Saturday, Oct 05th

UnknownTrespassing: A Cushman Road woman reported that while she was in the shower, Oct. 7, an Amazon food delivery driver entered her house without permission to deliver her Whole Foods grocery order. A camera shows the delivery personnel walking three bags of groceries to the door, looking inside the house through the window, and then entering the house to bring the bags inside. They remained inside the house for approximately one to two minutes before leaving empty-handed.

Robbery and Assault
On October 11th, 2020 Greenburgh Police officers responded to the McDonald’s Restaurant located at 407 North Central Avenue in Hartsdale for a report of a male stealing food from behind the counter. The male assaulted two McDonald’s employees during the incident and fled the restaurant. No weapon was used during the commission of the crime. An investigation conducted by members of the Greenburgh Police Department’s Detective Division and Street Crime Unit resulted in the arrest of Cornelius Mantel, age 20 of Crosshill Road in Hartsdale on October 12. Mr. Mantle was charged with one count of Robbery in the second degree and two counts of Assault in the third degree. He was arraigned at Greenburgh Town Court and released.

Stolen iPad
A man reported that an iPad belonging to another person was stolen out of his car while the car was parked on Harwood Court Oct. 6.

Stolen political signs
On Oct. 11, a Stonehouse Road woman reported that two “Trump” campaign signs had been stolen from her yard on two separate occasions. She requested extra ridebys from police to prevent it from happening again.

Car break-in
On Oct. 11, an Obry Road resident reported someone entered her unlocked, parked car overnight and tossed around the contents of the center console, leaving console items on the front seat. Nothing was reported missing.

On Oct. 11, a Madison Road man reported his unlocked, parked car had been entered overnight. Approximately $50 in cash and personal documents were stolen.

Identity theft
On Oct. 7, a Crossway resident reported that someone fraudulently applied for a credit union mortgage in his name.

On Oct. 7, a Huntington Avenue man reported that someone fraudulently attempted to open an American Express credit card in his name and also applied for two fraudulent Small Business Administration loans in his name. None of the fraudulent attempts were successful.

Check fraud
On Oct. 9, a Coralyn Road resident reported someone altered a check he had originally written in 2018 and deposited this fraudulent check into an unknown account. As a result, the resident suffered a financial loss of $6,400. The resident is following up with his bank.

A Post Road resident reported he was scammed out of $4,400, following a fraudulent call in which a caller pretended to be a security expert from Apple Care, alerting the resident about alleged hackers who had infiltrated his home security system, Oct. 8. The caller told the resident to purchase cash gift cards and reveal the numbers on the backs of the cards in order to pay for the caller to “remove the hackers” from the resident’s home security network. After the resident twice purchased cash cards and gave the numbers to the caller, he became suspicious and called Apple Care. When Apple Care said they had no record of the security breach or incident, the resident called police.

Domestic matter
Police were called to a Greenacres house at 4 a.m., Oct. 6, because a woman was arguing with her daughter. By the time police arrived, the matter had been resolved, and both parties agreed to go to sleep.

Criminal contempt
On Oct. 5, police arrested Jason Gordon, 44, of Scarsdale, on misdemeanor charges of second-degree criminal contempt and endangering the welfare of a child. He is accused of violating an active stay away order of protection issued by Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Oct. 1.

Hypodermic needle
On Oct. 5, a Bradley Road resident found a capped hypodermic needle on his property. Police picked it up and took it to Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps for proper disposal. Police are increasing patrols in the area due to the increase of hypodermic needles littered on the ground in certain parts of the Village.

A Lyons Road woman called police to report a confrontation with an unknown man and his dog occurred outside her property Oct. 11. According to the woman, the man and his dog were standing at the edge of her yard when she retuned home. While pulling into her driveway, she advised the man to get off her property. She alleged that the man began yelling at her at that pointing, stating the first 10 feet of the yard were public property and therefore he had a right to be there. She said when the man started to walk away, she followed him in her car “to see where he was going” before abandoning her pursuit at Davis Park. Police advised her to not follow people in her car and to avoid future interactions with the man. Police told her to instead call police, rather than taking a matter into her own hands. Police checked Davis Park, in order to speak with the man, but he was already gone.

Lock out
A woman accidentally locked her keys, phone and dog inside her parked car on Spencer Place Oct. 6. The dog was not showing any signs of distress and had adequate ventilation due to a partially open sunroof. The woman said she had forgotten her husband’s cell phone number and was unable to contact him to bring a spare key. Police used a database to look up the husband’s cell phone number. The woman alerted her husband and he arrived on scene with a spare key.

Wrong car
On Oct. 8, New Rochelle police called Scarsdale police to assist with a report of a white Range Rover, allegedly stolen from a Weaver Street location and driven to a Franklin Road address, according to data received by the car’s tracking technology. Scarsdale police went to the Franklin Road address and found the car parked in the driveway. The homeowner said she accidentally got into that particular car and drove it home, mistakenly leaving her own car at the Weaver Street location. Police notified New Rochelle police who sent the owners to Franklin Road to retrieve their car, while the Franklin Road homeowner went back to the Weaver Street location to retrieve her own car. After interviewing all parties, police determined there was no probable cause to suggest criminal intent.

Cars and roadways
On Oct. 6, police helped a woman cross Weaver Street safely.

