Saturday, Oct 05th

WatchStolen car: On June 7, a Brookfield Road woman reported her family’s 2019 Jeep Cherokee was stolen from their driveway during the overnight period. It was unlocked with the key fob inside. It also contained a $1,000 set of golf clubs and a golf bag worth $250.

Stolen watch
On June 12, a Heathcote Rd. resident reported an 18 karat yellow gold Audemars Piguet “Arnold Schwarzeneggar” model watch was discovered missing from an electric watch case in his house. It is valued in excess of $65,000. He last saw it there in March 2021, and numerous workers have been in the house since he last saw the watch.

Car break-in
On June 7, a Palmer Ave. man reported motorcycles documents had been stolen from his parked car.

On June 9, a Post Rd. resident reported a white line of graffiti had been spray painted on a stone wall being built in front of his property.

Unemployment fraud
One resident reported someone filed fraudulent unemployment claims in her name this week.

Identity theft
On June 7, an Old Lyme Road man reported someone used his Wells Fargo account to fraudulently purchase items from Amazon. This person also received two checks for services that he never provided to the Old Lyme Road man. One check was refunded and the other was supposedly in the mail.

On June 8, a Sheldrake Rd. man reported someone opened fraudulent PNC bank accounts in his name. He informed the bank and closed the accounts.

A Scarsdale Avenue salon owner said a man had been hanging out around her salon and asking personal questions to her and her colleagues June 10. She asked the man to leave and said he was not permitted to loiter at or around her business. Police reiterated the owner’s wishes, and the man agreed to comply.

A driver came to headquarters and told police he was having a dispute with someone in his car June 11. Patrol mediated the dispute and resolved the matter.

A Post Rd. tenant asked for help in mediating a dispute with his landlord over Wi-Fi June 11. The landlord said Wi-Fi was not an included service, as per the lease. Police advised the tenant to seek public Wi-Fi services, as an alternative. The landlord told the tenant he had to vacate the premises by July 17.

Employee / supervisor issue
A supervisor at the Chase Rd. post office requested assistance with an employee whom she reported would not leave the premises after his shift was done June 12. The employee allegedly was hanging around, continually going into the restroom and claiming he did not feel well. Then, he allegedly became irate and made derogatory comments to the supervisor, she said. When she phoned police, the employee left.

On June 10, a Heathcote Road homeowner came home and found a door ajar. Police checked the house. There was no sign of criminality.

Bicyclist hit
A 15-year-old bicyclist riding on the roadway at Drake and Ferncliff roads was struck by a car June 9. Police vouchered the bike for safekeeping while the boy, conscious and alert, was transported to Westchester Medical Center. Prior to transport and care by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps, firefighters provided immediate first aid.

Cars and roadways
On June 8, a tree crew was working on Springdale Road. Police advised the workers to keep the roadway open.

On June 8, police taped up a fallen wire on Butler Rd. and notified Verizon.

On June 9, patrol notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Broadmoor Rd.

A car without plates, with a possibly fake temporary tag, registered out of New Canaan, Connecticut, was found abandoned on Sprague Rd. June 9. A neighbor said it had been parked there for approximately two weeks. Patrol notified New Canaan police, and they contacted the last registered owner. She said she had sold it to a dealership in July 2020. Police contacted the dealership and an employee said the matter would be investigated on the dealership’s end. In the meantime, police towed the car to the police impound lot.

A woman was reportedly “screaming and crying” at the corner of Post and Dickel roads June 10. She was no longer there when police arrive.

Police helped a woman cross Heathcote Road June 10.

A car ran out of gas and came to rest on Butler Road June 10. Police stood by while the driver waited for help – and a gas can filled with enough fuel to restart the car.
Patrol helped a driver move a disabled car from Farley Road onto a legal parking area on Montrose Road while the driver waited for a tow June 10.

Police asked a River Road resident to move her parked car away from a hydrant on her street June 11.

Contractors left fiber optic cables on Nelson Rd. June 11. Police moved them out of the way.

As per a plumber’s diagnosis, the highway department was informed about a sewage problem within the Village’s sewer line June 12.

An unknown driver sideswiped a parked car on Nelson Rd. June 12.

A car was damaged while parked in a Secor Rd. lot June 13. The other driver apparently left the scene.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

On June 7, a person told police he picked up a dead cat from Fox Meadow Road and “returned the animal” to a Fox Meadow Road address.

Highway workers removed a dead raccoon from Fox Meadow Road June 8.

A large snapping turtle was reported on Post Road June 9. It was gone before police arrived.

