Saturday, Oct 05th

uhaulMissing trailer: A Heathcote Road caller reported he left a 25-ft. utility trailer parked on his company’s empty lot on Sherbrooke Road about two-an-a half weeks ago and returned to find it was gone on Jan. 19. Police are investigating the stolen trailer, valued at approximately $10,000. This report follows a similar recent report of a stolen utility trailer from Scarsdale Middle School grounds.

Identity theft
On Jan. 20, a Richbell Road woman reported receiving three unwanted debit cards in the mail from three different banks. She informed the banks and closed the accounts.

On Jan. 21, a Barry Road resident reported someone was fraudulently using his wife’s credit card information, with Chase Bank, for unauthorized charges.
On Jan. 22, a Corell Road woman reported that someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name. The claim was denied.

On Jan. 18, a Walworth Avenue resident reported that he got into a verbal dispute with an unknown motorist who threw a soda can from a car window in front of the resident’s house. Police advised the resident to call police should the motorist return.

On Jan. 22, one resident brushed passed another resident in a hallway at a Post Road group home. This resulted in a verbal dispute between the residents. Staff members called police as a precaution. Police advised staff members to keep the parties away from each other for the rest of the day. On Jan. 23, one of the disputing residents called police to say she was continuing to have an ongoing issue with the other resident. Police advised her to speak with a counselor about possibly moving to a different facility if the problem cannot be resolved.

Domestic dispute
Police mediated a verbal disagreement with family members arguing over one sister’s access to a spare key for a house on Colvin Road. The parties were able to settle their differences in a civil manner, and the sister gathered her belongings and left the house to reduce further conflict.

Harassing calls
An Old Lyme Road man receiving repeated calls from a woman who was asking him for money Jan. 19. The man said he had given the woman money in the past but has not given her any money recently. Police advised the man to block her number from his phone and cease any contact with her.

911 call
On Jan. 19, the desk officer received a call from NYPD 911. The 911 operator stated she had a man on the line stating he was at Flourish Bakery in Scarsdale, with an unknown condition. As the man starting talking, the line went dead. The operator did not have a number for the individual. The desk officer looked up Flourish Bakery and found it on Summerfield Street in Eastchester. Eastchester police were notified for follow up.

Police observed a man dressed in black walking in the center of Post Road at 1:30 a.m., Jan. 19. Police stopped the man to see if he needed any assistance and to advise him to walk on the sidewalk for safety. The man said he was out for a walk “to clear his head” after leaving a friend’s house in White Plains. He declined any assistance or medical attention. Police stayed on scene and watched the man leave the scene and continue on his way, crossing into the jurisdiction of Eastchester.

Unknown person on property
A Morris Lane man reported seeing an unknown person on his property through a security camera Jan. 22. Police spoke with the person who said he was there to perform work. The person showed police a job ticket with an account bearing the man’s address and information. Police checked the perimeter of the house, and everything appeared to be in good order.

No power
On Jan. 20, a Wakefield Road woman advised that she had lost power in her residence. A home health aide was on scene with the woman. Patrol was able to advise the aide to check for a tripped circuit breaker, and power was restored. No further police assistance was requested.

Cars and roadways
A broken branch was observed to be dangling over a Harcourt Road sidewalk Jan. 18. Police taped off the area and informed the highway department for removal.

The water department was informed about a possible water main leak on Brite Avenue Jan. 18. Firefighters assisted by helping check the house for possible water entry into houses.

A large rock fell into Saxon Woods Road Jan. 19. Police moved it off the road and placed it in a location where it would pose less risk of falling into the roadway. Shortly after moving the rock out of the way, police received a call from a driver whose car suffered a flat tire due to driving over the rock earlier that day. Police assisted the motorist and helped her retrieve her hubcap, which had fallen off the car.

A man sleeping in a car on Oak Lane for about an hour after 5 p.m., Jan. 19, told police he was a contractor working in the area. He advised he had pulled over to take a nap before his long commute home. He left the scene without incident.