Police adjusted a traffic light at Drake Road after it was reported to be hanging askew Oct. 6.

A manhole cover got dislodged on Murray Hill Road Oct. 6. Police put the cover back in place and set up traffic cones around the cover. The highway department was alerted.

On Oct. 7, an ambulance driven by a Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps EMT accidentally backed into a tree while responding to a call on Paddington Road.

On Oct. 7, police notified utility providers about low-hanging wires on Woods Lane. Police remind the utility providers about the matter again on Oct. 9.

Police removed fallen phone wires from Lee Road and notified Verizon Oct. 8.

A sideswipe accident involving a Scarsdale school bus and an oversized vehicle occurred on Post Road Oct. 8. The bus was carrying three teenage students. There were no reported injuries.

Police noticed a parked car on East Parkway, with its driver’s window completely rolled down Oct. 9. Police attempted to notify the registered owner, who lived in Greenburgh, but the attempts were unsuccessful.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on East Parkway and Christie Place, while the car received a jump-start from a family member’s car, Oct. 10.

According to a witness, a car struck a stop sign at Weaver Street and Crossway and then left the scene Oct. 10. Patrol set up a temporary stop sign and alerted the highway department for replacement.

On Oct. 11, police notified Verizon about a low hanging wire over Leatherstocking Lane.

Civil matter
A Freightway Road business called police alleging a former employee showed up and was refusing to leave Oct. 10. The employee told police he came to the business to pick up his last paycheck, which was due to him. The manager of the business said he would instead mail the check to the former employee because he did not want interaction with the former employee on scene.

Roosters, chickensroosters
A Brewster Road woman reported that a neighbor’s roosters were being loud and disturbing her participation in a Zoom meeting Oct. 5. Police went to the scene and did not see or hear any domesticated fowl making noise.

A Brewster Road resident reported hearting chickens making noise outside Oct. 9. Police went to the scene and did not see or hear any domesticated fowl making noise.

Police received a similar unfounded complaint Oct. 11.

On Oct. 8, an Autenreith Road resident reported a coyote had been sunning itself in her yard for approximately two hours. Police observed the coyote, which was not showing any obvious signs of sickness or injury. Police provided the resident with contact numbers for local animal trappers.

coyote2A Taunton Road homeowner also reported seeing a coyote in her yard Oct. 8. Police provided her with contact numbers for animal trappers.

Village code
Police issued a warning to a Franklin Road resident who was draining pool water into the street in violation of village code Oct. 5.

Following up on loud music complaints after midnight, Oct. 10, police notified two Seneca Road residents who were hosting small gatherings to keep the noise level down.

On Oct. 10, a Whig Road girl said she invited friends over while her mother was out to dinner and she had her mother’s permission to do so. However, a neighbor called police because the girl and her friends were playing loud music. Police went to the house and told the girl to turn down the music. The girl offered to send her friends home as well. Police also spoke with the mother, who said she would talk to her daughter after she got home.

Lost and found
On Oct. 5, police received a driver’s license in the mail. They tracked down the owner and took the license to her address.

A wallet was found on East Parkway Oct. 6. Police located contact information for the Bronx owner and notified him. The owner came to headquarters to pick up the wallet.

A piece of jewelry was found on Depot Place Oct. 6. The passerby who found it gave it to police for safekeeping.

A bicyclist found an iPhone on Sprague Road while riding his bike and gave it to police for safekeeping Oct. 9.

On Oct. 5, firefighters shut off a gas dryer connection in a Mamaroneck Road house due to gas odor. They contacted Con Edison for further investigation.

On Oct. 8, firefighters assisted with a disabled Toyota Camry, in which the motor was smoking, on the Hutchinson River Parkway. They used water to cool off a hot spot in the engine compartment due to a possible wiring malfunction.

On Oct. 11, a Brookby Road resident was unable to get heat in her house. Firefighters changed batteries in the thermostat, and this action corrected the problem.

On Oct. 12, a reported gas odor in a Dolma Road house prompted firefighters to call Con Edison. Con Edison identified some gas leaks in the heat piping and shut down affected valves. The caretaker of the house was advised about how to best remedy the problem.

On Oct. 12, firefighters received a report of a wheelchair-bound woman whose wheelchair got trapped under a desk in Fox Meadow. Firefighters used equipment to lift the desk, which released the wheelchair and set the woman free. The woman was evaluated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

On Oct. 12, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 5-11 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

craneroadPedestrian Killed: At 3:45 p.m., Oct. 7, police released the following information about a fatal accident that occurred in the Village earlier in the day: ”At approximately 8:09 a.m., Oct. 7, the Scarsdale Police Department responded to a serious injury automobile accident involving a pedestrian that occurred on Crane Road and Church Lane. The pedestrian was treated at the scene by paramedics from the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps and immediately transported to Westchester Medical Center for treatment where she succumbed to her injuries. The operator of the vehicle remained at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation." On October 8, the identity of the pedestrian was released by Scarsdale Police. Her name is Beverly Samuels and she was 79 years old and lived in Eastchester. The Westchester County Police Accident Investigation Unit assisted the Scarsdale Police Department at the accident scene. 

On Oct. 1, a Brittany Close man reported eight watches, with a combined value of $80,000, had been stolen from his house sometime within the last 30 days.

