; a ladder resting on the top of the van came loose and fell off the van as a result. The ladder then struck the front and side of the Lexus, causing minor damage. Both drivers said they were not injured as a result.

Police picked up a fallen traffic cone on Brite Avenue Sept. 17.

A driver thought he was being followed by a white Honda, from the Bronx River Parkway through Edgewood, while trying to drive home Sept. 18. When police caught up with the driver, he said he was no longer being followed, was safe with a friend, and he had no contact with the driver.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

On Sept. 14, a loose pit bull dog was reported on Carthage Road.

A large raccoon was reported on Madison Road Sept. 16. It was gone when police arrived.

A woman was bitten by a dog at Tunstall and Barry roads Sept. 17. The woman said she was bitten on the neck by a leashed dog while she was out walking on Tunstall Road with her husband and her dog. The leashed dog allegedly began to lunge at her and bark at her and her dog while they were passing in front of the dog’s house. Her own dog lunged back at the offending dog and pulled the woman to the ground and dragged her to the offending dog. The dog’s owner approached her to help her off the ground, and the offending dog then bit the woman in the neck. The woman was able to get off the ground, stand up and be treated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps members on the scene. The owner of the offending dog was able to provide vaccination records for the dog, but she did not have a dog license. Police sent all necessary dog bite paperwork to the Westchester County Department of Health. They also issued a summons to the owner of the offending dog, for not having a valid dog license.

Village code
On Sept. 15, police issued two summonses to a landscaper and a homeowner for the use of a gas-powered leaf blower, in violation of Village code, on Walworth Avenue.

On Sept. 16, police issued two summonses to a landscaper and a homeowner for the use of a gas-powered leaf blower, in violation of Village code, on Farley Road.

On Sept. 17, police issued two summonses to a landscaper and a homeowner for the use of a gas-powered leaf blower, in violation of Village code, on Lockwood Road and Church Lane.

On Sept. 17, police dispersed a small gathering of people at Black Birch Lane and Saxon Woods Road after neighbors complained of noise.

On Sept. 17, police informed an Overlook Road resident that neighbor had complained of noise. When the noise level was not corrected and neighbors complained again, an hour later, police issued the resident a summons.

On Sept. 18, police issued two summonses to a landscaper and a homeowner for the use of a gas-powered leaf blower, in violation of Village code, on Reimer Road.

A Cambridge Road resident having a graduation party lowered the volume of music playing in the backyard after police informed the resident of a noise complaint Sept. 18. Later, after a second complaint, the music was turned off. After a third complaint about loud screaming and shouting, police issued the resident a summons.

Police asked a Dolma Road resident to lower the volume of music at a gathering Sept. 18.

Police dispersed kids from Greendale Road and Oxford Lane Sept. 18.

Police dispersed kids from Edgewood School grounds at 10:30 p.m., Sept. 18.

Police issued a summons to workers who were using electrical saws and tools on Shawnee Road prior to allowed hours Sept. 19.

Lost and found
On Sept. 13, an Aspen Road resident lost her wallet containing a Columbian driver’s license and bankcard.

A passerby found a black cell phone that fell off a car at Garth and Popham roads and brought it to headquarters Sept. 14.

A Sprague Road resident reported the loss of one license plate somewhere in the Village Sept. 15.

On Sept. 15, a Sherbrooke Road man reported he accidentally disposed of license plates after a misunderstanding with a car dealership in which he thought he was being issued new plates.

On Sept. 19, a Chase Bank debit card was found at Scarsdale High School. Police contacted the owner who said she would come to pick it up.

On Sept. 13, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on Fenimore Road. One person was transported to the hospital with injuries.

On Sept. 13, a cooking fire was contained to its pot and extinguished in a Myrtledale house. Firefighters ventilated and confirmed there was no extension. According to the fire report, the fire was from a plastic lid left on a burner that was left unoccupied. The resident put out the fire with a pot of water. Some smoke staining occurred on cabinets.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a Brown Road gas leak Sept. 16.

On Sept. 17, firefighters responded to South Woods Lane for an odor of gas in a basement. There, firefighters found a lawnmower that was leaking gasoline in the garage, which caused the odor in the house. The machine was removed, and the odor dissipated.

On Sept. 19, firefighters assisted with a golf cart rollover accident at Quaker Ridge Golf Club on Griffen Avenue. Two people reported injuries. The golf cart rolled over into the greenside bunker on the 11th hole. No extrication was required.

