Saturday, Oct 05th

brokenglassBurglary attempts: On Oct. 30, a Cornell Road resident came home and discovered his patio door had been smashed. The incident was classified as a burglary.

On Oct 30, a Seneca Road resident reported seeing two masked men in his garage. He yelled at them, and they fled. They were suspected of attempted burglary. They were last seen fleeing the area in a dark-colored sedan.

On Oct. 26, a bicyclist reported his black bike and red lock had been stolen from a bike rack on East Parkway Oct. 26.

A Fox Meadow Road woman reported a generator had been stolen from her garage
Oct. 26. She last saw it one month ago, she said.

On the morning of Nov. 1, a White Plains resident reported numerous items had been stolen from her car overnight while it was parked in a Foxhall Road driveway, unlocked. The trunk was open, the center console was open, and the car had apparently been rummaged through. Stolen were: a Michael Kors handbag and $200 cash, a driver’s license, debit and credit cards, a makeup bag, a Social Security card, birth certificates, passports, a wallet, a laptop bag and a laptop computer. The approximate amount of stolen items totaled $2,200.

Identity theft
On Oct. 30, a Wildwood Road resident reported he had been contacted by Citibank because someone had applied for a credit card in his name in early October. The application was promptly cancelled. However, he later learned that two additional credit card applications were filed on Oct. 27. No financial loss was incurred.

On Oct. 31, a Dunham Road man reported someone accessed his online Panera Bread account and placed a fraudulent order in another state.

Police mediated a disagreement between an “irate customer” and Chase Bank employees who were allegedly refusing to provide the customer with bank statements related to a fraudulent credit card charge Oct. 27. The bank employees said the matter was under investigation.

An East Parkway person reported she was receiving disturbing text messages from an unknown person Oct. 28. While the messages were not threatening in nature, police advised the woman to notify the sender to stop sending messages and to block the sender, but the boy left when he was approached by an event attendee. There was no evidence that the boy had criminal intentions.

Police received a report of a male trespassing on the grounds of Westchester Reform Temple Oct. 28. Patrol spoke with the security guard on duty who said a teenage boy was riding his bike toward an event on the property

A Nelson Road woman asked police to check out damage to her door lock because she was not sure if it was the result of criminal activity Oct. 26. Further investigation and a conversation with the woman’s husband revealed the damage was old and not related to criminal activity.

Police assisted a former resident of a Post Road house to retrieve personal property that had been left there.

Welfare checks
On Oct. 26 man asked police to perform a welfare check on his Fox Meadow Road children, whom he alleged were possibly removed from the Fox Meadow Road house without his permission, possibly violating a court order. Police knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

Police checked on a Post Road uncle at the request of his nephew Oct. 27. Everything was in good order.

At the request of a contractor who was working in the area and who was concerned about an elderly man out walking on Cushman Road without wearing warm clothing, police checked on the elderly man Oct. 29. He declined assistance. Police spoke with the man’s wife, who was not home at the time, and she said she was on her way home.

A caller was worried about her “elderly parents” who went out “trick-or-treating” on Clarence Road and hadn’t returned home after 30 minutes despite the rain Oct. 31. She called back about 20 minutes later to say her parents had come home and were safe.

A 91-year-old resident died at home of natural causes on Greenacres Avenue Oct. 29.

Reporters were taking photos of a Hampton Road house Oct. 27. Police questioned them, and they said the photos were related to a story about a former resident. Patrol informed the homeowner.

On Oct. 30, a blue Audi was found with its headlights on, but with the engine off, abandoned on Sherbrooke Road. Investigation showed that the car had struck a small boulder and had gotten stuck. Police went to the house of the registered owner, who reported a tow was en route.

Pedestrian struck
On Oct. 28, a 64-year-old Scarsdale pedestrian was struck in the crosswalk at Brewster and Fenimore roads by a 90-year-old Hartsdale driver Oct. 28. The pedestrian was taken to Westchester Medical Center.

Cars and roadways
On Oct. 25, police asked contractors to move construction vehicles on Heathcote and Sherbrook roads to eliminate traffic congestion.

Police moved a dislodged manhole cover at Farley and Post roads back into place Oct. 25. Police issued the driver a summons and requested a driver assessment.

Patrol moved a fallen tree limb from Bypass Oct. 25.

Police attempted to contact the owner of a legally parked car on Hampton Road after a resident complained that she could not use her front walkway due to the car’s location Oct. 26. Later, the resident called to complain about the situation again, and police informed her that the car was legally parked. Nevertheless, policed attempted to reach the owner a second time.

Con Edison was notified about a fallen wire on Heathcote Road Oct. 26.

Police used crime scene tape to secure two construction gates blowing open and obstructing traffic flow on Kingston Road Oct. 26.

A motorcycle hit the curb and got scraped against the roadway when the biker allegedly had to swerve to avoid being struck by a car that was travelling in the center of the roadway on Brite Avenue Oct. 27. The biker refused treatment for his scraped elbow and torn jacket and pants, sustained during the accident when he fell from the motorcycle.

A construction vehicle struck a fire hydrant at Madison and Tunstall roads Oct. 27.

The water and fire departments were notified about a damaged and leaking hydrant on Obry Drive Oct. 27.

Police issued summonses to the owners of cars parked in front of a Lockwood Road driveway and in front of a Meadow Road hydrant Oct. 28.

Police stood by while a contractor secured a construction fence that had blown into Franklin Road Oct. 29. Later police put the fence back in place again after it has blown into the roadway a second time.

Police moved a fallen wire from Rugby Lane Oct. 29.

On Oct. 29, a large tree limb fell on multiple cars on Woodland Place around 8 p.m.

Part of Black Birch Lane was taped off because of a fallen live wire Oct. 29. Con Edison was notified.

A large branch was moved to the side of the road at Park and Eton roads Oct. 29.

A driver was buzzing different doors at SVAC headquarters, asking for directions, after midnight Oct. 30. He was gone when police arrived.

The highway department was informed about a fallen tree on Brookline Road, for removal, Oct. 30.

A branch from a Village tree fell on Coralyn Road and damaged a parked car Oct. 30.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Catherine Road Oct. 31.

Police assisted a driver who accidentally locked himself out of his car on Secor Road Oct. 31.

Police replaced a loose manhole cover on Farley Road Oct. 31.