On Jan. 21, at 12:40 a.m., patrol observed a car with an open trunk on Franklin Road. Patrol made contact with the registered owner who checked the vehicle for any signs of criminal activity. Everything was determined to be in place and in good order. The owner deduced he must have hit the remote trunk release by accident.

On Jan. 21, a Post Road Volvo was accidentally sending out SOS alert signals to Volvo’s dispatcher. Police went the scene to check on the car and driver. The driver said the SOS alert system was malfunctioning, and the car would be serviced.

Police provided traffic control while construction vehicles maneuvered their way onto the Bronx River parkway, to drive to a parkway roadwork site, Jan. 22.

Police tied up a low-hanging phone wire on Walworth Avenue and notified Verizon Jan. 22.

One car accident was officially reported in the Village this week.

Pandemic restrictions
On Jan. 19, a caller reported someone was riding a bike on the sidewalk on Mamaroneck Road, near the Hutch, “interfering with pedestrians and not wearing a mask. Patrol canvassed Mamaroneck Road and observed a cyclist at the Scarsdale
Pool parking lot. The cyclist said he “wears a mask when he is near other people.” He also said he did not have a confrontation with anyone regarding the complaint.

Village code
A noise reported at a Kingston Road house was coming from a malfunctioning electric fence Jan. 22. Police spoke with the homeowner who said a repairperson was on his way.

A caller reported hearing shouting on Southwoods Lane Jan. 22. On scene, police heard no noise, but a resident reported her kids were playing in yard and might have made some noise.

Lost and found
On Jan. 18, an Overhill Road resident reported losing license plates that were previously removed from her vehicle. She lost the plates while moving.

On Jan. 20, a Potter Road resident reported losing his license plates.

A wallet was found on East Parkway Jan. 23. With the help of Tuckahoe police, police contacted the wallet’s owner, who later picked up the wallet from headquarters.

On Jan. 18, firefighters investigated a “burning rubber” smell reported in a Boulder Brook Road house. The odor was determined to be coming from a broken ceiling light fixture that had overheated. Firefighters shut power to the fixture and advised the resident to contact an electrician.

On Jan. 24, firefighters responded to a Gorham Court house on a report of a gas odor in the basement. There, they found a gas-fired, steam boiler was not firing correctly because it would start-up and shut off before a draft was established. Firefighters determined the shut-off was occurring because the boiler had low water. They filled the boiler with more water, and that caused it to resume normal operation. Firefighters advised the resident to call a service company to get the water feeder fixed.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 18-24 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

chickenFatal accident: Shortly before 7:30 a.m., Jan. 13, firefighters were dispatched to the northbound Hutchinson River Parkway at Exit 22, after 911 operators received numerous calls about a car rolling off the Hutchinson River Parkway, near the Mamaroneck Road exit. Upon arrival, Westchester County police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps were already on location. There, they found a single-vehicle, rollover accident off into the woods on the right side of road. The vehicle was down an embankment with extensive damage, according to official reports. A single female occupant was found outside the vehicle. She had been ejected from the car during the rollover, officials believe. SVAC checked the occupant and declared her dead. Her name has been withheld, but she was reported to have been a resident of New York City. A check of the wooded area and the vehicle for any other occupants was negative. The accident is being investigated by WCPD.

Ex-employee accused of stealing and damaging property at Quaker Ridge Golf Club
A man in a black puffy jacket, identified as an ex-employee, was reportedly seen “taking something” from Quaker Ridge Golf Club and driving across the greens in his car to leave Jan. 15. According to an employee, the ex-employee had come to the club and was “acting and speaking strangely.” The employee thought the ex-employee left, but later she realized he had only gone into the basement. She saw his walking from the basement to his car carrying a large cardboard box. Later, she said she discovered that an expensive “cappuccino printing machine” was missing from the basement. The value of the machine was reported to be $2,000. Damage to the greens, caused by the car driving over them, was reported to be $5,000. Damage to a fence, which the ex-employee drove through, was reported to be $8,500.

