Saturday, Oct 05th

tennisbraceletScam: On Feb. 25, a Sprague Road man reported being the victim of a What’s App scam in which he was contacted by an unknown person who demanded that he wire $2,000 to the person’s account. The man felt threatened since the person knew the man’s name and address, as well as his family members’ names. The unknown person also threatened to harm the man and his family if the man did not comply. Later the man realized all the information revealed by the unknown person was publically available information; so he contacted his bank to attempt to retrieve the funds. He needed a police report to proceed with the bank, he said.

On Feb. 23, a Seneca Road man reported jewelry had been stolen from his house in the past. He requested a report for insurance purposes. Pieces included a $15,000 tennis bracelet and beads valued at $35,000.

Identity theft
On Feb. 23, a Brewster Road caller reported that a fraudulent Citibank MasterCard had been opened in his wife’s name. There was no activity on the card, and the account was cancelled.

On Feb. 24, a Murray Hill Road man reported that someone fraudulently opened a car insurance policy in his name in December 2020.

Fraudulent unemployment claims

Eleven reports of fraudulent unemployment claims were reported by Village residents this week.

A Post Road woman reported that she frequently gets into arguments with her roommate Feb. 24. She said she did not get into an argument with the roommate so far that day, but she wanted to check in with police. Police advised her to stay away from her roommate and avoid contact to reduce the chances of an argument. The woman said she would do that and declined assistance from police.

A supervisor at a Chase Road establishment requested assistance escorting an employee from the premises at the end of the business day on Feb. 27, due to the fact that she had been having “an ongoing issue” with the employee that day. A voicemail was left for the postal inspector regarding the matter.

A Post Road resident reported that a neighbor was shining a light in her bedroom Feb. 22. Police went to the house and observed a neighbor’s motion light positioned at the corner of the neighbor’s house. It could not be determined if the light had intentionally been angled to shine into the resident’s bedroom – or just positioned to illuminate the neighbor’s property for safety reasons. The woman was advised to follow up with the building department.

A Walworth Avenue resident alleged her neighbor repeatedly places recycling items curbside prior to sanitation pickup days, and it causes a disturbance, Feb. 23. Police went to the scene and saw cardboard placed curbside at the end of the neighbor’s driveway. The sanitation schedule showed a bulk pickup scheduled in less than 48 hours later. Police contacted the neighbor, who requested he be able to leave the items curbside due to accumulated snow. He said he would not place items curbside before the allotted pickup times, going forward.

Unwanted calls
A Sprague Road caller reported received numerous “unwanted calls” from various numbers “despite blocking the numbers” Feb. 25.

A Depot Place business owner called police because she was concerned about a crying woman who entered her store and accidentally left her backpack behind Feb. 25. Police went to the store and examined the backpack. It contained clothing and toiletries. They found the woman, who was still crying. She said she was upset over the recent loss of a family member. She called a car service to continue on her trip and declined further help from police.

A caller reported a suspicious man stopped by the Fox Meadow School playground, “stood there for an excessive amount of time and then stumbled off” Feb. 27. He was described an elderly white man, with a long gray ponytail, a blue and gray flannel shirt and multiple color neck gators. He was gone when police arrived, but patrol made a note to increase playground tours as a precaution.

Cars and roadways
Police tried to help a driver jump start her car after the battery died at the sanitation department on Secor Road Feb. 22. The attempt was not successful; so the driver called for a tow.

A man idling in a white truck on Walworth Avenue was determined to be a Con Edison contractor on a job in the area Feb. 22.

An impounded car was released to its owner Feb. 22.

A car was stuck in snow at Secor Road and Palmer Avenue Feb. 22. Police arrived on scene, but the driver had already received assistance from his mother and was leaving the scene.

A driver hit an SOS button in his car after sustaining a flat tire on Ogden Road Feb. 23.
Police helped a driver move a disabled car into a safe location off Mamaroneck Road to wait for a tow Feb. 24.

Police notified Verizon about unrelated low-hanging wires on Weaver Street Feb. 24 and Overhill Road Feb. 25.

On Feb. 24, police closed Franklin Road so the water department could repair a broken water main.

A large pothole reportedly caused a car to sustain a flat tire at Crossway and Weaver Street, as per the highway department, Feb. 24.

Police informed the highway department that a crosswalk sign needed repair at Chase Road and Boniface Circle Feb. 24.

Police replaced a loose water main cover at Brite Avenue and Butler Road Feb. 25.

Police contacted Con Edison about loose equipment left at Overhill Road work site Feb. 25. A Con Ed employee was dispatched to correct the matter.

Police asked a worker to move his car to another location, as a courtesy, after a Shawnee Road resident complained about the worker’s green SUV being parked in front of his house Feb. 26.

A driver accidentally backed into a parked car on Spruce Road Feb. 27. Police helped the driver notify the owner of the vehicle.

Police assisted at a car accident that occurred in the jurisdiction of New Rochelle on Weaver Street Feb. 28. The accident involved “a passenger lying across the backrest of one of the cars with injuries to his face.”

Dog bite
A man reported being bitten by a dog at the Scarsdale High School track Feb. 27. Police contacted the dog owner to request vaccine records.

On Feb. 22, a resident reported seeing a coyote in her Ridgedale Road yard. It was gone when police arrived.

A coyote was sighted at Butler Road and Brite Avenue Feb. 25. It was gone when police arrived.

A coyote was also sighted at Oak Lane and Highland Way Feb. 26. It was gone when police arrived.

A caller reported a barking dog on Brown Road Feb. 28. Police went to the area and did not hear or see a dog.

A loose Husky was reported at Deerfield Lane and Mamaroneck Road Feb. 28. The owner arrived on scene and retrieved his dog.

Police removed a dead animal from Secor Road and Palmer Avenue Feb. 28.