On Oct. 31, police helped a driver find her parked car after she forgot where she parked it. It was at the intersection of Carman and Nelson roads.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Wayside Lane Oct. 28.

A branch fell from a tree at the intersection of Heathcote and Kelwynne roads and broke a car’s passenger side mirror Oct. 29.

On Oct. 30, Verizon and Con Edison were notified about low-hanging wires on Garden Road.

A branch was resting on wires at Park and Eton roads Oct. 30. Police put caution tape around the area and notified Verizon and Con Edison.

Dog bite
A crossing guard at Post and Edgewood roads reported being bitten by a dog on her knee Oct. 27.

This week coyote sightings were reported on Wayside Lane, Brewster Road, Montrose Road,

A School Lane resident reported her neighbor’s dog had been barking all day, Oct. 25. However, when police went to the area, only one dog was observed in the yard, and it was not barking.

A caller reported seeing a man walking a German Shepherd off leash on Broadmoor Road Oct. 27.

A rat sighting was reported near a speed limit sign at Post and Olmsted roads Oct. 28. Police canvased the area and found no sign of any rats.

The highway department was notified to remove a dead opossum from Rock Creek Lane Oct. 30.

An unknown animal – either a fox or a coyote – was reported on Harcourt Road Oct. 31.

Village code
Police issued a summons to the residents of a Heathcote Road house for an alarm sounding for more than five minutes Oct. 29.

Jazz musicians playing on the sidewalk of Garth Road were told to comply with Village code restrictions regarding use of public sidewalks Oct. 29. The musicians relocated to a courtyard.

Police dispersed a group of kids gathering on Saxon Woods Road after dark Oct. 29.

Hosts of a loud adult Halloween party on Innes Road were advised to lower the volume and move the gathering indoors after neighbors complained about nose Oct. 29.

Police issued three summonses top landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Crane Road Oct. 30.

Police advised Penn Boulevard residents of a noise complaint related to loud music Oct. 30.

They also advised Gorham Court residents of a noise complaint, and the residents lowered the volume of their loud music Oct. 30.

A business owner on Gorham Road and a landscaper were issued summonses for the improper use of gas-powered leaf blowers Oct. 31.

Lost and found
An out-of-town man reported losing his wallet outside an East Parkway location Oct. 26. Police contacted the police department responsible for the man’s place of residence and learned someone had called that department to inform them that the lost wallet had been dropped off to the man’s mailbox. The man’s wife checked the mailbox and confirmed the wallet was there.

An attendee of the Village Halloween parade lost her keys Oct. 28. Police advised her that she would be notified if the keys were found.

On Oct. 25, firefighters cleaned up spilled gasoline from a gas can on Nelson Road.

On Oct. 26, firefighters helped pump water out of a Fenimore Road basement where a sump pump malfunctioned.

On Oct. 26, firefighters found elevated natural gas readings in the atmosphere and in sewers on Black Birch Lane. Numerous houses were checked for gas migration, and all houses were cleared for safety.

On Oct. 28, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Popham Road and Elmdorf Drive.

On Oct. 29, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Sycamore and Secor roads.

On Oct. 29, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of arcing wires on Eton Road.

On Oct. 29, firefighters responded to the scene of a fallen tree and a burning wire on Black Birch Lane. They taped off the area and stood by for Con Edison.

On Oct. 29, firefighters assisted a Paddington Road resident with an improperly drafting chimney that was creating a smoke condition inside the resident’s house.

On Oct. 31, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 25-31 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

dogbiteDog attack: A caller reported that two large dogs might have attacked a passing jogger who already left the scene on Greendale Avenue Oct. 18. The caller provided police with the address of the dogs’ owner. Police went to the owner’s house and asked about the reported incident. Police observed the dogs and noted they did not appear aggressive while patrol was at the house. The owner said while his dogs were out in his yard leashed, one of the dogs got startled by the jogger, lunged and attacked the jogger. The other dog was allegedly barking at the jogger but did not attack the jogger. The owner said he quickly took control of the dogs and stopped the attack. He reported that he brought his dogs inside and exchanged information with the jogger. Patrol called the jogger. She said she was running by the house with the dogs when both dogs lunged at her and attacked her. She said the attack lasted several minutes until the owner was able to regain control of the dogs. She said that because she had been attacked by two dogs she could not fully process the attack to report “which dog had bitten her where.” She emailed photos of the dog bites to patrol and said she wanted to fill out a dangerous dog form. Neither dog was registered with the Village, and a check of their medical records revealed one dog had an up-to-date rabies vaccine but the other dog’s vaccine was out of date by two years. Patrol notified the jogger of the dogs’ vaccine statuses. Patrol informed the Westchester County Department of Health. The dog owner was told he would receive multiple summonses for the offenses involved in the incident and revealed after the incident. The owner was advised that the dogs must stay in quarantine for 10 days.

On Oct. 23, police arrested Justin Rodrigues, 33, of New York State, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), speeding and moving from a lane unsafely. While conducting a separate and unrelated traffic stop of Post Road, police observed Rodrigues’s Honda speed by and strike a curb. His speed was furthermore measured to be at lest 17 mph over the speed limit. Police then followed the car and conducted a traffic stop. When Rodrigues rolled down his window, an odor of alcohol was detected. Evidence of the curb strike could be seen because a tire was deflating. Police asked about consumption of alcoholic beverages and Rodrigues said he was coming from White Plains and admitted he “had a few drinks.” An Alco sensor test revealed the presence of alcohol on Rodrigues’s breath. Field sobriety tests were performed. Following Rodrigues’s arrest, he was released with an appearance ticket for Village Justice Court on Nov. 3.

Identity theft
On Oct. 21, a Fairview Road woman reported that someone filed a change of address form with the US Postal Service and also applied for a Visa credit card in her name. She closed the account and cancelled the address change. On Oct. 22, the woman told police she learned that a person went to the Heathcote branch of USPS and filed paperwork in person there to change her address. The USPS fraud division started an investigation. On this date, the woman also reported that someone had attempted to open an account in her name with Bank of America.

On Oct. 23, a Tory Lane man reported that someone filed a change of address form with the US Postal Service and also applied for two credit cards in his name. He cancelled one of the cards and learned the application for the second card had been denied.

On Oct. 23, a Richbell Road woman reported someone fraudulently transferred $100,000 out of one of her Wells Fargo bank accounts without her knowledge or permission.