Car break-in
On Jan. 11, a woman working at a Mamaroneck Road house reported her backpack had been stolen from her unlocked car while she was on the job. It contained $750 cash, pre-paid debit and credit cards, her driver’s license and a key fob.

Identity theft
On Jan. 12, a Greenacres Ave. resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Jan. 12, a Carthage Road resident reported an incident of identity theft. A fraudulent Zelle transfer was made from his account, and someone at a Verizon store either swapped out or duplicated his SIM card in an attempt to set up a new account. The man was able to alert his bank and close his accounts. Police are following up.

On Jan. 13, a Harvest Drive resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name, using her maiden name.

On Jan. 13, a Hampton Drive resident reported someone filed a U.S. postal service change of address request for her without her permission. Her mail was being forwarded to an address in Miami, Florida, and the address on her credit cards was also changed. The person who committed the identity theft also apparently intercepted a renewed credit card.

Someone fraudulently ordered a Dell computer, billed it to a Franklin Road woman, and had the computer delivered to her Franklin Road address Jan. 14. The woman realized it, returned the computer and cancelled the compromised account.

Suspicious withdrawal
A man entered a Palmer Avenue bank four times and attempted to withdraw funds that had no cleared Jan. 14. The last attempt was to withdraw $13,000 in funds. The bank manager became suspicious and called police. The man was last seen leaving Palmer Ave. in a gray Jeep Cherokee.

On Jan. 11, a Post Road resident reported she had an altercation with a housemate that “could have become physical.” Police informed supervising staff members at the living community and advised the housemates to stay away from each other.

Tire tracks
On Jan. 12, a Palmer Avenue resident asked police to come to her house, so she could show them tire tracks in her driveway that she felt were suspicious. She was concerned, first, because there were unexpected tire tracks in her driveway and, second, because “the tire tracks were too perfect to be normal.” Patrol closely examined the tracks and noticed that there were multiple sets of tire tracks in the driveway, including two from vehicles with a single front steering wheel that made a complete tight U-turn in the driveway. Based off of patrol's experience within the Village, the tire track evidence and knowledge of how the sanitation department operates, it was determined that one of sanitation department’s Ford F-150s had pulled into the driveway, multiple Cushmans had dropped off their garbage pick up, and then the F-150 backed out of the driveway back out onto Palmer Ave. As to the calling party's claim that the tire tracks were suspicious because they were too perfect, patrol clearly observed tracks from the steering wheels of the vehicle as the wheels were cut to either make the turn from or back out onto Palmer Avenue. Nonetheless, patrol conducted an exterior check of the house with the resident. All was found to be in good order. Despite patrol's findings, the homeowner still felt the tire tracks were “suspicious.” Patrol recommended that she contact the sanitation department regarding its use of her driveway in the future.

On Jan. 13, a Secor Road women called reported that contractors working in the area were leaving mud tire tracks in the roadway. Police spoke with the contractors who said they clean the roadway at the end of each workday, but they agreed to clean the roadway sooner, on that day, because it was bothering woman.

A person was observed going through recyclables on Jefferson Road Jan. 13. The person was gone when police went there for follow-up.

On Jan. 13, a Brewster Road security guard reported that a woman dropped off a suspicious package and left. Police examined the package, which was revealed to contain an adhesive mousetrap, and removed it for disposal.

Cars and roadways
Police advised Verizon about fallen wires at Post and Burgess roads Jan. 11.

The highway department removed a Christmas tree that had blown into Post Road Jan. 11.

On Jan. 11, a highway department worker, driving a Village vehicle on official business, struck a stone post while reversing out of a Richbell Road driveway.

A caller reported smelling sewage at Rock Creek Lane and Sycamore Road Jan. 11. Police advised the fire department and the highway department.

