Saturday, Oct 05th

roostersBurglaries: On Sept. 2, police responded to a burglar alarm at a Mohican Trail house and discovered an open and damaged entry door. No one was inside the house when police arrived, but it appeared as if items might have been stolen from the house. The homeowners were notified and arrived back at home to assess the situation

On Sept. 3, a realtor arrived at a Lincoln Road house and found the front door “blowing off its frame.” Investigation showed that the door had been kicked in, and the house had been burglarized. The realtor informed the new homeowner, who completed a deposition, and the previous owner was given a deposition to complete to assist with rectifying damage caused to the door and doorframe.

On Sept. 4, a Huntington Road house sitter discovered the house’s front door kicked in, with damage to the dead bolt mechanism, and the house burglarized. Police set up a perimeter and determined the house was empty. Investigation, in consultation with the homeowner, determined items were stolen from the house.

Stolen car
A 2004 white Mercedes Benz was stolen from an Axtell Road driveway overnight and reported on Sept. 2. The keys had been left inside, when health aide used the car the day before and parked it in the driveway of her employer, an 88-year-old man.

On Sept. 3, the manager of the Popham Road CVS reported that a man and woman stole approximately $1,100 in merchandise from the store on Aug. 27. He discovered the crime after noticing some product shelves were unusually empty, and he was therefore prompted to review surveillance footage of the store’s interior. The footage showed a man and woman enter the store and place a 49 items – including electric toothbrushes, toothbrush refills and deodorant – into bags and leave the store. The man was described as light brown-skinned, with short dark hair and wearing a light-colored, short-sleeved shirt. The woman was described as light brown-skinned, with long blonde hair with dark roots and wearing a dark shirt and long pants.

On Sept. 5, the manager of the Popham Road CVS reported that a white man wearing a green jacket, blue shorts and a light blue hat and a woman wearing a green shirt and black pants entered the store with an empty, large, blue Ikea-style shopping bag. Shortly thereafter, security footage showed the couple leaving the store with the bag full of merchandise. The manager then checked the aisle where the couple had last been seen. It appeared as though the couple had stolen at least $100 worth of Ensure nutrition drinks.

A Taunton Road resident reported an unknown man was “hanging out” on his doorstep at 5:48 a.m., Sept. 5. Upon arrival at the scene, police observed a man – Kofi Busia, 31, address unknown – resting on a bench in the covered porch area of the house. Police questioned Busia and he said he had been trying to gain entry to the house because his parents lived there. Patrol assured him that he had the wrong address. Busia then advised he had been walking around Westchester for most of the night. He was arrested and charged with trespassing, a violation. Upon running his information through a police database, it became clear that Busia was also wanted by the Village of Mamaroneck police department for attempted criminal trespassing. Village of Mamaroneck police were notified, and Busia was picked up by officers of the jurisdiction and transported to their headquarters for further arrest processing.

At 1:55 a.m., Sept. 8, a Hampton Road resident reported two unknown men on his property.

A caller reported seeing a white woman with dark hair, wearing a pink blouse, get out of a white car parked on MacDonald Place and drop something on the ground Sept. 4. She then got back in her car and remained parked on the street for some time before leaving. When the car left, the caller’s husband went outside to investigate. He found a plastic bag containing what appeared to be a stick inside the end of a PVC pipe located at the end of the caller’s driveway. The caller then reported seeing a white man with a blue shirt and white striped gym pants come to the area where the woman ostensibly left the plastic bag. According to the caller, the man appeared to be “looking around the area.” Police located the man and questioned him. At first he was uncooperative and did not want to answer any questions. Later, he said he lived in New York City, but was home visiting his family and went outside for a smoke. After police advised the man that the contents of the pipe – the bag and a marijuana cigarette (which the caller first thought was a stick) had been intercepted, the man said a friend may have left him a “gift” outside, but he did not know what the gift was. Police discarded the bag and its contents as trash.

Identity theft
On Sept. 3, a Fenimore Road resident reported that an unknown person attempted to take out a fraudulent small business loan in her name. She alerted the Small Business Administration before the loan was executed; so she did not incur any financial loss.

Attempted car break-ins
A Wildwood Road man reported seeing a man attempting to break into an Audi parked on the street in front of his house at 5:48 a.m., Sept. 4. When the suspect noticed he was being observed, the suspect ran off to a waiting car and left the area.

The custodian of Heathcote School found graffiti on several pavement areas of the playground, as well as beer bottles discarded on the roof of the school Aug. 31. The graffiti appeared to have been burned into the playground surface by an unknown method. Later that day, a caller reported seeing a large group of kids on the roof of Heathcote School. When police approached them, approximately 20 kids dispersed.

Political signs
A Black Birch Lane man reported some political signs he placed around the Village were disappearing

Domestic disputes
A mother did not want to take medication because she felt nauseous, despite her daughter’s urgings, Sept. 2. Police mediated the parties’ dispute and helped them arrive at a compromise.

An Edgewood Road wife called police to report her husband had taken her cell phone and left their house on foot Sept. 5. Upon arrival police spoke with the husband who said he had taken his wife’s phone because he needed to make a call outside and could not find his own phone. He returned the phone when he was finished. The wife said she had been unaware of the circumstances involving he husband’s use of her phone. She declined further police assistance.

A Colonial Road woman called police to complain about lights shining into her house from cars on the Hutchinson River Parkway at 4:41 a.m., Sept. 1. Police checked the parkway area and did not observe any cars or drivers intentionally shining lights into the woman’s house.

A commuter called from Scarsdale train station stating he was suffering from an episode of post-traumatic stress disorder Sept. 4. Police notified MTA police, and the commuter was transported to White Plains Medical Center for evaluation and treatment.

Pedestrian hit
A 54-year-old male pedestrian, from Mount Vernon, was struck by a 2017 Land Rover turning west from Post Road onto Popham Road at 8:30 a.m., Sept. 1. The pedestrian was found sitting on the ground in the crosswalk, conscious and alert. Police and firefighters stabilized the pedestrian until Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived. Police issued the 22-year-old Scarsdale driver summonses for failing to yield the right of way to a pedestrian and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, related to a suspended license resulting from the driver’s failure to pay a driver responsibility assessment in February.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 31, police removed a fallen cable wire from Sage Terrace. Verizon was notified.