On Feb. 23, a broken water pipe in a Putnam Road house caused water intrusion into a carbon monoxide detector. As a result, a false alarm occurred. Firefighters shut water valves in a second-floor laundry room to isolate the broken pipe, and they also shut power to a circuit breaker for first-floor light fixtures that were also affected by the water intrusion. They advised the resident to contact service providers for necessary repairs.

On Feb. 27, an outdoor natural gas odor alerted firefighters to a gas leak on Brite Avenue. Firefighters notified Con Edison and stood by.
Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Weaver Street, while New Rochelle police department handled the accident report, Feb. 28.

This report covering public safety departments’ activity from Feb. 22-28 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

snowraidersignSnow Photo by Cliff SeltzerCar break-ins: On Feb. 19, a Gaylor Road resident reported his car had been rummaged through. It had been parked and unlocked in the man’s driveway since Feb. 13. Nothing of value was missing, the man said.

On Feb. 19, another Gaylor resident reported her car had been rummaged through – and a wallet containing $300 cash had been stolen – the previous night. The resident told police she thought she had locked her car.

On Feb. 20, a third Gaylor Road resident reported a car break-in. The resident reported an unspecified amount of quarters were missing from the vehicle. The resident thought the incident occurred after 7:30 a.m., Feb. 20, because that was the time the resident went out to clean his car, and at that time, he did not notice anything out of place.

On Feb. 21, a fourth Gaylor Road resident reported his car had been entered. He thought the incident occurred the previous day, on Feb. 21, and resulted in the theft of his registration and insurance card.

Identity theft
On Feb. 19, a Burgess Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent Key Bank account in her name.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
On Feb. 16, a Benedict Road resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Feb. 17, a Penn Road resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Feb. 17, a Barry Road woman reported receiving a debit card in the mail related to a fraudulent unemployment filing that she previously reported.

On Feb. 19, a Berwick Road resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Feb. 19, a Swarthmore Road resident reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

Domestic matters
A Hamilton Road resident requested assistance in dealing with family members who were given access to his father’s financial accounts and who were accused of “not being transparent.” Police advised the resident to consult with an attorney and initiate a power of attorney for account oversight. The matter was determined to be a civil matter.

At 2 a.m., Feb. 22, a Richbell Road woman noticed a dark colored SUV pulled into her driveway and idled there for a few minutes before leaving. She said she thought the car was occupied by two individuals.

Service call requests
A man in his 20s, alleging to be a water department employee, requested access to an elderly Garden Road resident’s house Feb. 17. The resident called the water department, and the water department had no record of a work order for that house or water work being done in the neighborhood. Police searched the neighborhood for the man, did not find him and noted the incident.

At the homeowner’s request, police stood by while a Con Edison employee entered a Richbell Road house and turned off a gas connection because of a leak emanating from the house.

On Feb. 18, two workers requesting access to a White Road house were determined to be Con Edison sub-contractors on official business.

A Montrose Road resident reported a “Happy Birthday” yard sign valued at $150 had been stolen from his yard Feb. 16. Later the resident called back to say he learned the sign had actually been picked up by the sign rental company.

A Meadow Road resident reported that a neighbor’s plow service removed snow from the neighbor’s driveway and deposited it in a way that blocked the roadway for other drivers Feb. 18. Police addressed the matter with the neighbor, and she said she would speak with her plowing company about it.

On Feb. 18, a Village snowplow accidentally pushed a large pile of snow in front of a Lyons Road driveway. The resident complained, and police notified the highway department for follow up.

On Feb. 18, a Village snowplow also accidentally pushed a large pile of snow in front of a Webster Road driveway. The resident complained, and police notified the highway department for follow up.

A Sprague Road woman alleged her parked car had been damaged by a passing snowplow Feb. 20. The car had been parked in the woman’s driveway, and police observed damage to the rear bumper caused by a bank of snow that had been pushed up against the bumper. There was no identifying indication of the kind of plow or vehicle that caused the damage. Police advised her to follow up with her insurance company.

Police helped a person recovering from surgery call for an ambulance to go back to the hospital due to complications Feb. 16.

On Feb. 19. A Johnson Road man reported that he ordered an Apple computer online but never received it in December 2020. He already addressed the matter with the company. The company required a police report to issue the refund.

Cars and roadways
A Varian Road resident reported a “sink hole” in front of his house Feb. 16. The water department was addressing the condition, and police put traffic cones in and around the hole to alert motorists.

On Feb. 16, a caller reported a woman “walking on Heathcote Road with her eyes closed.” Police went to the area and did not see a woman matching that description.
Patrol notified the highway department about a pothole at Weaver Street and Crossway Feb. 16.

A caller reported her car had been stolen from the Bronx and was showing a location indication of being near Popham and Tisdale roads Feb. 17. Police went to the area and did not see the car. Later, police were notified that the caller’s friend found her car.

On Feb. 18, police alerted the water department to a water pipe with s missing cap on Tunstall and Madison roads.

On Feb. 18, police asked driver of parked cars on Montrose Road to move their vehicles for snow plow access.

Police called a tow for a car with a dead battery at Secor and Ramsey roads Feb. 19.

A limousine became disabled at Mamaroneck and Colonial roads due to a lack of transmission fluid Feb. 20. Police helped the driver get fluid for his vehicle to get back on the road.

A caller reported about 10-15 kids out riding bikes and “blocking traffic” at Weaver Street and Bypass Feb. 20. The kids were not there when police arrived to check it out.

Police called a tow for a driver with a flat tire on East Parkway Feb. 20.

A caller reported an unaccompanied dog on Brewster Road Feb. 15. It was gone when police arrived.

A coyote was observed in a Harvest Road yard Feb. 17. It fled when police arrived.