Two residents reported that fraudulent FEMA claims were filed in their names this week.

On Oct. 21, a Sheldrake Road woman reported someone used her social Security number to file a fraudulent loan application with the Small Business Administration.

A Canterbury Road resident reported approximately 15 people, who do not live at the residence, were on the property “recording and chanting” Oct. 21. Police went to the scene and was alerted by a passerby that a nearby car containing about six people were some of the people who had previously been on the property. The female driver of the car did not want to provide her name. She admitted to having been on the property without permission or a permit. She was warned to stay off other people’s property.

Suspicious package
On Oct. 23, a Heathcote Road resident reported receiving a package in the mail containing an “unknown, plant-like matter.” No odors or adverse reactions were reported. Police advised the resident to report that incident to the USPS inspector’s office for investigation and follow-up.

Knock on door
A Mayflower Road man reported someone knocked on his door and was now sitting in a car outside his house around 8 p.m., Oct. 22. Police spoke with the person who identified himself as a golf club employee. He reported he had been sent to the house to pick up golf clubs that were accidentally placed in the man’s trunk earlier that day. Police verified this information with the golf club and spoke with the Mayflower Road man. He confirmed the golf club incident but said the clubs had already been returned to the club.

A woman knocked on a Ridgedale Road door and asked the homeowner if the house was for sale around 7:30 p.m., Oct. 23. The homeowner thought this was suspicious and requested extra ridebys.

Police helped a staff member mediate an uncooperative disagreement involving two residents of a group home on Post Road Oct. 21.

Eastchester police were notified about an irate customer at Citibank on White Plains Road in Eastchester Oct. 22.

A Cooper Road resident reported a neighbor was having trees cut down that were on the resident’s property Oct. 23. Initial investigation showed that the landscaper performing the work did not have the proper permits; so work was halted and a summons was issued. Police advised the resident to verify the property lines with Village Hall to determine the property location of the trees.

Police assisted other jurisdictions with a car that they were attempting to apprehend because a suspect inside the car was wanted by White Plains police. The car was apprehended at Strathmore and Scarsdale roads in Eastchester. Eastchester PD took control of the suspect who was then picked up by White Plains PD.

Police checked the welfare of a Bell Road woman at caller’s request Oct. 24. Everything was determined to be in good order.

Road rage
A motorist advised police that the driver of a black Lincoln was yelling, screaming and had momentarily exited his car in the area of Post and Olmsted roads Oct. 19. The driver was last seen headed north. Police canvassed the area but did not find the car or driver.

A driver called police to report another motorist aggressively engaged him in Yonkers Oct. 23. Police transferred the call to Yonkers police.

Cars and roadways
Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Greenacres Avenue Oct. 18.

Police directed traffic on Church Lane around a disabled car, in which the engine partially dropped through the bottom of the car, while the driver waited for a tow Oct. 18.

Montrose and Farley roads had been marked with “No Parking” signs in anticipation of scheduled roadwork Oct. 19. Two cars, however, were found parked there Oct. 19. Police issued summonses and contacted the owners to move their cars.

On Oct. 20, a telephone pole fell and took down wires on Rugby Lane. Police notified Con Edison and barricaded the area.
Firefighters unlocked a father’s car doors to free an 18-month old child who accidentally got locked inside the car on Fox Meadow Road Oct. 20.

A leaf pile was disrupting traffic on Ferncliff Road Oct. 20. Police attempted to find out which homeowner was responsible for the pile, and police also contacted the highway department to help rectify the situation.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen wire on Post Road Oct. 20.

A construction vehicle was blocking traffic on Catherine Road Oct. 20. Police asked the driver to move the car.

Police directed traffic around a truck that parked on Huntington Avenue to supply mulch for Greenacres School playground Oct. 21.

On Oct. 21, a driver reported her car was blocked from movement in an Overhill Road parking lot. Police contacted the owner of a Land Rover that had parked directly behind the driver’s car and asked the owner to move it.

A parking meter’s coin box was open on East Parkway Oct. 22. Police closed it and secured it.

A contractor accidentally severed a gas line on Post Road Oct. 22. Con Edison was dispatched to repair it. Firefighters stood by for safety assistance,

A driver could not open her driver’s door to get into her car because another car was parked too close on East Parkway Oct. 22. Police helped the driver by opening the passenger door, crawling into the driver’s seat and moving the car so the driver could easily open her door.

Police put a fallen pedestrian crossing sign back in place at Fenimore and Brewster roads Oct. 22.

Two summonses were issued to owners of illegally parked cars at Scarsdale High School Oct. 22.

Police twice put a dislodged manhole cover back in place on Farley Road and Greenacres Avenue Oct. 23 and 24.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen wire on Cohawney Road Oct. 23.

Patrol helped a group of teens change a flat tire on a car at Depot Place Oct. 23.

Two cars were each found with a door open on Heathcote Road and Woods Lane between the hours of 2:30 and 3:30 a.m., Oct. 24. Police notified the owners who then checked their cars. Nothing was reported to be missing from either car.

Three car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

A coyote was lying in a Garden Road yard sunning itself for warmth Oct. 18. The homeowner was nervous about the animal and did not want his kids to be scared to go outside. Police advised the homeowner to make loud noises in an effort to scare away the coyote. He did so, and the coyote left the yard. Police advised the homeowner to close any gaps under his yard fence to discourage the coyote from coming back.

A caller reported a skunk was “spraying” passersby at Hyatt Field, on Boulevard, Oct. 22. Police went to the scene and neither saw any skunks nor smelled any skunk odors.

A coyote was reported in a Cohawney Road backyard Oct. 22.

Two coyotes were reported in the area of Canterbury and Cayuga roads Oct. 23.

Oct. 24, a caller reported she was with an injured dog on Franklin Road. Police contacted the owner who responded to the scene to retrieve the dog. The owner said the dog was not injured, just “very old.”

Village code
Police removed a posted political sticker from a sign in George Field Park, on Greendale Road, Oct. 19.

Several residents reported a young man was going door to door on Johnson Road selling wreaths to benefit Boy Scouts Oct. 19.

A summons was issued for a pile of leaves improperly placed on Wayside Lane Oct. 20.

Police advised a Heathcote Road homeowner that a permit was needed to drain pool water into the public storm sewer system via the roadway.