A turtle was reported to be on Post Road June 10. It was observed on the sidewalk near Richbell Road, so no assistance was required.

At 4:30 a.m., June 8, a caller complained about a truck idling loudly in a Mamaroneck Rd. parking lot. Police asked the driver to shut off the engine to keep the truck quiet.

A Stratton Rd. resident shut down a generator after a neighbor complained of noise, although police did not determined that the noise violated any Village codes at the time the noise was heard on June 8.

Music was lowered on Nelson Rd. after neighbors complained June 10.

Music was lowered on Hampton Rd. after neighbors complained after midnight June 11 and again after 10 p.m., June 11.

Loud music was lowered on Shaw Road after neighbors complained June 12.

Village management was advised about crowing roosters on Brewster Rd. June 12.

Loud music was lowered on Edgewood Road after neighbors complained of noise after midnight, June 13.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of Village code June 11.

A jazz trio performing on Freightway Rd. was in violation of the establishment’s permit June 12. So, patrol asked the band to stop playing.

On June 7, firefighters roped off an area of Berwick Rd in which electrical wires were arcing and burning, while waiting for Con Edison’s arrival.

On June 7, firefighters assisted Hartsdale firefighters at a Central Park Ave. building fire, possibly caused by faulty wiring beneath a refrigerator.

On June 9, a Coralyn Rd. resident reported smoke in the house. Firefighters traced the source to an electrical fire coming from an air purifier. A burned outlet and burned wire were observed. The fire was contained and extinguished. No extension was detected.

On June 12, firefighters shut off an electrical box for an air conditioning unit that was shorting out due to water infiltration at a Clarence Rd. house.

Firefighters investigated a strong outdoor gas odor near a Cushman Rd. storm drain June 13. Visible indications of a small quantity of an unknown product were observed on the surface of slow-moving water in the catch basin. Combustible gas readings of up to 15% LEL were detected in the catch basin. No visible indications of product and no readings were observed in adjacent sanitary sewer. Westchester County Health Department was notified. Adjacent storm drains on Cushman Road and Willow Lane contained stagnant water and no indications of product. No hazards were observed at construction sites in area. The Westchester County HD advised to confine the product and contact New York State DEC for a spill number. Firefighters deployed two 10 ft. absorbent socks in the Sheldrake River, downstream of the catch basin, on Willow Lane. NYS DEC was following up.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 7-13 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

BMWStolen cars: An Olmsted Road resident reported her blue BMW x7, valued at $73,900, was stolen from her driveway June 2. The car was unlocked and the key might have been inside, the resident said.

On June 6, a Continental Road resident reported a rental car, which was a 2021 Lincoln Aviator, was stolen overnight, and another car was entered. The Lincoln was parked unlocked with the keys inside. Another car in the resident’s driveway, a jeep Wrangler, was also unlocked. It was entered and items were stolen. These stolen items included two pairs of sunglasses, a sweatshirt, jeans and an EZ-Pass.

Attempted entry
On June 4, a Brookline Road resident reported that two men exited a dark-colored SUV and approached two cards parked in his driveway. The cars were locked, so the men could not enter them. The resident shouted to the men, and they left in the SUV.

Domestic matter
A child in Fox Meadow called police to say her parents were having a verbal argument June 3. She then said her parents had calmed down. Police went to the house to check out the matter. The mother answered the door and was calm. The father then came to the door and was also calm. According to police, the parents seemed confused about why police were called.

Parked car
On June 4, an employee of a Heathcote Road establishment reported that the establishment had allowed a car to park overnight in its private parking lot, but the car was still there the next morning. Police checked the records for the car and learned the owner was deceased and had a Yonkers address. Police contacted Yonkers police who said they would contact a next of kin to remove the car.

Pedestrian hit
On June 3, a woman walked into headquarters to report an accident that happened on June 2 in the crosswalk of Popham Road, leading toward Depot Place. At that time, she said she made contact with a car that touched her and caused her hands to touch the hood of the vehicle. No injuries were sustained, and the woman declined medical attention. The woman said she spoke with the driver and the driver’s parent. She asked police to reach out to the young driver to discuss the importance of yielding to pedestrians.

Civil matter
A Brite Avenue man reported that his wife had a verbal argument with an appliance repairman over the phone and left a negative review June 3. Following the interaction, the appliance repairman has been calling the man and his wife. The man blocked the repairperson’s contact information. Police advised it was a civil matter.

Cars and roadways
Police called a tow for a disabled car with a dead battery on Wayside Lane June 1.