A dead cat was reported on Post Road Feb. 17. Police removed it from the roadway for sanitation pickup.

A Montgomery Road resident reported her dog had been bitten by another dog while out for a walk earlier that day. The resident and her dog were walking on Boulevard when a dog allegedly ran down a Boulevard driveway and attacked her dog in the roadway. The resident said she was unable to separate the two dogs until the offending dog’s owner called back his dog. Two bite marks were observed on the resident’s dog – on its back and side. The resident took her dog to the vet for treatment. Police called the owner of the offending dog, and he said he opened his garage door to put his snowplow away, and the dog ran past him into the street. He said his dog was up to date on vaccinations, and he would supply records from his dog’s vet.

On Feb. 20, a Brown Road resident reported her neighbor allows her dog to “go outside and bark every day at 7 a.m.” When police went to investigate at 7:30 a.m., the alleged dog was outside. It was not observed to be barking. Nevertheless, police advised the neighbor of the complaint and suggested she bring the dog inside if it started barking.

Village code
Following an early morning delivery to 7-Eleven on Scarsdale Avenue, police spoke with the store manager and reminded him to schedule deliveries during times permitted as per Village code, because noise was bothersome to neighbors.

A person was using a snow blower in a Fox Meadow Road driveway at 4:20 a.m., Feb. 19. Police issued a Village code violation summons.

A Barry Road resident reported putting out an electrical fire behind his TV shortly before 5 a.m., Feb. 17. Firefighters went to the house to make sure everything was safe. Upon arrival, firefighters found no active fire. They checked an upstairs bedroom and found an old power strip that shorted out. The power strip was not overloaded. The homeowner told firefighters she had seen sparks and smoke from the behind the dresser, under the TV. The homeowner then shut power to the power strip. Firefighters checked the electrical panel and found no tripped breakers. They advised the homeowner to have an electrician check the outlet. The homeowner also reported a power issue with the TV. Firefighters advised the homeowner to have the TV looked at.

On Feb. 19, contractors working in a Fairview Road house capped an unused gas pipe and residual gas in the pipe causes a gas alarm to sound. Firefighters checked out the alarm and confirmed there was no leak.

On Feb. 19, burnt food in the kitchen of Moscato restaurant, on Scarsdale Avenue, caused an alarm to sound. Firefighters advised the manager to ventilate the kitchen and reset the alarm system.

On Feb. 21, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of gas leak on Heathcote Road.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 15-21 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

snowchairsArrest: On Feb. 3, following a police investigation into the alleged theft of property from Quaker Ridge Golf Club and damage to golf course greens and fencing by a former employee, police arrested Dennis Blagrove, 35, of the Bronx. Blagrove, a former employee of the Club, was charged with second-degree criminal mischief, fourth-degree grand larceny and second-degree criminal mischief – all felonies. According to witnesses, Blagrove was observed stealing a high-end Cappuccino printing machine valued at $2,000 from a Club building and driving his car across the greens and through a fence, causing at least $13,000 in property damage. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and released on his own recognizance. A future court date was set for Feb. 10.

A Palmer Avenue man received a call from someone alleging to be his son Feb. 3. The caller posing as the man’s son claimed he had been in an accident out of state and needed money to be wired to a lawyer to be bailed out of jail. The caller provided the man with a number of a person who was allegedly his lawyer. The man called the “lawyer” and received instructions to send cash via a kiosk at a Mobil gas station. The man got suspicious and called his son. The son was fine, and the man realized the call had been a scam. No money was sent.

On Feb. 5, a 19-year-old Franklin Road woman was contacted by people alleging to be federal agents investigating an identity theft crime that occurred in Texas. The alleged agents told her that fraudulent activity transpired in the recent past under her identity that was serious in nature. The alleged agents then advised her to secure her assets. The alleged agents instructed her to withdraw $5,000 from her bank account and buy gift cards to “submit for safekeeping.” The woman reported that she received an additional phone call that displayed the Scarsdale Police contact number on her caller ID. An unknown individual posing as a Scarsdale police officer then verified that the incident with the proposed federal agents “was accurate and to comply with them.” The woman said she bought multiple gift cards in the amount of $5,000 and supplied the “agents” with the gift card redemption numbers over the phone.

An Overhill Road woman reported ordering three masks, which were reportedly delivered by a package carrier Feb. 3; however, when she opened the package, the masks were missing. She required a police report for replacement.

Identity theft
On Feb. 6, a Gorham Road caller reported seeing two unknown charges on her Chase Bank account in December. The bank is following up.

Fraudulent unemployment claims
A Gatehouse Road woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 1.
A Post Road woman learned from her employer’s human resources representative that someone attempted to file a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 1. However, the claim was rejected.
A Post Road man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 3.
A Rugby Lane woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 3.
A Mamaroneck Road woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 3.
A Greenacres Avenue woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 3.
A Church Lane man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 3.
A Brewster Road man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 4.
Another Brewster Road man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 5.
A Lee Road woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 5.
A Drake Road man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 5.
A Black Birch Lane woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 6.
A Coralyn Road woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 6.
A Barry Road man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 6.
A Penn Boulevard man reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name Feb. 7.
A Meadow Road woman reported that an unknown person filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name Feb. 7.

A resident of a Post Road group home reported a verbal altercation that “became physical” with a housemate Feb. 1. No injuries were reported or observed. Staff said they were aware of the ongoing issues between the resident and her housemate. Staff said they would inform their supervisors.

A Meadow Road woman reported her “big [landscaping] boulders had been pushed into the roadway Feb. 5. Upon arrival, police noted three large boulders were in the roadway, creating a hazard. The highway department responded to move the boulders back in place. Tire tracks were observed in the yard, possibly indicating that a dual-wheel truck pushed the boulders out of place. The boulders are valued at $2,000.

