Saturday, Oct 05th

easterbunnyStolen car: On March 30, a Hartsdale woman reported her $35,000 2020 Honda CRV had been stolen from the East Parkway commuter lot. She said she parked the car there around 8:50 a.m. She discovered it stolen around 5 p.m. She had both sets of car keys in her possession, and there was nothing of value inside the car.

Car break-in
On April 3, a Tunstall Road man reported that his car had been broken into the previous night. Nothing was stolen, and no damaged was observed.

Stolen sign
On March 30, a witness reported seeing two unknown individuals pull up to the intersection of Coralyn Road and Reynal Crossing and steal a stop sign. The theft allegedly occurred around 11:50 p.m. the previous night.

Identity theft
A Kensington Road resident reported someone opened a fraudulent PayPal account in her name and charged $1,900 of transactions through the account. The resident learned of the incident after being contacted in writing by collections agencies. A false address was used in association with the account.

On March 30, a Paddington Road man reported a fraudulent debit card account had been opened in his name and his wife’s name.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
This week, nine residents reported that fraudulent unemployment claims were filed in their names.

On March 30, one Scarsdale resident reported a person arrested in Delray Beach, Florida, was found with a Key Bank unemployment benefits card in the Scarsdale resident’s name. The unemployment claim was fraudulent.

A Kingston Road man reported that a woman was filming him and cursing at home while he was on his owner property doing construction work with some laborers March 30. She was described as heavy set, African American, and wearing a white shirt, black pants and a beige jacket. She was gone when police arrived on scene.

Domestic dispute
A caller requested assistance because she and her husband were having a verbal dispute about a family friend spending the night at their house April 3. Patrol mediated the situation.

A white man riding a bicycle on Garth Road was allegedly asking people for money March 29. Police went to the scene and saw the noted bicyclist riding into the jurisdiction of Eastchester.

DollsDollsDolls on Crane Road: Photo Credit Carol Wolfe
A Crane Road resident reported some large dolls were left near her house March 30. They were not claimed by anyone, and she called police. She told police she wanted the dolls removed for disposal.

Easter bunny
A caller reported seeing a man in an Easter Bunny outfit “acting erratically” at Popham Road and Depot Place April 2. The man was known to police and works part time at a local food establishment.

Welfare check
A caller reported employees from her company had been working at a White Birch Lane house, and she was concerned about the homeowner. She requested a welfare check on March 30. Police were unable to reach the homeowner, but they were able to leave a voicemail on the homeowner’s cell phone.

At 10 a.m., April 1, a man asked police to check the welfare of his wife whom he had last seen at 7:45 a.m. that morning. The man was calling his wife but she was not responding. Her car was in the driveway, and she was allegedly home with a painter. Police attempted to check on the wife, but she did not answer the door. The man then gave police instructions on how to enter the door. Once inside, police made contact with the wife, who said she had a migraine and had been sleeping. She declined medical assistance. She contacted her husband while police were on scene.

On April 3, police checked the welfare of a Mayflower Road woman. She was okay and said she just came home from a walk.

A woman called police at 3:11 a.m., March 31, because she was outside trying unsuccessfully to call a car service to take her to New York City. She said she believed an animal might be following her, and that’s why she called police. Patrol called a taxi for her, since Uber and Lyft were not responding at that time of night.

On April 3, police assisted Westchester County police in their search for a suspect who fled on foot from a traffic stop on the Hutchinson River Parkway near Mamaroneck Road.

A woman called and said she could not find her two children near the Bronx River Parkway April 4. While police were attempting to discern her exact location, she said she was just advised that the children were home and safe.

Cars and roadways
Police noted a car with scofflaw status on Stonehouse Road March 30. Patrol spoke with the driver who said he was unaware of the three tickets totaling approximately $400. He said he would go to Village Hall to resolve the matter.

A dry cleaning delivery driver reported his car was smoking, without any evidence of flames, March 30. The fire department examined the car and said the smoke was the result of leaking oil that was burning and creating smoke. The driver’s boss arranged for a private tow.

Police removed a low hanging wire from Weaver Street March 31.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire at Boulevard and Gaylor Road April 1.

Police informed the highway department about multiple metal rods in the roadway at Fenimore and Fox Meadow roads April 2. The highway department and police safely removed the objects from the roadway.

The water department was notified about a faulty drainage system at a Harvest Drive property April 2.

Two car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Civil matter
On March 29, a man walked into headquarters to report he was having trouble reaching his contractor to finish a project at his house. Police informed him it was a civil matter.

Dogs and roosters
On March 29, a Heathcote Road resident reported that her two black Collie dogs were missing from her backyard. Later, she notified the dispatch officer that the dogs had been found.

Police issued a warning to one dog owner walking a dog off leash on Greendale Road March 30.roosters

A caller reported seeing a loose dog at Post Road and Lorraine Place March 31. Police went to the scene and did not see any dogs.

A caller reported hearing a dog barking outside on Seneca Road after midnight April 1. Police went to the area and did not hear any dogs.