A BMW was parked on Montrose Road June 1. Police investigated the car and determined it had been there for an extended period of time. The owner was contacted and told he could not park the car on the street due to the expired registration. Police called a tow to remove the car.

Police asked a driver to move her car from a handicapped parking spot on Brewster Road because she did not have an appropriate placard or hangtag June 1.

Police stood by for safety while a tire was changed on Bypass June 5.

On June 6, a driver stopped at Lee and Post roads because her engine was overheating. Police helped by adding engine coolant to the car. The driver contracted a mechanic for repairs.

A malfunctioning pool heater on Deerfield Lane made “loud explosive noises” according to a nearby resident June 1. Police spoke with the homeowner who said he turned off the heater and had called a technician.

After a neighbor complained, police asked a Fairview Road resident to lower the volume of music coming from his house.

A Garth Road business owner lowered the volume of music playing at his business after a resident complained June 4.

Reports of “explosions” in the Village on June 4 turned out to be fireworks.
On June 4, police advised a Park Road resident to lower the volume of music at a small gathering.

Police advised a new resident of Wynmor Road to turn off his house’s generator due to Village code and noise complaints June 5.

On May 31, a caller complained about loud rooster noises on Brewster Road. Police referred the matter to the Village attorney.

Police removed a turtle from Seneca Road and placed it in a safe location June 3.

On June 5, a Brookfield Road resident reported baby ducks were stuck in her pool.

Firefighters arrived on scene and observed approximately 10 baby ducklings in the pool, unable to get out. The mother duck was nearby in the bushes. Some of the ducklings were in danger of being pulled into pool filter. The resident did not have a pool net skimmer, so firefighters used a basket to try and scoop the ducks out, without success. Then, firefighters used a bucket by hand to scoop out one duck at a time until all ducks were removed. They were returned to the bushes in area of the mother duck’s last location.

Lost and found
A Putnam Road man reported losing his driver’s license May 31.

On June 3, a Fenimore Road man reported he accidentally threw out his license plates and lost them.

An EZ-pass and a garage door opener were found at the intersection of Black Hawk Road and Mayflower Road June 5. Police contacted EZ-Pass in an attempt to identify the owner of the property.

On June 1, firefighters assisted Greenville fire department at the scene of smoke caused by an oil burner overpressure malfunction.

On June 2, firefighters checked a Fox Meadow Road house for possible carbon monoxide after the elderly resident reported dizziness. No CO readings were detected.

On June 3, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak in a Tisdale Road house.

On June 3, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On June 5, firefighters assisted at a two-car accident on Post Road. One car struck a utility pole, which then needed to be replaced.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a transformer explosion, with isolated power outages, on Lawrence Road.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 31 – June 7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

TurtleA Spencer Place business owner reported two female customers attempted to leave the store with a tank top without paying for it May 21. A store employee confronted the females, and the top was returned. Police canvassed Village center for the suspects but did not find them. While responding to the reported shoplifting attempt and investigating on foot, police left a parked patrol car at Spencer Place and Harwood Court. Patrol returned to find its radio antenna broken.

Stolen bike
On May 21, a woman reported her red bicycle had been stolen from outside Starbucks on East Parkway.

Identity theft
On May 13, a Mamaroneck Road caller reported someone made an authorized purchase of an Apple iPad Air, for $ 807.38, using his credit card.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
Two persons filed reports that fraudulent unemployment claims had been filed in their names this week.

Criminal mischief
A Barry Road resident reported that youths egged his house shortly after 11 p.m., May 19. The youths left in a car.

Washing machine
A caller directed police to a broken washing machine on the side of Freightway garage May 17. The caller said he believed the washing machine might have been dropped from an upper level of the structure, but he did not witness it nor did he have an idea about what time that event might have occurred. The highway department was notified for pickup. Police made a note to perform extra ridebys of the Freightway structure.

A person called 911 to report a woman was hysterically screaming near the steps of the train station May 17. Police found the woman and spoke with her. She said she had been talking on the phone and apologized for any disturbance. She declined to identify herself.

A man got stuck inside the Chase Bank ATM vestibule on East Parkway May 18. Police attempted to open the door from the outside but it would bot open. Firefighters assisted in opening the door to the business via a Popham Road entrance. The man was safely released from the building. The vestibule door seemed to be misaligned, causing it to become stuck. Chase bank maintenance personnel were notified for repair.

A Spencer Place business owner said kids were in the store refusing to wear their masks and refusing to leave May 19. Police dispersed the kids. The kids were told they could return to the store if they were wearing masks.