A caller who said he was out for his daily walk saw three individuals on bicycles with flashlights at Popham Road and Church Lane at 3:30 a.m., Feb. 7. The individuals fled when the caller noticed them, the caller said. Police canvassed the area, but the individuals were no longer there.

A family was sledding on Post Road and a 20-year-old daughter got separated from the family Feb. 1. Around 8 p.m., the family reported that the young woman was missing. Police found her walking home and offered her a ride the rest of the way. She accepted the ride and declined medical attention.

A Brown Road resident reported his neighbor was shoveling snow from the neighbor’s property and depositing it in the roadway Feb. 2. Police spoke with the neighbor who was in the process of digging out his car and clearing his driveway. He said he would remove the snow he had thrown into the roadway.

A Lockwood Road resident reported her neighbor placed a large amount of snow in her driveway Feb. 3. Police went to the scene for observation purposes and noted snow in front of the driveway, seemingly deposited by a passing snowplow. Police attempted to talk with the neighbor about the complaint, but the neighbor dismissed patrol and told patrol to “go home.” Patrol then observed a small amount of snow in the resident’s driveway and offered to assist her in cleaning it, but she refused patrol’s help.

A driver stopped her car at Post and Edgewood roads Feb. 7. She told police she was waiting for her husband to arrive to drive her car away from the scene for her because she was concerned about driving in the snow.

A water pipe might have broken in an unoccupied Sprague Road house, causing flooding and a water alarm to sound, Feb. 2. Police notified firefighters and firefighters entered the house and turned off the running water. Later, on Feb. 2, the same alarm started sounding in the same Sprague Road house. A neighbor reported it to police. Police contacted the homeowner, and he said he would respond within an hour to silence the alarm. Police issued him a Village code violation summons for unnecessary noise.

At a mother’s request, police asked a Con Edison worker to leave a Farley Road house and reschedule a gas monitor installation at a more convenient time for the mother Feb. 5. The worker had shown up while the mother’s teenage sons were home alone, and this was not a comfortable situation.

An elderly gentleman needed assistance in getting from East Parkway to New Rochelle at 5:50 p.m., Feb. 3. Police arranged for a taxi to pick him up.

A Bradford Road resident noticed water was leaking from a neighbor’s house and called police Feb. 5. Police noted an outdoor spigot had frozen and caused a pipe to burst. They shut off the water supply and informed the homeowner to call a plumber.

Police checked the welfare of two 80-year-old Chateaux Circle residents after a caller had not heard from them in days, the caller said, Feb. 6. Police checked on the residents, who were “alive and well.”

Suspicious car
A 2007 Acura was observed in the Quaker Ridge School parking lot at 3 a.m., Feb. 3. Police woke up the sleeping driver, a 28-year-old Manchester, Connecticut, man, and interviewed him to determine why he was there. The driver was unable to provide proof of ownership or registration for the car. Also, temporary license plate tags out of Vermont and Texas were not found to be valid. The temporary tag from Texas was found in a glove box and contained an owner’s name that was different from the driver’s. The glove box lock was also noted to be broken, and the glove box was lying on the floor of the passenger seat. For these reasons, police impounded the car and called a taxi for the driver. The driver was issued two summonses – for unlicensed driving and an unregistered motor vehicle.

Cars and roadways
On Feb. 1, after a van got stuck in snow on Dell Road, police helped push it back onto the roadway where the driver could safely maneuver it. Police also asked the highway department to plow the street.

Police asked a Springdale Road resident to move her car from the road to make way for a snowplow Feb. 2.

Police issued a parking summons to the owner of a car parked in a restricted area, marked off by cones, in the Freightway parking lot, Feb. 3.

Police provided traffic control on Post Road while a Bee Line bus received emergency repairs Feb. 5.

Police assisted a driver, whose car got stuck in snow at Mamaroneck and Saxon Woods roads, by calling a tow for the driver Feb. 6.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Griffen Avenue Feb. 6.
Some ATVs were spotted riding around Saxon Woods Golf Course in the snow Feb. 6. Police notified Westchester County Police for follow-up.

A caller requested assistance “catching a Bee Line bus” at Post and Burgess roads Feb. 6. Before police could arrive, the caller informed dispatch she had successfully caught the bus.

Police conducted traffic control around a disabled vehicle on Post Road while the driver waited for a tow Feb. 6.

Police asked drivers to remove their cars from a Palmer Avenue parking lot in order to plow Feb. 7.

Police conducted traffic control around a vehicle with a broken axle following a snow “spin out” on Mamaroneck Road while the driver waited for a tow Feb. 7.

On Feb. 7, a Village dump truck performing official duties in a snowstorm was backing up on Swarthmore Road and accidentally clipped the corner of an unoccupied parked car in a driveway. An accident report was created, and the owner was informed.

A driver reported a car “cut him off” at East Parkway and Popham Road, and then the car’s driver allegedly threw a single AA battery out the window at him Feb. 5.

A pizza delivery driver reported the driver of a silver Toyota threw unidentified objects out the car window at the delivery driver’s car and other cars in the area of Garth and Popham roads Feb. 5.

On Feb. 2, a Brite Avenue woman reported there was a raccoon by her side door that “wouldn’t move.” She said the raccoon looked “unwell.” Police observed that the raccoon was injured. The raccoon then moved from the rear of the Brite Avenue house to a neighbor’s back yard. It was a safe distance from all houses and police received permission to dispatch it to put it out of its misery. It was then picked up by the sanitation department for disposal.

A neighbor complained about kids playing basketball and being noisy on Stratton Road at 10:45 p.m., Feb. 6. Police observed the kids playing in an open garage but did not deem the noise to be excessive. Police reminded the kids to keep the noise level down, and the kids said they were almost done with their game and would be going inside soon.