A medium-sized, brown dog without a collar was reported to be walking around Woods Lane and Drake Road without an owner April 3. Police canvassed the area but did not see the alleged dog.

On April 4, a resident complained about noise from roosters at Brewster and Farley roads. The Village attorney was informed, for follow-up.

A Mamaroneck Road resident found a loose dog and returned it to its owner April 4.

Village code
On March 30, police advised a Secor Road manager to remind his staff to not start yard work too early in the morning in order to comply with Village code.

On March 30, a Sycamore Road homeowner was watching the NCAA tournament outdoors, and noise from the outdoor speaker was bothering neighbors. The homeowner advised he would lower the volume until the game concluded.

A caller said that kids were using a karaoke machine on Brewster Road at 1 a.m., April 2. Investigating officers went to the area and did not see any kids or karaoke machines.

After neighbors complained about early morning construction work on Saxon Woods Road April 3, police reminded a job foreman to advise his workers about allowable work times, as per Village code.

After a caller reported an after-hours delivery to a Scarsdale Avenue business at 11:30 p.m., April 4, police advised both a business employee and the box truck driver of Village code relating to delivery hours.

Lost and found
A cell phone was found at the curb at Paddington and Olmsted roads March 29. Police returned the phone to its proper owner.

Someone left a credit card in the Christie Place parking payment machine March 31. The parking enforcement officer retrieved the card, located the owner and returned the card.

A Fenimore Road resident reported losing a license plate March 31.

A bag containing cosmetic products was found outside a business on East Parkway March 31. Police took the bag inside the place of business and left it on a counter.

A purse was found in Post Road bleachers April 3. It contained anti-depressants, a fraudulent Connecticut driver’s license and non-valuable personal items. It was vouchered for safekeeping at headquarters.

On April 4, a credit card was found in the parking lot of Heathcote School. The owner said she already cancelled the card.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak at Barry and Madison roads March 29.
On March 30, an electrical problem with a Continental Road microwave caused a burnt rubber smell inside the house. Firefighters isolated and shut power to the circuit, and they removed the microwave from the house.

On March 31, firefighters entered a vacant Dolma Road house and noticed a significant water condition inside the basement of the house. Firefighters shut gas and electricity to the house. The homeowner was advised to consult a service provider for repairs.

A moving truck struck an overpass bridge on the Hutchinson River Parkway, causing one uninjured occupant of the truck to be trapped inside the rear of the truck, April 3. Firefighters cut the rear rollup door with a rotary saw and removed it from the track. The occupant was removed using a ladder.

On April 4, a flowerpot was smoldering in a greenhouse attached to a Saxon Woods Road house. Firefighters were able to extinguish the flowerpot and leave everything in good order.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 29 – April 4 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

poodleDWI arrest: On March 27, police arrested Ephraim Jamar Weir, 24, of the Bronx, on charges of aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .18 of more with no priors, driving while intoxicated – first offense, speeding in zone and third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. The arrest followed a traffic stop after police radar measured that Weir’s 2018 BMW was traveling on Post Road at a speed greater than the posted limit. Upon approaching the door, police detected a strong alcoholic beverage odor. Weir showed physical signs of intoxication and was asked to perform field sobriety tests. Weir was then arrested and taken to headquarters for processing. A Datamaster test measured his blood alcohol level at .18. He was later released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for March 31 at Village Justice Court.

Car break-in
Credit cards and gift cards were stolen from a parked and unlocked car parked on Secor Road, at the owner’s place of work March 27. The cards were subsequently used. The owner learned this after his bank notified him of numerous suspicious charges.

Check fraud
An 18-year-old Heathcote Road man reported receiving a fraudulent check for $1,400 to pay items and an additional cost to move the items. The man said he had already sent payment for the moving service he had scheduled.

A caller alleging to be a Con Edison employee told a Post Road man that his electricity would be turned off if he did not make an immediate payment March 24. The man realized it was a scam, but not before revealing some personal information. He wanted police to document the incident.

Unemployment fraud
This week, 11 residents reported fraudulent unemployment claims were filed in their names. One fraudulent claim was even filed in Colorado.

The on-call Village Justice facilitated an arraignment following the arrest of one person by MTA police at 6:40 a.m., March 25.

Several people reported seeing a white man in his 50s wearing a blue shirt yelling at least two women on Garth Road at 11:30 a.m., March 25. One of the women said the man might have been intoxicated. A passerby tried to intervene and the man then started yelling at the passerby, before the man continued on his way into Eastchester. Scarsdale police notified Eastchester PD.

Stonewall Lane neighbors were having a dispute over one neighbor’s renovation project March 27. It was determined to be a civil matter, and the building department was advised for follow-up.

A Harwood Court business owner reported a man had come into the store and was making “unusual statements” for an “extended period of time” March 24. The man was described as a white man, wearing a blue sweater. Police located the suspected man outside. He said he had gone into the store to inquire about purchasing a gift card. Police advised him that the owner no longer wanted him to come into the store.