Identity theft
On Sept. 28, a Brewster Road man reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Oct. 1, an East Taunton Road man reported someone fraudulently applied for a Small Business Administration loan in his name.

Dance class
A caller reported a “loud” dance class was taking place in a Lyons Road park Sept. 29. Police arrived on scene and observed a dance class taking place. They noted that all participants were observing social distancing guidelines and that noise was at a low level. Police further noted that the class noise was “quieter than landscaping equipment being used on properties adjacent to the park.” The complaint was deemed to be “unfounded.”

A Carman Road resident asked police to meet her outside her house to discuss a civil matter with one of her neighbors Sept. 29. Police confirmed the civil matter was not criminal in nature.

On Sept. 30, a resident of a Post Road house reported that a new tenant in the same house had been making excessive noise Sept. 27. Police advised the tenant to contact police again if the noise persisted and if the landlord was not successful in handling the situation.

A Chase Road post office supervisor called police because one of her employees was “refusing to leave the building,” although she had asked him to, she said, Oct. 2. She also reported that they had had a discussion regarding his work and he began to speak “loudly” to her, which made her feel uncomfortable. She said she would follow up with her chain of command to attempt to resolve the matter.

Phone service
A telephone service wire attached to a Bradford Road house was suspected to have been “cut” Sept. 30, as reported by the homeowner. Police went to the scene, observed the wire, and deduced that it most likely snapped due to natural age deterioration and that it had not been intentionally cut. Police suggested the homeowner contact the phone company for replacement.

A Wakefield Road woman reported trouble with her landline Sept. 30. Police confirmed there was no dial tone on her phone and suggested she call her phone service provider, via her cell phone, to report the problem and request a repair.

Police picked up multiple hypodermic syringes found at Fairview and Post roads and disposed of them in protective container at Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps Oct. 1.

A Bradley Road resident found a hypodermic syringe in his backyard Oct. 3. Police picked it up and transported it to SVAC for safe disposal.

Unwanted attention
A woman reported that an unknown white man, with long hair and baggy clothes, was walking by her and friend and ”staring at them” while they were waiting at the Scarsdale train station platform Oct. 4. The man never said anything to the women, but they felt uncomfortable. He was last seen getting into a gray Acura and leaving the scene. Police notified MTA police about the incident because it occurred on MTA property.

Sewage was backing up into a Chase Road building’s basement Oct. 2. The building management and the highway department were notified.

Cars and roadways
A caller reported a suspicious car parked on Fox Meadow Road for “over an hour” Sept. 28. Police spoke with the driver, who said she had pulled over to make a phone call. There was no sign of criminality or criminal intention.

A caller reported a car was driving south on the Bronx River Parkway in the northbound lane at 10:45 p.m., Sept. 28. Police searched the parkway for the wrong-way driver, but the car had apparently corrected the situation and was nowhere to be found.
Police removed fallen branches from Post Road and Kingston Road Sept. 30.

Police taped off an area around a tree leaning into a power line near the intersection of Whig and Overlook roads Sept. 30. Con Edison was notified.

Police placed caution tape on a fallen tree on Post Road and alerted the highway department for its removal Sept. 30.

Police placed caution tape on a low-hanging wire on Woods Lane and alerted Verizon Oct. 1.

A blue Porsche ran out of gas and stalled in the roadway at the intersection of Popham and Post roads Oct. 1. Police provided traffic control while the passenger of the car refueled it with a portable gas can.

Police notified the highway department and Con Edison about a dangling branch, resting on wires, over Post and Popham roads Oct. 1.

On Oct. 2, police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Woodland Place.

Police assisted a driver with a flat tire on Post Road Oct. 3.

A car ran out of gas on Heathcote Road Oct. 4. Police called a tow service for assistance.

Car accidents
A head-on, two-car collision occurred on Weaver Street at 10:30 a.m., Sept. 28. The 34-year-old Hartsdale driver of a 2020 Lexus reported she lost consciousness while driving and therefore hit, head-on, a 2019 truck driven by a 52-year-old Cortland Manor man. The driver of the Lexus was taken to Westchester Medical Center for treatment.

An 85-year-old female pedestrian, of Scarsdale, was struck by a 2020 Jeep at Oak Lane and Fenimore Road at 11:38 a.m., Sept. 28. The Jeep, driven by a 44-year-old Scarsdale woman, was in the process of making a left turn from Fenimore Road onto Oak Lane when the accident occurred.

Police directed traffic to control a backup on Popham and Garth roads that was the result of an accident on Ardsley Road, in Greenburgh, Sept. 29.

A Brewster Road resident reported her neighbor’s roosters were making an excessive amount of noise at 8:30 a.m., Sept. 29. However, when police arrived on scene, the roosters were quiet.
Once again, a Brewster Road resident reported her neighbor’s roosters were making an excessive amount of noise at 9:00 a.m., Oct. 2. However, when police arrived on scene, the roosters were silent.
For a third time this week, a Brewster Road resident reported her neighbor’s roosters were making an excessive amount of noise around 2 p.m., Oct. 3. However, when police arrived on scene, the roosters were once again quiet.