Firefighters and Con Edison were called after a resident smelled natural gas on Aspen Road Jan. 11.

A caller reported erratic driving by a Mercedes Benz in the Village Jan. 11. Police identified the car and followed it. Police did not observe any violations or erratic driving. The Mercedes pulled into a driveway in the area of Mamaroneck Road. The driver said he was going to stay home for the rest of the night.

On January 15, a minibus transporting four students on Mamaroneck Road suffered mechanical problems and would no longer move forward, only in reverse. Police helped the driver navigate the bus into a parking lot at Scarsdale Middle School. The school and bus company were organizing a replacement bus.

A caller reported a man walking in and out of various driveways on Post Road and called police Jan. 16. The man was nowhere to be seen when police arrived.

A Heathcote Road church official called police about an unknown car parked in the lot “for several days” Jan. 16. Police told the official she would have to call a tow service since the parking lot was private property.

At 5 a.m., Jan. 17, a caller reported observing an occupied white vehicle parked on Woodland Place. The caller further advised that the movement he observed in the vehicle seemed suspicious to him. Police went to the scene and noted that the car was unoccupied. A parking summons was issued.

A stop sign fell over at Hamilton and Rodney roads Jan. 17. Police notified the highway department and put up a temporary stop sign.

On Jan. 11, a Walworth Avenue resident reported a loose chicken in his driveway. Police went to the scene, but there was no fowl in sight.

A caller reported seeing an unleashed dog on Fox Meadow Road Jan. 16. It was not there when police checked the street.

Pandemic orders
On Jan. 12, police informed a group of approximately ten kids at Greenacres School to wear masks while playing basketball, as per Governor Cuomo’s orders.

On Jan. 13, a caller from an East Parkway establishment reported non-compliance of a customer. Specifically, the caller and other employees said a man was sitting at the establishment eating and not wearing a mask, both of which violated store policy. When the male was approached and asked to put on his mask, he became irate and threw his food on the floor. The man left the establishment prior to patrol's arrival. The manager on duty advised that at this time she did not wish ban the man from the store but will talk to the district manager in regard to the incident.

Village code
On Jan.11, a Sycamore Road resident reported a neighbor was hosting a physical training session in her garage and the noise was disturbing the resident’s child who was trying to concentrate on schoolwork. Police went to the scene and listened to the volume of the trainer’s voice and the music coming from inside an open garage. At no time, did the noise level become unreasonable or violate Village code.

A Ross Road resident complained of early morning leaf blower use outside her house Jan. 13. Police went to the scene and observed Village workers performing their normal jobs on Village property. Police advised the foreman of the complaint.
After a neighbor complained, workers on Fenimore Road lowered the volume of music Jan. 13.

At 2 a.m., Jan. 16, a Popham Road resident complained that she heard loud girls’ voices either next door or outside her building. Police went to the area to investigate but did not hear any loud voices.

On Jan. 16, a large number of youths had gathered at Edgewood School grounds, apparently to participate in a memorial. Police dispersed them since they were there after dark, when school grounds were closed. Police also cautioned them to follow Covid restrictions, including mask wearing and social distancing.

Lost and found
On Jan. 11, a person found an Infiniti car key fob at Scarsdale High School and gave it to police for safekeeping.
While driving on Griffen Avenue Jan. 11, police came upon a blue paper bag containing personal items, including sock and shoes, a beanie hat, nail polish, scarves, a brochure, a reusable shopping bag and cash. Police picked up the bag and vouchered it for safekeeping.

On Jan.12, someone found a white iPhone near the high school and gave it to police. Later a woman reported losing her iPhone while on a walk near the high school. She successfully unlocked the phone with a passcode and provided ID information to successfully reclaim her phone.

Police found a license plate on Garth Road and returned it to its owner in the Village of Scarsdale Jan. 13.

On Jan. 12, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Cushman Road.