A caller reported seeing a white man, dressed in black and wearing hoodie, looking into backyards with binoculars on Huntington Avenue at 6:30 p.m., March 24. The described man was no longer on scene when police arrived.

A Corell Road resident showed police video footage of a person approaching the resident’s house around 6 am, March 27. After walking near the front door, the person immediately turned and walked away. The person then got into a car and stayed there for a few minutes. There was no evidence of a crime or criminal intent.

An Oxford Road man was concerned because an unknown man was ringing his doorbell and would not leave March 28. Police spoke with the man. He was delivery driver, attempting to make a delivery. But, he was mistakenly at the wrong address.

Wedding ring
ON March 27, a man reported someone “pick-pocketed” his $304 gold wedding ring while he was walking on East Parkway “a few days ago.” He alleged that someone bumped into his, and when he got into his car he noticed the ring was missing from his finger. Later, he acknowledged that the ring might have slipped off his finger and fallen to the ground somewhere. He said he purchased the ring two or three days ago, but he waited to notify police because he was busy. At the time of the report, it was not clear if the ring had been stolen or lost.

A Fox Meadow Road landlord called police alleging that a tenant was throwing his furniture away without his permission March 25. Police went to the scene and saw a pile of household items at the curb. The tenant said the items belonged to her and she was throwing them out because they were old, moldy and no longer of use. The items included a bookcase, folding chairs, pillows, car mats, an ottoman, cardboard boxes and other trash. Police attempted to contact the landlord to confirm the proper owner of the items, but the landlord could not be reached.

A bicyclist reported he was struck by a passing car at Butler and Fox Meadow roads March 22. He said he was not injured, and he did not request an ambulance.

A driver reported being in a minor car accident with another driver who left the scene on Post Road March 22. No in juries were reported. Since the other driver left, she said she left too.

One car accident was officially reported in the Village this week.

Cars and roadways
A Harvest Drive woman reported construction workers were “blocking her driveway and giving her a hard time” March 22. The project manager addressed the issue with the workers and resolved the situation before police arrived.

A Brite Avenue man reported seeing a man driving a gray Subaru taking photos of his house and other houses on the street for no apparent reason March 23. Police canvassed the neighborhood for the car but could not find it.
Police notified Altice about a fallen wire on Lebanon Road March 23.

A parked car with blacked out windows on Farragut Road was identified to be occupied by a private investigator, with paperwork for a job, March 24.

A truck got caught in low hanging wires on Scarsdale Avenue and pulled them down March 24. Police notified Con Edison and Verizon and closed the roadway to traffic until the low wires could be addressed.

A caller reported a “tree” in danger of falling over near the Gulf gas station at Heathcote Road and Weaver Street March 26. Officers spoke with the owner of the gas station who advised there are no trees there, but he said there was a tilted utility pole nearby. Con Edison had recently examined the pole, and it was determined to be stable. Police asked Con Edison to check the pole again as a precaution.

A person came into headquarters to report he had seen a car run a red light on Post Road and “almost hit his car” March 28. Police attempted to identify the other driver using license plate info, provide by the person, but attempts were not successful.

Shortly after midnight, March 29, a caller reported a “suspicious vehicle” parked at the Scarsdale Avenue gas station “making a lot of noise.” Police went to the scene and found a man attempting to pump gas into his car. The man said he was having difficulty and watched instructional videos on his phone to help problem solve the pump issue. Police then advised him that the pumps were off for the night and the station was closed. They directed him to an open gas station.

Around 1 a.m., March 29, police noticed an outdoor heater had fallen over on Christie Place. Damage was noted on the top of the heater. Police logged it for documentation purposes only.

Water was observed running from a toilet at an East Parkway bathroom March 22. Highway personnel arrived on scene to address the matter.

Village code
An instructor was giving a family’s kids a music lesson on Springdale Road March 22, but a neighbor complained about noise. Police advised the homeowner. She said she would advise the instructor to keep the volume of music lower.

A caller reported hearing “an indescribable loud noise and screaming” coming from a Fox Meadow Road house March 25. Police went to the house. There, a family was eating dinner. They said they were unaware of any loud noises or screaming.

Youth were observed fishing at Hochberg Pond on Olmsted Road, in violation of posted signs, March 27. One youth said he approached the pond from the opposite side and did not see the sign. Police pointed out the sign to avoid future confusion. The youths’ fishing experience was stopped.

A false alarm was sounding at a Gatehouse Road house March 28. Firefighters were called to silence it, since no homeowner contact information could be found. A Village code noise violation was issued.

A loose brown poodle was reported at Garden and Mamaroneck roads March 22. It was gone when police arrived.

A neighbor complained that a Brown Road dog was outside and “constantly barking” for 20 minutes March 24. On scene, police did not see or hear any barking dogs. The owner was advised of the complaint. She said she was aware of Village code and she stated her dog was not “constantly barking” as the neighbor alleged.