Lost and found
A Fox Meadow Road woman found keys on her front sidewalk and gave them to police Feb. 1. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.

A passerby found an iPhone on Depot Place and gave it to police Feb. 3. Police identified the owner and returned the phone.

An Overlook Road man reported losing his wallet somewhere in the Village Feb. 3.

On Feb. 1, firefighters addressed a broken second-floor heating pipe that was leaking water into recessed lighting fixtures in the room below, inside a Kensington Road house. Firefighters isolated the heating zone at the boiler to stop the leak. They also shut down affected circuit breakers. The homeowner was advised to seek service from a plumber and electrician.

Contractors reported a gas odor in a Black Birch Lane house where they were doing work Feb. 2. Firefighters shut gas to the house and ventilated with fans. Con Edison responded to remedy a discovered gas leak.

Firefighters shut off a boiler and gas utilities in an abandoned Sprague Road house following water leaking from a burst pipe Feb. 2.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a reported gas odor on East Parkway Feb. 4.

A Rock Creek Lane homeowner reported flooding inside her house Feb. 4. Firefighters shut off the water, and the homeowner said she would call a plumber for repair.

Firefighters responded to a Cooper Road house on a report of an indoor burning odor Feb. 7. The homeowner reported a problem with the circuit breaker leading to an outdoor heating pad. Investigation revealed no hot spots or visible electrical issues. There was significant water damage in the basement walls and ceilings from a previous incident, however. The breaker panel was cool, and the breaker in question was “off.” Firefighters advised the homeowner to have an electrician come and investigate the issue further.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb 1-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

coyote2Arrest: Following a report of an erratic Subaru driver on Heathcote Road at 7:15 p.m., Feb. 9, police intercepted the car at Whig and Berwick roads, noticed the front end was banged up and determined the driver was driving while intoxicated. Upon talking with the driver – Renzo Mendoza, 40, of Larchmont – police noticed an unopened container of an alcoholic beverage was visible inside an open bag on the passenger seat floor. When asked to perform field sobriety tests, Mendoza failed all the tests. Mendoza refused to take a breath test; however he later submitted to a Datamaster test at headquarters. Mendoza was arrested and taken to headquarters on the following charges – operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with a prior conviction), aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .18 or more (with a prior conviction), operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver, operation of a motor vehicle with a suspended registration, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, refusal to take a breath test and operation of a motor vehicle while circumventing an ignition interlock device. Following his arrest, Mendoza was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable on Feb. 24.

Car break-ins
On Feb. 13, a Montrose Road resident reported his unlocked car in his driveway was entered overnight, and items – including loose change and his garage door opener – were taken.

Identity theft
On Feb. 10, a Sheldrake Road woman reported receiving a credit card from Metabank that she did not order. The account was identified as fraudulent and closed.

On Feb. 12, an Old Lyme Road resident reported unauthorized charges were discovered on his credit card account.

On Feb. 12, a Black Hawk Road resident reported an incident of identity theft and check fraud. A check that the resident wrote as a gift to her mail carrier was stolen from her mailbox at the end of December and altered by an unknown person. The altered check was written for $6,500 and made payable to an unknown person.

On Feb. 12, a Brite Avenue resident reported fraudulent checks were issued against his account. An unknown person attempted to cash the checks but the checks were flagged as suspicious.

On Feb. 14, a Haverford Road man reported an unknown person opened a fraudulent credit card in his name, without his permission, and used the card at multiple locations throughout Westchester County. The balance on the card was approximately $43,000, accumulated from Jan. 13-29.

On Feb. 12, a Mamaroneck Road resident reported being scammed out of $500 dollars by an unknown person who contacted her through her realtor, alleging that her Con Edison account was overdue, and her electricity would be turned off if she did not remit payment, To satisfy the alleged electrical service problem, the resident sent $500 to the unknown person by Zelle. In addition to being tricked into a financial loss, the resident was also tricked into providing personal information, she said.

On Feb. 12, a Greenacres woman called police and said she felt unsafe in her house because of a “big fight” she just had with her family. Police arrived on scene and spoke with the woman’s mother, who said an argument over a food order had just occurred. The woman/daughter had already left the house to go for a walk to de-escalate the situation. Police spoke with all parties and advised them to stay in different areas of the house for the night. They agreed the argument was probably the result of rising stress levels due to the pandemic.

On Feb. 13, a driver for Uber called police because a female passenger was upset about the cost of the ride and was refusing to get out of the driver’s car at Spencer Place. Police arrived on scene and the woman said she was upset because her ride was going to cost $5 more than she anticipated because the destination address was in the South Bronx. Police explained that there were other transportation options if the woman did not want to use Uber services. Police offered to call a taxi for the woman. She declined and elected to take a Metro North train. The Uber driver then cancelled the fare.

On Feb. 8, a Continental Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.
On Feb. 8, a Sheldrake Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.
On Feb. 8, an Aspen Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.
On Feb. 8, a Sheldrake Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name, and he even received a benefits card that he neither wanted nor requested.
On Feb. 9, a Meadow Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name.
On Feb. 9, a Mamaroneck Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name.
On Feb. 11, a Magnolia Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.
On Feb. 13, a Lebanon Road man reported someone opened a fraudulent unemployment claim in his name.

On Feb. 8, a Quaker Ridge woman reported receiving an email from a former employee on Feb. 6, the one-year-anniversary date of the employee’s termination. She was concerned because of the timing of the email and other emails and text messages that she said she has since deleted. The email did not contain any specific threats.

911 call
A Post Road resident called 911, stating she believed her life was in danger. Upon arrival, the resident told police there was no emergency; the resident just had a question about a report. Police advised her to call the non-emergency police number the next time she has a question.