After a possibly sick coyote was reported on Cooper Road Sept. 29, police alerted nearby residents to take caution. A Cooper Road resident saw the possibly sick coyote again on Sept. 30 and called police. When police arrived, the animal ran away. Police gave the resident contact information for local animal trappers.

Police received two reports of a coyote on Brewster Road Oct. 2 and one report of a coyote on coyote2Leatherstocking Lane Oct. 3.

A coyote was sighted on Taunton Road Oct. 4.

Police saw a mangy coyote, missing fur on half its body, lying near a pond on Tisdale Road Oct. 4. When police approached the animal, it ran into the woods.

Police assisted a possibly injured rabbit out of the street and into a nearby wooded area on Oakstwain Road Oct. 4.

Village code
A solicitor on Heathcote Road was told he needed a permit to solicit in the Village Oct. 1.

After neighbors complained of noise, police alerted a Saxon Woods Road family to a noise complaint Oct. 1. The family said they were celebrating a birthday and a holiday and promised to reduce the noise level. Two hours later, police received a second noise complaint and went to the house again. The family said they would remind their quests to be quieter.

An Overhill Road resident complained of loud noise from a Scarsdale Avenue business Oct. 3. Police went to the business, and the owner said he was having a grand opening party. He reduced the volume of the noise and assured police that the party was near the end.

After neighbors complained of noise, police alerted a Fenimore Road resident and the resident lowered the volume of his music Oct. 3.

Lost and found
On Sept. 29, a Carthage Road man reported losing a clip-style wallet in the Village. It contained $300 cash, credit cards and personal documents.

On Sept. 30, a Bronxville woman reported finding a watch at the high school approximately a week ago. After failing to locate the owner of the watch, the woman gave the watch to police.

A Stonehouse Road woman reported her grill’s propane tank would not shut off Sept. 28. Firefighters were able to shut off the propane connection for her.

On Sept. 28, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.
Firefighters called Con Edison after finding a leaking hot water heater’s gas pipe in a Morris Lane House Sept. 28. They shut service to the house and advised called a plumber for service.

On Sept. 29, firefighters assisted at a car accident involving a pickup truck that rolled onto its roof on the Hutchinson River Parkway. The driver was able to self extricate and was not seriously injured.

On Sept. 30, firefighters assisted at a single car accident, with injuries, on the Hutchinson Rover Parkway.

A fallen wire was reported on Carthage Road and Crossway Sept. 30. Police taped off the area and alerted firefighters and Con Edison. The wire caught fire, and firefighters monitored it until a Con Edison crew arrived and made necessary repairs and removed the wire from the road.

An unusual odor coming from rubber cones alerted the management of a Saxon Woods Road care facility, and they called firefighters to investigate Sept. 30. Firefighters confirmed the source of the odor and reassured management that nothing was burning inside the building.

A gas odor in a Chase Road building was traced to a stove’s gas knob that was left partially “on” Oct. 3. Firefighters shut off the knob and ventilated the building. Con Edison examined the appliance and determined there was a defect; so they shut the gas connection. Following a check of the building, the building department was informed about the discovery of nine propane heaters stored in a dining room and several containers of used cooking oil stored at the rear of the building. As a result, the restaurant owner, responsible for the heaters, arrived on scene and removed them from the building.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 28 – Oct. 4 – and with breaking news from Oct. 7 – has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

squashArrested: On Sept. 15, police arrested Duncan Anukwue, 25, of Brooklyn, on charges of criminal impersonation and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident. According to police, Anukwue was involved in a hit and run car accident, with property damage only, on Dec. 4, 2019. He is accused of using the personal identifying information of a 33-year-old New Jersey man to portray himself in order to avoid being summoned for the traffic violation. On Sept. 9, 2020, the New Jersey man reported the matter to Scarsdale police. Following his arraignment, Anukwue was released with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable Sept. 30.

On Sept. 14, a Graham Road resident reported that she noticed several items were missing from her household following a move from Massachusetts to Scarsdale that occurred in July. Among the missing items were $200 cash and $650 worth of kitchen equipment.

On Sept. 15, a Greenacres Ave. resident reported her bicycle was stolen from a rack near Hartsdale train station. Police referred her to Greenburgh police.

On Sept. 19, a Harwood Court flower shop reported two 30-inch tan decorative wreaths, valued at $400 combined, were stolen from the building exterior.

Car break-ins
A box of surgical masks and fifty cents in coin were stolen from an unlocked, parked car on Roosevelt Place overnight Sept. 19 into Sept. 20.

Car registration papers, insurance documents and $5.00 cash were stolen from an unlocked, parked car on Barry Road overnight Sept. 19 into Sept. 20.

On Sept. 14, a Meadow Road man reported that he received a call from an unknown person who was irritated over receiving numerous alleged hang-up calls from the man’s number over the past three days. The unknown person peppered his complaint call with profanities. Police called the unknown person and advised that the man might have mistakenly called the person’s number, possibly due to a phone error. Police advised both parties to block each other’s numbers in order to stop the inadvertent calls. While attempting to block the unknown person’s number, the man’s phone accidentally called the number twice. The man let police known in case the caller reported receiving additional calls.

A Brambach Road resident reported a person was trespassing on his property, and possibly picking up an item from the ground, Sept. 14. Upon investigation, it became clear that the reported trespasser was actually a neighbor’s nanny who entered the property to retrieve a squash that had fallen from its vine and rolled into the resident’s yard. The resident asked police to remind the neighbor and the neighbor’s nanny to seek permission before entering the resident’s property.