A loose brown dog was observed on Cushman Road March 25. Neighbors identified it as a Garden Road dog named “Teddy.” Police went to Teddy’s owner’s house and saw “Teddy” inside. The owner said an electric fence was going to be installed to address the problem with “Teddy” escaping from the yard.

On March 26, a caller reported that two large dogs were inside a closed BMW in a Palmer Avenue parking lot. Investigating officers saw that all car windows were cracked open, and the dogs appeared in good health. While police canvassed the grocery store and pet store for the car owner, the car left the scene.

Lost and found
A pair of designer sunglasses in their case was found on top of the police emergency call box on East Parkway March 23. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.

A tan baseball hat and personal papers were found on a stone wall on Chase Road March 27. Police contacted the person whose name was listed on the papers, and the person asked that the papers be held for safekeeping.

On March 28, a Lyons Road woman reported losing her wallet and driver’s license in Davis Park on March 26.

A few bags of trash caught fire at a Lee Road construction site March 23. A neighbor reported the fire to police, and patrol extinguished the flames with a portable extinguisher. Firefighters then arrived and checked to make sure the fire was out and the embers were not in danger of reigniting. It was determined that the fire was caused by the improper disposal of polyurethane wood varnish and saw dust.

On March 23, firefighters identified a small gas leak inside a Sage Terrace house and stood by for Con Edison.

After a Mamaroneck Road resident reported a charred odor coming from her dryer March 24, firefighters checked the gas dryer and found no evidence of burning. They advised her to have the appliance serviced.

Firefighters shut power to a malfunctioning gas range and advised the homeowner to call for repair March 24.

On March 25, firefighters assisted a youth that flipped over his bike’s handlebars and fallen to the ground during a biking accident. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived and transported the youth to White Plains Hospital Center.

Firefighters assisted at a three-car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway March 26.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 22-28 has been compiled from official information.

fireIdentity theft, check fraud: On March 9, a Black Walnut Road resident reported that someone fraudulently accessed her credit card and initiated activity totaling $2,994. Police advised her to follow up with the financial institution. This occurred after an unknown person had contacted the resident and tricked her into providing personal information, she said.

On March 12, a Brown Road woman reported that someone opened a fraudulent Visa credit card account in her name.

On March 13, a Meadow Road resident reported someone intercepted and altered a check, originally written to Citi Card. The check was then fraudulently written to an unknown person for more tan $13,000.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
Fifteen residents reported fraudulent unemployment claims had been filed in their names this week. Some of them even received bankcards related to the claims.

On March 10, a Post Road woman alerted police to her concern that her housemate might try to cut her hair against her wishes that night. Police alerted the supervisor of the group house, who said she would look into the matter.

A Meadow Road resident reported a neighbor had been putting notes on her vehicles requesting that she does not park in the street March 12. The neighbor admitted to placing notes on the vehicles, stating she was concerned that plows could not get through. The neighbor was advised to refrain from placing notes on cars and to instead contact police if she was concerned about a parking hazard.

On March 14, a Montrose Road man said he got into an argument with a neighbor after speaking with the neighbor’s workers about garbage found on his property, which the man suspected came from the construction site. The verbal argument was noted for documentation purposes only.

A father from Massachusetts called to alert police to the fact that his son had run out of gas in Scarsdale at 11:30 p.m., March 8. The father was on is way to assist the son, but police went to the check on the son. The son was well and waiting in his car on Post Road. He said he had run out of gas in White Plains, while making his way to New York City. Police suggested he could wait at the train station to keep warm, but he declined. Later, police verified that the son had been helped by his parents, and the situation was resolved.

Police helped an elderly Wakefield Road woman turn on lights in her house March 9.
A passenger had an argument with a taxi driver over the requested fare March 13. The passenger wanted to cease the ride on Weaver Street and exited the taxi. The taxi left. Police helped the passenger organize a new taxi.

On March 8, a builder was advised to secure an open gate on Penn Boulevard.

On March 8, a Sprague Road woman asked for help in opening her house door with her key. Police assisted with the key.

A caller reported that a man in a white car might be following her and her friend, who were walking on School Lane and Popham Road, March 10. The caller said the driver did not say anything to them, but the car was parked on the street and she was concerned. Police canvassed the area and did not observe anything suspicious.

An Oakstwain Road woman asked for police to help her resolve “an issue” she was allegedly having with a Con Edison worker March 11. The woman said the technician was there to address a detected gas leak. She further stated she had to leave her house and did not feel comfortable leaving the technician there alone. Police stood by while she communicated with the technician to resolve the matter.

Welfare check
A caller asked police to check the welfare of a Chase Road employee March 12. Police went to the place of employment and spoke with the supervisor. The employee was not at work. The supervisor said she would contact him.

Civil matter
On March 13, a Boulder Brook Lane woman reported someone might have taken property from her house that belonged to her father in January. Police advised her to follow up with an attorney.