On Feb. 11, an Old Lyme Road homeowner reported someone was trying to “break into his generator.” Upon arrival, patrol spoke to the homeowner and learned that an unknown person arrived on scene and went into the backyard near his generator without making contact with him first. The homeowner said he did not schedule an appointment to have his generator serviced. The unknown person was identified as a service technician. He told police that his supervisor was unable to contact the homeowner because no phone number was on file for the homeowner. The technician confirmed he did not make contact with the homeowner before entering the backyard. Patrol advised the technician to make contact with clients upon arrival in the future, to avoid similar incidents of confusion or concern. The homeowner did not want the technician to complete his work and asked him to leave the property.

A person walked into headquarters to inquire if there were any outstanding arrest warrants in his name Feb. 10. Police checked their data systems and did not discover any warrants in the person’s name.

A Cushman Road homeowner called police because a Con Edison technician wanted to access her house to measure her gas meter Feb. 10, and the homeowner wanted to check the technician’s credentials. Police checked out the technician’s credentials; however, the homeowner did not want the technician in her house unattended. Police advised the technician to reschedule.

Police responded to a Scarsdale Avenue business and spoke with the owner about parking permit options for the owner and her staff Feb. 11.

On Feb. 12, a sanitation supervisor reported people were dropping of items at the dump although it was closed for a holiday Feb. 12. Police went to the scene and noted the dump was closed off by chains and cones, but no signs were posted announcing the closure. Police advised the supervisor to put up signs to avoid confusion.

At 4:45 a.m., a caller dialed White Plains police department and reported seeing three or four men “pulling on car door handles” on Hazelton Drive. Both Scarsdale police and White Plains police searched the area, but they did not find the men or evidence of criminal activity.

Police warned kids riding bikes near the pond on Olmsted Road to stay off the ice Feb. 12.

On Feb. 12, a Post Road resident asked to speak with police about an ongoing issue with her neighbor. The resident said the neighbor installed an outdoor light that shines directly into bedroom windows in the resident’s house. Police looked at the light and observed this statement to be true. Furthermore, it did not appear that the light was motion-activated, and it seemed that the light turned off and on at random intervals. Police attempted to speak with neighbor about the light, but the neighbor was not available. There were no violations of Village code, but the light was legitimately bothersome to the resident. Police referred the matter to the building department.

A sanitation vehicle was involved in an accident at Heathcote and Kelwynne roads, when it was rear-ended by a 2021 Volkswagen turning left from Heathcote Road onto Kelwynne Road Feb. 10.

A fire department vehicle was involved in an accident on Kensington Road Feb. 10. According to the accident report, the vehicle sideswiped a parked 2007 Toyota.

Cars and roadways
On Feb. 8, a caller reported seeing a car stuck in a snow bank at Drake Road and Forest Lane. Dispatch notified New Rochelle police, as part of that roadway area falls within the jurisdiction of New Rochelle. Upon arrival, police observed that a 2008 Ford Focus had driven off the roadway and struck a tree. The driver did not report any injuries. The driver further stated he lost control of his car prior to the accident. Since the accident occurred within the jurisdiction of New Rochelle, NRPD handled the accident.

A Varian Road man reported a sinkhole in front of his house Feb. 10. Upon arrival, patrol noticed water department personnel on scene addressing a water main leak in the roadway. Water department personnel had the situation under control.

On Feb. 10, police were out with a driver who was not feeling well enough to continue driving at Crane and Woodland roads. Police stood by until the driver’s parents arrived on scene to take the driver home.

A caller reported that a broken-down school bus was towed from Mamaroneck Road Feb. 11.

Police removed a cardboard box from Post and Crane roads Feb. 11.

On Feb. 11, police helped a driver push a disabled van onto the side of Post and Gorham roads, while the driver waited for the van’s owner to bring a replacement battery.

An idling car on Park Road was occupied by a man waiting to pick up his daughter from a friend’s house Feb. 12.

On Feb. 13, police placed a traffic cone over an exposed pipe in the roadway near the intersection of Fenimore and Tompkins roads.

Patrol helped a driver change a flat tire on Evon Court Feb. 13.

Civil matter
On Feb. 8, a Brookby Road resident reported that a delivery driver placed a palette in his driveway in a manner than prevented the resident from leaving his driveway. The resident claimed that the delivery company refused to bring the delivery into his house or drop it off further up his driveway. However, after police intervention, the resident agreed to remove snow from his driveway, and the delivery person was able to bring the palette closer to the garage so that it would no longer block access in and out of the driveway.

On Feb. 10, a Post Road woman reported a civil matter involving a housemate. The woman said she heard her housemate standing outside her apartment door, “making strange noises” the day before. She claimed that when she opened her door, her housemate retreated into the hall bathroom and closed the door. She just wanted police to document the incident because she is having an ongoing incident with the housemate.

On Feb. 11, a Wildwood Road homeowner reported a dispute with a contractor. The homeowner alleged that the contractor had been verbally aggressive. Police communicated with the contractor and passed along the homeowner’s wishes that the contractor terminate his work at the property and cease communication with the homeowner.

On Feb. 8, a coyote was sighted near Myrtledale and Bansom roads. It was gone by the time patrol arrived. Later, police received a call about another coyote sighting – on Ferncliff Road.

On Feb. 9, a coyote was sighted at Franklin and Stratton roads. It was gone by the time police arrived.

Patrol responded to Cooper Road on the report of an injured deer in a backyard Feb. 10. Upon arrival, patrol observed the deer walking away from the scene without incident.

On Feb. 14, a Morris Lane resident reported an injured raccoon on her back porch. The raccoon was gone by the time police arrived. Police provided the resident with a list of local trappers.

Lost and found
On Feb. 11, a passerby found three credit cards on Scarsdale Avenue and gave them to police for safekeeping. Police attempted to contact the potential owner of the cards and was able to leave a message for him at his place of work.