On Jan. 13, a mother’s key fob stopped working on Lyons Road, and her child accidentally got locked inside the car for several minutes. Firefighters helped open the car door, and the child was released, unharmed. The mother and child went to Davis Park.

On Jan. 15, an Autenreith Road homeowner accidentally got locked out of her house. Firefighters were able to gain access to let her inside, after police confirmed her identity.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 11-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Car FireCar Fire Photo by Ray CooperCar Fire: On Dec. 28, firefighters responded to a call of a car fire inside an Enterprise rental car on Foxhall Road. The car was a 2021 Toyota Corolla. Upon arrival, firefighters noted that the car was fully involved in fire inside the passenger compartment, with flames extending to a utility pole at the car’s location. Firefighters opened a fire hydrant and used water to extinguish the blaze. Con Edison responded to check the utility pole and the wires. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps responded to check the driver, but the driver refused medical attention. Police provided traffic control during the incident. According to the driver, the fire started while she was driving, and she pulled to the side of the road and exited the car. The fire started at the right side of the front center console. Due to the extent of damage, firefighters were unable to determine the cause of the fire. Later the driver of the car reported that two license plates were destroyed in the car fire. Police provided her with proper paperwork regarding the destroyed plates.

DWI arrest
A two-car accident at 9 p.m., Jan. 1, at Hutchinson Avenue and Meadow Road resulted in the arrest of a driver. Stephen J. Broege, 49, of Mamaroneck, is accused of the following charges for which he was arrested: felonious driving while intoxicated, operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with prior convictions), leaving the scene of a personal injury accident and refusing to take a breath test. According to the arrest report, after Broege’s 2019 Subaru struck a 2018 Acura and caused airbag deployment, Broege drove away from the scene. Police intercepted the car and began to follow it as it made its way into New Rochelle. It was a dark and rainy night, and police observed the car swerving in and out of its lane. Police continued to follow the car until backup arrived in the area. Police observed Broege turn into his driveway, where he was apprehended, determined to be intoxicated and arrested. Broege’s car was impounded and Broege was issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable on Jan. 20.

A 24-year-old female driver exited the Hutchinson River Parkway and stopped on Meadow Road for assistance after her car was struck on the side by another car around 8 p.m., Jan. 2. She reported that the other driver who struck her car also exited the parkway following the impact and pulled into a Meadow Road driveway and put on its hazard lights. As the female driver attempted to get out of her car to exchange information, the other driver reversed his car and blocked her path. The other driver then brandished a handgun and pointed it at her, making her feel threatened. The female driver then retreated back into her car, and the other driver sped away. Westchester County police were notified.

Stolen phone
A caller reported his phone had been stolen from his car in Hartsdale. The caller reported that upon noticing his phone had been stolen, he “asked the first person he saw” about the phone. The caller alleged that he then noticed that the person had a phone that the caller believed was his missing phone. The person was described as a Hispanic man in his 20s or 30s, wearing a hooded, green, “camo-print” jacket with a shopping bag. His hair was described as short and curly. The person was last seen 10-12 minutes in the past headed, on foot, toward Fox Meadow and Fenimore roads. Police canvassed the area for the person but did not see anyone matching the description.

Identity theft
On Dec. 29, a Myrtledale Road woman reported that someone attempted to open fraudulent credit accounts in her name and her husband’s name. The accounts were with Blue Bird Credit and Geico Insurance. No financial loss was incurred.

On Dec. 29, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported an additional incident of someone stealing her father’s identity to open a fraudulent account. According to police records, this was the fourth report filed by the resident involving identity theft affecting her father. This incident involved a prepaid American Express card that she believed was not authorized, funded or initiated by her father. After discovering the card, the resident said the account was closed.

On Jan. 3, a Fox Meadow Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent Verizon cell phone account in her father’s name.