On the evening of Oct. 22, police informed residents about noise complaints, caused by loud music or kids socializing, on Cornell Street and Olmsted Road. Both sets of residents agreed to lower the noise level.

A summons was issued for a pile of leaves improperly placed on Cushman Road Oct. 23.

Lost and found
A mother reported that her son lost a brown wallet somewhere in the Village Oct. 19.

A wallet was found on Spencer Place Oct. 19. The owner’s son-in-law retrieved it from headquarters.

A person found a credit card in the area of Chase Road and Spencer Place and brought the card to headquarters Oct. 20.

A set of keys was found on East Parkway Oct. 20.

On Oct. 22, a Wayside Lane resident reported losing two license plates while driving in the Village.

A Brite Avenue man reported that he lost a wallet somewhere in the Village Oct. 22.

On Oct. 22, a Dolma Road resident reported losing two license plates in the Village.

Highway workers found a bag and secured it in the highway department building overnight Oct 22 into Oct. 23. It contained a resident’s phone that was “pinging” the location. Police contacted a highway department supervisor to open the building to retrieve the bag and phone Oct. 23.

On Oct. 19, water was leaking in a Murray Hill Road house. Firefighters determined it was coming from an attic-mounted, hydro-air heating unit. Firefighters shut down the boiler and the water fill valve on the heating system. Since the leak was not able to be isolated, the entire system was turned off and drained from the low point drain valve. Firefighters then drained water from buckets that the resident had put under the unit to collect residual water. Firefighters advised the resident to call a heating contractor for repairs. They also advised the resident not to use the lights on the floor below where water had leaked until these fixtures could be checked by a licensed electrician.

On Oct. 19, firefighters connected an open gas valve on a stove in a Claremont Road house and ventilated the house of gas.

On Oct. 19, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on Post and Murray Hill roads.

On Oct. 19, a contractor damaged a natural gas drip leg pipe on Valley Road.
Firefighters measured positive gas readings in the nearest sanitary sewer. They stood by for Con Edison and assisted with providing access to adjacent structures to check for gas. No odors or readings were observed within these structures.

On Oct. 20, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Oct. 20, firefighters assisted at a one-car accident involving a utility pole on Weaver Street. A second car, which had been parked, was also impacted in the crash. Con-Ed Electric was notified and requested to evaluate the pole. Firefighters stabilized the scene and stood by for a tow.

On Oct. 21, defective stovetop burners released carbon monoxide into a Reynal Crossing house. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised to have the stovetop serviced before use. The scene was turned over to Con-Ed gas personnel.

On Oct. 21, three five-gallon buckets of chlorine tablets had become compromised by water in a Brewster Road garage and were off-gassing an odor of chlorine throughout the house. Firefighters moved the chlorine buckets into fresh air to allow them to ventilate and off-gas. The County Hazmat advisor was contacted for information on how to dispose of the hazardous material. The resident was advised to allow the buckets to off-gas in the fresh air and to not let them get wet again. A website address with information on how to dispose of the materials was given to resident.

On Oct. 22, a gas line for a house under construction was ruptured on Post Road, creating a hissing noise as gas escaped. Firefighters checked the house for possible occupants, stretched a hose line, maintained safety of the area and stood by for Con Edison.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 18-24 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Porsche911Burglaries: On Oct. 8, Innes Road residents came home and found their rear door broken. They discovered their house had been burglarized. Approximately $50,000 in jewelry, including diamond earrings, a diamond and platinum ring, a diamond pendant necklace along with personal documents were stolen.

On Oct. 8, a Brookfield Lane resident reported finding her second-floor balcony door window shattered and her house burglarized. Approximately $9,000 worth of jewelry, including earrings and a Movado watch, were stolen. Police are reviewing video surveillance as part of their investigation.

Car theft
Around 10 p.m., Oct. 5, a caller reported his friend’s black 2018 Porsche 911 had been stolen from in front of his Archer Lane house, while the friend was over for dinner. It occurred within a two-hour time span. Stolen with the car were also $3,300 cash, credit cards, an EZ Pass and golf clubs valued at $4,200. The car was later recovered in New Jersey.

A 2020 Tesla was stolen from Forest Lane overnight. The theft was reported the morning of Oct.10. The car was later recovered in Connecticut.

Car break-ins
On Oct. 5, around 12:20 a.m., a caller reported seeing a few people looking into parked cars Farley Road near Greenacres Avenue. The alleged people were not there when police arrived.

On Oct. 10, an Edgewood Road resident reported someone stole loose change from his unlocked car overnight.

On Oct. 10, a Sycamore Road resident reported a pair of silver and blue cufflinks were stolen from her unlocked, parked car in the driveway.

On Oct. 10, another Edgewood Road resident reported a rose-colored, 11-inch MacBook Air was stolen out of her car while it was parked in her driveway.

Identity theft
On Oct. 5, a Lyons Road caller reported his identity had been stolen. He discovered it after noticing that his credit score had significantly dropped. Further investigation revealed that unknown credit lines had been fraudulently opened in his name, and several late payments had been made.

On Oct. 6, a Huntington Avenue resident reported he received an email from, stating that his password had been changed. He did not authorize the change. In looking into the matter, he learned $98 had been transferred to another account without his permission. He also received text messages from Verizon regarding changes to his cell phone account that he did not authorize. These changes him made him unable to send or receive text messages and calls and unable to use apps. He reported the fraudulent activity to Verizon and

On Oct. 8, a caller reported that two fraudulent Bank of America accounts were opened in his name. The bank’s fraud department identified and closed the suspicious accounts, and no financial loss was incurred.

FEMA fraud
On Oct. 4, a Heathcote Road woman reported that a man rang her doorbell and left a note stating a FEMA claim had been filed in her name and he was there to follow up with inspection services. Since the woman did not actually file a claim, she reported it to FEMA’s fraud department.

On Oct. 8, a Springdale Road resident reported she received an email from someone posing as a vendor to whom she owed money. She wired over $14,000 to this imposter’s account, for payment of money owed to the vendor. Later she learned that the actual vendor’s email had been hacked, and the vendor never received the funds.

A Walworth Avenue woman reported that someone from New Jersey listed a car for sale and fraudulently used the woman’s address in the listing Oct. 10. It was determined to be a scam to collect a “deposit” for the car through a payment app.

