Saturday, Oct 05th

BMWX5Stolen cars: A Greenacres Avenue woman reported her BMW X5 was stolen from a Huntington Avenue driveway Jan. 8. Stolen with the car was over $6,000 worth of items, including her handbag, a wallet, designer sunglasses, an iPhone and other miscellaneous items. She said she saw an unknown person driving off in her car.

An Innes Road resident reported a BMW X5 had been stolen from driveway Jan. 9. A GPS tracking showed the car’s last location to be in NJ.

On Jan. 6, Kent Road residents returned home after being gone for a few hours, and they reported a glass door was smashed and their house had been burglarized. Approximately $10,000 worth of watches and jewelry was stolen.

On Jan. 6, a Cooper Road resident returned home and reported a window was ajar. It showed pry marks, and the screen was pushed out. Two boot prints were evident in the foyer. Nothing was reported missing. It was suspected to be a burglary attempt.

A Jan. 4 hit-and-run car accident with injuries on Ogden Road resulted in the arrest of a 29 year-old Scarsdale man– who was charged for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs, leaving the scene of a personal injury accident and driving without a license. According to the driver of a Chevy Tahoe that was struck in the intersection of Paddington Road and Ogden Road, the man in the 2019 BMW did not respect the rules of a stop sign on Ogden Road and impacted the car, causing the car to smash into a utility pole. The first impact caused severe front-end damage to both cars, and the driver of the BMW left the scene of the accident. His bumper with its license plate still attached was retrieved form the scene. The BMW was later stopped on the Bronx River Parkway. The man showed signs of driving with impairment, as well as injuries from the accident. He was taken to White Plains Hospital Center for injuries, accompanied by police, and he was later arrested. The victim was a 79 year-old woman who was driving with her four-year-old grandson in the backseat. She was also taken to the White Plains Hospital Emergency Room.

The manager of the Popham Road CVS reported that two individuals stole over $400 worth of shampoo from the store Jan. 3. Video footage showed the man putting the shampoo in his backpack.

Car break-ins
At 3 p.m., Jan. 9, a witness reported seeing two men in ski masks tugging on car doors on Heathcote Road. They fled in a BMW with NJ plates.

A Lee Road man put a gaming console up for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and on Jan. 6, an alleged buyer came to his house to buy the console. The buyer, however, did not get out of the car and attempted to grab the console from the seller’s hands and pull into the buyer’s car window. The seller grabbed the console back and the buyer drove off. The console got broken in the process.

A Stonehouse Road resident received a scam call from someone alleging to be from Con Edison Jan. 8.

Identity theft and fraud
On Jan. 3, a Fenimore Road resident reported being the victim of “extortion.” He specifically received an email revealing his password. The email stated the sender would release personal and compromising information if the resident did not remit over $2,700 in Bitcoin.

On Jan. 3, a Catherine Road woman reported that someone had opened a fraudulent bank account in her name at a Santander Bank branch in Boston. She closed the account and did not suffer any fraud.

On Jan. 7, a Penn Blvd resident reported someone had fraudulently filed a forward request for his mail in November. He was advised to file a report with the Postmaster.

On Jan. 7, a Ferncliff Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent credit account in her name.

On Jan. 7, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported that someone used her Bloomingdale’s credit card for a fraudulent order of over $1,700. She closed the account.

On Jan. 7, a Fox Meadow Road man reported that numerous credit card accounts were fraudulently opened in his name over the past two months.

A Walworth Avenue man reported that a check mailed from a Colvin Road mailbox had been stolen and altered Jan. 7. It was cashed by an unknown person in the amount of over $6,000.

Someone filed a false unemployment claim in the name of a Carstensen Road man. He reported it Jan. 8.

A group of people on Mamaroneck Road reported that a black Honda with CT plates drove past them, and occupants of the car allegedly shouted obscenities out the window Jan. 3.