On Sept. 1, police removed small branches from Kingston and Montrose roads.

On Sept. 1, police marked low hanging wires with caution tape on Church Lane and notified Verizon.

Police took possession of license plates from an impounded car related to a closed case from 2018 and released to a tow company on Sept. 1.

On Sept. 2, police secured low hanging wires on Catherine Road and notified Verizon.

Police advised a person with numerous unpaid parking tickets to resolve the matter at Village Hall Sept. 2.

A car belonging to an unknown person was parked on Quaker Ridge school grounds for several days before a school employee contacted police Sept. 3. Police attempted to reach the registered owner but were unsuccessful. Police advised the school employee to contact a tow service to remove the car if needed.

On Sept. 4, police contacted the Village electrician to repair a traffic light on Mamaroneck Road that was not cycling properly.

On Sept. 4, police notified Con Edison about a branch over wires on Hamilton Road.

Patrol called a tow service to assist a motorist with a dead car battery on Heathcote Road Sept. 6.

An unoccupied, parked car was accidentally left running on Wynmor Road Sept. 7. Patrol attempted to reach the registered owner, with the help of a neighbor, but was not successful. The neighbor offered to shut off the car and secure it for the owner in the meantime.

Police notified Con Edison of low-hanging wires on Garden Road Sept. 7.

Civil matter
On Aug. 31, police informed a Popham Road tenant that an eviction notice he received from his landlord was not a police mater. Rather, it was a civil matter to be followed up on in civil court, if necessary.

On Sept. 1, police dispersed kids from Fox Meadow School grounds after the school was closed. Later that evening, police also dispersed a gathering of kids from Shawnee Road.

Dog bite
On Aug. 31, a Rugby Lane woman reported being bitten by a dog while dropping her son off at a friend’s house on Elm Road on Aug. 30. At the time, she was holding her dog – a mini Schnauzer – in her arms. It was at this time that a dog from a neighboring house broke off its leash, charged at her and her dog and bit both of them. The neighboring dog’s owner and the woman’s friend pulled the attacking dog off of her. The woman experienced undisclosed injuries, and her mini Schnauzer experienced multiple puncture wounds on its back and stomach and three broken ribs. The pet was treated by a vet immediately after the attack. The attacking dog was named after an iconic album title by the musical artist David Bowie, according to the police report. It was the first reported incident involving this dog, in the Village Both dog owners were advised to quarantine their dogs for 10 days.

Police alerted the highway department to remove a dead raccoon from Sprague Road Sept. 3.

After a neighbor complained about a barking dog on Kensington Road Sept. 4, the dog’s owner apologized. The dog was not longer barking when police arrived on scene.

A Copper Beech Lane resident reported an “unruly cat” in the neighborhood Sept. 6. He resident said the cat, which belongs to a neighbor, often enters his yard and poses a problem due to the fact that he and his wife are allergic to the cat. Patrol tried to talk with the cat’s owner, but the owner was not home.

Village code
On Aug. 31, police advised kids playing basketball at Greenacres School that the school grounds were closed after dark, and the kids dispersed.

A Chase Road resident complained about the post office’s practice making late night deliveries to the Chase Road post office around 1:45 a.m., Sept. 1. Police spoke with an after-hours employee, who provided police with her supervisor’s name and contact info.

A resident of Brewster Road complained of noise coming from roosters Sept. 1. Police spoke with a neighbor who keeps roosters as pets. She said they stay in a sound-insulated coop during the evening. Later, police were called to the same house about excessive rooster noise on Sept. 6. The owner of the roosters fed them, and the roosters quieted down. Police advised her the noise was in violation of Village noise ordinances, and she was issued a verbal warning. She said she would be mindful of noise going forward. On Sept. 7, police received an additional noise complaint. The noise was not deemed excessive enough to warrant code enforcement.

On Sept. 2, police dispersed noisy kids from Aspen Park.

After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Highland Way resident to lower the volume of music playing at his house Sept. 4.

After neighbors complained of outdoor music playing all night at a Bradford Road house, police helped the resident locate the source of the music and unplug the device Sept. 5.

On Sept. 7, a caller reported many people making noise in the back yard of a Sprague Road house. Police advised the people to lower the volume of their conversations.

Lost and found
Patrol found a debit card on Chase Road and returned it to its owner Sept. 4.

On Sept. 1, firefighters responded to Freightway garage for a stuck, occupied elevator. Firefighters shut power to the elevator and used a drop key to open the door and remove occupants. The elevator car was left at a floor level, with all elevator doors secured.

On Sept. 2, a Broadmoor Road resident reported an odor of natural gas inside her house. Firefighters found a gas knob left on, without ignition of a cooking flame. Firefighters moved the range’s gas valve to a closed position and ventilated the space.

On Sept. 6, an overheated rooftop air handler caused smoke to accumulate in a Spencer Place business and a rear common hallway. Firefighters shut power to the unit and ventilated the structure. Police assisted by providing traffic and pedestrian control.

On Sept. 6, firefighters helped a locked-out senior caregiver get back into the Sheldrake Road house where she was working. The safety and wellbeing of the senior resident was confirmed upon the caregiver’s re-entry.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 31 – Sept. 7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

scissorsStolen signs: A Black Birch Lane reported someone stole numerous Voter’s Choice Party political campaign signs, for a Village Trustee election, that he had placed through the Village Aug. 27.

A Brookline Road resident reported her emailed account had been hacked and an unknown person was requesting her to pay that person $1,086 in bit coin Aug. 24.

On Aug. 25, a Nelson Road man reported receiving a call from an unknown person who alleged to be his grandson, asking for bail money after being arrested in New Jersey. He alerted police to the matter, and police confirmed it was a scam.

Squatter’s rights
On Aug. 24, a person walked into headquarters to inquire about his eligibility for squatter’s rights, based on a written document allowing him to live at his parents’ house for a two-week period in August. Police told him he would not be eligible for squatter’s rights and advised him that the matter would be brought to the attention of a landlord/tenant court.