On May 20, a woman asked for police help on East Parkway. She said she had previously gotten into a verbal dispute with an Uber driver over the route being driven and the fact that she would be late for work. She asked police to call her supervisor to explain the situation, while she waited for a taxi to finish driving her to work.

On May 20, an elderly woman was accidentally locked out of her Lebanon Road house. Her husband was inside but not answering the door. Police and firefighters managed to contact the husband who opened the door. The woman successfully regained access into her house.

A man reported to be suspiciously walking back and forth outside a Palmer Avenue house was waiting for a family member to get off work May 21.

A caller reported he was out for a walk in the area around Brewster Road at 2:30 a.m., May 22, when he passed two people near the library, He said he tried to say hello to them, but they ran off into the woods. He thought it was suspicious and called police. Police canvassed the area and did not find anyone there.

Civil matter
On May 20, a Brambach Road resident accused his neighbor’s contractor’s construction vehicles of damaging the asphalt of his driveway. The contractor said that his workers did not back up into the resident’s driveway and did not cause the damage. Police advised the parties that this was a civil matter.

Bicyclists hit
On May 17, a 16-year-old bicyclist struck a car at Chesterfield Road and Brite Avenue. The driver of the car said she stopped at a stop sign and proceeded through the intersection. As she did so, the bicyclist went through the intersection and impacted the side of her car. The bicyclist was taken to White Plains Hospital Center.

Witnesses reported seeing a black Honda Accord strike a child riding a bicycle on Brookby Road around 8 a.m., May 19. The driver stopped and talked to the child, and a witness also checked on the child. The child did not appear to be visibly injured, nor did he report any injuries. Police advised the middle school principal and school nurse of the incident. They were advised to contact police if the child comes forward.

Cars and roadways
A caller reported cars revving their engines and “doing donuts” in the rear of Quaker Ridge School May 17. Police went to the scene, and no cars were observed.

Police asked a driver to move his car and issued a warning because the driver had parked in a ‘no parking” zone on Spencer Place May 18.

Greenburgh police were advised of a large pothole on Ardsley Road, following a driver’s complaint, May 18.

Police issued a summons to the owner of an illegally parked car at Post and Farley roads May 18.

Patrol helped a driver change a flat tire in a Heathcote Road parking lot May 19.

Verizon was informed about a fallen phone wire on Normandy Lane May 19.

On May 19, a Bradley Road man reported someone hit his parked car on the street and left the scene. He thought it might have been his neighbor; so police followed up the next day with the neighbor. The bumper of the neighbor’s car showed some damage, but the neighbor said the damage was old and she “did not remember hitting any car.” She said she was busy with work, and police advised they would return at a later date to address the matter. On May 20, the man again called police to request assistance in mediating the matter. The neighbor asserted she had nothing to do with the reported damage and she did not wish to have any further contact with the man regarding it. Police examined both cars and saw only very minor damage. It was impossible to determine if the damages on each car were related. Police advised the parties to follow up with their insurance companies.

Double-parked delivery drivers at DeCicco’s Marketplace were advised to follow traffic and parking rules May 20. Police issued a warning.

Police stopped some overweight trucks on Heathcote Road and admonished the drivers for crossing the Heathcote Road Bridge over Bypass, as this passage was forbidden due to weight restrictions for the bridge May 21.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Fox Meadow Road May 21.

Con Edison was notified about a power outage due to a fallen branch onto wires on Greenacres Avenue May 21.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane May 23. Police stood by until the car was picked up by a tow.

A Richelieu Road man reported a “swarm of bees” around a Village tree May 17. Police looked at the bees and the tree and determined the bees were not posing an immediate hazard to the public because they were located approximately 25-30 from the ground near the top of the tree. The man also reported that a Madison Road neighbor was “raising honey bees.” Police went to the house to check out the complaint and saw a small bee enclosure. The Village attorney was notified to follow up to see if the enclosure violated any Village codes or zoning regulations.

Police closed one lane of Post Road due to an injured owl in the middle of the roadway May 18. Police placed the owl in a cardboard box while waiting for it to be picked up by an animal rescue person.

A turtle was reported at Duck Pond and Heathcote roads May 21. Police safely moved the turtle from the roadway.

Village code
On May 19, police followed up on a noise complaint about loud music coming from a Stratton Road house. The homeowner said the music would be turned off shortly.

Police dispersed kids playing basketball on a Huntington Avenue court after dark May 19.

On May 21, a Paddington Road resident reported dust was covering his house and property, allegedly from construction at a neighbor’s house. The resident said he thought it was a violation of Village code. Police went to the scene to follow up. Police found no signs of nearby construction, nor did they find an alarming amount of “dust.”