The owner of a liquor store in the Village reported finding a sticky substance on the inside edge of the store’s mailbox Jan. 3. He was unsure if it was a possible attempt to steal mail. Police notified the postal inspector.

On Jan. 3, a Wakefield Road woman reported that someone might be inside her house because a guest room door was unexpectedly open. Police checked the house and did not find anyone inside.

Police turned off the water connection to a leaking outdoor hose on Wildwood Road Jan. 4. A plumber was called.

On Jan. 5, a Fox Meadow Road woman called police because she could not reach her husband who went to Long Island that morning. She was concerned about the inclement weather. Police were unable to reach her husband and advised her to update them later.

On Jan. 7, a woman got off the bus at the wrong bus stop and was walking in snow on Mamaroneck Road. She requested a courtesy ride to the Scarsdale train station.

A Village resident’s wheelchair got stuck in snow Jan. 7. Police helped move the chair into the garage.

Cars and roadways
On Jan. 4, police reported fallen phone wires on Post Road to Verizon for repair.

A driver sustained two flat tires on Mamaroneck Road and Crossway Jan. 5.

On Jan. 5, police helped a driver start a stalled car on Post Road, so the driver could move it from the roadway.

Numerous car accidents occurred during icy conditions Jan. 5. Other cars were stuck on ice in various locations throughout the Village that day as well.

After receiving an alert from New Rochelle police, police conducted a traffic stop of a driver who swerved over the double yellow line on Weaver Street Jan. 5. No signs of intoxication were observed. Police issued appropriate summonses.

Police removed a garbage bag fill of debris from Heathcote Road and notified the highway department Jan. 5.

A man walked into headquarters to report that a car was using duplicate license plates, with the same numbers as his, in New York City, Jan. 6. Police advised the man to contact the DMV.

On Jan. 6, a driver reported that a passing car kicked up a rock on Walworth Avenue, and the rock dented his car.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on Harwood Court Jan. 8.

A truck hit the Weaver Street overpass on the Hutchinson River Parkway and exited in the Village Jan. 9.

Seven car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Domestic arguments
On Jan. 6, a husband and wife were arguing over the placement of cars in their driveway. The wife claimed she could not exit the driveway because of where her husband parked his car. She managed to move the car before police arrived. Police suggested several solutions regarding parking. The couple said they would try to work it out next time.

Civil matters
On Jan. 3, a River Road resident reported that he hired a contractor to perform work in his attic. He allegedly paid the contractor $2,000, but the contractor never finished the work and can no longer be reached. Police advised the resident about how to proceed with the matter through civil court.

Coyotes were reported on Dickel Road and Murray Hill Road Jan. 3, Fox Meadow Road Jan. 4, Sheldrake Road Jan. 5,

Police reunited a dog with its owner near Stratton Road Jan. 6. The owner was issued a summons for having a dog at large.

Police reunited a dog with its owner near Cooper Road Jan. 7. The owner was issued a summons for having a dog at large.

Village code
A Franklin Road resident reported her neighbor’s garbage was “exposed” Jan. 4. Aside from the lid of one garbage can being slightly elevated, nothing was out of order. No violations were observed.

On Jan. 7, a solicitor was going door to door on Brown Road. He told police he had a permit to solicit in Eastchester and did not realize he had crossed the border.

Lost and found
A Valley Road woman reported losing her purse in the Village Jan. 5.