Domestic matters
A Greenacres woman called police to report that she was hungry and her adult daughter would not let her into the kitchen to eat. Police went to the house and spoke with both parties – the woman and her adult daughter, who was in the kitchen cooking dinner for her mother. Police were able to help clear up the woman’s confusion and restore harmony.

On Dec. 30, a Quaker Ridge mother called police to say she was having a custody disagreement with her child’s father. The custody arrangement was based on a civil agreement, without a court order, according to the mother. Police advised her to contact her attorney or Westchester Family Court in order to help work through the problem.

Phishing scam
On Dec. 31, a Sage Terrace resident reported that she might have received a phishing scam email. She said she did not respond to the email or click any links it contained.

Lights out
On Dec. 28, a Wynmor Road resident reported that someone might have cut the power cord to his outdoor Christmas lights a few days in the past. Police increased patrols in the area as a result.

Welfare check
On Dec. 31, police checked the welfare of an Old Lyme Road resident and confirmed the resident was OK.

Photos and video
A Wayside Lane resident reported that a white man in a black SUV stopped in front of her house and possibly took videos of her house. She found it suspicious and reported it to police.

On Jan. 2, a Heathcote Road resident reported an unknown man taking photos of her house alleged he was a real estate agent performing an appraisal. She found the incident suspicious and called police. The man was described as an overweight white man in his M/W in 50s, with glasses and a bald head. He was observed to
be operating a black SUV, possibly a Hyundai.

At 1 a.m., Jan. 1, New Jersey police asked Scarsdale police to help make notification to a Claremont Road homeowner about a resident’s whereabouts. Police went to the address, but there was no answer at the door. Police looked in the windows of the house, and it appeared to be empty. Police let NJ police know the results of the notification attempt.

Termite control
On Dec. 31, an Aspen Road homeowner reported that employees from a termite pest control company removed termite control devices from his yard without his permission. The homeowner said the employees were from the pest control company that the homeowner uses. He said he would look into the matter to see if both companies work together or if the observed employees were at the wrong address. In the meantime, the homeowner asked police to document the matter.

On Dec. 28, a caller reported a golden-colored, medium-sized dog was “roaming” alone on Fox Meadow Road. Police went to the street and found the dog. He was wearing a “Blueberry” brand collar without tags. Police called New Rochelle Humane Society to pick up the dog, but the dog’s owner approached police before NRHS arrived. The dog and its owner were reunited.

At 1 a.m., Jan. 1, a caller reported two barking dogs left outside for a long period of time at an undisclosed house near the corner of Hampton and Butler roads. Police went to the area and did not hear any barking dogs.

A caller reported roosters making noise on Brewster Road around 10:30 a.m., Jan. 2.

Cars and roadways
A minor car accident occurred at Mamaroneck Road and Griffen Avenue Dec. 28. There were no injuries and police assisted the drivers exchange information. Neither driver requested a formal report.

On Dec. 29, an unknown vehicle left the roadway while going around a curve on Meadow Road and dislodged three large landscaping rocks from a resident’s property. Police assisted in placing the boulders back on the resident’s property.

On Dec. 30, police helped a driver change a flat tire on Post Road. Unfortunately, however, the replacement tire was defective and immediately deflated upon being placed on the car. Police then helped the driver obtain a ride to work while arrangements were made to have the car’s tire repaired.

On Dec. 31, at 6 a.m., highway workers identified a driver at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue who might need assistance. Police went to the scene and spoke with the driver. The driver said he was a night janitor who maintains and cleans supermarkets, including Balducci’s. He said he just finished his shift and was too tired to drive home. Police advised him to take time to rest and not risking driving while sleepy.

On Jan. 1, police informed the water department about a significant water leak at Ferncliff Road and Roosevelt Place.

A BMW backed into a Subaru at Boniface Circle and Spencer Place Jan. 2. Police helped the drivers exchange information. No injuries were reported, and the drivers did not want a formal report.

Police provided traffic control while highway workers cleared a fallen branch from Saxon Woods Road Jan. 2.