On May 21, police advised a Garth Road business owner to lower the volume of loud music due to a complaint.

Police advised a Brewster Road resident that a neighbor complained about noise after midnight May 22. The resident said she would go inside the house with her small gathering.

Lost and found
On May 17, a person walked into headquarters and reported a missing license plate.
A person found a cell phone and brought it to headquarters May 19. Police located the owner and facilitated the return of the phone.

On May 23, a Secor Road woman reported losing a diamond earring, possibly at Wynmor Park May 19.

On May 18, firefighters shut down a malfunctioning gas stove that would not turn off in a Lebanon Road house and advised the homeowner to replace the appliance.

On May 19, a gas leak was detected at a gas fireplace in a Park Road house. Firefighters shut down the gas valve to the fireplace and advised the resident to call for repair.

On May 22, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a branch on burning power lines on Greenacres Avenue.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 17 – 23 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

sailboatsA motorcycle caught fire at the junction of the Bronx River Parkway and Fenimore Road May 24. Firefighters were dispatched to extinguish the fire, and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps treated the driver for burn injuries and transported him to the hospital. Westchester County police were handling the incident while Scarsdale police assisted with traffic control.

Three rescued from Long Island Sound
At 6:54 pm on May 31, 2021, the Westchester County Police Marine Unit was called to the scene of a sinking boat in the Long Island sound off of Davenport Neck in New Rochelle. The boat, a twenty-seven foot Hunter sailboat, struck a reef and was taking on water. When Westchester County Police arrived on the scene, the sailboat was partly submerged and three people, wearing life vests, were in the water. All three were taken aboard the Westchester County Police boat with assistance from the Westchester County Police Aviation Unit and harbor patrol units from the City of New Rochelle and the Village of Mamaroneck. The three people rescued at the scene were New Rochelle residents. A fourth person who was on the sailboat swam to shore. No injuries were reported.

A Popham Road CVS employee reported two white females stole items from his store and left the scene about 10-15 minutes ago in the past May 25. The girls placed four boxes of “Kiss Gel Nails” in a black purse and left the store without paying for them. The total value of the stolen products was $40.

A Springdale Road resident reported his firearm, case, firearm safe, and keys for the firearm safe had been stolen from his hose sometime while he was away from his house. He said he let his house in September 2020 and just returned the evening of May 25.

Cell phone
A Berkeley Road man reported that he received a cellphone in a FedEx package May 26. Upon receiving the delivery, the FedEx driver reported that an unknown man had stopped the driver and inquired about the delivery. Since the driver realized the man did not reside at the address, he did not release the package to the unknown man.

Identity theft
On May 24, a Claremont Road woman reported someone fraudulently accessed her Venmo account through her Apple ID and transferred $10 to an unknown person. She changed her passwords and notified the credit reporting agencies. Two days later, the woman also noticed fraudulent charges on her American Express account – one for $475 and another for $230.

A Thies Court resident walked into headquarters to report an incident of identity theft but left before patrol arrived to speak with her May 24.

A Brookline Road man reported receiving a fraudulent debit card for which he did not apply May 24. The bank was notified, and the account was closed.

One resident reported a fraudulent unemployment claim had been filed in her name May 28.

On May 25, a Harwood Court man reported the door handle of his residence was broken, and he noticed signs that someone might be using a secluded area near his door as a sleeping place or bathroom location. He said he often finds garbage near the front door, including soiled toilet tissue on more than one occasion. Police advised him to install a motion light near the door in order to deter repeated incidents. Police will conduct extra ridebys.

Fallen trees
On May 29, a private Fenimore Road tree fell on a neighbor’s house and car, causing damage. Police advised the parties involved that the incident was a civil matter.

On May 29, the highway department was dispatched to remove a fallen tree from Bypass.

On May 29, a Tunstall Road woman reported that a man came to her house the previous night, knocked on the door, walked around the house with a flashlight and knocked again. He said he was there for an electrical emergency. The woman and her husband said he had the wrong address, and he left. He was driving a truck with a private electrical company logo on it. The woman thought the incident was suspicious.

A female youth called police and reported she heard a male voice yell back, in answer to her, from the woods near Boulevard while she and a friend were walking home and first yelled “to scare another friend” May 29. Police checked on the girls to make she they made it home safely. Then, police checked the area in question and saw two male youths hanging out there. Police dispersed the youths.

Cars and roadways
On May 24, police helped the driver of a disabled car restart her engine on Post Road and move the car to a safe parking lot where she could wait for a tow.