Firefighters assisted with a kitchen fire on Central Avenue Jan. 3.
Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Ogden Road Jan. 4.
Firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Heathcote Bypass Jan. 5.
Firefighters assisted with a car accident on ice on the Mamaroneck Road exit ramp from the HRP Jan. 5. They helped an injured pregnant woman into an ambulance.
Firefighters assisted with a rollover car accident on ice on the HRP Jan. 5.
A car was stuck on ice on Murray Hill Road Jan. 5. Firefighters advised to call for a tow.
A cooking fire was confined to its container inside an oven in a Carthage Road house Jan. 5. There were no flames when firefighters arrived. They removed the burnt item from the oven and ventilated the space.
Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Mamaroneck Road Jan. 5.
Firefighters disconnected an overheated doorbell with scorching from an Overhill Road house Jan. 6.
Firefighters investigated a smoke haze in a Wheelock Road house Jan. 6. They traced it to an overheated overhead light ballast in the basement and removed the ballast.
Firefighters assisted with an EMS call on Tompkins Road Jan. 7.
On Jan. 8, smoke from a fireplace filled a Garden Road house. Firefighters removed the logs and ash and ventilated the house.
A closed chimney flue caused smoke to collect in a Fox Meadow Road house Jan. 9. Firefighters extinguished the fire, opened the flue and cleared the smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 3-9 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

nintendoswitchStolen: On Dec. 29, the father of a high school student filed a police report about the theft of his son's Nintendo Switch, valued at $470, and $30 cash. These items were stolen from his son's backpack while he was in PE class at school on Dec. 17, 2021. According to police, "An arrest was made but the suspect is a juvenile so we cannot release any details."

On Dec. 30, a Meadow Road woman reported that items had been stolen from her car at the end of November. Items included, designer sunglasses, children’s jackets, children’s toys, a medical boot, crutches, a medical scooter, a hat and T-shirts.

On Jan. 2, a Brambach Road driver reported her car’s windshield had been damaged while she was getting gas from a gas station on Scarsdale Avenue. Another driver had been getting gas at the same time and started to drive away while the gas nozzle was still attached to his car. This caused the gas nozzle to dislodge, swing out and hit the driver’s windshield. The other driver allegedly exchanged words with the station attendant before driving off.

Identity theft
On Dec. 29, a Boulevard resident reported someone fraudulently changed his mailing address with the US Postal Service in early December causing him to miss some mail. The address had since been changed back, at the resident’s request.

On Dec. 29, an Evon Court resident reported that someone fraudulently used his credit card to make over $3,000 worth of purchases without his permission. The purchases occurred between Nov. 6 and Nov. 9.

On Dec. 31, a 90-year-old man died at the Ambassador of Scarsdale on Saxon Woods Road. Staff notified his next of kin.

Possible domestic altercation
On Dec. 31, a caller reported that he saw a man get out of his car on River Road, walk up to a woman on the Bronx River Parkway path and attempt to “pull her by the hair.” She screamed and resisted the man, which caused him to get back in his car and drive away. She did not request any help.

A Dell Road resident requested extra ridebys of her house due to a “dispute with an online vendor” Dec. 27.

New Rochelle police cut a seat belt inside a car on Weaver Street to help free a child who was stuck when the belt malfunctioned Dec. 27. Scarsdale police were notified.

On Dec. 28, police responded to a report of a woman on the Bypass Bridge who was “possibly in distress.” Police went to the scene and found a woman who was dressed in winter exercise gear and working out on the bridge. She was not in need of any assistance.

A Wakefield Road resident thought she saw three men inside her house Dec. 29. Police checked the house, but no one was there.

A mother asked for help because her 16-year-old son tried to step out of her car on the Bronx River Parkway near Chase Road Dec. 30. Police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps went to the scene to provide assistance. The boy was transported to White Plains Hospital Center for help.

On Dec. 30, a Wynmor Road resident reported a package due to arrive in the mail had gotten lost. Police issued a report so he could proceed in getting the package replaced.

Police picked up an errant shopping bag from Drake Road and disposed of it after a resident complained Dec. 31.

Unsafe driving
A driver thought a car was following her after a suspected encounter over improper parking in a Quaker Ridge parking lot Dec. 30. The car stopped following the driver when she pulled into the public safety headquarters parking lot.

On Jan. 1, teens were racing a car in a Mamaroneck Road parking lot. Police confronted them, and the teens said they were making a video. Police admonished them for unsafe driving, and the teens left.

Civil matters
On Dec. 27, a Wakefield Road builder and a neighbor were arguing over the construction of a fence at the property line. Police advised it was a civil matter. The building department and Village Hall were also consulted.