On Feb. 11, a person who found a wallet in the Village brought it to headquarters. Police vouchered the wallet for safekeeping.

On Feb. 14, firefighters checked an Archer Lane house because of a reported odor in the house. Upon checking the house, firefighters only found a defective heating unit. They suggested that the defective system could possibly be the cause of the odor.
On Feb. 14, a rusty exhaust pipe broke on a boiler in a Whig Road house. Firefighters advised the house sitter to have the homeowner call for service.

A boiler flooded a Boulevard house after a relief valve failed Feb. 14. Firefighters shut down the boiler and advised the homeowner to call for service.

On Feb. 15, an exhaust vent pipe for a HVAC unit was broken at a Spencer Place restaurant, causing carbon monoxide to accumulate inside the space. Firefighters shut down the unit, ventilated the space and advised the restaurant manager to have the HVAC system serviced.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 8-15 has been compiled from official information.

SnowmanPaddingtonRoadStolen car: On Jan. 28, a caller, from Stamford, CT reported she could not locate her 2019 Honda CRV, which she had parked in the commuter lot on Scarsdale Avenue earlier that morning. Police determined the $23,000 car had been stolen. They are following up

Stolen packages
On Jan. 28, a Nelson Road resident reported that a package containing $32 worth of greeting cards had been dropped off at her house by a friend on Jan. 16 and had apparently gotten stolen. Police advised her to arrange for friends to drop off packages at the rear of the house and notify her by phone when they are dropping them off.

On Jan. 28, a River Road resident reported she never received a package from Amazon that had supposedly been delivered on Jan. 19.

On Jan. 29, a Bradford Road resident reported a package containing masks had been delivered and removed her property.

On Jan. 26, a Palmer Avenue business owner reported that a caller alleging to be a Con Edison employee told her that her electric bill was overdue and she needed to remit payment immediately in order to prevent her power from being turned off. As soon as the caller requested payment to be made with Bitcoin, the business owner knew the call was a scam.

On Jan. 27, a Dickel Road resident reported being the victim of an Internet scam. She said she was attempting to purchase a Cavapoo dog online and paid a person $750, via Zelle, for the dog. The person said there were some problems with processing the payment; yet the dog was supposed to be sent by airline to the resident. The resident became suspicious and told the person she changed her mind and no longer wanted the dog. She asked for a refund. At that point, all communication stopped. She did further research and realized the site might have been a scam.

Identity theft
On Jan. 25, a Haverford Ave. woman reported that someone used her personal information to apply for a fraudulent Home Depot credit card at a Bronx store. Approximately $8,000 was charged to the account. She informed the creditor and closed the account.

On Jan. 25, a Village resident came to headquarters to report that she received a notice of lien and a sale document for a car she does not own. Police advised her to contact the DMV to first verify that the documents were not sent in error, before following up.

On Jan. 25, a Springdale Road resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in her name.

On Jan. 25, a Bradford Road resident also reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in his name.

On Jan. 27, a South Church Lane resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in her name.

On Jan. 28, a Rock Creek Lane resident reported fraudulent activity on her bank account. According to her bank, an unknown person initiated two fraudulent wire transfers in the combined amount of $5,360. The bank is following up.

On Jan. 28, a Harvest Drive resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in his name.

On Jan. 28, a Leatherstocking Lane resident reported receiving a letter from the NYS Dept. of Labor, showing his Social Security number and stating that funds were being deducted from his bank account. He felt this letter might have something to do with previous identity theft.

On Jan. 29, a Rugby Lane resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in his name.

On Jan. 29, a Heathcote Road resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in her name.

On Jan. 30, an Elm Road resident reported someone opened a fraudulent Bank of America account in his name. The account was flagged and closed by the bank.

On Jan. 31, a Tunstall Road resident reported that someone fraudulently filed for unemployment benefits in his name.

Domestic matters
Police were called to investigate a “loud argument” on Hutchinson Avenue Jan. 26. On scene, the partied said they had just had a verbal disagreement, but it was nothing more than that.

Greenacres sisters reported they were arguing over their mother’s health care Jan. 30. Police advised them to seek a peaceful resolution to their disagreement.

An Edgewood woman reported her ex-husband showed up at her house unannounced, and she did not want him there Jan. 30. He then left. She wished to document the incident.

On Jan. 29, an Ogden Road resident reported being harassed while walking home from the train station. The resident said a dark SUV pulled up next to him and drove alongside him, with a few youths inside the vehicle shouting obscenities through the open windows. After the incident, the SUV drove away on Fox Meadow Road.

A driver reported a group of youth in a black Honda Pilot threw an ice ball out the window at the driver’s car. The driver provided police with license plate information for follow-up.

Suspicious email
An Ogden Road religious organization reported that a suspicious email had been sent to the organization’s account Jan. 30.

A caller reported kids playing on or near the pond on Olmsted Road Jan. 29. Police went to the scene and saw two kids with bikes near the pond. Police told the kids to stay off the pond and not engage in risky behavior.

On Jan. 31, police were called about kids playing on the ice on the Olmsted Road pond. Police observed the kids on the ice upon arrival and told them to get off the pond immediately. Police cautioned the kids about the dangers of playing on a frozen pond and the risk of ice breaking and falling into icy water, which could cause a serious or fatal injury.

Later that day, on Jan. 31, police were informed about a “family” on the ice on the Olmsted Road pond. Police cautioned the family about the dangers of playing on a frozen pond, and the family left the immediate area.

An Elm Road resident reported he was not home but observed security surveillance of a man placing a ladder against his house unexpectedly Jan. 27. Police arrived on scene and interviewed the man on the ladder. He was an employee of a gutter cleaning company. He reported the resident has a contract with the company, and was there to perform regular services. He said the company does not usually make appointments prior to coming out for contract service, but he would nevertheless leave and make an appointment to return at a convenient time for resident.