A Meadow Road woman reported that a neighbor was attempting to pay construction workers performing a job on her property to leave before the job was finished Sept. 15. Police spoke with both parties and reminded them that permitted work could be done during allowable hours. If any work was being performed outside of the allowable time period, the parties were advised to call police to settle the matter, rather than taking it into their own hands. Later, on Sept. 16, the neighbor reported that construction workers were crossing over her property while walking to the resident’s job site. Police advised the resident to make sure her workers know to not enter her neighbor’s yard for shortcuts and instead use the public roadway.

Missing son
Around 6 p.m., Sept. 16, Fox Meadow parents called police to report that their son was missing. On Sept. 15, their son left home around 8 a.m. At around 5 p.m. that day, their son called to report he was in Philadelphia. At 12:30 a.m., Sept. 16, the parents received a call from a third party stating their son was going to be staying in Pennsylvania for the night. The parents did not hear anything further from their son and began contacting police departments in Philadelphia in an attempt to find him. They also contacted Scarsdale police. While police were speaking with the parents, the son called his parents. He said he needed assistance in getting home from Philadelphia.

Man without shoes
A Harvest Drive woman reported a man without shoes was walking on her street and sitting on the curb in front of her house Sept. 16. Police spoke with the man and learned he is a resident who frequently takes walks in the neighborhood while talking on the phone.

A caller reported middle school aged kids were yelling profanities at younger children near Edgewood School around 4:45 p.m., Sept. 15. Police arrived on scene, but the kids had already left.

A Southwoods Lane woman reported a man walked onto her property and her neighbor’s property yesterday and took pictures of both houses. She felt it was suspicious.

People outside with flashlights on Fox Meadow Road at 8 p.m., Sept. 19, were determined to be looking for their puppy.

A caller reported seeing men pouring liquid from a red canister near the entrance to the school Sept. 23. Police went to the scene and determined the men were school custodians cleaning the steps.

On Sept. 17, a 2017 Volkswagen SUV drove through a garage door on Mercer Court house and struck the back wall of the garage. The female driver said she thought the car was in park and began to exit it, when she suddenly realized the car was continuing to move forward. In an effort to strongly apply the brake, she accidentally stepped on the gas, causing the car to propel forward at a high rate of speed and crash into the structure. The driver complained of knee pain and was transported to White Plains Hospital Center by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Firefighters stood by for a tow, de-energized the freezer and checked wall to evaluate its structural integrity. It was determined that a refrigerator was also struck. The building department was called to the scene to check the building.

On Sept. 17, a 2016 Audi driven by an 84 year-old woman jumped the curb on East Parkway and struck a building wall in front of Chase Bank. Minor damage was caused, and no injuries were reported. Firefighters stood by for a tow and cleaned up spilled automotive fluids. The driver said she was distracted by the hand gestures of another motorist.

On Sept. 20, a 2005 Mercury Sable and a 2015 Porsche 911 convertible crashed head-on at Church and Rectory lanes. The male driver of the Porsche was stable; he had head lacerations and was not pinned inside his car. He was able to exit the car on his own. The female driver of the Mercury had her lower extremities pinned in the dashboard and pedal area, with fractures to both lower extremities. Batteries were cut on both vehicles prior to operations. Using a dash lift and roll and Hurst tools, firefighters went to work on both the driver and passenger sides of the Mercury. They began to remove the roof, doors and glass. The driver was stabilized by a police officer and covered with a blanket while Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps medics treated her. Once the car was opened up, the dash was lifted then rolled. The driver’s seat back was cut, and the driver was lowered and slid onto a backboard before being transferred to a stretcher. She was transported to Westchester Medical Center. Firefighters remained on scene to clean up. Police conducted an investigation of the accident.

Two other car accidents were reported this week.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 14, police informed Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Popham Road.

Police provided traffic control around a disabled car on Wilmot Road until a tow arrived Sept. 14.

Police applied caution tape to low-hanging wires on Brewster Road Sept. 15.

Police set up flares around a disabled vehicle on Post Road while the driver waited for a tow Sept. 16.

A Brittany Close resident reported a bus blocking the road Sept. 16. The bus driver said the bus was having mechanical problems and would be moved shortly.

Patrol helped a woman change a flat tire on Morris Lane Sept. 16.

The driver of a landscaping truck parked on Post Road was asked to move the truck Sept. 17.

Police removed fallen branches from Lyons Road Sept. 18.

Police notified a cable utility provider about a fallen cable wire on Cohawney Road Sept. 19.

One car was repossessed in the Village this week.

Pandemic restrictions
Kids were observed on Scarsdale High School grounds, playing in several groups and not wearing masks, Sept. 16. Police made a note to inform school district administration.

Village code
Police issued a summons to a landscaper using a gas-powered leaf blower on Catherine Road Sept. 16.

Animals and fowl
A Brewster Road resident complained of noise from roosters at 9 a.m., Sept. 18. Police went to the scene and heard no rooster noises. The roosters’ owner said he would put the roosters inside their enclosure if they started to be noisy.