On Sept. 19, a work truck left running by a garage on Rock Creek Lane activated a carbon monoxide alarm. Firefighters observed carbon monoxide readings of up to 45 ppm on the floor above the garage and lower readings throughout the house. They ventilated the structure and advised the homeowner to contact the fire department with any additional concerns.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 13-19 has been issued from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

MyrtledaleRoadFireThree firefighters were injured in a blaze on Myrtledale RoadStorm damage: On Sept. 1, police and firefighters received an unprecedented influx of calls related to the heavy rainstorm following Hurricane Ida’s aftermath in our area. These calls included flooded basements, garages and roadways on Penn Road, Brookby Road, Brite Avenue, Taunton Road, Brewster Road, and Fox Meadow Road. These calls also addressed flooded roadways and cars stuck in standing high water on Elm, Springdale Road, Post Road, Richbell Road, Murray Hill Road, Rock Creek Lane, Stratton Road, Varian Lane, Oxford Road, Garden Road, Secor Road, Wynmor Road, Brite Avenue, Fox Meadow Road, Weaver Street, Griffen Avenue, Church Lane, Ogden Road, Rugby Lane, and Saxon Woods Road. Police assisted in removals.

While responding to a call of a stranded car on Springdale Road, a patrol cruiser also got stuck in high water and had to be towed the Central Garage. According to the report, the police cruiser entered a large flooded area and was quickly overtaken by pooling water that came up to the windshield. The officer was able to safely exit the car and get to higher ground. The officer called for assistance from the fire department and other police personnel. By the time these units arrived, both the police cruiser and the original stranded car had become completely submerged in water. Before leaving the scene, firefighters and the officer waded through the water to reach the stranded car to double check it for any possible passengers. They confirmed that no one was inside the car.

A call came into headquarters at 1:30 a.m. Sept. 2 that a woman was stuck in her car, in floodwater, at Canterbury and Cayuga roads. Other calls included reports of fallen trees or wires on Barry and Madison roads, Hampton Road, Butler Road, Palmer Avenue, Brite Avenue, Secor Road and Bypass.

Following the storm, on Sept. 2 and 3, police performed welfare checks on Village residents, when worried out-of-town family members or friends could not reach them. These included welfare checks on residents of Horseguard, Marjory and Beechwood lanes, Gilmore Court, Lenox Place, and Butler, Cooper, Wheelock, Cayuga, Fox Meadow, Wynmor, Wildwood, Bradford, Wakefield, Carstensen, Seneca, Quentin, Spier, Brown, Coralyn, Colvin, Sheldrake Paddington, Mamaroneck, Fenimore, Murray Hill, Lebanon, Gorham and Parkfield roads, all of whom were home and OK. To assist a worried daughter about the welfare of her Catherine Road mother, a kind neighbor checked on the mother’s wellbeing and reported she was OK.

On Sept. 2, police also assisted the highway department keep residents and drivers out of dangerous areas by monitoring roadway barriers that people were attempting to circumvent or move. This occurred on Stratton Road, Weaver Street, Normandy Lane and Griffen Avenue.
On Sept. 3, a caller reported her car became stuck on Post Road and Rugby Lane. Before it was removed by tow, police spoke with the car’s owner who asked police to remove all valuables, including a cell phone and keys, from the car and hold these valuables at headquarters, pending pick up by a friend.

Shoplifter arrested
The manager of CVS on Popham Road reported a man shoplifted approximately 47 items, valued at $714 combined, from the store Sept. 3. The suspect was described as a 5’10’ tall Hispanic man, wearing a white shirt, jean shorts and sneakers. He was last seen walking toward the train station with a rolling bag. The manager recognized the man as a “frequent customer.” While the man was still in the store, the manager asked him if he was going to pay for items he had placed in his bag, and he replied “no” before leaving the store. Police tracked down the man at the train station. The manager performed a show-up to identify the suspect, and the man was arrested. He was identified as Hendrix Rosario, 39, of the Bronx. He was charged with petit larceny and grand larceny. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear in Village Justice Court on Sept. 22. While being arrested, Rosario informed police he was carrying two unused hypodermic syringes in his shirt pocket. Police safely confiscated the syringes.

An active fire was reported on Overhill Road at 2:40 a.m., Sept. 2.