On Dec. 29, a Cooper Road man reported that his neighbor’s landscaper damaged his property with Bobcat equipment. The landscaper said he would repair the damage through the company’s insurance policy.

A car at Popham and Chase roads hit a leashed dog that broke free from its owner and ran into the roadway Dec. 27. The driver and the dog’s owner responded to headquarters to fill out paperwork.

Lost and found
A Chase debit card was found in front of the Scarsdale Post Office Dec. 28.

On Dec. 29, a Thornwood Place resident reported losing her driver’s license.
On Dec. 30, an Edgewood Road resident reported his license plates got lost in the mail.

An ID was found in an East Parkway store Jan. 1. Police located the owner of the ID and returned it.

An Oxford Road resident found a wallet in his mailbox Jan. 2. Police realized the wallet belonged to someone who lived at a similar address in White Plains. The wallet was returned.

On Dec. 27, a gas valve was leaking near a driveway on Meadow Road. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison. It was later determined that gas was present in the sanitary sewer as well.

On Dec. 28, firefighters and Con Edison investigated a report of a gas odor on Madison Road.

On Dec. 31, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident at Weaver Street and Bypass. The occupants of the car self extricated and were in the care of SVAC.

On Jan. 2, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at a Brambach Road house due to elevated carbon monoxide levels coming from a malfunctioning stove.

Water was collecting in a Carthage Road basement Jan. 2. Firefighters advised the homeowner to call a plumber.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 27, 2021 – Jan. 2, 2022 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

nintendoswitchStolen : A student reported someone stole his Nintendo Switch, two games and about $30 cash from his backpack at Scarsdale High School Dec. 16. The backpack was in an unlocked gym locker.

A woman walked into headquarters on Dec. 18 to report that the catalytic converter had been stolen from her car sometime around Dec. 16. She did not say where the car was parked at the time of the theft. She realized the piece had been cut from underneath her car only after she took the car to a mechanic to be serviced.

Car break-ins
Two cars parked in a Hampton Road driveway were entered and tossed during the early morning hours of Dec. 17. Video footage showed a man in a black sweater and blue jeans entering the cars.

Police assisted Westchester County police in the arrest of the driver of a car that was stopped for a felony crime at Mamaroneck and Carthage roads Dec. 15.

Identity theft
On Dec. 13, a Secor Road woman reported that someone fraudulently stole $6,990 from her investment account and transferred the money to an unknown account in Georgia in October. Her bank is following up.

An Overhill Road business owner reported that someone fraudulently used his letterhead to create fraudulent documents with a forged signature, in an attempt to access his account and initiate a fraudulent wire transfer.

On Dec. 15, a Brite Avenue man reported that someone fraudulently accessed his bank account with a new device and attempted to use almost $2,000 worth of his rewards points. No loss was incurred, as the attempt was unsuccessful.

On Dec. 13, a Lincoln Road resident was concerned that a telephone pole on her property was possibly coming out of the ground. Police assured the resident that the pole was secure and in order.

A caller reported hearing a woman yelling, “Help, I’m being abducted,” from a passing car on Weaver Street Dec. 14. The car was described as a black Mazda sedan. Police canvassed the area for the car but did not find it.

On Dec. 17, a Windsor Lane woman reported that someone might have attempted to “hot wire” and steal her car from her driveway during the overnight period. Doorbell camera footage showed her car parked, locked, with its windows up at 9:30 p.m. At 9:45 p.m., the camera footage recorded the windows down and the car lights on. The footage showed no people near the car at the time. After consultation with police, the woman believed the car most likely malfunctioned, causing the windows to lower and the lights to come on.PBAScarsdale PBA donated $40,000 to the Paulie Strong Foundation to assist efforts for Pediatric Cancer.  The money was raised at the 2021 Scarsdale PBA Charity Golf Classic which was held at Fenway Golf Club on Oct 5th, 2021. Seen here from right to left Sgt. Ronnie Arefieg, Paul, Joanna, Edie and Juliette Jimenez, Detective Jason Bronstein, Officer Victoria Wanderman and Sergeant Eric Logudice in a special appearance as Santa Claus.