Cars and roadways
A caller advised that she observed equipment “fall off” a Con Edison truck near Post and Mamaroneck roads March 8. There was no equipment on the road when police went to check.

Verizon was notified about a fiber optic box on the ground at Bradley and Carman roads March 8.

A caller reported seeing a person driving an SUV holding an infant March 9. Police canvassed the area for the SUV but could not locate it.

Police twice re-secured a loose water main cap on Post Road March 9. The water department was informed.
The water department was notified about water leaking from a main at Franklin Road and Haverford Avenue March 9, as well as from a main on School Lane March 10.

A caller reported a car accident with a FedEx truck on Depot Place March 9. Police helped the drivers exchange information.

Verizon was notified about low-hanging wires at Mamaroneck and Sheldrake roads March 10, Barry Road March 13, and fallen wires on Lebanon Road March 11 and Church Lane March 13.

Police asked drivers to move illegally parked cars on Potter and Lee roads March 10.

Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street March 11.

Police noticed an open car door of a parked car on Graham Road at 3 a.m., March 13.

After unsuccessfully attempting to reach the owner, police closed the car door.

Police removed a fallen branch from Weaver Street March 13.

The highway department was notified about a loose streetlight on Lyons Road March 14.

The highway department was contacted about a fallen pine branch on Reimer Road March 14. Police taped off the area in the meantime.

Village code
A caller complained of loud music coming from outdoor speakers on Sherbrooke Road at 9:15 p.m., March 12. Police informed the homeowner who was playing the music. The volume was lowered, and the homeowner promised to turn off the music at 11 p.m.

After being advised about a noise complaint, a White Birch Lane resident turned off outdoor music at 11:30 p.m., March 12.

After being advised about a noise complaint, a Seneca Road resident lowered the volume of outdoor music March 13.

Lost and found
On March 9, a Popham Road woman reported she lost her wallet approximately three weeks in the past. It reportedly contained a driver’s license, Social Security card and an expired “Green Card.”

On March 10, police contacted the owner of a lost cell phone found in Chase Park. The owner picked up the lost phone from headquarters later that day.
On March 12, a Sherbrooke Road resident reported he could not find his Apple iPad, Apple magic keyboard or Apple pencil inside his house. He thought the items might have accidentally been thrown out. He requested a report for insurance purposes.

Firefighters found a credit card on Carstensen Road and gave it to police March 12. Police contacted the owner for pickup.

An empty, dirty bag was found on Spencer Place March 13. It was left on a bench in an attempt that the owner could see it if the owner was searching for it. After many hours passed without the bag being retrieved, it was discarded because it was determined to have no value.

On March 8, firefighters investigated a report of an indoor gas odor in a Brite Avenue house. There, firefighters measured low readings behind the kitchen range. Con-Ed Gas was notified and firefighters shut the gas valve while standing by.

An unlit stovetop burner released gas into a Mamaroneck Road house March 9. Firefighters turned off the burner and ventilated the space. Con-Ed Gas was called, and firefighters stood by.

On March 10, firefighters checked a Fox Meadow Road house after the homeowner thought she heard an explosion and felt the house shake. Firefighters found no evidence of an explosion. They asked a neighbor if the neighbor had heard anything, and the neighbor said no. Everything was deemed to be in good order.

On March 11, firefighters climbed into a Brewster Road house through an open window after the homeowner accidentally locked herself out, while her young son was still inside.

Firefighters assisted Fairview Fire District with a working fire that was knocked down by sprinklers March 11.

A resident was burning firewood in his backyard at Bell Road and Boulevard March 14. Firefighters stood by while the embers were fully extinguished.

Firefighters investigated a reported “hissing” sound near a gas meter on Saxon Wood Road March 14. Upon investigation, it was determined there were no observed odors or leaks. Con-Ed Gas confirmed there were no leaks.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 8-14 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

BraytonRoadA large tree fell on Brayton Road on March 19. Photo credit: Michelle SterlingBaby Boy: A paramedic from the Greenburgh Police department arrived on a call just in time to deliver a baby boy. On March 22 at approximately 5:30 PM, Greenburgh Police officers and EMS units responded to a residence in the Fairview section of Greenburgh for a patient that was experiencing labor pains and contractions. Upon arrival, GPD Detective Paramedic Dean Annicchiarico quickly assessed the 27 year old female who was in active labor. The assessment revealed that the contractions were very close and that birth was imminent. Detective Paramedic Annichiarico realized the situation, set up his labor and delivery equipment, and assisted the patient as she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Both the mother and baby were safely transported to the hospital without incident.

Following a motor vehicle stop of a 2018 BMW at Weaver Street and Hutchinson Avenue after 11:30 p.m., March 19, police realized the driver had a suspended license – related to six scoffs on three separate dates. Investigation also revealed an open container of alcohol and marijuana in the car. The police report, however, noted that the driver showed no signs of impairment. The driver – identified as Gabriel Hinds, 27, of the Bronx – was arrested on the following charges: second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle with three or more suspensions, an open container of alcohol on a highway, driving to the left of markings and unlawful possession of marijuana. Hinds was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear in Village Justice Court on April 7.