A Valley Road resident reported sewage was backing up into his basement May 24.

Police placed a traffic cone in a possible sinkhole on Lyons Road May 25.

A car accident involving a Scarsdale school bus at Weaver Street and Hutchinson Avenue was reported by a witness May 25. Police spoke with the bus driver who said a car sideswiped his bus and left the scene. No injuries were reported.

A “yield to pedestrians” sign became dislodged at Fenimore and Brewster roads May 25. Police moved the sign back into place.

Police notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Brite Avenue May 26.

Witnesses saw a white truck back into a utility pole on Scarsdale Avenue, causing the pole to shift and nearby lights to flicker May 28. Con Edison was notified. Verizon was also notified because the accident additionally snapped a phone line. The truck left the scene following the accident.

On May 28, a driver attempted to make a U-turn in a Griffen Avenue driveway and got stuck in freshly dumped gravel. The vehicle was blocking traffic. Police organized a tow to clear the road.

On May 28, police closed a construction fence gate on Greenacres Avenue that had blown open into the roadway.

Verizon was notified about a fallen wire on Hampton Road May 29.

Three car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

A caller reported a coyote sighting on Brite Avenue May 24.

A caller reported seeing a fox, with possible mange, in the area of Kent and Ogden roads May 25.

The highway department was notified about the remains of a dead animal on Lyons Road May 25.

A large house cat was stuck in window well of a Fairview Road house May 28. After confirming the cat was a domestic animal, a worker on scene placed a ladder in the window well, and the cat safely climbed out.

Village code
Loud music on Lawrence Road was turned down after police spoke with the homeowner and advised of a noise complaint May 27.

Police informed a MacDonald Place resident about a noise complaint, and the volume of the music was lowered May 28.

Lost and found
A passerby found a cell phone on Huntington Avenue and brought it to police May 24. The phone was in good condition and is being held at headquarters for safekeeping.

A woman walked into headquarters and reported losing her car key fob somewhere in the Village May 26.

Police identified and located the owner of a maroon purse left on a bench at Correl Park May 26.

A Village resident reported losing her car’s license plate while moving to a new house in the Village May 26.

Keys found on Scarsdale Avenue were handed over to police for safekeeping May 27.

A passerby found a car key fob at Chase and Popham roads and brought it to police May 28.

An Elmdorf Drive resident reported two of her mother’s watches, each valued at $1,000, were missing from her house.

On May 24, a Fox Meadow Road tenant advised he smelled smoke in his kitchen, and all people in the house evacuated. Firefighters investigated the odor and determined it was coming from a faulty air conditioning unit. Firefighters shut power to the device and made sure the hose was safe before people could re-enter it.

On May 24, firefighters shut down connections to a propane storage tank that was “hissing” due to a high-pressure leak. Then, firefighters ventilated the area and advised the resident to call for service.

On May 25, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway. The driver had to be cut out of the car, and firefighters assisted in stabilizing the driver until paramedics arrived for transport to the hospital.

On May 28, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway. There were no reported injuries.

On May 29, firefighters were called to the scene of a car fire on the Hutchinson River Parkway. The fire started in the engine compartment and spread to the passenger compartment. Firefighters extinguished the fire and overhauled the vehicle. Extensive damage was noted. The driver reported to have pulled over after observing a sudden loss of acceleration. The driver then observed smoke from the engine compartment and notified the fire department.

On May 30, firefighters helped a Village resident get back into a wheelchair after experiencing a fall.

On May 30, firefighters shut down a malfunctioning oil burner in a Paddington Road house and ventilated the house to reduce the level of carbon monoxide. The resident was advised to have the burner serviced prior to use.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 24-30 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

cherry2Tressspass in Greenacres: A Brewster Road woman called police on Saturday May 15 at 2 pm when she observed two men leaving the basement of her home. When she called, the two were walking eastbound. Police arrived and found two men in Greenacres. When arrested, the first man provided a false name and date of birth, so he was charged with criminal impersonation and criminal trespass. He was later identified as Noel Coombs, age 34, of White Plains. The second man, Ricardo Santana, age 43 of White Plains, was charged with criminal trespass. When the men were apprehended, they had no stolen goods. It was not clear why they targeted the home.