A Saxon Woods Road resident reported a man dressed in a black tracksuit, wearing a black ski mask, was observed on his property Oct. 6. Upon seeing the resident, the man allegedly fled in a white Porsche SUV, driven by another man. The resident tried to run after the suspect, fell and suffered minor injury to his legs.

A man was found sleeping in bushes on Secor Road at 9 p.m., Oct. 6. He refused to provide his name, and he was uncooperative. He refused medical attention and assistance. He left the area by foot.

On Oct. 6, at 11:30 p.m., a homeless person flagged down a police car outside headquarters. The person said he had walked an unknown number of miles, could walk no further and would like transport to a shelter. Police gave the person some food and a bottle of water. Police drove the person to a shelter, where they were informed the person could not enter without a negative Covid-19 test. The person was then dropped off at White Plains Hospital Center, in the care of a nurse. He was provided with directions on how to get back to the shelter, for after he received negative test results.

False accusation
A woman called police to report that a 7-Eleven employee was falsely accusing her boyfriend and her of shoplifting and would not let them leave the store. She felt the situation could escalate and requested help. The employee alleged the woman stole a phone charger, but the employee did not physically prevent the couple from leaving the store. The manger reviewed video surveillance, and it was determined that no shoplifting crime had taken place. The couple left the scene without incident.

Civil matter
A landscaper kicked up a rock with a mower, and the rock cracked the rear window of a parked Escalade in a Brewster Road driveway Oct. 6. The homeowner said she would follow up with the landscaper.

Road rage
On Oct. 5, a female driver called from her car to report a male driver was following her in a black Ford Escape on Post Road. Police arrived on scene and spoke separately to both motorists. They each said they had been yelling at each other over a traffic incident on Wayside Lane. They each told a different account of the incident, stating the other party had been the initial aggressor. Police calmed down the parties and sent them on their ways.

A driver reported she was obeying the school zone speed limit on Mamaroneck Road when another driver sped around her, gave her the middle finger and drove off Oct. 6.

A driver reported having an argument with another driver on Garth Road Oct. 9. The other driver left the scene before police arrived.

On Oct. 11, a black sedan cut off an Eastchester ambulance on Post Road. The driver of the black sedan also entered oncoming traffic, brake-checked the ambulance and gave the ambulance driver the finger. Police canvassed the area for the sedan, but it was already gone.

Cars and roadways
Police taped up low-hanging wires on Wayside Lane and notified Verizon Oct. 4.
Errant traffic cones were cleared from Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue Oct. 4.
Cars were parked in a no standing zone on East Parkway Oct. 5. The parking enforcement officer corrected the situation and issued one summons.
Police notified a work crew to replace a fallen crosswalk sign that fell from its pole at Weaver Street and Hutchinson Avenue Oct. 6.
A loose sewer cap was scheduled to be replaced on Old Lyme Road Oct. 6.
A contractor was cutting gutters on Lyons Road and briefly blocked a neighbor’s driveway Oct. 7. The contractor said he was finishing up within the hour.
A work crew did not have proper permits to close Kingston Road to perform trench work Oct. 7. Police shut down the job and notified the Village engineering department.
A high school student parked on Hampton Road, blocking a resident’s driveway Oct. 8. Police issued a summons, and high school staff notified the student to move her car.

A Texas car dealership mistakenly destroyed the NYS license plates that were on a Fox Meadow Road man’s car. The matter was reported to police Oct. 8.

A tenant of a Fenimore Road house parked in a neighbor’s driveway by mistake Oct. 8. Police cleared up the parking confusion.

A report of a loud boom on Ridgecrest West was determined to be fireworks in a neighboring jurisdiction Oct. 9.

On Oct. 9, police advised Secor Road party staff of a noise complaint. Staff said they would lower the volume of the music.

A passerby reported she saw a dog jump out of a car, and she was able to catch it Oct. 4. She brought the dog to headquarters, and police put in their kennel. It did not have a collar. Police contacted New Rochelle Humane Society, but the dog’s owner contacted police, looking for the dog, in the meantime. A summons was issued to the owner when the dog was picked up.

A Brite Avenue resident reported a possibly sick skunk outside her house Oct. 4.

Police canvassed the immediate area for the animal but could not find it.

A light brown dog ran out of an Edgewood house and was reported to be loose in the area of Nelson and Sprague roads Oct. 6. It was reunited with its owner.

A loose dog ran across Post Road Oct. 7. Police picked it up and put it in the kennel area with water. It had a nametag stating “Charlie.” Police contacted the owner, who retrieved the dog. Police also issued the owner a summons.

Chesterfield Road residents found a loose dog on their property and brought it to headquarters Oct. 7. It did not have a collar. Police put it in the kennel area with water. The owner came to headquarters to report the dog as missing, and they retrieved it. Police also issued the owner a summons.

On Oct. 10, a Cushman Road man reported losing two license plates. He said he might have accidentally disposed of them.

On Oct. 5, firefighters detected outdoor natural gas readings on Spier Road and dispatched Con Edison.

On Oct. 7, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Oct. 8, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the sites of small, unrelated gas leaks outside houses on Greenacres Avenue and Ridgecrest East.

On Oct. 9, firefighters cleaned up spilled coolant and oil on Brewster Road.

A Jeep Cherokee caught fire on the southbound Hutchinson River Parkway, south of the Mamaroneck Road exit, Oct. 10. Firefighters arrived and extinguished the fire in the driver side front wheel well. The fire impacted some electrical components, as well. Water was applied to the affected area, to cool down the components. The car was removed by tow.

On Oct. 11, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Garden and Oxford roads.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 4-11 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

pinkscooterStolen car: A black 2015 Jeep Cherokee was stolen from a Thies Court driveway Oct. 11.

The CVS Popham Road store manager reported a man on a pink scooter stole items, including headphones and sunblock, from his store Oct. 15. The suspect was observed by a witness who saw him attempting to place a candle in his backpack, which caused the witness to confront the suspect. At that time, she saw additional items in his bag. The suspect ran out of the store and fled.

Car break-ins
A Sprague Road resident reported that someone entered his parked cars around 3:15 a.m., Oct. 11. However, nothing was taken.

On Oct. 11, a Johnson Road resident reported items had been stolen out of his car overnight.

On Oct. 12, another Johnson Road man reported that loose change had been stolen out of his car sometime while it was parked and unused during the past three or four days.