On March 18, an East Parkway business owner reported that an orange cake was stolen from her bakery. It was valued at $14.

Identity theft and scams
On March 15, a Carthage Road man reported someone fraudulently used his credit card for unauthorized purchases totaling more that $8,000. The purchases mostly occurred in January.

An Innes Road business owner reported her email had been hacked, and a fraudulent wire transfer had been initiated, causing the owner to lose approximately $15,000. The owner said she was tricked into believing she was sending payment to a vendor, but instead the payment was sent to a scammer.

On March 17, a Greendale Road woman reported someone had tricked her into believing that a $800 computer had fraudulently been purchased using her Amazon account, and in the process of attempting to resolve the alleged fraud, she was further tricked into wiring $80,000 to an unknown person. Specifically, the woman said that the alleged Amazon rep told her to avoid being charged for the fraudulent computer, she needed to type $800 into a payment refund field that appeared on her computer screen. She did so, and at that time, she noticed two extra zeroes were applied. At that time, another alleged Amazon supervisor got back on the phone and told her she had to wire back the money to Amazon that was allegedly accidentally refunded to her. Over the next three days, the woman made three wire transfers totaling $80,000 to an unknown bank account in Bangkok. At some point, she realized the scenario was a scam and called police.

A Roosevelt Place resident reported someone used her credit card to fraudulently purchase a Macbook computer March 18. She was able to cancel the transaction and the card.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
This week, eight residents reported someone filed fraudulent unemployment claims in their names.

Police assisted in verifying Con Edison workers’ credentials before performing work at a Rectory Lane house March 15 and a South Rectory Lane house March 17.

A mother was allowing her child to play with a toy car in a Mamaroneck Road parking lot March 16. Building security felt it was unsafe and alerted police. The woman left before police arrived.

Police helped Westchester County police search for a fleeing motorcyclist who possibly drove across the greens at Saxon Woods Golf Course March 16. The biker was not able to be located in the Village of Scarsdale.

A Meadow Road woman asked police to check the wellbeing of her husband and three children because her husband was not returning her calls March 18. Police called the husband twice, He answered on the second call. He was out with the kids, and everyone was fine. Police informed the wife.

Police helped White Plains police look for a missing person reported to be roaming outdoors in blue pajamas March 19.

A Greenacres Avenue woman called police to report that her husband was arguing with a neighbor over branches, and she alleged that the neighbor pushed her husband March 16. Police intervened in the dispute. One neighbor thought the other neighbor’s landscaper had cut branches from a tree and placed them on his property. He then moved them onto the other neighbor’s property. A back-and-forth argument began. Police examined the branches and determined they had most likely fallen from the tree during a storm. Nothing had been intentional, the neighbors agreed. They were advised to avoid contact with each other.

On March 16, an adult Mount Vernon man reported he was having a verbal dispute over a trading card with a Rye Brook owner of the card and the owner’s father. The dispute occurred in the Village of Scarsdale. At the end of the dispute, the man said he no longer wanted to buy the card.

On March 17, an employee told police he was experiencing a “hostile” environment at work. Police advised him that none of the described actions were criminal in nature and advised him to make a formal complaint with his HR department.

A Bee-Line bus driver reported an accident involving a white box truck that sideswiped her bus and continued driving on Post Road, near Huntington Avenue, March 15. No injuries were reported.

Cars and roadways
On March 15, Con Edison was advised about a leaning utility pole on Weaver Street.

A washing machine was dumped on Bypass March 15. Police informed the highway department for pickup.

A branch fell and struck a police vehicle parked in the public safety parking lot March 16.

Highway workers addressed low-hanging wires on Popham Road March 16.

Police helped a man look for his parked car on Garth Road March 17. When the car could not be found in Scarsdale, the man was referred to Eastchester police.

Police responded to a report of a BMW parked in the DeCicco’s lot for more than 24 hours March 17. When checking the car, it was determined that the car had been reported as stolen out of Eastchester. Eastchester police contacted the owner of the car and too charge of the case, requesting to review video footage of the parking lot.

Police removed a fallen tree from Saxon Woods Road March 18.

The highway department was notified about a fallen tree at Walworth Avenue and Brayton Road March 19.

Police addressed a loose water cap at Post Road and Kathy Lane March 19.

A woman told police she hit the gas instead of the brake and drove over two of her neighbors’ South Church Lane lawns March 20. Police informed the neighbors and helped them exchange information.

A Bell Road woman came home and found a traffic cone blocking her driveway March 20. Police went to the scene to move the cone for her.

A Brite Avenue woman reported s dog bit her arm in Red Maple Swamp March 15. She told police she approached a person walking two dogs and asked if one of the dogs was friendly and if she could pet it. While petting the first dog, the second dog jumped up and but her arm. She said she did not sustain any injuries and declined medical attention.