Shortly before 10 p.m., Sept. 3, police received a report of a possible structure fire on Olmsted Road. Firefighters were also notified. Police arrived on scene first and observed smoke inside the house, with three family members standing outside. Police were advised that there was a kitchen fire, and two men were still inside the house trying to put it out. Police went into the house and observed that the fire was out. Due to the smoke inside the house, police ordered the two men, who had extinguished the fire, to vacate the house. Police then learned that a woman was still inside the house, in the basement. Police went back inside the house and ordered the woman to leave the house for safety precautions. Firefighters soon arrived on scene, took control of the situation and began ventilating the house.

An active fire was reported on Myrtledale Road around 2 p.m., Sep. 4. Scarsdale, Hartsdale, Greenville, White Plains and Hartsdale fire departments were on scene and extinguished the fire. Prior to the fire being extinguished, two residents were evacuated, and firefighters confirmed no other people were inside. During the course of the incident, three Scarsdale firefighters were injured and treated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Two of these firefighters refused further medical attention. One firefighter was transported to White Plains Hospital Center. The son of the residents arrived on scene and took the displaced residents to his house. A preliminary investigation of the cause of the fire was started, and the house was secured in the meantime.

Stolen car
On Sept. 5, a Stonewall Lane resident reported his $28,000 2016 Volvo was stolen from his driveway overnight. It contained two pairs of designer sunglasses, air pods, waterproof ear buds, gym clothes, sneakers, a gym bag, basketballs and jumper cables. The doors of the car had been left unlocked, with the key fob inside. The resident estimated that the theft occurred around 3:20 a.m. that morning.

Car break-ins
A doorbell camera captured footage of someone opening unlocked doors, of two cars, and rummaging through the vehicles while the cars were parked outside a Mayflower Road house at 3:56 a.m., Sept. 5. There were no valuable inside the cars, nor were any keys left inside.

On Sept. 5, a Stonewall Lane resident reported her unlocked car was entered overnight, and items were stolen from her car. These included a purse, a learner’s permit and a credit card. By the time the incident was reported, it was determined the credit card had been used for approximately $30 of unauthorized charges.

Identity theft
On Aug. 30, a Lebanon Road man reported someone attempted to fraudulently open a Sprint account in his name. He notified Sprint and closed the account. The man also received a call from someone claiming to work for UPS. The caller told the man a phone had been delivered to his address and needed to be picked up for return. The man advised police he no longer lived at the stated address and did not receive a phone.

On Aug. 30, a resident of a Post Road group home reported she was worried that her roommate was going to file a false report against her. Police advised her they had received no such report.

On Sept. 3, a resident of a Post Road group home reported another resident was being disruptive and calling her names while she was trying to take her medication during her assigned time with house staff. Police assisted house staff in mediating a discussion between the housemates. They agreed to respect each other’s assigned medication times and stay out of each other’s way to avoid further conflict.

Eastchester police received a call on Sept. 2, reporting that a man brought three young children to a park on Lyons Road and left the children unattended. The man and the children were not there when Scarsdale police arrived to investigate the report.

On Sept. 5, a Palmer Avenue man called to say he needed help locating his children. Police arrived and assisted the man. Within less than 20 minutes, he was reunited with his children.

Phone lines
An adult son called police and asked them to go to his parents’ house on Boulevard and reassure his parents that Verizon was working on phone lines in the Village in an effort to restore service Sept. 2.

Lock out
Firefighters and police helped a Paddington Road homeowner get back inside the homeowner’s house after being accidentally locked out Sept. 2.

Neighbors of a Mamaroneck Road resident asked police to go to the resident’s house and ask the resident to call the neighbors, who were overseas, at the number that the neighbors provided to police, Sept. 2.

On Sept. 3, a Herkimer Road woman called police to complain about storm debris on her yard that she claimed originated from her neighbor’s property. After speaking with police, she said she would clean up the debris since it was on her property.

A Graham Road man reported a small sinkhole was forming in his driveway, and water pressure was also low inside his house Sept. 4. Police observed a couple more holes in the yard with water inside them, but the water was not gushing or flowing. The water department was notified for follow-up.

False report
On Sept. 4, police received a false report in which a caller alleged that an Old Lyme Road resident needed assistance. In fact, there was no issue at the house and the resident did not need assistance.

A caller reported seeing two teenage girls standing at the intersection of Fenimore and Brewster roads, with a third teenage girl lying in the grass shortly before 11 p.m., Sept. 4. The caller stopped to ask the girls if they needed any assistance, and they said they were ok. When police arrived on scene for follow up, the girls were no longer there.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 30, police had to contact several towing companies before they could find one capable of removing a disabled dump truck filled with landscaping equipment from Popham and Taunton roads.