On Oct. 13 around 1:20 p.m., a Fenimore Road woman reported that she was sitting in her kitchen and observed a man pull up to her house in a black older-model sedan. The man got out of the sedan and approached her red Mercedes-Benz parked in her driveway. He attempted to open the door handle. She screamed at him, and he ran away, fleeing in his sedan. He was described as a black man in his 20s, wearing black pants, a black hoodie and white gloves.

At 1:23, a Garden Road woman reported a skinny black man with black curly hair wearing a dark sweat suit and a yellow mask attempted to enter two parked cars in her driveway. One car was unlocked, and the man entered it. However, he did not take anything. The second car was locked; so it could not be entered. When the man realized that the woman was looking at him through the window, he fled the scene in a dark gray sedan. The woman said she would send detectives surveillance footage of the incident.

Identity theft
An Ardmore Road woman received a package containing a $4,900 bracelet from Macy’s, addressed to her at her address Oct. 13. The bracelet was also billed to her Amex card. However, she did not order the bracelet.

On Oct. 14, a Heathcote Road man reported someone used his personal information to attempt to open several fraudulent lines of credit. The attempts were denied, and no financial loss was incurred.

On Oct. 14, a Meadow Road man reported his Apple ID was fraudulently being used to make purchases from China. The perpetrator had also succeeded in locking the man out of his account. The man is working with Apple to restore access to his account.

A fraudulent FEMA assistance loan was filed in a Brewster Road resident’s name. The resident reported it to police Oct. 15.

On Oct. 15, a Spencer Place business owner reported a customer placed an order for two scooters over the phone and paid for them with a credit card on Sept. 20. Shortly thereafter a woman in her 30s picked up the scooters. Later, the charge was disputed and the transaction was cancelled.

Check fraud
A Broadmoor Road woman reported someone stole a blank check from her checkbook and cashed it for $26,703 out of state Oct. 14.

On Oct. 11, a Vanderbilt Road man said he received an email from someone who he believed was a friend. The email requested the man to send some Visa gift cards. The man realized it was a scam and informed police and his friend.

Trip and fall
An elderly woman tripped and fell on East Parkway Oct. 12. She hit her head and was bleeding. She declined medical attention.

Police mediated an argument between two housemates on Post Road Oct. 14. The argument was about throwing out items in the house.

On Oct. 14, police checked a Normandy Lane house after the homeowner came home and found her front door open. No sign of criminality was observed.

On Oct. 14, police, fire and water department personnel assisted a Bradford Road resident turn off water in his house due to a broken valve that was causing some flooding. The resident was advised to call a plumber.

A driver could not find her parked car in the Village Oct. 14. Police found it on Chase Road and provided the driver with a courtesy transport to her car from Scarsdale Ave.

Police stood by while two women assisted another woman who had been out walking on Mamaroneck Road. Police called an ambulance for additional help, but the woman who needed assistance refused medical attention.

A Palmer Avenue woman reported something was “wrong” with her car Oct. 16. She showed police a loose piece of rubber near the passenger side roof. She explained the windshield had recently been replaced. Police advised her that the loose piece of rubber might have been the result of that work or normal wear and tear. It was not a criminal matter.

Pedestrians hit
On Oct. 14, a car struck an 80-year-old Yonkers pedestrian and a 60-year old New Rochelle pedestrian on Scarsdale Avenue around 6:30 p.m. The pedestrians stepped onto the road to cross the street, believing the oncoming car would stop, they said. The driver, a 76-year-old Bronx woman, said she tried to stop as soon as she saw the pedestrians but was not able to stop in time. The pedestrians were evaluated by SVAV and refused further medical attention.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a driver moved his disabled car from Barry Road to Edgewood Road to safely wait for a tow Oct. 11.

A driver was sitting in a parked car with the seat reclined at Whig and Berwick roads Oct. 11. Police spoke with the driver and he said he was dropping off his girlfriend who is a resident of the neighborhood.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a car parked in violation of the three-hour limit on Brook Lane Oct. 12.

On Oct. 13, police informed Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Elmdorf Drive.
Police spoke to the driver of a parked car on Oak Lane Oct. 13. The driver said he was having car trouble and was waiting for a tow.

A man leaving a car in the Quaker Ridge School parking lot explained he was dropping off a car for his wife, who works at the school, Oct. 15. School security confirmed the wife works for the school.

Police set up portable stop signs at Griffen Avenue and Weaver Street due to a defective traffic light Oct. 15.

Police notified Con Edison and Town of Mamaroneck police about fallen live wires on Griffen Avenue Oct. 16. A car drove over the wires, and the incident caused minor damage to the car, without injuring the driver.

A Hutchinson Avenue man reported a woman had parked her disabled car in his driveway and was “refusing to leave” Oct. 16. The car was gone when police arrived on scene.

Five car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A caller reported a raccoon was walking on East Parkway Oct. 11.

A medium-sized, loose, black dog was reported on Murray Hill Road Oct. 15.

Police tried to catch a loose, shorthaired dog wearing a yellow harness on Clarence Road, but the dog was too fast and kept running away Oct. 15. Trappers’ contact information was shared with the caller who reported the loose dog.

An Edgewood Road woman reported an animal in her house Oct. 16. Police arrived and observed a house cat chasing a mouse. The mouse ran into a small hole and could not be caught. The woman said she thought the mouse had been a larger animal, and she felt better knowing it was just a “small mouse.” An exterminator was being provided by her son to remove the mouse.

Village code
On Oct. 13, police dispersed two people from a park on Huntington Avenue after dark.

On Oct. 15, police advised Walworth Avenue parents that neighbors had complained that their kids were being too loud in the backyard after dark.

Police twice advised a Shaw Road homeowner of a noise complaint, and the volume of music was promptly lowered Oct. 15.

On Oct. 15, police dispersed kids from the Edgewood School playground after dark.

At patrol’s request, a landscaper moved bundled branches to the curb of the yard from which the branches originated Oct. 16. He had previously placed them near the edge of Butler Woods, but patrol explained this was in violation of Village code.
Police advised Secord Road staff of a noise complaint, and the volume of music was lowered Oct. 16.

Disorderly youth were reported inside the 7-Eleven store on Scarsdale Avenue Oct. 16. The youths were already outside the store when police arrived. The clerk did not request additional assistance.