On Aug. 24, a man driving a gray van rang a Brambach Road woman’s doorbell, told her he was from Canada, tried to sell her a gold chain and then asked for money to take care of his family. She refused to purchase the gold chain and declined to give him money, before the man drove away.

On Aug. 24, a Hispanic man, described as “well dressed” and wearing jeans, a blue button down shirt and a vest – rang a Murray Hill Road woman’s doorbell, claiming to be a “barber.” He offered to give haircuts to any men that lived in the house. She declined his services using the voice function of a doorbell camera app on her phone. Since she was not expecting a barber, she found it suspicious and called police.

Someone rang a Garden Road doorbell at 7:25 a.m., Aug. 29, and then left the scene.
A door was ajar on a Brewster Road house Aug. 30. Police checked the house, closed the door and secured it.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 24, 28 and 30, police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street and safely reach a sidewalk.

Police notified the Village electrician that a Mamaroneck Road traffic light was not working.

Police offered to help a driver with a flat tire on Heathcote Road Aug. 24, but the driver said she was already waiting for her brother to arrive with a new tire.

Police notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Murray Hill Road Aug. 27.

Police taped off an area of Paddington Road due to flooding and notified the water department Aug. 27. At 2 a.m., on Aug. 28, the water department shut off water in the area due to a water main break nearby.

The driver of a rental truck asked police for directions to Mount Kisco Aug. 28.

A man in a blue Mazda was reported to be “looking at houses and writing notes” Aug. 29. Police questioned the man, and the man said he was looking at houses for sale in the area because he wants to buy a new house.

Police issued a warning to a teenage driver who was observed to be driving a BMW “erratically” on Post Road, with several friends in the car, after other drivers complained Aug. 30.

A car was parked with its lights on, facing the basketball court on Huntington Avenue in order to illuminate it, at 8:15 p.m., Aug. 30. Police advised the operator that he was not allowed to park his car in such a manner. Police also advised the courts were closed.

One car accident was reported in the Village this week.

Lost and found
On Aug. 24, a Rodney Road man reported losing the front license plate off his car.

On Aug. 25, a caller reported finding a padlock and keys at Heathcote Road and Weaver Street. The lock had no identifying marks and no value. So, police discarded it.

On Aug. 28, patrol found an iPhone on East Parkway. While attempting to contact the owner through ID cards stored with the phone, the owner approached patrol and retrieved the phone.

A Lyons Road man reported losing his company-issued iPhone, and he needed a police report in order to be issued a new phone Aug. 29.

A passerby found some cash on the ground on Autenreith Road and gave it to police Aug. 30.

Village code
On Aug. 25, police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers.
After neighbors complained of noise, a Meadow Road dog owner brought her dog inside Aug. 26.

On Aug. 29, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported an ongoing issue with three large trees adjacent to his property. The caller said a tree company was there to remove the trees, but he was not sure the owner had a proper permit to remove the trees. Police went to the scene and saw a tree cutting crew at work. Tree branches had already been cut. Workers on scene had a permit from the Village engineering department. However, tree species were not listed on the permit; so police advised the workers to stop until the engineering department could confirm which trees were slated for removal.

Police shot a sick raccoon on Post Road and Huntington Avenue and stood by for the highway department Aug. 28.

A sick raccoon on Greenacres Avenue died in the presence of patrol who had been called out to investigate the animal’s condition Aug. 29. Patrol assessed the animal and it appeared that it might have been sick with rabies. Patrol called the Westchester County department of health, but no one was available to handle the call. Patrol then called a veterinary hospital, and a technician came out to pick up the raccoon’s body for disease testing and control.

On Aug. 25, police assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

A control board burned in a clothes dryer in the basement of a Walworth Avenue house Aug. 26. Firefighters disconnected the unit and checked to make sure there was no heat or carbon monoxide in the vent pipe. They advised the resident to replace the dryer and install a new vent line.

On Aug. 29, an SUV drove off an overpass bridge, from the Hutchinson River Parkway and landed on Mamaroneck Avenue. Cars on Mamaroneck Avenue swerved to avoid impact with the SUV and ended up striking each other. Firefighters, along with crews from other jurisdictions, assisted at the accident scene.

Firefighters assisted at another car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Aug. 29.

A belt burnt off an air conditioner unit in a garage crawlspace in a Stonehouse Road house Aug. 30. Firefighters shut down the unit and advised the homeowner to call for service.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 24-30 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

poolCar thefts: On Aug. 12, police learned that a 2012 gray Volvo S60 was stolen from the street outside the owner’s Tory Lane house. A set of keys to the car was left inside in car when the theft occurred. A Con Edison safety watch worker witnessed the theft at approximately 3 a.m. He specifically said three cars drove down the road “at a speed that startled him.” He then saw a young man jump out of one of those cars, enter the parked car and drive away. He assumed the young man was the owner, due to the ease and speed at which the young man entered the car and left the scene with it.

On the morning of Aug. 16, a Walworth Avenue resident woke up to find out that his 2019 blue BMW X5 had been stolen overnight. Also stolen was a set of golf clubs that had been inside the car.

The owner of a Garth Road business reported, on Aug. 13, that four chairs and two tables were stolen from outside her shop on Aug. 9.

On Aug. 14, a Sheldrake Road resident reported his mother’s silverware was missing – either stolen or misplaced inside the house.

A Post Road resident’s Trek bike was stolen out of his open garage and replaced with a Granite Roadmaster bike Aug. 16.

Car break-in
On Aug. 12, a Lebanon Road resident reported his car had been broken into the pervious night, and approximately $20 in items, including coins, was stolen. The resident heard an alarm that his garage door opened, but the suspect was gone by the time he came out to check.

Identity theft
Someone was claiming fraudulent unemployment benefits, using the personal information of a Fox Meadow Road woman Aug. 11.

On Aug. 15, a Spier Road resident reported someone fraudulently attempted to take out a small business loan in his name.