A car with a flat tire was disabled at Hutchinson Avenue and Meadow Road Aug. 31. The driver was discovered to have an active warrant out of New York City for a vehicle and traffic violation. NYPD informed Scarsdale PD that they would not be travelling to Scarsdale to pick up the driver. Police advised the driver to settle the outstanding warrant with NYPD. Police also stood by while a HELP truck arrived on scene and a mechanic changed the tire.

Police helped control heavy traffic on Mamaroneck Road, due to Middle School orientation, Aug. 31.

Patrol notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Griffen Avenue Aug. 31.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a pickup truck parked in the high school’s fire lane Aug. 31.

Police assisted driver with a stalled car at Chase and Crane roads Sept. 1.

Police closed and secured a construction gate that blew open at Kingston Road and Greenacres Avenue after two callers complained Sept. 1

On Sept. 3, a driver reported her car had a dead battery at Ferncliff and Drake roads. Police provided the driver with a courtesy ride home.

Police twice put a dislodged manhole cover back in place at the intersection of Brite Avenue and Chesterfield Road Sept. 4. The highway department was notified for a more permanent solution. On Sept. 5, police checked on the cover and it was still loose. Police put a caution cone over it to alert motorists.

Several dislodged manhole covers were put back into their places on Barry Road Sept. 4.

Following the storm, police cleaned up and removed tape leftover on Bypass and Secor Road, as well as Barry and Madison roads, Mamaroneck and Catherine roads and Post and Olmsted roads, on Sept. 4 and 5.

While Con Edison was working on power lines and the traffic light at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue was out, police put up temporary stop signs and barricades to control traffic in that intersection Sept. 4.

A driver got a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 5. Police organized a tow to assist the driver.

Dog bite
A Jefferson Road dog reportedly bit through the glove of a sanitation worker who was performing trash pickup from the rear driveway of the house Sept. 3. According to the report, the dog exited the house through its dog door, lunged at the worker and bit his wrist. The bite resulted in a minor laceration and bleeding. The dog’s owner assisted the sanitation worker bandage the wound. The worker returned to the sanitation department and reported the incident. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps responded to the sanitation department for further wound treatment. The worker refused further medical attention. Police went to the dog owner’s house to view and photograph the dog’s vaccination reports. All vaccines were up to date. Police instructed the dog owner to quarantine the dog for 10 days, as per Westchester County protocol.

Lost and found
A Wayside Lane woman reported losing a license plate that was “never received” after she allegedly turned it into NYS DMV Aug. 31.

On Aug. 31, a Lawrence Road resident reported losing a license plate following an accident.

A license plate was found on Brite Avenue Sept. 5. Police located the address of the owner and returned the plate.

Village code
On Aug. 31, police advised a pest control solicitor on Barker Lane that he needed a proper permit to legally solicit in the Village during designated hours.

Police mailed a summons to a landscaper for using a gas-powered leaf blower on Myrtledale Road in violation of Village code Aug. 31. The homeowner was also issued a summons.

A caller complained that an Ogden Road generator was “too loud” Sept. 2. According to police, all was in “good order.”

Following up on a noise complaint about a Secor Road club, patrol asked the event organizer and DJ to lower the volume of music Sept. 3.

A car alarm was going off for no apparent reason on Scarsdale Avenue after 1 a.m., Sept. 4. Police notified the owner of the car who said the car had been damaged during the recent storm and she would attempt to turn it off. She succeeded in silencing the alarm.

On Sept. 5, police advised a Harvest Drive homeowner to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained,

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 30 – Sept. 6 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

drowned carAn abandoned car at Hartsdale Train Station: Photo Credit Michael IsbyDWI: Around 10:30 p.m., Sept. 6, police were dispatched to the intersection of Hutchinson and Meadow roads on the report of a man and woman involved in an altercation in a dark-colored SUV. Police separated the couple to interview them. While questioning the couple, police observed that the man – identified as William Wilson Sanchez, 35, of Waterbury, CT – was showing signs of intoxication. He was determined to be intoxicated after not being able to successfully conduct field sobriety tests. He was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated – first offense and aggravated DWI with .18 grams or more of alcohol in the blood. A domestic incident report was also completed, based on officers’ findings during the interviews. Sanchez was released with an appearance ticket, returnable to Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Sept. 15.