Lost and found
An Acura car key was found on Montrose Road and Huntington Avenue Oct. 13.
A wallet was found in the Village downtown area Oct. 14. Police contacted the owner, and she picked it up from headquarters.

A check was found at Village Hall Oct. 15. Police contacted the owner of the check, who advised he had most likely dropped it at Village Hall. He asked police to shred the check.

On Oct. 11, firefighters assisted with a three-car accident involving injuries at Garden and Oxford roads.

Firefighters assisted Hartsdale firefighters with a call in their jurisdiction Oct. 11.
On Oct. 13, firefighters assisted with a two-car accident involving injuries at Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue.

On Oct. 14, a gas stovetop in a Montrose Road house would not shut off. Firefighters found a small gas leak under the stovetop and igniters that would not shut off. Power and gas were shut to the appliance. The resident was advised to call for appliance repair.

On Oct. 14, a Torrence Place resident called for help because her Dachshund was stuck under a shed in driveway. Firefighters were able to see the dog under one side of the shed. It would not come out on its own. The resident wanted the dog out and was very concerned for its safety. Firefighters removed and cut the center floorboard of the shed to attempt to access the animal. While firefighters were removing the floorboard, the dog ran out from under the shed and was returned to owner, unharmed.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas boiler malfunction with carbon monoxide release in a Graham Road house Oct. 14. Con-Ed red-tagged and shut down boiler. They advised the resident to call a heating contractor for repairs.
Firefighters helped jogger who fell while running in the Village and sustained facial injuries Oct. 15. Firefighters provided basic first aid, applied dressings to affected areas to stop bleeding and simultaneously notified SVAC to take over care and transport to the hospital

On Oct. 15, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on the Bronx River Parkway entrance ramp at Fenimore Road.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 11-17 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

umbrellaAssault arrest: On Oct.1, police responded to Johnson Road on the report of an assault in progress. There, police found an older white man and woman in the yard. The woman was bleeding from the head with heavy bruising and swelling of the face. The man told police that his son had just assaulted his wife and him. According to the father, the son had used a metal umbrella to strike his wife. His son had also punched the father, the father said. Police and Eastchester police began a search for the son – Andrew Killourhy, 38, of Merritt Park, Florida – who was described as a 6’5” tall white man wearing an aqua shirt. He was found by Eastchester police and picked up by Scarsdale police who arrested him on charges of second-degree assault and third-degree assault, both with intent to cause physical injury. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court. He was remanded to Westchester County Jail on $15,000 bail. He is due back in court on Oct. 6.

After observing a2005 Jeep speeding on Post Road near Huntington Avenue Oct. 2, police conducted a traffic stop. The driver – Maycon A. Borges, 28, of Mount Vernon – was determined to be driving with an expired license. Furthermore, Borges’s driving privileges had been revoked in January 2021 for failing to submit to a chemical test. Police arrested Borges on charges of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, driving an uninsured vehicle, speeding and failure to notify the DMV of a change of address. His car was towed to the police impound lot. He was released on his own recognizance and is due back in court on Oct. 20.

On Sept. 29, a man reported his electric scooter and lock had been stolen from an East Parkway bike rack on Sept. 23.

A boy’s silver trek bike was reported to have been stolen after it was left unsecured near a high school fence Oct. 2.

Damaged window
An Olmsted Road employee reported the driver’s side window of her car was found smashed while she was at work Sept. 30. Grass clipping were observed near the car, as a result of landscaping work that day. It was deduced that the broken window was most likely the result of a rock kicked up during the course of landscaping work.

On Sept. 27, graffiti caused by spray paint was found on a brick building on Depot Place.

Domestic matter
A Fox Meadow father reported his adult son was intoxicated and at his doorstep, and the father did not want the son to come into his house due to substance abuse issues Oct. 3. Police went to the house and asked the son to leave. The son refused medical attention. The son accidentally left his phone behind, and police gave it to the father.

On Oct. 3, a Cayuga Road resident reported DHL attempted to deliver packages to her, but she refused them due to the fact that she had not ordered anything. Later a man called her asking for his packages, which he claimed had been delivered to her address by mistake. He said he got her phone number online. Police advised the resident to check her accounts to make sure there were not any unauthorized charges.

A person was reportedly causing a disturbance by “antagonizing a restaurant server” at an establishment located at Garth and Freightway roads Sept. 28. He was reportedly yelling and screaming, even after he was told to leave the restaurant. He was gone by the time police arrived on scene.

Police helped a Palmer Avenue woman get back to her house after a neighbor called to report the woman needed assistance Sept. 29.

Police checked the welfare of a 91-year-old Popham Road man at the request of his son Sept. 29.

A Saxon Woods Road resident called police to complain that a ten-foot hose appeared on her property without her permission Sept. 29. Investigation showed that the property was split between Scarsdale and White Plains and also had a waterway running through the backyard. White Plains police were notified and it was determined that the hose had been placed their by White Plains department of public works, as part of a Hurricane Ida remediation effort.

A caller reported she was having an “uncomfortable feeling” entering her Brook Lane house after midnight Sept. 30. She could not provide an articulate reason for why she was feeling uncomfortable, except to say that she thought someone or something might be inside. Police checked the exterior and interior and found no sign of criminality.

A Wakefield Road woman reported she thought someone might be in her house, possibly exiting her upstairs bathroom, Oct. 2. Police checked the exterior and interior and found no sign of anyone.

A woman rang a Palmer Avenue doorbell claiming to be a FEMA representative investigating a claim Sept. 30. The homeowner said no FEMA claim had been filed.

A man spoke with a resident of an Eton Road house claiming to be a FEMA representative investigating a claim Oct. 3. The homeowner said no FEMA claim had been filed.

Shortly after midnight, Oct. 4, a Volkswagen Passat crashed into fencing at Weaver Street and Stratton Road. It was on the New Rochelle side of Weaver Street, so NRPD was called. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps was called to evaluate the condition of the car. It was determined that four occupants of the car had been involved in the accident, but two occupants had already started to walk away from the scene of the accident by the time police arrived. Police canvassed the area for them but did not find them. The two remaining occupants -- the driver and a passenger – refused medical attention.

Road rage
A caller reported a livery taxi cut her off on Heathcote Road, and the driver got out of his car at a traffic light, started yelling and hit her car with his hand Sept. 30. Prior to the yelling, the caller said she took a picture of the driver, who was a man in his 50s wearing a white shirt with graying hair. After the driver slapped the caller’s car, he allegedly photographed her car before he returned to his vehicle and drove away. The incident was classified as minor road rage.