On Sept. 20, a passerby reported that a squirrel was inside a Garth Road business, allegedly “destroying the store.” Police arrived on scene and saw neither the squirrel on site nor any evidence of destruction. They did, however, find, an animal trap inside the store. A note was made for dispatch to notify the storeowner.

Lost and found
A Hamilton Road resident reported a lost license plate Sept. 14.

A Garden Road resident reported losing her Filipino passport somewhere in the Village Sept. 15.

A Sherbrooke Road man reported dropping his iPhone and sunglasses while getting into his car in the Village Sept. 16. He went back to look for the items, but only his sunglasses were there. He therefore reported his lost iPhone to police.
On Sept. 18, a person reported losing BMW car keys in the Village. Later that day, a passerby brought BMW car keys to police headquarters after finding them near Fox Meadow School. Police returned the keys to their owner.

On Sept. 15, firefighters assisted with an eight-car collision on the Hutchinson River Parkway. One person was transported to White Plains Hospital Center.

Firefighters assisted with car accidents on Mercer Court and East Parkway Sept. 17.
On Sept. 19, an oven fire was reported in a Brookline Road house. The homeowner used an extinguisher to put out the fire before firefighters arrived. Burnt food was removed from the oven by firefighters. The kitchen was ventilated using a fan.

Firefighters assisted Greenville police with an activity chimney fire Sept. 19.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Church Lane Sept. 20.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 14-20 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

golfbagsHarassment: A person, who owns a business, walked into headquarters Sept. 24 and reported receiving threatening emails and calls from a former employee for a period of three weeks. The former employee allegedly resigned in July. According to the person, the former employee has issued false claims against the company. While the human resources department was investigating these claims, the former employee called again and “apologized profusely” for making such claims. The former employee also allegedly “trashed his office,” located in Manhattan, when he resigned. The person told police he hoped these issues would go away after the former employee left the company. On Sept 10, however, the former employee sent several emails threatening to ruin the person’s life in retribution and “come to Scarsdale.” The former employee also called the person “a piece of sh**.” Police are following up.

Drug paraphernalia
On Sept. 21, a Sycamore Road resident reported finding a purple gym bag with a marijuana grinder, a glass bong, a lighter and rolling papers in Corell Park. There was no identifying information on the bag. Police photographed the paraphernalia and vouchered it as evidence.

A capped hypodermic needle was found in bushes on Greenacres Avenue Sept. 25. Patrol gave the needle to Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps for safe disposal.

Five bags of golf clubs were reported stolen from Secor Road Sept. 24. The report was received from a caller who stated he was on his way to Cortland Manor to track down the stolen items. Police advised the caller to stop, come to headquarters and file a formal report, which did not happen.

Identity theft
On Sept. 21, a Coralyn Road woman reported two unauthorized charges from Dell, in August, appeared on her credit card statement. The charges totaled over $1,300 combined. She informed Dell and her creditor that the charges were fraudulent.

On Sept. 25, a Murray Hill Road man reported his name and ID information were used to collect fraudulent unemployment payments.

On Sept. 27, a Brite Avenue reported receiving a notice that an unpaid Sprint account totaling more than $6,000 in overdue charges was being sent to collections. The woman, however, never opened an account with Sprint, and the account was fraudulent. She reported the matter to police for follow-up with Sprint.

Fraudulent check
On Sept. 26, a Jefferson Road resident reported he was issued a fraudulent check in the amount of $2,900.

On Sept. 21, a bus driver reported having a dispute with an “unruly passenger” who did not want to pay his fare. The passenger exited the bus and began walking south on Post Road before police arrived.

A bike parked in bushes on Chateaux Circle was determined to belong to a youth resident who lived there Sept. 25.

Car break-ins
On Sept. 21, a Bell Road resident reported three of his unlocked, parked cars had been entered and tossed the previous night. Nothing was reported missing.

Police helped arrange a courtesy transport to the Scarsdale Train Station for a shirtless man who was reported to be walking home on Post Road Sept. 22

Public health
Police received a complaint about people not following social distancing and mask guidelines at an outdoor baseball or softball game on Heathcote Road fields Sept. 27. Police spoke with the person in charge of the tournament and advised him of the complaint. He said he would make his way around the fields and advise players and spectators to adhere to the Governor’s executive orders.

Cars and roadways
A car with Connecticut plates was parked in a private Weaver Street parking lot for approximately one week, according to a report made on Sept. 21. Police called CT police to attempt to notify the owner, and the advised the Weaver Street caller to arrange for the car to be towed if needed. Posting “no parking” signs in the parking lot was also recommended.

On Sept. 22, police removed a large rock from Meadow Road.

Because of repeated accidents in the area, police put two temporary stop signs on Brite Avenue.

Illegally parked cars were moved to different locations on Potter Road, following police instructions, Sept. 24.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car at Post and Mamaroneck roads, while the driver waited for a tow, Sept. 25.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen phone wire on Tunstall Road Sept. 27.
A car was parked on Freightway Road with its driver’s window fully rolled down Sept. 27. It did not appear as if there were any signs of criminality. Police reached out to Eastchester police in an attempt to alert the owner.

Two car accidents were reported in the Village this week. Three other car accidents occurred, but the drivers did not request official reports.

Village code
Police dispersed kids hanging out in cars from the pool parking lot on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 22.