A Fayette Road woman received a call from someone alleging to be from the Social Security Administration Aug. 14. The caller stated the woman Social Security number had been used to rent a car in Texas, and that car was involved in felony activity. During the course of the conversation, the woman provided personal information to the caller. Later she was suspicious the call was a scam and reported it to police.

Police mediated a dispute between two Harvest Drive residents with a history of verbal disputes Aug. 10.

Police mediated a dispute between two Cushman Road residents with regard to one neighbor making a report to the fire department about the other neighbor Aug. 15.

A Butler Road resident expressed concern about a “small crate” on his property Aug. 12. Police examined the crate and found it to be empty, except fort a few pieces of debris. Police placed it at the curb for sanitation pickup.

At 11:54 p.m., Aug. 14, a tall male wearing a white T-short and shorts approached a Parkfield Road house and knocked on the door. He spoke through the intercom to the nanny of the house. Since she did not recognize the man, she did not let him in, and he left on foot.

A Rural Drive resident heard someone knocking on her door or on a window at 1:46 a.m., Aug. 15. When she checked, no one was there.

A man was sleeping in his car at 3 a.m., Aug. 15. Police woke him up and spoke with him. He said he was going to visit a person on the street but arrived so early that he wanted to sit in his car, resting and waiting.

A Montrose Road woman reported finding a bullet casing in her swimming pool Aug. 15. She handed patrol the item in question, and patrol confirmed it was an empty 30 Carbine casing. She then stated her eldest son had a friend over the other day, and they both utilized the pool. Patrol then spoke with this son, who stated the casing might have belonged to this friend. He further stated that this friend owns a rifle of this caliber, and that both of them had utilized this rifle, in a legal setting at shooting range in the recent past. He then proceeded to call this friend, who confirmed that he had placed an empty 30 Carbine shell casing in the pocket of his swim trunks. He further stated that the shell casing must have fallen out while swimming. No evidence was observed, or previously reported in the area, which would indicate that this shell casing was connected to any crime or accidental discharge. The caller then said she would dispose of the shell casing.

Road rage
On Aug. 12, a woman driving a car reported that another driver was honking at her on Walworth Avenue. The other driver then passed her, blocked her car, got out of his car and began yelling at the woman.

Cars and roadways
Police told a Con Edison worker who was watching risky wires to move his car off the road, as it was impeding traffic on Heathcote Road Aug. 10.

On Aug. 10, police notified Verizon and Con Edison about low hanging wires on Carthage Road.

An older male driver reportedly drove past a Christie Place restaurant several times and shouted obscenities Aug. 10.

Patrol informed the highway department about a misshapen, and thus ill fitting, manhole cover on Hathaway Road and Church Lane Aug. 11.

A tractor trailed pulled down telecommunications and cable wires on Heathcote Road Aug. 11. Police informed Verizon.

Police set up a temporary stop sign because the traffic slight at Post and Sherbrooke roads wad not working Aug. 11.

Police contacted Con Edison and the highway department about a tree leaning on wires on Circle Road Aug. 12. A resident said the leaning tree was preventing driveway access too.

Police notified the water department about water coming out of a hole in the roadway on Crane and Woodland roads Aug 12.

Police moved cable wires off Post Road Aug. 12 and off Wayside Lane Aug. 13.

On Aug. 13, police spoke with a man and woman who were sleeping in their car on Heathcote Road. They were travelling to Vermont, sustained damage to their car’s windshield and pulled over to wait for a technician being sent by her insurance carrier.

A large partially severed branch was hanging a few inches above a Murray Hill Broad house Aug. 13. Police and firefighters advised the residents to evacuate the house, move their cars from the driveway and summon a tree service to remove the branch.

Patrol asked highway and sanitation workers to remove broken glass Harwood Court Aug. 13.

Patrol helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street Aug. 14.

Wires were sparking and smoking on Oak Lane Aug. 15. Police notified Con Edison.

One car was repossessed in the Village this week.

Civil matters
On Aug. 11, a Paddington Road man reported a “suspicious” incident with his contractor. The man said the contractor drove by his house slowly that day after expressing surprise that the man did not have any cash on hand for services.
A contractor working on an Aida Road house reported that the owner was not paying him and he needed to get his tools out of the house Aug. 11. The contractor said he could see his tools were still inside the mudroom. Police advised him he could not just go inside and get the tools without permission.

On Aug. 14, a Montgomery Road resident reported having a dispute with a worker over payment for services. Police advised it was a civil matter.

On Aug. 11, a Lockwood Road man reported that a Sage Terrace dog nipped at his hand and bit it while he was out walking his own dog on Sage Terrace. The bit happened after the dogs’ leashes became entangled and wrapped, in part, around their paws. One of the man’s hands was lightly bleeding from the bite Aug. 11. The offending dog’s owner provided documentation that the dog’s vaccinations were up to date.

Two pit bulls were off leash on Huntington Avenue Aug. 14. Police advised the owner to leash them, as per Village ordinances.

Village code
A man was walking his dog on Heathcote Road and reported having a verbal altercation with a landscaper illegally using a leaf blower Aug. 13. Police advised the man to report any future violations to police rather than attempting to address them individually.

On Aug. 14, police told three high school aged boys that kayaking in the Brewster Road pond and waterways was not allowed.

After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Horseguard Lane resident to lower the volume of music and tone down noise at a get-together Aug. 15.
After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Montrose Road resident to lower the volume of music Aug. 15.

Lost and found
A passerby found car keys on Depot Place and gave them to police Aug. 10. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.

A passerby found an iPad Touch on Burgess Road Aug. 10. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

A woman reported losing the trailer plate for her jet ski somewhere, but she did not know where Aug. 10.

On Aug. 11, the owner of Parkway Café found an iPad Pro with an attached keyboard that was left in his business by an unknown customer. After the unknown customer did not return to pick up the lost items, the owner turned the items in to police for safekeeping.

On Aug. 12, a Lebanon Road man reported finding a baby’s diaper bag containing baby care items across the street from his house. The disorderly nature of the items – some of them strewn all over the street – looked as if the bag been discarded or rummaged through. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

A man’s ID cards were found on East Parkway Aug. 12. Police contacted the owner who made arrangements to have them mailed back.