A Ridgedale Road man reported a $379 TV, a $99 printer and bags of merchandise valued at $500 from Bed, Bath and Beyond were stolen from his parked car Sept. 10. The car was parked in front of the man’s house. Since no sign of force was observed, police hypothesized that the car had been left unlocked.

On Sept. 10, a Springdale Road woman reported she received an invoice for services from someone alleging to be a legitimate company that she had contacted for services. She wired $14,000 for such services, in lieu of paying by check, as originally agreed. Later she realized the bank might be foreign, and the email was a scam because the legitimate company’s email had been hacked. She was in the process of working with her bank to cancel the wire or receive reimbursement.

Criminal mischief
A broken window was found at Edgewood School Sept. 12. It was first observed by a passerby. There was no sign that anyone had entered the building. The window was temporarily repaired for safety reasons. Damage was estimated at $466.

A woman could be heard screaming loudly in the area of the Saxon Woods Golf Course around 11 p.m., Sept. 9. Police canvassed the area for the woman, with assistance of other jurisdictions. Eventually officers from White Plains found the woman. She said she had gotten lost in the woods. She suffered only minor scrapes and scratches and refused medical attention. Police helped her get to her destination.

A 22-year-old man who was observed sleeping at Heathcote Road and Crossway at 2:20 a.m., Sept. 12, needed help getting home. Police called the man’s mother, and she picked him up and took him home.

A discharged resident from a Post Road group home asked for assistance in finding a place to stay for the night on Sept. 12. Police found an available shelter. The shelter required proof of a negative Covid-19 test. Police provided the resident with a courtesy ride to White Plains Hospital Center so she could get the required test.

On Sept. 6, a caller reported a woman wearing socks and pajama pants was standing on the Bronx River Bridge, looking “distraught.” Police went to the scene and looked for the woman, but she was no longer there. Westchester County police were notified. A few hours later, another caller reported seeing the same woman on the bridge. Patrol went to the scene and spoke with her. She said she was out for a walk and did not need any assistance. She refused to identify herself.

On Sept. 9, a Deerfield Lane woman reported seeing a man walking through her backyard.

Police were called to mediate a dispute over the use a leaf blower Sept. 9. The dispute was between a Village employee and a person on Cohawney Road. The employee said he felt threatened. All was in good order by the time police left the scene.

Road rage
A driver called police from his car to report an incident of road rage on Garth Road in which a man driving a blue-gray Jeep Cherokee yelled at the driver and flashed high-beam lights at the driver Sept. 10. Police instructed the driver to avoid contact with the man. The driver was being followed by the man in the Jeep. So, the driver drove to Crane Road to meet patrol. Upon arrival, the Jeep fled the scene, ostensibly to avoid an encounter with police.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 6, police called a tow for a disabled car on Mamaroneck Road and Palmer Avenue.

A flood-damaged car was on Tunstall Road Sept. 6. It was scheduled to be towed within the week.

On Sept. 7, police informed an electrician that a traffic light at Church Lane and Wayside Lane was out of order. The electrician corrected the problem.

A woman was sleeping in parked car on Richbell Close Sept. 7. She told police that she was napping before going to work at a house on the street.

Con Edison was informed about a fallen electrical wire on Brookby Road Sept. 7.

On Sept. 7, police informed the highway department about a loose manhole cover on Cooper Road.

A disabled Jeep on Fox Meadow Road was determined to be flood-damaged. On Sept. 8, police contacted the owner and asked for an update regarding removal.

On Sept. 8, police directed traffic around a truck stuck in a Weaver Street driveway, until the driver was able to remove the truck.

On Sept. 8, police put a dislodged manhole cover back in place on Reimer Road.

A caller reported a wheel fell off a truck at Mamaroneck Road and Palmer Avenue Sept. 9.

Caution tape remnants were cleared from Heathcote Road and Morris Lane Sept. 9.

On Sept. 10, a driver of a car with a flat tire on Post Road told police that the car would be removed as soon as possible, with assistance from the driver’s parents.

A car without license plates was observed on Ogden Road Sept. 10. Police called the owner, who said the car was a total loss. She said she had been instructed by her insurance company to remove the plates and leave the car in the roadway for removal by tow.

On Sept. 10, police directed traffic around a car with a flat tire on Heathcote Road at Morris Lane while the driver waited for a tow.

Police canvassed the area for a reportedly “reckless driver” who allegedly hit the guardrail several times on the Bronx River Parkway Sept. 11. It was described as a white van with a Massachusetts plates.

The highway department set up barricades around a dislodged manhole cover on Reimer Road after numerous reports by concerned drivers Sept. 11.