Neighbors complained about noise from a party on Fox Meadow Road at around 10:30 p.m., Sept. 22.

A man was found going through people’s garbage and recycling to find and remove cans and bottles Sept. 22. Police advised him that residents complained, and he said he would discontinue the pickup.

Police dispersed kids from Heathcote School grounds and the area near Greenacres School, after dark, Sept. 25.

Neighbors complained about noise from a Greenacres Avenue back deck around 10:30 p.m., Sept. 22.

Police issued a landscaper a summons for using a gas-powered blower on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 26.

A Wildwood Road homeowner turned off music playing at her daughter’s birthday celebration after a neighbor complained Sept. 26.

After a Foxhall Road homeowner reported seeing a red fox in the yard, police provided the homeowner with contact information for local animal trappers Sept. 24.

A distraught Brite Avenue caller reported her cat’s head was stuck in a dishwasher and she was afraid the cat could be decapitated Sept. 25. While on the phone with police, a family member of the caller was able to free the cat without causing any injuries.

A Brewster Road neighbor complained of noise from a resident’s pet roosters Sept. 25, Sept. 26 and Sept. 27. Police went to the scene and did not hear any rooster noises – only the songs of native birds.

On Sept. 22, firefighters were called by Fairview fire department to perform mutual aide for a grease fire on a grill in that jurisdiction. However, while on their way to the call, Fairview fire department cancelled the request.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Chase Road Sept. 23.

On Sept 24, they assisted as a car accident involving a car and the guardrail on Hutchinson River Parkway.

A Dobbs Terrace resident smelled gas inside her house and called the fire department Sept. 24. Firefighters discovered the stove’s igniter was not lighting right away, causing some gas to be released into the house. Firefighters advised the resident and ventilated the house.

On Sept. 25, firefighters assisted at a car accident involving a car and a bicycle at Popham and Garth roads. Firefighters stabilized the scene and helped paramedics attend to the 43-year-old male bicycle rider, who was conscious and breathing following the accident.

Firefighters called Con Edison to follow up on a reported gas odor inside a Fox Meadow Road temple Sept. 27.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 21-27 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website

firetruckCar break-ins: At 2 a.m., Sept. 8, a Hampton Road homeowner reported seeing two men walking on his property, via footage from a motion sensor camera. He further advised that he later noticed that the doors of his unlocked 2004 Honda Accord had been opened, and it appeared as if the men had “checked out everything” inside the car. Five dollars cash were reported to be missing. The car was in the driveway.

On Sept. 8, a Post Road resident reported that two of her cars, parked and unlocked in her driveway, had been unlawfully entered, and the doors were left ajar. Although items were strewn about inside the car, the resident believed nothing was taken.
In Sept. 8, another Post Road resident reported an Apple charging cable and three dollars in coins had been stolen from his unlocked, parked car overnight.

Two gold bracelets, valued at $10,000 combined, $1,000 cash and two credit cards were stolen from a New York City person’s car, while the car was parked in a Griffen Avenue driveway, Sept. 11.

Identity theft
On Sept. 8, a Circle Road resident reported he received a suspicious bank statement, in his name but for an unknown account with a New Jersey bank, in the mail. According to investigation, the account was opened in Tom’s River, New Jersey, on Aug. 1. At that time a deposit of $100 was made. On Aug. 31, a deposit of $9,300 was made. This deposit was the result of a fraudulent SBA government loan that was taken out in the man’s name.

On Sept. 10, a Larch Lane woman reported unauthorized charges totaling $1861.06 on her debit card.

On Sept. 13, a Circle Road resident reported he received two suspicious bank statements, in his name but for unknown accounts with Ridgewood Savings Bank, in the mail on Sept. 11. When he opened the mail, he learned an unknown individual had deposited $9,000 into each account on Aug. 12 and withdrew the money from the accounts on Aug. 25. The source of the two $9,000 deposits was unknown.

On Sept. 13, a Meadow Road resident reported an unknown person attempted to open an unauthorized credit card in her name; however, an invalid address raised a red flag, and the credit provider declined the account.

Stolen car
A Richelieu Road woman reported that her tan Audi A5 had been stolen from her driveway overnight Sept. 9. According to police, the car was later recovered.

Ride home
On Sept. 8, a caller reported a woman wearing a hospital gown sitting at the intersection of Post Road and Huntington Avenue, “looking confused.” Police went to the scene and asked her if she needed assistance. She said she was trying to take the bus home but became lost. According to further inquiry, it was revealed that the woman had been released from custody, from the Westchester County department of corrections, and was admitted to Westchester Medical Center. She was treated at WMC and released at approximately 3:15 p.m. Police called Scarsdale Taxi to assist the woman in getting home.

A key holder responded to a Ramsey Road house on the belief that there was a burglary alarm notification, due to the fact that he had received several unanswered calls from the house’s security system provider Sept. 12. Police reached out to the security system provider and learned that the notifications were only in regard to a low battery notification, not a burglary alarm.

Cars and roadways
Police notified Con Edison about a loose wire on Bypass Sept. 8.

Electrical wires got tangled in a tree branch on Tunstall Road and were sparking. Firefighters and police put caution tape around the affected area and notified Con Edison for repair Sept. 8.

A driver reported someone struck his parked car on East Parkway and left the scene Sept. 8.