Black bag
A caller reported a suspicious black bag at Secor and Sycamore roads Jan. 28. A close look revealed the bag to be a pizza delivery bag with an “old pizza” it. It was discarded as trash.

A Rock Creek Lane resident requested assistance with leaking water in her house while her children were home alone Jan. 28. While police were on scene, the resident returned home and turned off the water supply pipe. She was advised to contact a plumber.

A caller reported ATVs driving around a frozen Boulevard field Jan. 27. They were gone on arrival, but police saw visible tire tracks in the snow. Due to frozen conditions, the ground did not appear damaged.

An alarm noise on Carthage Road was found to be caused by a beeping smoke detector that had been thrown away in a pile of cardboard boxes Jan. 28. Police were able to silence it.

On Jan. 25, a caller reported that a red and white bicycle has been lying along a Boulevard playground railing “for a few days.” Police observed the bicycle and will monitor it.

On Jan. 25, police encountered a black Subaru with scofflaw status at Crane and Popham roads. Patrol consulted with Village Justice Court and learned that the registered owner, from Connecticut, had three outstanding tickets totaling $360. Police towed the car to the impound lot.

Cars and roadways
On Jan. 25, police directed traffic around a disabled pick-up truck at Mamaroneck and Saxon Woods roads while the driver waited for a tow.

Police assisted Westchester County Police by controlling traffic around an area impacted by spilled refrigerant coolant following an accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway involved a commercial tractor trailer striking the Weaver Street Bridge Jan. 26.

On Jan. 26, a witness observed a driver lose control of a car at Drake and Heathcote roads and drive into the traffic island. The car was gone by the time police arrived, but tire tracks showed exactly what the witness described.

On Jan. 27, police facilitated an exchange of information after a delivery driver backed into a front yard fence of a Post Road house.

A man seen walking near a Bronx River Parkway overpass was interviewed by police after a caller was concerned about his safety Jan. 27. The man said he was late for a meeting and using a sidewalk near the overpass to reach his destination. There was no cause for concern.

On Jan. 27, police assisted a Post Road driver with a flat tire.

On Jan. 28, police removed a discarded Christmas tree from Heathcote Road’s traffic lane. The tree was out for sanitation pickup.

Police contacted on-call highway department personnel about a Lyons Road manhole that was filling with water and possible sewage Jan. 28.

Police provided traffic control while a driver had his car’s battery jumped on Heathcote Road and Weaver Street Jan. 30.

A Rock Creek Lane garage door opened on its own, according to a homeowner, Jan. 30. Police checked the house and did not find anything suspicious.

A Hillview Drive resident reported that an alleged “wolf” was sighted in his backyard before the animal walked into the street Jan. 27. It was gone before police arrived and could determine what kind of animal it was – possibly a coyote.

A Donellan Road woman reported being bitten by a small dog while out walking on Greenacres Avenue and Colvin Road Jan. 27. She did not notice the bite until the dog and owner walked away. She refused medical attention.

On Jan. 29, a Post Road resident reported a dead deer in her driveway. She requested assistance removing it “so other animals wouldn’t eat it.” Police referred the call to the highway department for assistance.

A caller reported seeing a Pitt bull running in the area of Dunham Road Jan. 30. It was not described as aggressive. Police went to the area and only saw a dog playing with a child inside a yard with an electric fence. It was not clear if this was the dog the caller reported.

Village code
On Jan. 25, a Walworth Avenue resident reported that his neighbor often puts recyclables out before the designated pick-up time, and “the recyclables blow into his yard.” Police went to the scene and investigated. Police saw numerous cardboard boxes, with address label attached, blowing into the street. Police issued the owner a Village code violation summons.

A Post Road resident reported an “ongoing incident” with her neighbor Jan. 26. The resident accused the neighbor of playing loud music and installing a light that shines into her property. When police arrived on scene, no music was playing, and the light was off.

After a resident complained about a 7-Eleven delivery truck waking him up at 3:15 a.m., police issued a summons to the delivery driver for making a delivery outside of permissible hours.

Lost and found
On Dec. 27, a Bell Road resident found a wallet on a walking path adjacent to the Bronx River Parkway. Police identified the owner through ID information in the wallet and spoke to the owner’s mother. The property was returned to its owner.

On Jan. 28, a Montrose Road resident reported that two license plates sent to her by the DMV in November have not yet been received. She needed documentation for proper follow-up.


On Jan. 26, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Weaver Street and Quaker Ridge Road. Firefighters disconnected battery cables, stabilized the scene and stood by for a tow.

On Feb. 26, a 40-year-old man fell from the first floor to the basement in a Village house that was under construction. The fall was estimated to be about 10 feet, and the man landed on concrete ground, where he possibly sustained a head injury. When firefighters arrived, the man was already in the care of Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

On Jan. 28, a dimmer switch in a Brewster Road house was emitting heat and a burning odor. Firefighters disconnected that switch and advised the homeowner to call an electrician.

On Jan. 30, firefighters assisted with a three-vehicle accident involving cars and a tractor-trailer. Firefighters assisted Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transport patients into an ambulance, and they assisted with clean up. One driver was taken to Westchester Medical Center for treatment.

An outdoor gas odor was reported in the area of Kent and Ogden roads Jan. 30. Upon arrival, firefighters found a Con Edison excavation site with a steel plate on top. Con Edison was dispatched to the scene to address the situation.

On Jan. 31, a water leak was detected in an unoccupied Cushman Road house. A contractor revealed that the water service fitting detached while personnel were attempting to operate the valve. The water department was notified, and the contractor left the site and returned with a replacement fitting.

This report covering public safety activity from Jan. 25-31 has been compiled from official information.

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