A Popham Road man reported he called a taxi company’s number and received a notice that the line was out of service Dec. 17. He called again, and an individual allegedly answered and asked for a credit card to proceed. The man provided his name and card number, but he did not give the security code. He felt the interaction was suspicious and wanted police to document it.

On Dec. 15, police helped an elderly woman locate her husband in an East Parkway parking garage.

A resident of a Post Road group home called police to report she could not sleep due to an argument with another resident Dec. 19. Police spoke to a counselor who refuted the claim. Police calmed the resident.

A car key got stuck in the ignition of a car parked on Chateaux Circle Dec. 19. Police helped the driver release the key.

A 79-year-old Ardmore Road woman died at home Dec. 15. Her daughter notified police, and police provided assistance to the family.

Leaves and grass
A Ridgecrest East woman was concerned that a landscaper was dumping leaves in the roadway Dec. 13. Patrol advised the woman that the highway department would properly dispose of them.

On Dec. 15, a caller reported a dangerous leaf piles impeding traffic on Brayton Road between Greenacres and Walworth avenues. Police issued a summons to the homeowner who was responsible for the leaf piles.

On Dec. 17, a man was allegedly observed operating a 3’-2’ remote controlled vehicle on the lawn of George Field Park, causing tire damage to the lawn. Upon investigation, police determined that the damage to the lawn was old.

Road rage
On Dec. 17, a driver reported that an aggressive motorist was honking and yelling curse words at her on Cornell Street that morning. She also said aggressive speeding is a problem, as drivers use the street as a “cut through” to avoid morning traffic. The traffic Sergeant is following up.

Cars and roadways
A car got a flat tire on Heathcote Road after striking the curb Dec. 13. Police assisted the driver with the tire until she was able to drive away.

Police gave directions to a driver on Meadow Road looking for I-95 on Dec. 13.

Following a traffic stop for speeding on Post Road, police issued the driver a summons for driving with a suspended license.

A box truck got stuck in an angled driveway on Weaver Street Dec. 14. Police assisted by calling a tow.

Police notified the highway department about a dangling branch on Crane Road Dec. 16.

Police called a tow for a car that would not start on Crane Road Dec. 16.

Police canvassed Mamaroneck Road for a reported erratic driver Dec. 17.

One car was repossessed in the Village this week.

A black van with blinking hazard lights reportedly pulled into a Mamaroneck Road driveway twice, and the homeowner found this activity suspicious Dec. 19.

On Dec. 13, a Montrose Road resident reported a possibly injured coyote in her back yard. It was gone when police arrived.

On Dec. 13, a small white dog was loose on Garden Road. It was not there when police arrived.

A coyote was seen on Paddington Road Dec. 14.

A loose white dog was reported on Cushman Road Dec. 19.

Lost and found
On Dec. 13, a passerby found keys on Gorham Road. Police vouchered them for safekeeping until the identified owner could pick them up

On Dec. 14, a passerby found a wallet on Hamilton Road. Patrol located the owner, verified his identity and returned the wallet. Nothing was reported missing.

A digital surf watch was found on the sidewalk on Tompkins Road Dec. 15. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

Village code
On Dec. 13, after a neighbor complained of noise, police advised a Black Birch Lane resident to lower the volume of music.

A Mayflower Road resident complained that a white SUV with youth was blasting music outside at 5:08 a.m., Dec. 19. Police canvassed the area for the loud car but did not find it.

On Dec. 13, firefighters assisted with a rear-end car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway. One injured person was taken to White Plains Hospital Center.

On Dec. 14, a Mamaroneck Road woman got locked out of her house. Firefighters helped open the door to get her back inside.