A loose black dog was reported on Lyons Road March 16. It was gone by the time police arrived.

The highway department was notified about a dead cat at Post and Ferncliff roads March 17.

A loose tan dog was reported on Overhill Road March 19. It was gone by the time police arrived.
A woman found a loose dog on Boulevard and Nelson Road March 20. The owner picked up the dog before police arrived.

A caller described seeing “out of control” dogs off leash near a Wayside Lane playground March 21. Upon arrival, police did not observe any dogs.

Lost and found
A Meadow Road resident reported losing a cell phone somewhere in the Village March 20.

A Brewster Road resident reported losing a license plate from a car driven by his nanny March 20.

Village code
Police dispersed kids in an SUV from private property on Boulevard March 17.

Police dispersed noisy kids from Oak Lane, after the kids said they were finishing up a game, March 17.

Police dispersed kids from Edgewood School grounds after dark March 20.

After neighbors complained about noise, police advised the instructor of a children’s music and dance class on Rock Creek Lane to lower the volume of music March 21.


On March 15, a landscaper started a leaf blower, and a spark ignited a fire inside a tow behind a landscaper trailer on Heathcote Bypass. The landscaper used a dry chemical extinguisher to put out the fire. Firefighters confirmed the fire was out and no extension had occurred.

On March 15, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak at a Con Edison excavation site for house service on Brite Avenue.

On March 20, firefighters assisted at a car accident, with reported head injuries to a pregnant woman, on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering public safety in the Village from March 15-21 has been compiled from official reports.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

recyclingbinStolen: On March 3, a Black Birch Lane resident reported two recycling containers were stolen from outside his house. According to the description, one was red, and one was blue. He later looked at a security doorbell camera and noticed a white car park in front of his house. The footage showed a white man, with dark hair and sunglasses, pick up the boxes and place them in his car.

On March 1, a Kent Road woman reported that her two daughters received almost identical emails from unknown senders stating that the daughters visited an adult website and their web cams were compromised. One of the emails contained a personal password that was correct. The email sender requested money in exchange for deleting any and all alleged videos captured with the alleged compromised web cam. Police advised the woman that this appeared to be a scam and to block the senders. They also advised her to change any passwords contained in the email.

Identity theft
On March 2, a Myrtledale Road resident reported an unknown person opened two fraudulent AT&T accounts in his name in October 2020. The accounts amassed approximately $2,000 worth of charges – in equipment and usage.

A Colonial Road man reported receiving alleged information from the IRS regarding an economic impact payment and the activation of rebate credit card March 3. The man was not sure if it was a scam; so he reported it to police while following up with the IRS.

On March 4, a Norma Place man reported someone requested account access to his American Express card and changed online account information. Amex fraud department notified him and closed the account.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
This week, thirteen residents reported that unknown people filed for fraudulent unemployment claims in their names. The various incidents were unrelated.

A supervisor at a Chase Road establishment had a dispute with a co-worker over a schedule change March 3. The co-worker left before police arrived, but the supervisor wanted to document the incident.

On March 1, a Tunstall Road woman reported that a man in his 50s wearing an orange hat pulled up in front of her house and began yelling. She could not make out what he was yelling, but she found the incident suspicious and called police. He was gone when police arrived.

A Garden Road woman reported a contractor, from a truck with a Precision Pipeline name printed on it, came to her house unexpectedly March 2. She was not expecting a service call, so she called police. Police canvassed the area but did not find the truck.

A Chase Road business owner reported three men attempted to enter his location and “refused to lower their masks before entering,” and the owner found this suspicious March 2. While police were on scene, the three men were stopped and questioned regarding an unrelated investigation; so they were identified.

A caller reported a man with dark clothing and a backpack was “dipping in and out of driveways” in the area of Kingston and Montrose roads March 3. They canvassed the area but could not find him.

An Aspen Road man reported an unknown man at his door at 9:15 a.m., March 5. He forwarded doorbell camera footage to police for investigation. Police canvassed the area and located the man pictured in the footage. The man was a Scarsdale water department employee. He said he rang the bell on official business to check water meters.

A caller reported a man at Mamaroneck and Post roads “for over an hour” March 7. The caller thought this was strange. Police spoke with the man, and he said he was just listening to music. Nothing was deemed suspicious.

Credit card
A man said he went to a Scarsdale Avenue restaurant asking for a credit card that he thought he had left behind March 2. The restaurant manager alleged the man was trying to “claim a credit card that did not belong to him,” according to the police report. The man then left the restaurant. Police caught up with him on the street, He said he had gone to the restaurant to claim a lost credit card, but once he realized the card was not there, he left. According to the police report, the man was described as a tall black man wearing a red jacket.

Eastchester police requested assistance with an intoxicated woman on Garth Road at 3:20 p.m., March 7.

Civil matter
A Barker Lane woman reported a neighbor received an oil delivery, and some oil spilled onto her property March 1. An employee confirmed the spill of several gallons on the property line. The employee stated that initial cleanup was performed, with additional cleanup to occur in the following days. The employee also verified that a report had been created with the Department of Environmental Conservation, for oversight purposes.