Police helped a driver with a flat tire on Kingston Road call for assistance Sept. 11.

Police informed Verizon about a low-hanging and fallen wires on Bradford Road and at Penn Blvd. and Franklin Road Sept. 12.

While removing caution tape leftover from last week’s storm, police observed a loose storm drain cover at Post and Murray Hill roads Sept. 12.

Police repositioned the drain cover and used caution tape to secure it temporarily. The highway department was informed.

One car accident was reported in the Village this week.

A car hit a dog at Fenimore Road and Oak Lane Sept. 6.

A loose pit bull was reported on Drake Road Sept. 6.

A caller reported losing two poodles – one white and one black, with collars – in the area of Oxford and Park roads Sept. 7.

A fawn was stuck in a gate at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane Sept. 9. Police helped free the fawn. It appeared uninjured.

Police picked up a medium-sized, loose dog without a collar on Brewster Road Sept. 9. While waiting for pickup from New Rochelle Humane Society, the dog’s owner retrieved it from headquarters.

On Sept. 10, the owner of a loose black dog retrieved the dog from Brewster Road.

Village code
On Sept. 6, police dispersed a loud gathering of kids outside a Ferncliff Road house.
Following up on a noise complaint, police dispersed a group of loudly talking people on Huntington Avenue Sept. 7.

On Sept. 10, police twice issued people playing music on Secor Road a warning. After a third complaint about the music, police issued the resident a summons.

A party had already ended on Harvest Drive when police arrived to investigate a noise complaint shortly before 11 p.m., Sept. 10.

Police received a complaint about loud kids on Huntington Avenue Sept. 10. They were gone when police arrived.

A Brookby Road resident lowered the volume of music after police informed the resident of complains and issued a warning Sept. 11.

Lost and found
On Sept. 6, a passerby found a wallet on a bench in front of the Chase Road post office. The passerby gave it to police for safekeeping. Police later received a call from the wallet’s owner, looking for it. The owner was told how he could pick up the wallet during business hours.

On Sept. 7, a woman came to public safety headquarters and reported losing her license.

A credit card was found on East Parkway, and police returned it to its owner Sept. 9.

On Sept. 6, firefighters examined a gasoline spill in a Stratton Road garage. They found a 5-gallon gasoline can tipped on its side, as a result of flooding in the past. Firefighters removed the half-filled container to the outside. They applied Speedy Dri absorbent and used a positive pressure fan to ventilate the space.

On Sept. 7, a fallen power line on Brookby Road was reported to be burning. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison and kept the area safe. While on scene, firefighters observed a smoke detector activation at another Brookby Road house as a result of inadequate ventilation while cooking. The homeowner discontinued cooking and reset alarm system.

On Sept. 7, firefighters investigated an outdoor gas odor on Montrose Road. During investigation, they observed several closed excavation sites on the street, with elevated gas readings beneath the road plates. Con Ed Gas was called. They confirmed readings in excavations and investigated adjacent areas. Con Ed Gas released firefighters and took over the scene.

On Sept. 8, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported a gas odor inside the house. Gas levels were 700ppm, due to a knob being left on without adequate ignition. Firefighters started positive pressure ventilation at the front door and notified Con Ed Gas. The oven valve was shut down by the resident prior to firefighters’ arrival.

On Sept. 9, a carbon monoxide alarm sounded in a Butler Road house. Firefighters determined a contractor working on the house had left a generator running near the open garage door. 150ppm was detected in the basement, with 35ppm on the first and second floors. The generator was shut down, and the house was vented with positive pressure ventilation. Firefighters advised the contractor to move the generator away from the house.

On Sept. 10, firefighters assisted with a four-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 6-12 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Porta Potty PJN3 0Stolen car: On Aug. 25, a Hampton Road man reported his $70,000 2015 Acura MDX was stolen from his driveway in the overnight hours. It was left unlocked with the keys inside.

Car break-in
On Aug. 23, a Johnson Road man reported that $3,400 in cash and two money orders were stolen from his unlocked 2019 BMW parked in his driveway during the overnight hours.

The manger of the Popham Road CVS reported a man – described as Hispanic man, approximately 5’7” tall wearing a “number 10” red shirt, stole approximately nine bottles of shampoo and personal care products from the store Aug. 28. He used a rolling cart to conceal the items. When asked if he needed help or intended to pay for the concealed items, the man allegedly said “no” and left the store.