On Dec. 15, firefighters traced an electrical burning odor in Greenacres School to a ceiling heating unit with a burned-out motor. Power to the unit was shut at the circuit breaker. The area was ventilated.

On Dec. 17, firefighters assisted with a two-car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.

On Dec. 17, firefighters were dispatched to an unoccupied house on Chesterfield Road. There they discovered a light smoke haze. They traced the source to a toaster oven in the kitchen, which had been left on with burnt food inside. They shut power to the unit and started positive pressure ventilation. While firefighters were still on the scene, the caretaker of the house returned. The situation was explained to her.

On Dec.17, a Sycamore Road resident lit a fire in the fireplace and did not open the flue. Firefighters opened the flue, and the fire was venting correctly. They used a positive pressure fan to clear the smoke condition and advised the resident on safe operation of the fireplace.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 13-19 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

GrinchStolen: A Montrose Road resident reported someone stole an envelope containing money from the lid of his garbage can Dec. 21. He had taped it there for his sanitation workers but noticed it went missing prior to pickup.

A blue Trailridge bicycle, chain and lock were reported as stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway Dec. 21.

Identity theft
On Dec. 21, a Secor Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent account with Montgomery Ward in his name. He closed the account and suffered no financial loss.

On Dec. 20, a Wakefield Road resident asked police to check her house to see if a home health aide, who had arrived at 9 a.m., was still there. No one else was in the house except for the resident.

A UPS package was accidentally dropped off at the wrong Overhill Road address because the elderly sender wrote down the wrong address on the mailing label Dec. 22. The person who was supposed to receive the package asked for assistance in retrieving the package.

An Innes Road resident accidentally opened his garage remotely Dec. 24. He called police and asked police to check that the garage door had been successfully closed again. It was.

Tompkins Road residents went away for a trip and accidentally left their house door open Dec. 26. Police checked the house and secured the door.

A Fox Meadow Road woman thought an unknown animal was in her living room Dec. 26. Police determined it was a plant that was being blown around by an air vent.

Civil matters
A Meadow Road neighbor was trimming trees and a resident wanted to make sure that no debris was left on his property Dec. 21. Police mediated their discussion.

A Post Road resident reported her housemate was trying to take money, in the amount of $5, from her and “buy things at the store” Dec. 22. The housemate denied the allegation and said she brought things with her own money. The housemate further reported that the resident attempted to grab the items and a verbal dispute ensued. Police mediated the altercation and advised the women to stay away from each other for the night.

A real estate agent and a broker got into a verbal argument over house keys on Catherine Road Dec. 24. The agent said she was waiting for her supervisor’s permission before turning over the keys to the new owner. While police were on scene, permission was granted, and the keys were successfully transferred.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 20, a broken spigot at a Circle Road house was causing a water condition in the road.

Styrofoam pieces, which had escaped from white trash bags, were blowing around on Cooper Road Dec. 22. Police notified the sanitation department for pickup.

A construction gate blew open on Franklin Road Dec. 22. Police secured it.

A mechanic dropped a car off at the wrong address on Drake Road Dec. 22. Police helped sort out the confusion.

Police helped a driver change a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road Dec. 22.

The highway department marked off a Popham Road sinkhole with caution tape Dec. 24.

Police closed an open parking meter on Garth Road Dec. 24. The coin canister was intact.

A driver marginally crossed the double yellow line on Weaver Street Dec. 26. She said she was on her way to work and was overtired. Police issued a verbal warning.

A loose German Shepherd was reported on Heathcote Road Dec. 20. It was gone when police arrived.

A loose brown dog was reported on Montgomery Road Dec. 24. It was gone when police arrived.

Village code
A tenant left a large amount of garbage on Depot Place Dec. 21. The property manager said she arranged for the tenant to put the garbage in a dumpster for collection, and it would be picked up shortly.

Lost and found
A man walked into headquarters to report losing a license plate somewhere in the Village Dec. 20.

A set of keys was found on Rock Creek Lane Dec. 24. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.