A Woodlands Place resident reported she felt uncomfortable because a man parked outside her house in an SUV Jan. 2. Police spoke with the man who said he had pulled over to make a phone call. He said he would leave the area since his presence was bothering the resident.

Police removed fallen branches from Bypass Jan. 2.

A Magnolia Road homeowner requested assistance with his car Jan. 2. Police and firefighters went to the scene and saw that the homeowner had struck his garage molding with his car. No structural damage occurred.

Village code
On Dec. 30, police dispersed kids from Edgewood School grounds after dark.

Lost and found
On Dec. 28, a passerby found a credit card at Davis Park, on Lyons Road. Police identified the name and address of the cardholder, who was a resident of the Village, and they returned it to her.
On Dec. 29, a patron found a credit card at an East Parkway diner and brought it to police. Police vouchered the card for safekeeping.

On Dec. 28, a Wheelock Road resident reported an odor coming from her basement. Police and firefighters arrived to check out the complaint and discovered the house sewer cap had become dislodged in the basement. Firefighters helped secure the cap.

An improper light bulb placed inside a Rock Creek Lane fixture caused a burning odor and excessive heat Jan. 28. Firefighters removed the bulb and allowed to fixture to cool down.

A car was slowly leaking gasoline inside a Walworth Avenue detached garage Jan. 29. Firefighters advised the resident to keep the garage door open for proper ventilation until the car could be removed by tow and repaired.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Dec. 31.
A malfunctioning high-efficiency boiler in a Cayuga Road house was causing elevated carbon monoxide levels Jan. 1. Firefighter shut down the boiler, ventilated the house and advised the resident to call for service.

Firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Jan. 2.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 28, 2020 – Jan. 3, 2021 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

brewstercar(Updated January 13, 2021)

This in from the Scarsdale Police:

On January 11, 2020 at approximately 6:53 PM, the Scarsdale Police Department responded to a report of a serious automobile accident on Brewster Road just north of Olmsted Road involving a single vehicle that struck a tree. Upon arrival of the police, it appeared that two occupants were ejected. The Scarsdale Fire Department removed the other three occupants from the vehicle--

The five occupants of the vehicle were treated for various injuries at the scene by paramedics from the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps with assistance from Eastchester, Harrison, and Larchmont Volunteer Ambulance Corps and were immediately transported to the Westchester Medical Center for treatment. At this time, their conditions are unknown, however, according to police, there were no fatalities.

On January 13, Police reported that the five occupants from the car included the following:

-The driver is a 17 year-old male from Elmsford
-The occupants are an 18 year-old male and a 19 year old male from Elmsford, an 18 year old female from Scarsdale and a 17 year old female from White Plains. 

As of January 13, 2021 there was no update on their conditions.

The car was not registered to a Scarsdale address. 

The Scarsdale Police Department was assisted at the accident scene by the Westchester County Police Accident Investigation Unit. The accident is currently under investigation. No other details are available at this time. Updated information will be released as the investigation progresses.



advilShoplifter arrested: Following an investigation into an alleged shoplifting incident on Dec. 14 from the Popham Road CVS, police arrested suspect Ileana Oceguera, 38, of Mount Vernon on Dec. 22, Oceguera is accused of concealing and removing $535 worth of cosmetics and $415 worth of Advil from the store. She was charged with petit larceny and issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable Jan. 13.