Brooklyn woman charged with ID theft
On May 11, Brittanny Althea Jafferally, 31, of Brooklyn, turned herself in for arrest following police investigation into a reported theft of jewelry, cash and credit cards from cars parked at a local golf club on Sept. 11, 2020. According to police, Jafferally was observed on video footage using a stolen credit card to make over $2,000 in fraudulent purchases at a Neiman Marcus store in New York City on Sept. 12. Police reached out to Jafferally in their investigation of the crime, and upon evidence presented, she was requested to turn herself in. On May 12, Jafferally was arrested on charges of first-degree identity theft. She was arraigned and released on her own recognizance with a future court date.

On May 17, a Mamaroneck Road resident said his house cleaner had previously observed two unknown individuals on his property. One of the individuals had a bicycle and was last seen riding away on Mamaroneck Road and turning onto Park Road.

A Greenacres Avenue woman reported that one recycling box containing paper had been stolen from in front of her house May 12. She said the box was “too heavy” and could not have blown away.

On May 13, a father reported his daughter’s bicycle had been stolen from the high school May 13. It was described as a gray Norco commuter style bike.

A Spencer Place business owner reported a shoplifter was in the store May 12. The accused shoplifter allegedly placed items in her purse, with the apparent intention of not paying for them. Police arrived on scene and spoke with the accused shoplifter. She said she would pay for the items and apologized to the business owner.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
This week, one resident reported a fraudulent unemployment claim was filed in her name.

Car break-ins
At 3 a.m., May 11, New Rochelle police reported that they had received a report of a man wearing a gray sweatsuit exit a gray sedan in their jurisdiction and “pull on the door handle of a parked Infiniti SUV” in Scarsdale. Multiple police cars were dispatched to the area to provide high visibility larceny patrol. Patrol identified a Subaru on Meadow Road with its door open. The interior was tossed, but the owner said nothing appeared to have been stolen. At 7 a.m., a Herkimer Road resident reported his parked, unlocked car had been entered the in the overnight period but nothing was stolen. The resident showed police video footage of the incident, and police are following up. At 8:18 a.m., another Herkimer Road resident reported his car was also broken into and rummaged. A backrest was stolen from the car.

On May 11, an Overhill Road doctor’s office reported a patient wanted to see a doctor in the practice but was refusing to wear a face covering. The patient told police he had a medical condition that prohibited the use of a mask. Police suggested the patient could use an oxygen tank with a non-rebreathing mask. This solution was acceptable to the patient and the doctor’s office.

Unkempt man
A caller reported an unkempt man in his 30s walking on Heathcote Road who might need assistance May 16. Police found the man, noted he was somewhat unkempt but polite, and asked him if he needed any assistance. He declined and boarded a bus on Weaver Street.

Cars and roadways
On May 10, a contractor digging a geothermic well hit a water main on Taunton Road. The water department was alerted for follow-up. Firefighters checked basements and underground utilities for water. The basement at the source of the leak was pumped out.

Later that day, on May 10, another contractor working on Heathcote Road also struck a water main while digging a trench. The water department was alerted for follow-up.

A black SUV was parked in front of a driveway at Post and Farley roads May 10. Police issued a parking summons.

On May 11, police helped a driver get back in her car at Harwood Court and Spencer Place after she was accidentally locked out.

Con Edison was informed about leaning utility poles on Birchall Drive May 12.
On May 13, police contacted the owner of a car left running at Brewster and Olmsted roads. The condition was rectified.

Dispatch informed Verizon of a low-hanging wire on Fenimore Road May 13.

While driving on Secor Road, a motorist reported something might have struck her rear window causing it to unexpectedly break May 15. Police examined the broken window and found no evidence of a foreign object.

Police made a noted for the highway department to pick up household refuse from Grand Park Avenue May 15.

Patrol helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street May 16.

A car ran out of car on the Hutchinson Rover Parkway ramp near Mamaroneck Road May 16. Police stood by the car for safety while to driver went to a station to obtain gasoline.

Police viewed surveillance video of an accident inside the Christie Place parking garage to attempt to track down the driver who caused the accident, left a note and wrote down an inoperable phone number.

Civil matters
On May 11, an Old Lyme Road resident reported having a civil disagreement with a painter. Police advised the resident to follow up in civil court.

A Montrose Road resident reported a Con Edison worker drove over her grass and made a tire track May 12, Police spoke with the worker who stated he was trying to get his truck in a safe position off the roadway in order to enable traffic flow. The worker moved his car from the lawn and said he would stay off the lawn.

A caller asked police to document a disagreement she had with an unknown person while out walking in the area of Brite and Huntington avenues May 15. The caller said the unknown person was having a party, and the caller pointed out an “undisclosed condition” to the person. After that, an argument ensued.