This week, firefighters responded to the following incidents (due to a reporting error, incident dates were not included in the official information released to the media):

Firefighters mitigated a water incident on Circle Road.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a suspected gas leak on Madison Road.

Firefighters assisted the Fairview Fire Department with a house fire in its jurisdiction.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of an arcing wire on Brookby Road.

This week, firefighters also responded to numerous false alarms precipitated by cooking smoke, shower steam, construction dust and alarm malfunctions.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 20-26 has been complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Glacier White Metallic 2Y2Y 229230229 640 en USAnother luxury car was stolen from a Scarsdale driveway this week. We asked the Scarsdale Police what they know about this rash of car thefts, and here is what they shared:

“At this time, the perpetrators appear to be groups out of Connecticut and New Jersey as vehicles have been recovered in both locations. These thefts are a crime trend that is occurring in the Tri-State area.

The vehicles that are being stolen are unlocked motor vehicles with the keys left inside. Investigation has revealed that these groups come into an area, usually late at night or in the very early morning hours and try door handles on vehicles. If the vehicle is unlocked and the keys are inside, they take the vehicle.

Cars have been recovered by police departments finding the vehicles parked in their jurisdictions or if the vehicle has GPS, the owners have advised us of the locations where the vehicle is parked and we notify the local police jurisdiction to recover the vehicle.

For the vehicles that are not recovered, the case remains open and the alert that the vehicle is stolen is retained in the NYS Computer System.

To prevent this crime, owners should always lock their cars and never leave the keys in the vehicle. If anyone witnesses suspicious activity, they should call the police.”

Police Report

Stolen car: On Dec. 8, a Shawnee Road man reported someone stole his $61,000 2021 white Audi A5 with a black top from his driveway overnight. The car might have been unlocked, and both sets of keys might have been inside, the owner said.

On Dec. 9, a Penn Boulevard resident reported her $80,000 2021 Mercedes G35 was stolen from her driveway during the overnight period. The tracking device in the car indicated it had been taken to Brooklyn. NYPD tracked down the car and recovered it, with both of its plates still attached.

Identity theft
On Dec. 7, a Secor Road woman reported someone used her Social Security number to attempt to open a Citibank cash card account.

On Dec. 6, Hutchinson Avenue resident reported that someone stole three checks from his mailbox on Dec. 2, altered them and attempted to cash them for $19,790 each.

A Griffen Avenue resident learned that someone attempted to cash a fraudulent $20,000 check against her account Dec. 9. It was flagged as suspicious by the bank and did not go through.

Police investigated a call about a man holding a rifle “while coming out of the river” near the Bronx River Parkway and Fox Meadow Road Dec. 11. On scene, police encountered three people filming each other emerging from the river and holding replica weaponry. Police made sure they were not dangerous, and the people left the area.

A Meadow Road resident reported an unknown person in a dark SUV stopped in front of his house to photograph it Dec. 12. The same thing allegedly happened last week.

Domestic matter
Two Greenacres sisters got into a verbal argument over the use of a shared kitchen Dec. 9. Police mediated the dispute.

On Dec. 6, an Eastwoods Lane resident reported receiving an unwanted text in which an unknown person asked him to wire $5,000 to an account. The transfer attempt was blocked by the resident’s bank, thus alerting the resident to the fact that the text was a scam.

Police helped a homeless man get a Covid-19 test at White Plains Hospital Center so he could obtain access to a White Plains shelter Dec. 7.

A homeless man lying on the ground at Crossway and Rural Drive declined assistance and was uncooperative Dec. 7. Police advised him of the closest location where he could get food. Later the same man was reported on Crest Lane. He again declined assistance.

Police checked on a man who was reported to be sitting at a Post Road bus stop for over an hour Dec. 7. He said he was waiting for a person he allegedly met on a dating app. The person provided a Scarsdale address near the bus stop. Some of the personal communication on the dating app revealed that the person had asked the man to purchase gift cards and provide the numbers electronically. Police advised the man he had been scammed. The man also told police he was a resident of a group home and was out past his curfew. Police provided him with a courtesy ride home.