A ring was found at a Wayside Lane building and brought to headquarters Aug. 15. Police vouchered it for safekeeping. 

On Aug. 10, firefighters assisted at two car accidents on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Aug. 11, exhaust from a portable generator infiltrated a Saxon Woods Road house. Firefighters ventilated the space and suggested moving the generator farther away from the house, with the exhaust pointing away from the garage.

A newly installed hot water heater in a Mamaroneck Road house was emitting carbon monoxide into the basement Aug. 14. Firefighters ventilated the basement, and Con Edison shut down the unit and red tagged it.

On Aug. 15, a brush fire was reported on Cushman Road, but when firefighters arrived at scene, they determined the actual address of the fire was on Sheldrake Road. Firefighters extinguished a burning area of approximately 5 ft. x 15 ft., and they soaked the area.

On Aug. 15, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a carbon monoxide leak at a Ridgedale Road house.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 10-16 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

dogAt 1:15 p.m., Aug. 23, a 40-year-old male caller reported that a man, who was a stranger, pointed a gun at him on Saxon Woods Road. Police responded and searched for the individual accused of menacing, who was described as a black man wearing a blue shirt and black pants, possibly carrying a handgun. The suspect was observed sitting on steps leading to a Saxon Woods Road house, and police requested backup.

Police approached the man and he reportedly began to reach into his front and back pockets with both hands. At that point, officers instructed the suspect to show his hands. Officers grabbed the man’s right wrist and attempted to place his hands against a retaining wall behind him. The suspect resisted and began pushing officers away with both hands. Police used the forward momentum of the suspect’s body to bring him into a prone position. While the suspect and an officer were falling to the ground, the officer noticed an ammunition magazine in the suspect’s back pocket. At that point, the suspect was handcuffed. Police removed an unloaded firearm and a two-inch long knife from the suspect’s pockets. The caller positively identified the suspect as the person who threatened him with a gun, and paramedics arrived on scene to evaluate the suspect. The suspect was identified as David Bright, 60, of White Plains, and placed under arrest. He was charged with second-degree menacing with a weapon and second-degree criminal possession of a loaded weapon.

Stolen bicycle
A Tory Lane boy’s unlocked Mongoose mountain bicycle was stolen from a Village center bike rack at the corner of East Parkway and Christie Place while the boy was in a store on East Parkway Aug. 18. The bike was valued at $300.

Identity theft
On Aug. 17, a Quaker Center resident reported receiving six packages, while she was away, from Neiman Marcus, at her house that she did not order. According to a Neiman Marcus representative, the packages were ordered online using her Neiman Marcus credit card. The combined value of the packages totaled $6,603.29 and included a gifting hair dryer, Lamer cosmetics and a $3,061.59 belt buckle. The resident made arrangements with Neiman Marcus to return the fraudulently ordered items.

A Brite Avenue resident reported an individual used her name and personal information to attempt to fraudulently open a loan out from the Small Business Administration Aug. 22.

On Aug. 18, a Stratton Road man reported he was scammed out of more than $2,400 while applying for employment using an online platform. As part of the alleged application process, the person posing as an employee sent checks to the man and required him to deposit them and send online payments to designated parties and purchase gift cards. The man did so and sent payments in excess of $2,400 via Zelle, Cash App and gift cards. Later he realized the deposited check was fraudulent, and the exercise was a scam.

On Aug. 19, a Nelson Road woman reported she became the victim of an Internet computer scam while attempting to contact a Geek Squad representative to fix an alleged computer issue on Aug. 13. She said she tried to call the corporate number for Geek Squad and was directly to another number to speak to an alleged technical support representative directly. She provided her name, address, email address, telephone number and IP address to that alleged rep, and she allowed him to access her computer. The rep requested an initial payment via PayPal of $411.99. She paid the money and continued to speak with the rep over the phone for the next two days. The rep reported finding multiple problems with her computer and was told it might take up to 72 hours to resolve the matter. The rep requested additional payments in the amount of $425, to be made payable through Google Play cards, which the woman purchased through CVS and sent to the alleged rep. Soon thereafter, the woman realized the person with whom she was speaking and to whim she had sent payments was not a member of Geek Squad. Police advised her to monitor her finances and to take her computer to a physical store to check and secure her computer since it had been accessed remotely.

A caller reported her mother gave $3,000 to a phone scammer, and her mother’s bank was requesting a police report to take further action Aug. 19. Police attempted to call the mother, but she did not answer the phone. Police left a voicemail for follow up.

A Popham Road school director reported that an alarm sounded at the school and the firebox pull was broken Aug. 18. The director thought it could have been a prank, as he had left some of the doors open while a worker was working outside. Police investigated and found no signs of criminality.

A woman accidentally dropped her phone on Chase Road, at Spencer Place, and it fell through a storm sewer grate Aug. 18. Police notified the highway department to assist her in retrieving her phone.

Two businesses on Depot Place called police around noon on Aug. 19 to report that a male customer was “getting unusually close to customers in the store” and possibly “attempting to touch” a female customer. The employees of the businesses said the male customer was “disrupting” other customers and “would not leave.” The employees from each business each said that they believed the man may have been suffering from mental illness or experiencing some sort of difficulty. He left the stores before police arrived.

A Butler Road woman reported seeing, via surveillance camera, an elderly woman in a nightgown or housecoat approach her front door and attempt to look into her mailbox Aug. 20. The elderly woman appeared to be disoriented. Police searched the area for the woman but could not locate her.

A caller expressed concern of flooding due to a sprinkler on Herkimer Road that had been on “for a long period of time” Aug. 20. Police went to the scene and observed a sprinkler in normal operation, with water flowing away from the house and into a storm drain. The homeowner could not be reached to discuss further.

A Village employee reported seeing a dog lying motionless on a Palmer Avenue driveway Aug. 20. Police spoke with the homeowner who said her dog was “sunbathing” outdoors and in good health.

Installation request
A Brookfield Lane housekeeper denied a request by two men with blonde hair to enter her employer’s house to allegedly perform an unscheduled communications installation Aug. 20. While investigating the call, police saw Verizon workers in the area. They were unsure if any of their technicians might have gone to the Brookfield Lane house by mistake.