On Dec. 27, shortly after midnight, police observed a 2018 Honda Accord speed past a patrol car on Post Road. In addition to driving approximately 53 mph, the car was observed to be driving left of pavement markings. Police conducted a traffic stop, and when approaching the car, they noticed that the driver “appeared to be sleeping” at the wheel. Police tapped on the window to wake up the driver, and the driver then drove away for approximately half a mile before coming to a stop at Post and Mamaroneck roads. Police approached the car to speak with the driver – identified as Juan Matute, 37, of White Plains. According to the police report, Matute’s shirt was on backwards, and his clothing was covered with vomit. His breath smelled like alcohol, and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot. Matute was asked to submit to field sobriety tests. He was also asked to take an Alcosensor breath test, which he refused. He was arrested and taken to headquarters, where he refused to submit to a blood alcohol test three times. Police processed the arrest on the following charges: driving while intoxicated (first offense), unlawfully fleeing a police officer, reckless driving, driving left of pavement markings, speeding and refusal to take a breath test. Matute was released on his own recognizance and issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Jan. 13.

Public indecency
On Dec. 21, a Berwick Road woman reported that a male subject in a Jeep Wrangler stopped on the street in front of her house and was possibly masturbating. She called police, but the subject sped off before police arrived.

On Dec. 21, a Walworth Avenue man reported that a package containing a watch appeared to have been delivered to his house and subsequently stolen that day. The value of the watch was not disclosed. The next day, on Dec. 22, the man called police to advise that the reported stolen package was actually delivered that day.

Car break-in
On Dec. 23, an Oak Way man reported that he parked his 2009 Toyota Corolla at Chase Road and Boniface Circle and, while driving home, he noticed his driver’s side rear quarter glass window was broken. Further investigation revealed that items had been stolen from his front passenger seat and the trunk. These items included a $27,000 Sonosite micro ultrasound machine, a $10,000 Transducer CB, an $800 biopsy clamp and a $150 Filson jacket. Police are investigating.

Identity theft
On Dec. 22 a Stratton Road man reported that a fraudulent unemployment claim had been filed in his name.

Stop work
On Dec. 23, work was being performed at a Spier Road house, in violation of Village code. All workers, except for one, immediately left the scene upon patrol’s arrival. Police told the one remaining worker to cease work until proper permits could be obtained. Communication with the homeowner is pending.

On Dec. 22, dust triggered false alarms in a Heathcote Road house and at Greenacres School.Car FireA car burst into flames on Foxhall Place around 3 pm Monday December 28th. The fire was extinguished without causing further damage. Photo Credit: Ray Cooper

On Dec. 26, floor-sanding dust triggered a false alarm in a Jefferson Road house.

On Dec. 22, firefighters stood by at the site of a Con Edison excavation site at Kent and Ogden roads due to a reported odor of natural gas. Once a Con Edison crew arrived and the scene was determined to be safe, firefighters left the scene.

On Dec. 24, a Ferncliff Road homeowner lit a fireplace fire but neglected to open the chimney flue. The house started to fill with smoke. Firefighters opened the flue and ventilated the house with a fan.

Firefighters advised Jefferson Road homeowners to air out their basement due to a “musty odor” Dec. 24.

An oven was not working properly and caused a carbon monoxide leak in a Fox Meadow Road house Dec. 24. Firefighters detected the leak and shut affected connections. They also ventilated the house while waiting for Con Edison.

Wires were arcing at Post Road and Wayside Lane Dec. 25. Firefighters stood by for safety until Con Edison arrived. The area was closed to traffic.

On Dec. 25, a tree fell at Ogden Road and Brite Avenue, knocking a primary wire to the ground. Police and firefighters barricaded the area around the fallen wire while waiting for Con Edison to arrive.

Con Edison was notified about tree limbs on Walworth Avenue and Carthage Road wires Dec. 25.

Low-hanging cable wires were detected on Hamilton Road Dec. 25.

A tree fell on a Fayette Road house during the Dec. 25 windstorm. The building department was notified for follow-up. Firefighters advised the homeowner to report the incident to his insurance company and to avoid the areas inside and outside of the house, adjacent to the fallen tree.

On Dec. 26, firefighters helped Post Road residents get inside their house after they were accidentally locked outside.

On Dec. 27, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway, involving a car “in the woods.” Two occupants of the car were taken to White Plains Hospital Center for injuries.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 21-27 has been compiled from official information.

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