Fallen trees and branches
On March 1, firefighters were called to check a Haverford Road house after a tree fell on it. The tree made contact with house on the rear side corner, causing damage to a window, the eaves and the gutter. No structural damage to the house was observed. Firefighters did not observe any structural damage to the house. They advised the homeowners to contact their insurance company. The building department was informed for follow-up.

On March 1, a caller reported a tree fell, partially blocking Autenreith Road. Police taped off the area and informed the highway department for follow-up.

On March 2, at 3 a.m., the highway department was informed about a fallen branch dangling in wires on Popham Road.

A tree fell on wires on Ferncliff Road March 5. It fell on another tree if a different homeowner’s yard. Police notified Con Edison and the homeowners. The highway department removed the fallen tree to clear passageway for pedestrian traffic.

A car accident involving a Scarsdale police car impacting a snow embankment occurred on East Parkway at 6 a.m., March 8. It caused front end and undercarriage damage. No injuries were reported.

Cars and roadways
On March 1, police taped up fallen wires on Meadow Road and notified Verizon.

Police helped organize a tow for a driver with a disabled car on Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road March 1.

On March 1, police taped up fallen wires on Post and Carmen roads and notified Verizon.

A caller reported a dead animal on Bypass March 1. Police canvassed the length of Bypass and did not see any dead animals. However, patrol did find a large piece of trash on the road, which could have been mistaken for a dead animal. The trash was removed.

A caller reported a white Toyota Rav 4 had been following him for “an extended period of time” March 1. The caller pulled over on Park Road, and the Rav 4 allegedly turned around and left via Mamaroneck Road. Police canvassed the area but did not see the Rav 4.

A minor car accident occurred on East Parkway March 3. Police helped the drivers exchange information.

A driver reported a truck printed with the name “Compass” was on Heathcote Road with “an open back door with items falling out” March 3. Police canvassed the area and did not see the truck or any debris on the road.

On March 3, a Tunstall Road resident reported an ongoing issue with a driver in a white Toyota yelling out the window.

A Heathcote Road caretaker stated a white Toyota parked in a rear parking lot without permission March 3. The caretaker said as soon as she approached the Toyota, it drove away. She followed the car until it turned onto Morris Lane. Police advised her to call them if the car returns.

Police moved fallen construction fencing out of Popham and Overhill roads in early morning March 4. Later, at 4:30 a.m., it blew over again, and police notified the construction company responsible for the fence.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen phone wire on Overhill Road March 5.

A box truck was stopped at Olmsted Road and Hickory Lane March 5. The driver said he was attempting to deliver cargo but could not proceed because his cell phone died and he needed it for navigation. He also said the charging port in the delivery vehicle was not working; so he could not charge his phone. Police offered to charge his cell phone to a reasonable battery charge, so the driver could continue on his way.

Police dispersed two people in a parked car in an Ogden Road parking lot March 5. They said they had stopped to talk. Police informed them the lot was for authorized vehicles only.

Dog bitepitbull
A Pit bull terrier dog bit another dog and a Hemlock Road man on Edgewood Road March 4. The man’s finger was injured, and an ambulance was requested to take him to Westchester Medical Center. Bit wounds were also observed on the bite victim’s dog. Police are following up.

On March 3, a Stratton Road resident reported that a sick or injured rabbit was on her property. Upon arrival, police observed a dead rabbit in the resident’s driveway. It was bagged and removed.

A Hampton Road dog started barking at 2:30 a.m., March 4, and the homeowner was concerned someone might be on his property. Police investigated and found a car in the area making deliveries. The delivery driver said he had just made a delivery on Hampton Road, which might have alarmed the dog.

A Kelwynne Road resident reported someone “dumped a dog in a bag” at his property March 4. Police observed no dogs in bags; however, a live raccoon, without any visible injuries, was seen inside a dumpster, going through open garbage. Police advised the resident he could call a trapper to remove the animal.

A coyote was sighted on Cayuga Road March 6. It was gone when police arrived.

Lost and found
On March 5, a Woodland Place woman reported losing her Brazilian passport, possibly in a taxi. She needed a police report to obtain a new passport.

A gas odor in a Christie Place building was caused by a problem with a dryer vent March 2.

Water was spraying out of a broken exterior pipe in a Nelson Road house March 2. The homeowner did not know how to turn off the water, so firefighters and the water department assisted. She was advised to call a plumber to fix the broken pipe.

On March 4, firefighters responded to a report of a cooking fire in a Murray Hill Road house. During investigation, firefighters observed the extinguished remains of food products in an oven. They confirmed there was no extension beyond the point of origin. Firefighters assisted the homeowner with natural ventilation of the affected area.

On March 4, firefighters assisted Con Edison with a gas leak in the street on Rock Creek Lane. They checked houses for possible gas migration. All houses were cleared.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 1-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.