On May 16, a Secor Road man reported than another person had accused him of damaging the person’s car, but the alleged damage actually appeared to be rust. He person said he had already moved past the matter, and police advised them to stay away from each other to avoid conflict. Police advised the parties it was a civil matter.

Dogs, roosters
A woman reported that she was out walking her leashed dog when another leashed dog bit her dog, causing two marks on the skin without breaking the skin May 12. The owner of the accused dog said this was the first time that her dog had bitten another dog, and her dog had up to date vaccines, including a rabies shot.

On May 11, firefighters rescued a small dog stuck in a storm drain three feet below street level at Farley Road and Greenacres Avenue. The dog suffered no apparent injuries.

Crowing roosters were reported on Brewster Road May 13, 14 and 16.

Noises from a “crying dog,” or possibly a coyote, were heard around 1:45 a.m., May 14, on Black Birch Lane.

Village code, noise
On May 10, police advised a solicitor on Corell Road that he needed a permit to continue soliciting in the Village.

Police issued a summons to a solicitor going door-to-door on Aspen Road without a permit May 10.

On May 10, police gave clarification about Village code to a landscaper with a gas-powered leaf blower on Heathcote Road. The blower was not in use at the time.
On May 11, police dispersed noisy kids from Boulevard after dark.

After neighbors complained of noise, a Shawnee Road resident was advised to lower the volume of outdoor music she was playing for a gathering for her young daughter and friends around 3:40 p.m., May 12.

A Spier Road solicitor told police he had an appointment with a Spier Road resident but first knocked on the wrong door May 13. He said his company had applied for a permit but was waiting on approval. He said he would stop soliciting until the permit was processed.

A man was reported to be holding signs and playing music on Fox Meadow Road May 14. Investigation showed the man was a pastor, playing church music and holding a sign with the name of the church on it.

Patrol advised a Brite Avenue homeowner to lower the volume of music after neighbors complained May 14.

On May 15, police advised a Brewster Road homeowner that a neighbor complained of noise coming from the homeowner’s back yard.

A caller complained about boys playing basketball on Roosevelt Place and listening to vulgar music in the presence of young children May 15. The boys turned off the music and apologized after police spoke with them.
On May 15, a neighbor complained of unreasonable noise coming from soccer play in a Fox Meadow Road backyard. Police went to the scene and did not find the noise to be in violation of Village code.

Police dispersed different groups of noisy youths from Edgewood School grounds and Oxford Road after dark May 15.

A reported “repetitive noise” was caused by the set-up of a traffic-monitoring device at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue May 16.

A man having a heated phone call in his yard at 1 a.m., May 17, was not aware of the volume of his voice until police advised him of a neighbor’s complaint.

Popping noises coming from Popham Road wires were caused by Department of Transportation equipment being installed in the wires May 17.

Lost and found
On May 10, a high school student reported his old green and black bike was missing since May 7. He said he rode the bike to school, forgot to secure it to the bike rack on school grounds and forgot to retrieve it at the end of the day. It was missing when he tried to pick it up on May 10. Police canvassed the area for the lost bike and saw it at the end of a resident’s driveway on Brewster Road. The resident said she found the bike in the Brewster Road stream and placed the bike by the end of her driveway in the hope that the owner would see it and retrieve it. Police returned the bike to the student.

A Tory Lane resident reported losing a pair of Apple air pods in a red case and a medical pen somewhere in the Village May 12.

A passerby found a blue purse on East Parkway and gave it to police May 14. Police contacted the owner who said she would make arrangements to retrieve her purse.

A woman reported she lost her keys while out for a walk on Huntington Avenue May 14. She thought she might have dropped them while tying her shoe. On May 15, a passerby reported finding keys on Eton Road. The keys matched the description of the lost keys. Police returned them to the woman.

On May 10, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Post Road and Wayside Lane. One car exited the roadway and ended up on an embankment. The other car came to rest against a telephone pole. Firefighters cut power to the batteries and cleared brush and debris from the roadway while EMS workers tended to occupants of the cars with possible injuries.

On May 13, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Post and Carman roads.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Rural Drive May 15.

Firefighters received a report of a slip and fall accident due to a water leak in a Fenimore Road basement May 16. Prior to firefighters’ arrival, the homeowner had shut a water service valve after observing overflow from a toilet and the sewer trap while running a washing machine. During investigation, firefighters observed standing water in the area of the sewer trap. They re-secured the street side cap and restored water service. The homeowner refused medical attention. Firefighters advised the homeowner of a possible waste line blockage. They recommended limited use of water until a plumber could make necessary repairs to the waste line and sewer trap.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 10-16 has been compiled from official information.

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