On Aug. 28, Eastchester police received a report of a white, blonde female, dressed in black, wearing a mask and a hat, and carrying a black bag, shoplifting from the Popham Road CVS. The manger said the female entered the store with an empty tote bag and soon left the store with a full tote bag. She is suspected of stealing food products worth more than $211.

Identity theft
On Aug. 25, a Broadmoor Road man reported that his identity had been stolen and an unknown person was making numerous charges and had applied for a Mercedes-Benz in his name. A down payment was even made on the car. The total amount of financial damage sustained exceeded $2,500.

On Aug. 26, a Carthage Road resident reported someone attempted to apply for a credit card in his name through Webb Bank. The bank’s fraud department was advised, and the credit application was then closed.

A 17-year-old girl reported that while shopping on Scarsdale Avenue Aug. 29, she was approached by a white man in his 50s, with light hair, glasses and wearing a “blue patriotic shirt.” He allegedly told her he was “single” and asked her to go look at something in his car, which was described as a gray Subaru. She ignored him, went home, and her mother called police.

Disruptive customer
An East Parkway store manager reported a disruptive customer was in her store Aug. 28. She described him as a white man in his 40s with brown hair, around six feet tall and wearing khaki pants and a baseball cap. The disruptive behavior was described as “talking loudly on the cell phone.” The customer was gone when police arrived.

On Aug. 24, a Westchester County social services office reported that it had an open case with a Mamaroneck Road resident, and upon attempting to reach the resident, the resident left disturbing voicemails on the office phone. Police spoke with the resident and learned she thought the calls were scams and therefore left those alleged messages in response. Police advised her that the calls were legitimate and urged her to follow up.

A Wakefield Road resident reported disputes with her nurse caretaker Aug. 24 and 25. Police checked the welfare of the resident and determined all was in good order Aug. 24. Police helped mediate the dispute Aug. 25.

On Aug. 26, the same Wakefield Road resident called police to report that she did not like her present caretaker and was waiting for a replacement. Police went to the house and mediated the dispute, while also reaching out to the resident’s daughters. The present caretaker said she would remain with the resident until the replacement arrived, but she would also take care not to agitate her.

A caller reported seeing three males get out of a “beige Hyundai Elantra” with a Massachusetts license plate and engage in a fist fight on Hutchinson Avenue Aug. 28. They then reportedly got back into the car and drove onto the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Two callers reported a woman screaming in the middle of the road at Post Road and Huntington Avenue Aug. 25. She said she was screaming because the Bee Line bus did not stop. Police helped her board the next passing bus, and she was calm.

A worker got struck inside a Port-O-Potty due to a tree falling behind him on Drake Road while he was trying to remove the portable toilet with his vehicle Aug. 25. Police assessed the situation and provided assistance.

A child was stuck inside a car with the air conditioning running while the parent’s key fob stopped working on Mamaroneck Road. By the time police arrived on scene, the child was safely removed from the car and the door had been successfully opened.

Coming home
A Boulevard resident reported returning home to find a shattered glass storm door Aug. 27. Police investigated the house and discovered no signs of criminality. They suggested that the door might have shattered during the recent storm.

On Aug. 28, at 3 a.m., a Hutchinson Ave resident asked police to check his house. He was worried because his family has just returned home and they found that their Wi-Fi router was unplugged. They were not sure if it had been left that way prior to the vacation. Police investigated the house and discovered no signs of criminality.

False report
A caller falsely reported that an Old Lyme resident fell down stairs Aug. 26.

Not allowed
A security guard near an Odgen Road construction site told a white male pedestrian he was not allowed to be on the property near the construction zone without a legitimate reason, and the pedestrian left Aug. 28.

Civil matter
On Aug. 25, a caller reported having a dispute with a car service driver because the driver allegedly would not return the caller’s credit card. The driver told police he would return the card after the fare was negotiated and paid. Police assisted in mediating the disagreement.

On Aug. 25, a Brambach Road homeowner reported a work truck from a neighbor’s property damaged his front steps. Police observed the damage, and the worker said he would repair it the next day.

A Village subcontractor allegedly backed his work truck over a Forest Lane lawn and damaged the grass Aug. 27. The Village engineer investigated the allegation and told the homeowner the lawn damage would be repaired by the department of public works.

Bicyclist hit
A bicyclist was hit by a car at the Heathcote road and Palmer Avenue intersection Aug. 24.According to the accident report, the 12-year-old bicyclist was in the crosswalk but did not have the right of way at the time, as the car was proceeding north through a green light. The bicyclist was taken to the hospital by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Cars and roadways
Police notified Con Edison and the highway department about a leaning tree in danger of falling into wires on Cushman Road Aug. 23.