A School Lane resident came home to find his garage lights on unexpectedly Aug. 21. Police checked the garage and found no signs of criminality or unauthorized access. The resident then said his parents, who had left the house earlier in the afternoon, might have left the lights on.

Bicyclist hit
A 33-year-old Fenimore Road bicyclist was struck from behind by a car, driven by a 24-year-old New Rochelle driver, on Weaver Street, near Old Lyme Road, shortly before 6 a.m., Aug. 19. The bicyclist was transported to Westchester Medical Center for injuries. Police closed the road and set up a detour while Westchester County police reconstructed the accident scene for investigation.

On Aug. 21, the manager of Quaker Ridge Golf Club reported that unknown people were dumping debris, including a discarded toilet and old paint cans, in an empty Bradford Road lot that is owned and maintained by the Club. The debris was removed, and police will conduct extra ridebys of the lot.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 19, a caller reported a log rolled off a highway department truck and fell onto the street at Palmer Avenue and Lincoln Road. Police went to the scene, but the log had already been removed from the roadway.

Police spoke with two homeowners whose garage doors were left open on Herkimer and Heathcote roads Aug. 19. Each homeowner thanked patrol, said the open door was accidental and closed the door.

A wheel came off a double axel trailer truck while the truck was travelling on Post Road Aug. 20. Police notified a tow service for assistance. The tow mechanic temporarily reattached the wheel so the truck could be moved off the roadway and transported to a repair shop.

Police called a tow for a driver whose car sustained a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road Aug. 21, at 2:30 a.m. They called another tow for a driver with a flat tire on Fenimore Road later that morning, around 9 a.m.

A driver backed out of his driveway and hit a parked car on Lincoln Road Aug. 21. The accident caused property damage only, and police helped the drivers exchange information.

Two callers reported cars, possibly including a silver Dodge Charger or Mustang, “doing donuts” on Hampton and Olmsted roads shortly before 11 p.m., Aug. 22. The cars had already left the scene by the time police arrived.

A driver struck an animal, possibly a coyote or deer, on Weaver Street at 2:55 a.m., Aug. 23. The animal was no longer on the scene. A tow truck removed the car from the road and took it to a service location.

A black SUV was parked too far away from the curb on Gorham Road Aug. 23. Police contacted the owner who subsequently moved the car.

After a disabled car’s engine was jumped on Fenimore Road, the engine stalled again on Mamaroneck Road Aug. 23. Two police officers assisted by pushing the car onto a dead end side road to free Mamaroneck Road for traffic flow. Police contacted a tow truck operator to pick up the disabled car.

A homeless man was found sleeping in his car parked on Chase Road and Harwood Court at 2 a.m., Aug. 24. The man said he did not want any assistance, nor did he want to go to a shelter or hotel. He left the area.

Village code
Police advised a worker to refrain from placing brush from an Oxford Road house on George Field for pickup Aug. 17.

After neighbors complained about noise from a small gathering on Secor Road, police asked the homeowner to lower the volume of music Aug. 17.
After neighbors complained about a loud pool party on Hanover Road Aug. 18, police spoke the homeowner who said adolescent son had four friends over to swim. While on scene, the friends’ parents arrived to take their sons home.

At 2:30 a.m., Aug. 19, neighbors complained of loud noise at a Bell Road house. The resident had some friends over, and he assured police he would make sure the gathering remained quiet.

Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on School, Church and Wayside lanes Aug. 19, Crossway Aug. 20 and Ogden and Franklin roads Aug. 21.

Police told residents talking on a Sprague Road front porch that neighbors complained of noise, even though police did not deem the noise to be unreasonable Aug. 20.

Neighbors complained of a loud youth party on Sunset Drive Aug. 22. Police remained on scene until all youths were picked up by their parents.

Pandemic restrictions
A group of teens were observed congregating without masks and not social distancing in a Scarsdale Avenue parking lot Aug. 21. Police advised them of the governor’s executive orders, and the youth put on masks and left the parking lot.

Lost and found
On Aug. 17, a Dobbs Terrace resident reported losing a passport after she mailed it to the Social Security Administration and did not receive it back after it was supposedly mailed on July 7.

A passerby found a written-out check for $60 on the street at East Parkway and Christie Place Aug. 22. Police attempted to contact the person who had issued the check in order to return it, but the attempt was not successful. The checked was vouchered at headquarters for safekeeping.

A Village resident reported losing his car’s front license plate somewhere in New Haven, CT, Aug. 23. Police reported the lost place to police in New Haven, and the resident was issued a lost plate form for the NYS DMV.

A Village resident reported losing both of his car’s license plates after turning the car into a dealership in Brooklyn with the plates attached. The dealership told the resident the plates had been lost. Police assisted by issuing a lost plate form for the NYS DMV.

On Aug. 17, firefighters assisted Hartsdale firefighters at the scene of a house struck by lightning.
On Aug. 18, an overheated motor caused a dryer fire that self extinguished in a Kensington Road house. Firefighters observed a smoke odor in the basement laundry room. The odor was isolated to the dryer. Firefighters disconnected electricity and gas connections to the dryer and removed the exhaust duct to confirm there was no extension of fire. Firefighters advised the resident to replace the unit and ensure proper ductwork. Firefighters noted the existing ductwork consisted of a 4-inch PVC drainpipe exceeding 36 inches. The fire inspector was notified for follow-up.

An outdoor hissing sound and an indoor odor of natural gas alerted a Torrence Place resident to a gas leak Aug. 18. Firefighters went to the scene and observed a contractor had severed a gas line with an excavator. The contractor temporarily crimped the line and secured it with duct tape. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison and shut down circuits to an air conditioner condenser unit located near the gas line. The building department was informed about the job site, in order to follow-up to verify safe working conditions. Con Edison arrived and clamped the line to prepare for a pressure test and service restoration.

On Aug. 21, smoke from a smoldering fire pit infiltrated a Carthage Road basement through an open window. Firefighters ventilated the basement and advised the resident to completely extinguish any embers in the fire pit after each use.

On Aug. 23, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of burning wires on Beechwood Lane.