Junk car
A Weaver Street business owner reported a car had been abandoned on his property since Sept. 10. Police contacted the registered owner of the car who said the car “was junk” and he would be willing to transfer ownership of the car to the business owner. He further said he had left his car at a junkyard in Port Chester to be salvaged. He claimed he had no idea how the car ended up on Weaver Street.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 27, a driver misjudged the driveway at Fenway Golf Club and drove onto the green and into a sand trap, causing his car to become lodged. The car was pulled out and towed off site. The driver did not report any injuries.

Police tape was cleared from the Brewster Road side of the high school Sept. 27.
An electrical transformer at Foxhall Road and Palmer Avenue was reported to be making popping noises Sept. 28.

A sedan on a jack was reported to be parked on Bradley Road, “in danger of falling” Sept. 28. Police attempted to talk with the owner of the car, who started yelling at police to get off his property and get a court order, without allowing police to explain their reason for being there. A police supervisor arrived on scene to assist. The supervisor explained the reason for the visit and determined the car on the jack was not an immediate hazard.

Police helped a driver start her temporarily disabled car in Freightway Garage Sept. 28.

A tree came in contact with wires on Herkimer Road and caused an explosion-like noise and cut power to the area Sept. 28. Police stood by for Con Edison.

A MacDonald Place resident reported a neighbor’s car was parked too close to her driveway Sept. 29. The car was determined to be legally parked. Police informed the owner of the complaint. The owner said she could not move the car due to a religious holiday that day.

On Sept. 29, a disabled car was parked on Lenox Place awaiting a tow scheduled for the next day.

Police asked a driver to move a car that was parked too close to a stop sign Sept. 30.

A contractor told police he would move his car if a resident needed more space to mow his lawn on Brookby Road, after the resident complained on Sept. 30.

A caller complained of a car with frontend damage parked on Bradley Road for over a month, Sept. 30. The car was legally parked near the registered owner’s address.
The owner was informed about the complaint. No summonses were issue because no violations were observed.

A driver got a flat tire at Post and Popham roads and was awaiting a tow Sept. 30. Police assisted the driver in moving his car to a safer location.

A pedestrian on Post Road was advised to use the sidewalk Oct. 1.

A car ran out of gas on Weaver Street Oct. 2. While police were looking into the matter, the driver returned with a gas can.

Police helped the driver of a disabled car move the car from Mamaroneck Road to Catherine Road to be safer Oct. 2.

Police put up traffic cones around a shifted roadway plate at Greenacres and Walworth avenues Oct. 3.

Police informed Verizon about a fallen wire on Mamaroneck Road Oct. 3.

One car was repossessed in the Village this week.

Civil matter
On Sept. 28. An Overhill Road woman reported she was having a problem with the owner/developer of a property next to hers. She claimed that person was possibly going to remove several trees on the property line and brought over papers for her to sign indicating her agreement to remove the trees. She asked him to leave her property, she said. Patrol advised her to contact police again if the owner/developer was on scene and she was having an immediate problem with him. The issue involving their disagreement over tree removal was civil in nature, police advised.

Village code
Police issued a landscaper and a homeowner summonses for using a gas-powered blower on Murray Hill Road Sept. 27.

A Franklin Road resident was advised a permit was required to drain pool water onto the street Sept.28.

On Oct. 1, police dispersed noisy kids from middle school grounds on Mamaroneck Road.

Police advised a security guard at a Mamaroneck Road party that a noise complaint had come in about the party Oct. 2. The guard advised he would tell the coordinator to turn down the music.

A Fox Meadow Road party host was twice advised about Village code regarding noise Oct. 2. The host turned down the music.

Fenway Golf Club staff and Westchester Reform Temple were advised of unrelated noise complaints Oct. 2.

A Griffen Avenue host was advised about a complaint about loud music Oct. 3. The host turned down the music.

Lost and found
On Sept. 27, a Chesterfield Road woman reported losing her wallet, which also contained her driver’s license.

On Sept.27, a Bronx woman reported losing her passport in the Village earlier in the month.

On Sept. 28, a woman reported losing her pocketbook in the vicinity of Chase Road Park.

On Sept.29, a Garth Road resident reported losing a license plate during a recent storm event earlier in September.

A Bradley Road parent said his son lost a flute in Edgewood School Oct.1.

A daily planner was found on Weaver Street near Quaker Ridge School Oct. 1. Police contacted the owner who agreed to pick up the planner from headquarters.

On Sept. 27, a Fairview Road man reported a sick opossum on his property. When police arrived, they noticed a raccoon lying motionless on the man’s pea gravel. It was not in a safe location to shoot it. So, the homeowner reported he would address this issue himself.

Two dogs were reported to be off leash near the public library Sept. 29. The caller claimed she had been attacked by one of the dogs. No one was on scene when police arrived. Police spoke with library employees who said they had only observed a German Shepard off leash in the parking lot, but the dog had been subsequently put back on leash and was taken away.

A dead raccoon was removed from Saxon Woods Road Oct. 2, and a dead squirrel was also removed from Lincoln Road the same day.

A seriously injured raccoon was reported on Richbell Road Oct. 3. Police shot it due to its grave condition, and its dead body was picked up by the sanitation department for disposal.

On Sept. 27, a Carthage Road resident reported smoke in the house. Firefighters did not observe any smoke, but rather they observed vapor beneath recessed lighting in the living room. The vapor was accompanied by a strong floral fragrance. The homeowner reported the presence of an HVAC aroma diffuser in the basement. Firefighters shut the unit down and advised the homeowner to allow vapor to disperse prior to adjusting settings and resuming use. No hazards or readings were observed within the house.

On Sept. 28, a natural gas detector went off inside a Barry Road house. Plumbers were changing out a gas-fired hot water heater and purged the gas from the lines, activating the alarm. Firefighters ventilated the basement using an electric powered fan. Con Ed Gas was released after ventilation was completed.

On Sept. 29, investigation of a gas odor on Christie Place led firefighters to discover that a restaurant worker had accidentally left an outdoor patio heater with its gas valve in the open position. Firefighters closed the valve.

On Oct. 1, firefighters assisted at a three-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway and, later, at a two-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 27 – Oct. 3 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.