A driver attempted to avoid hitting an animal and lost control of his car at Weaver Street and Crossway Sept. 9. As a result, the car struck a utility pole. Con Edison was notified, and police assisted New Rochelle police with traffic control around the accident.

Police rolled up a fallen cable wire on Elmdorf Road and notified the proper provider the Sept. 9.

On Sept. 10, a caller reported that a car with a Florida license plate was attempting to drive down a small bicycle pathway that is not intended for vehicles near Brook Lane. Before police arrived, the driver of the car redirected its intended destination and left by way of Walworth Avenue.

A Brewster Road resident complained about a trailer parked on her street during a period of authorized construction work near the intersection of Fenimore Road Sept. 10. Patrol attempted to explain why the trailer needed to be parked there during construction hours and how it participated in a project that would better the community. The resident remained very upset; so a representative for the contractor arrived on scene and relocated the trailer to another location.
A 26-year-old New York City woman struck the side of a Scarsdale fire truck in the parking lot entrance to public safety headquarters while she was attempting to turn around in the parking lot and while she was attempting to exit the lot via the entryway Sept. 11. The fire truck did not sustain any visible damage. The woman’s car, however, showed damage on both the left and right sides.

A car was parked in grass by the side of Weaver Street at 10 p.m., Sept. 11. Police spoke with the owner of the car and learned the car had been involved in an accident, and the driver was waiting for a tow.

An adult, female bicyclist collided into a parked car’s door on Walworth Avenue, as the driver was opening her car door to exit, around 10 a.m., Sept. 12. No injuries were reported.

A Honda Civic driver was rear-ended by a gray BMW on Popham Road, and the offending driver left the scene, according to the driver who was rear-ended and called police Sept. 12. No injuries were reported.

A Mamaroneck Road resident reported losing her black and brown cat, after the animal accidentally got outside the house, Sept. 8.

On Sept. 10, a severely injured deer was found on Mamaroneck Road. Patrol assisted in moving the deer to a grassy area by the side of the road and received permission from a supervisor to shoot the deer. The highway department was notified for the deceased animal’s removal from the roadway.

After a neighbor complained about a Brewster Road resident’s roosters making noise at 8:40 a.m., Sept. 11, police reminded the resident that any noise in violation of Village code could result in a summons. The resident said he understood and would put the roosters in their enclosure if they became noisy. Later that evening, the resident was playing with the roosters, prompting them to make noise that disturbed neighbors. Police returned to the house and advised the resident. The resident said he was in the process of putting the roosters inside for the night. It was approximately 7:30 p.m. On Sept. 12, a neighbor again reported that the Brewster Road resident’s roosters were making excessive noise. Police arrived on scene, and noted they “did not hear excessive noise” from the roosters. The residents who own the roosters informed police that they were in the process of rehousing the roosters at a sanctuary, but it would take five days. A Village code violation summons was issued for the noise violation.

Village code
Police dispersed a group of noisy kids from Brite Avenue after 1 a.m., Sept. 9.

Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Farley Road Sept. 9 and Heathcote Road Sept. 11.

Tree cutters blocked a portion of the road to do their job, Sept. 10. Police advised them they could not block the road.

Police advised workers on Wildwood Road that they were not permitted to begin work until 10 a.m., Sept. 12.

Police dispersed kids playing basketball at Greenacres School grounds after dark Sept. 12 and Sept. 13.

Lost and found
On Sept. 11, a White Plains woman reported losing her $200 Chanel wallet somewhere in the Village of Scarsdale, near Walworth Avenue and Fenimore Road. It reportedly contained $5,000 cash.

Responding to a reported possible kitchen fire in a Carthage Road house, firefighters found a cardboard pizza box and other ordinary combustibles burning on top of an electric range and countertop Sept. 8. Firefighters used a carbon dioxide extinguisher to put out the fire. They removed a fire-damaged microwave oven and additional combustibles. After confirming there was no extension of the fire, firefighters used fans to ventilate. The homeowner said the range was off when the pizza box was placed there. The homeowner surmised that the family dog might have inadvertently turned on the burner, due to previous similar behavior.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident involving a car and a utility pole on Weaver Street Sept. 9.

Firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident, involving a contractor’s van, on the Bronx River Parkway Sept. 9. The driver was pinned inside the driver’s seat with visible, bleeding injuries to his left arm and wrist, but he was stable. Firefighters assisted by cutting open the van and removing the windshield to extricate the driver, while Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived on scene. The driver was removed from the car and taken to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment.

On Sept. 10, firefighters received a report of a landscaping worker entrapped in a piece of equipment on Ogden Road. On scene, firefighters found the worker (the patient) with his right leg entangled and trapped, up to his knee, in a lawn aerator. While SVAC provided emergency patient care and police helped to support him, firefighters worked to stabilize the machine and dismantle its drum and wheel to release the patient’s leg. Cordless tools and Hurst cutters were used to further remove the patient from the machine. One released, firefighters helped SVAC paramedics load the patient into an ambulance, for transport to the hospital.

A bird’s nesting material was smoking in an outdoor light fixture at an Ogden Road house of worship Sept. 11. Firefighters disconnected the fixture and extinguished the burning material with a water can. The caretaker was advised to contact an electrician.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 8-13 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.