Commenting on the report, resident Jack Binder said, "I’m so proud of our local police force. Your story about the man with the gun is an example of excellent police procedures. Black man, gun, nobody died! That’s the way it should be in America, and in the rest of the world. The few times I’ve had interactions with our local police in 35 years as a resident have always been exemplary."

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 17-23 has been complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

brittanyclosepondThis in from the Scarsdale Police:

Burglary on Brittany Close

At 10:45 pm on Sunday August 9, police got a call from a Brittany Close resident reporting a burglary. He said he had just arrived home, the door was ajar and jewelry box was missing.

The house was not ransacked and there was no sign of a forced entry.

However two very expensive pieces of jewelry were gone. A large engagement ring valued at $250,000 and a piece of Cartier jewelry valued at $150,000.

The door was not kicked in like the other burglaries.

The matter is under investigation.

Stolen Cars

A Rock Creek Lane man reported that his blue 2019 BMW X5 valued at $80,0000 was stolen from his driveway overnight on August 6-7. He estimated that it was taken sometime between midnight and 6 am the following morning. According to the police report, the vehicle was later recovered.

In a similar incident, a Franklin Road man reported that his 2019 blue Infiniti was taken from his driveway overnight on 8/6-8/7. That car was recovered as well.

Car Break-in Activity
On Aug. 7, a Rock Creek Lane woman reported that two parked unlocked cars in her driveway were entered, and items were stolen. These items included a wallet containing $50 cash and credit and debit cards from one car, and approximately $3 in loose coins and a package of hand cleaning wipes from the other car.

A Madison Road woman reported seeing a man standing near her car’s open trunk at 3:20 p.m., Aug. 7. The car was parked on the street, and its trunk was open because the woman was unloading groceries. When the man noticed her looking at him, he allegedly attempted to hide by crouching down beside the car. Then, he fled in his car.

On Aug. 8, a Brambach Road resident reported seeing three males in a Jeep parked on the street in a newer model white for approximately five minutes. Then, the Jeep drove away, stopped, and one of the males got out of the car and approached a parked car. The male looked inside the parked car and proceeded to get back into the Jeep. The Jeep then left the area.

At 3:30 a.m., Aug. 8, a Sunset Drive resident reported some people pulled up to her house in a dark SUV. The people then allegedly exited the car and looked into one of the resident’s cars parked in his driveway and on the street. Both cars showed signs of being rummaged through, and two items were stolen. The resident did not want to file a formal report.

A male passenger struck an Uber driver’s face with his hand while traveling on Heathcote Road Aug. 7. The passenger allegedly became irritate that the drive was taking linger than expected. The driver’s face was experiencing some redness and swelling. The driver did not want to press charges. He only wanted the passenger and the passenger’s wife to exit his car. Police stood by and helped the passenger get a taxi.

Identity theft
On Aug. 4, an Ardmore Road resident reported that someone fraudulently opened an unauthorized Wells Fargo account in his name. He closed the account and did not suffer any financial loss.

On Aug. 7, a Normandy Lane resident reported an unauthorized account was fraudulently opened in her name. The institution closed the account because it was deemed suspicious.

A Village woman reported being verbally confronted by a Donellan Road resident who, from her porch, accused the woman’s dog of barking at the resident’s dog Aug. 8.

On Aug. 8, a Myrtledale Road woman reportedly went outside to get something from a parked car and saw two unknown men in a car pull into her driveway. Thinking the car might have belonged to her daughter, she approached the car. At that time, the men allegedly said, ‘Holy s***t and backed their car out of the driveway. The intentions of the young men were unknown.

On Aug. 6, police informed a Heathcote School custodian that there was an active hornet’s nest near a playground slide.

After a Southwoods Lane resident reported a damaged floodlight bulb in her driveway Aug. 4, police determined the bulb was defective, and it was not damaged through an act of vandalism. Patrol then helped the resident change the light bulb.
On Aug. 4, police helped an elderly Harvest Drive resident connect a generator.
At the request of a concerned family member, police checked the welfare of a Bradford Road resident Aug. 7. The resident was ok.

On Aug. 9, police helped a Madison Road resident find contact information for tree companies to evaluate and address a tree whose trunk got cracked in this week’s storm.

Pandemic restrictions
On Aug. 5, police used the public address system outside Scarsdale high school to advise approximately 10-15 people that the track was closed.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 3, police removed a fallen wire from Post and Crane roads. They notified the highway department about a branch hanging on wires on Madison Road later that day.

Police notified Verizon about a fiber optic box dangling from a utility pole on Kelwynne Road Aug. 4.

Con Edison was notified about a large branch leaning against a power line on Montrose Road Aug. 4.

Police helped a pedestrian safely cross Weaver Street Aug. 4.

On Aug. 5, police encountered a parked car with scofflaw status on East Parkway. Police spoke with the registered owner and directed him to Village Hall to address the unpaid parking tickets.

On Aug. 6, a Meadow Road resident reported a car with Florida plates was stopped in the resident’s driveway. Police spoke to the driver, who was working for Uber Eats. The driver said he had stopped in the driveway to take a break.

On Aug. 7, police attempted to replace a dislodged manhole cover on Church Lane South.

A Mamaroneck Road resident reported an unknown car was parked in her driveway Aug. 7. The driver fled when the resident started to approach.

A transformer was leaking oil on Murray Hill Road Aug. 8. Police taped off the area and notified Con Edison.

Police removed a large spool of wire from Mamaroneck and Post roads Aug. 8. It appeared that the spool might have fallen off a work truck. The sanitation department was notified for disposal.