A Butler Road woman reported than an individual might have entered her son’s room at 5:30 a.m., Dec. 8. Police found no signs of an individual in the house and no signs of forced entry or criminal activity.

Someone placed three large garbage bags filled with leaves at the end of a Black Birch Lane driveway Dec. 11. Police placed them by the curb for pickup.

Road rage
A driver reported another car cut him off while driving on Popham Road Dec. 10. As the first driver then attempted to turn onto Depot Place, the other driver threw a bottle at him. The other driver then attempted to open his car door by pulling on the handle. At that point the first driver called police and the other driver sped off.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 6, police asked drivers to relocated cars from Dolma Road so traffic could pass unhindered.

The highway department was notified about a fallen tree blocking Saxon Woods Road Dec. 7.

On Dec. 7, Verizon was notified about a low hanging wire on Huntington Avenue.
A car reportedly swerved into the opposite lane and caused a motorcyclist to fall from his bike Dec. 9. A license plate was found nearby, but it turned out that it did not fall from the car that allegedly swerved.

A parked car was struck on Depot Place Dec. 10.

The highway department was notified about a fallen tree blocking Griffen Avenue Dec. 12.

A car was parked on an Oxford Road lawn Dec. 12. Police asked the driver to move it into a driveway.

Civil matter
Contractors cutting stone on Franklin Road accidentally kicked up a piece of material and broke a resident’s window Dec. 6. The contractor agreed to repair the damage.

A landscaper who blew leaves into Popham Road Dec. 10 said he would clean them up and be more careful next time.

A Beechwood Lane contractor reported that a colleague borrowed some tools to complete another job, and the contractor now needed them back Dec. 10. While police were on scene, the colleague provided the address of a garage where the contractor could retrieve his tools. However, the garage was locked. Police advised the men to contact them so police could stand by when the tools would be exchanged.

Dogs, coyotes
Police reunited a lost Husky dog, found on Forest Lane, and its owner Dec. 11.
A loose dog was spotted on Rock Creek Lane Dec. 11. It was gone before police arrived.

A Greenacres Avenue man reported seeing a coyote with an injured leg in the rear of his property Dec. 12.

Village code
After a neighbor complained of noise, police asked people at the tennis club on Stonehouse Road to keep the volume down Dec. 11.

Lost and found
On Dec. 6, a Heathcote Road resident reporting losing a passport somewhere in the Village.

On Dec. 7, a Wheelock Road woman reported losing her Tory Burch handbag and wallet at the high school. She later found it.

On Dec. 6, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Post and Murray Hill roads.

On Dec. 7, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Post Road and Evon Court.

On Dec. 8, firefighters responded to a carbon monoxide investigation in a Stratton Road house. The resident advised a technician recently worked on the heating unit. The unit was shut down after the alarm activated, Firefighters turned on the heating unit, and CO readings began to appear. Firefighters then shut down the unit and advised the resident to have the system serviced.

On Dec. 9, firefighters assisted at a two-car, rear-end accident on Griffen Avenue.

On Dec. 9, smoke appeared in the basement of a Webster Road house. There was a slight haze and elevated CP readings. Firefighters traced the problem to a steam boiler that ran out of water and did not shut off, with a low water cut-off safety feature. The boiler had therefore overheated and caused a light CO condition.

Firefighters shut the boiler’s gas supply and power. Ventilation was started. Con-Ed Gas was notified and responded to red tag appliance. The resident was informed of the situation and was advised to call for repairs since heat was shut off to the house.

On Dec. 11, firefighters were dispatched to a Cushman Road house for an inside odor of burning. Upon arrival, firefighters found a slight odor in a three-season room. They checked the room and found a burning acorn in a wall mounted light fixture. They removed the scorched acorn.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 6-12 has been compiled from official information.

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