A locked car was found with its engine running on East Parkway Aug. 23. Police went to the registered owner’s house and spoke with the owner’s wife. She said she would look for a key to open the car door and turn off the engine.

Police notified highway department staff to remove a dead animal’s carcass from Church and Rectory lanes Aug. 23.

Police asked a car owner to move his car from Brewster Road and Sage Terrace due to a request from the engineering department.

Police informed Con Edison of an arcing power line on Walworth Avenue Aug. 25.

A black backpack placed near a garbage can near the Scarsdale Fire Station on Post Road was examined and found to contain trash Aug. 26. Police discarded it in the trash receptacle.

A primary wire fell at Post and Huntington roads Aug. 26. Police established a safety zone and closed roads while Con Edison performed repair work.

A moving truck could not get to an Oak Lane house due to paving work Aug. 27. Police assisted, so the truck could get through.

Police closed a construction gate on Kingston Road so it would not impede traffic.

The water department was notified about a ruptured water line on Richelieu Road Aug. 28.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane Aug. 28.

Police called a tow for a Toyota stuck in mud on Bypass Aug. 28.

A dead tree was resting on cable lines on Dell Road Aug. 28. Police pushed the tree off the cables and positioned it on the front steps of the property. The highway department was notified to remove it.

On Aug. 28, police removed fallen branches from Secor Road.

The driver of a car parked in a dark corner of a Carman Road school parking lot told police he had pulled over to make a phone call at 11:30 p.m., Aug. 28. Police told him the lot was closed; so the driver left.

A Jeep was parked in an “odd position” on Secor Road Aug. 29. Police issued the driver a summons and contacted the driver for additional information. The driver said the car was having issues and could not be easily moved. Police helped the driver put the car in neutral and move it out of the roadway.

Police taped off an area around Walworth Avenue and Fenimore Road for safety concerns over a sparking wire, while Con Edison was notified, Aug. 29.

Two car accidents were reported in the Village this week. Another accident was reported on Aug. 24, involving a hit-and-run impacting a Village owned vehicle.

A “large animal” was reported to be in the roadway in the area of Catherine Road and Wayside Lane Aug. 25. It was gone when police arrived.

A loose dog was reported on Rock Creek Lane Aug. 26. It was gone when police arrived.

Village code
On Aug. 25, a Nelson Road woman reported a landscaper was using a gas powered leaf blower and she was not happy about it. When police arrived on scene, the landscaper was gone. Police advised the woman to call them instead of engaging with landscapers directly, with regard to code enforcement.

On Aug. 25, police issued three summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Crane Road.

A neighbor complained that a Brown Road woman frequently left “garbage” at the curb in violation of Village code Aug. 27. Police observed empty garbage cans near the road. They moved the cans closer to the house. The woman was not home to discuss the matter.

On Aug. 28, police issued a summons to a construction crew working to demolish a Kingston Road driveway prior to 10 a.m., in violation of Village code.

On Aug. 28, police issued a summons to a pest control solicitor who was soliciting without a permit on Overlook Road, outside of permissible hours.

On Aug. 23, firefighters assisted as a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway. Upon arrival, firefighters found one car off the road, on its side, in the stream adjacent to the road. The driver was out of the vehicle, and he indicated that he was the only occupant. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transported the driver to White Plains Hospital while firefighters and County police remained on scene to assist with the tow and to help block the roadway.

On Aug. 24, firefighters helped Con Edison workers check an Evon Court house to assess a reported gas leak.

On Aug. 25, firefighters shut a gas boiler and ventilated a Secor Road house due to elevated carbon monoxide levels in the house. Con Edison checked the appliances and advised the homeowner to service the boiler before restoring service.

On Aug. 26, firefighters helped Con Edison workers check a Heathcote Road house to assess a gas leak.

On Aug. 26, police received reports of “people running over a potentially live wire” at Post Road and Huntington Avenue. Con Edison and police were already on scene. Firefighters additionally blocked the road and kept pedestrians away from the area until the matter could be addressed.

On Aug. 27, firefighters checked a Franklin Road house for possible fire after the resident reported a smoking oven. No fire was detected.

On Aug. 30, at 4:30 a.m., firefighters assisted with a HRP car accident involving a car into a guardrail.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 23 - 29 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.