Parked cars were blocking passage to large vehicles on Springdale Road Aug. 8. Police contacted the owners of the cars and asked that the cars be moved.
Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Storm damage
On Aug. 4, emergency workers received hundreds of calls related to storm damage, including fallen trees, downed wires and power outages. The first calls prompted police to move fallen branches to the side of Quaker Ridge Road and close Stratton Road to block an area where a tree brought down wires and hit a car. As the storm continued, other trees fell on parked cars on Olmsted Road, Butler Road, Boulevard and Christie Place. No injuries were reported, but damage to the affected cars was significant. A tree also fell on an unoccupied house on Fox Meadow Road, and two trees fell on the roof of a Brookby Road house and reportedly “went through the roof.” More fallen trees and wires were reported on Ridgecrest East, Saxon Woods Road, Walworth Avenue, Post Road, Stonehouse Road, Heathcote Road, Woods Lane, Circle Road, Farley Road, Fenimore Road, Church Lane, Mamaroneck Road, Fox Meadow Road, Harvest Drive, Highland Way, Madison Road, Sprague Road, Palmer Avenue, Richbell Road, Black Birch Lane, Clarence Road, Brewster Road, Old Orchard Lane, Tunstall Road, Springdale Road, Oak Lane, Lincoln Road, Woods Lane, Wynmor Road, Meadow Road, Popham Road, Penn Boulevard, River Road, Rural Drive, Bypass, Rectory Lane, Butler Road, Corell Road, Crane Road, Oxford Road, Gorham Road, Drake Road, Huntington Avenue, Greenacres Avenue, White Road, Johnson Road, Wildwood Road, Gatehouse Road, Elmdorf Drive, Dunham Road, Boulevard, Old Orchard Lane, Innes Road, Hampton Road, Tisdale Road, Overhill Road and Rural Drive. Wires that came down because of a fallen tree were reported to be sparking at Park and Oxford roads. Firefighters were called to address a fallen tree and utility pole on Palmer Avenue and a fallen tree on a Whig Road house. Police closed Boulevard from Bradley to Post roads because a tree was burning in the park due to fallen wires. Police also closed Heathcote Road and Weaver Street because of a burning wire on the ground. Barricades were set up around dangerous areas; temporary stop signs were erected as needed; highway workers diligently removed fallen trees; and Con Edison was notified.

On Oct. 5 - 9, cleanup and restoration of storm damage continued throughout the Village. Police restored caution tape at intersections where tape had been removed or broken. They continued to place new taped around area s where wires started sparking. A Copper Beech Lane resident reported a neighbor’s tree fell on his house and caused damage, and a Butler Road resident reported a tree fell on her parked car Aug. 5. Later that day, a Stonehouse Road caller reported a large tree limb fell on her house, but there was no damage to the house Aug. 5. Later that day, police temporarily moved caution tape blocking access to a Brewster Road house so the resident could receive a prescription drug delivery.

Civil matter
On Aug. 6, a Wynmor Road resident reported that a neighbor has been “harassing her and her husband for 15 years … about rainwater runoff” related to construction. Police advised the resident and neighbor to stay away from each other and handle the matter in civil court.

On Aug. 8, a Lee Road resident reported damage to his driveway due to construction. Police advised the resident it was a civil matter.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of Village code on Post Road and Sprague Road Aug. 3.
A Bradley Road party host lowered the volume of music after neighbors complained Aug. 7.

After a neighbor complained of noise coming from a Sage Terrace house at 2 a.m.,

Aug. 9, police reminded the resident of Village code regarding noise. Music was then shut off.

In addition to assisting with hundreds of storm related activities and storm-related road closures and burning wires, firefighters were busy with 98 calls from Village residents or emergency dispatchers this week.

On Aug. 3, firefighters assisted at an accident involving a motorcycle and a car, both of which that caught on fire, on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Aug. 4, firefighters notified the building department about a tree that fell on a Whig Road house and penetrated the roof.

On Aug. 4, firefighters assisted other agencies with a fire in a rooftop central air conditioning unit on a Central Avenue building.

A Farley Road generator was positioned too close to a house and allowing carbon monoxide to enter the house Aug. 4. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised the homeowner to relocate the generator.

A Putnam Road house generator was smoking Aug. 4. Firefighters manually shut it off and advised the homeowner to call for service.

A Penn Boulevard generator was positioned too close to a house and allowing carbon monoxide to enter the house Aug. 4. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised the homeowner to relocate the generator.

On Aug. 5, firefighters assisted at a two unrelated Fenimore Road car accidents.
A Carthage Lane generator was positioned too close to a house and allowing carbon monoxide to enter the house Aug. 5. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised the homeowner to relocate the generator.

A Ridgedale Road resident accidentally got locked outside her house Aug. 5. Firefighters helped her get back inside.

Firefighters evaluated the safety of a Stonehouse Road garage after a falling branch struck it Aug. 5. Firefighters advised the homeowner to call a tree removal company for assistance.
A generator leaked one gallon of gasoline at a Richbell Road house Aug. 5.

Firefighters addressed the spill and advised the homeowner to refrain from using the generator until it could be repaired.

A Continental Road generator was positioned too close to a house and allowing carbon monoxide to enter the house Aug. 6. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised the homeowner to relocate the generator.

Two portable generators at Quaker Ridge Golf Club on Griffen Avenue were releasing carbon monoxide into a club building Aug. 6. Firefighters shut down the generators, ventilated the building and advised staff to relocate the generators to a safe location away from the building.

Firefighters could not locate the source of an odor in a Carthage Road house Aug. 6. They advised the resident to ventilate the house.

On Aug. 7, firefighters assisted at car accidents on Grand Park Avenue, the Bronx River Parkway and the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Two Penn Road generators and a Griffen Avenue generator were positioned too close to houses and allowing carbon monoxide to enter Aug. 7. Firefighters ventilated the houses and advised the homeowners to relocate their generators.

Noise in a Crossway house was thought to be caused by an animal inside the walls Aug. 8.

Plastic melted on an electric cooktop in a Brewster Road house and emitted smoke Aug. 8. Firefighters ventilated the house.

A burnt outlet and an unsafe power strip were found in a Griffen Avenue house after the homeowner called to report a burning odor in the house Aug. 8. Firefighters shut down power at the circuit breaker panel and advised the homeowner to call an electrician for service.

Firefighters helped a Mamaroneck Road resident seal up a vent that was allowing dangerous exhaust from a generator to enter the house Aug. 9.

A Gatehouse Road generator was misfiring Aug. 9. Firefighters ventilated the affected area, shit down the generator and advised to all for service.

On Aug. 9, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 3-9 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.